
.Three" With an opponent, Cancer, Scorpio and others all went back to Lu Li.

Their mission had been completed, so Lu Li naturally had to take them back.

Summoning the Zodiac for a long time consumes a lot of energy, and the strength is related to the injected cosmic energy. The more, the stronger it is.

Even when the cosmic energy is sufficient, supernovas can be used!

Even though Lu Li now has a very terrifying energy reserve, he has to be a little more relaxed.

The fast-moving Tiger Sister quickly shuttled across the battlefield and eliminated several other test subjects.

So far, all the test subjects have been cleared.

The ground was full of the remains of the test subjects, and the plan of Hirose Yoshito and Kinju finally came to an end.

With all the test subjects being eliminated, except for Sagittarius, Leo and Virgo who were fighting, the other Zodiacs had returned to Lu Li.

Lu Li watched the battle of Sagittarius and others and immediately ordered them to come back quickly.

The next battle belongs to him, not to Sagittarius and others.

"Come back!

The three Star Apprentices including Sagittarius, who were originally fighting, immediately seized the opportunity to quickly break away from the entanglement of the three knights.

At this moment, all the twelve constellations returned to Lu Li's side.

Jian and the other two lost their target and focused their attention on the location of the monsters they were fighting.

"Lu Li?!"

When they saw the twelve constellations standing respectfully beside Lu Li, they all showed surprised expressions on their faces.

But because it was a monster they had never seen before, they didn't expect that these monsters were actually created by Lu Li.

Recalling the strength of these monsters they had never seen before, the three people's mood suddenly sank to the bottom.

Lu Li could actually summon such a powerful monster, which was enough to prove how terrifying the other party was. Could they really handle it with just the three of them?

For the first time, Jian had doubts in his heart.

He always thought that with his King.Form, plus Ju Sakuya's King.Form, he would have a chance to defeat Lu Li.

But now it seems that the situation is not as simple as he imagined.

The three stood side by side, looking at Lu Li and others from a distance, and the three felt a huge pressure.

It is not an easy task to deal with such a tough opponent.

Can they really deal with Lu Li?

This is an idea that popped up in Green's mind.

So many test subjects were all destroyed, which is enough to prove that the opponent's strength should not be underestimated.

The next battle will probably be a very difficult war. Just these monsters that they have never seen before are enough for them to drink a pot.

"You are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time.

Now that the episode is finally over, let's fight wildly!"

Lu Li's voice echoed in the ears of the three.

The next moment, Lu Li actually summoned all the twelve constellations back directly.

The twelve constellations turned on and returned to the alien space. As for the corresponding twelve constellations, they naturally disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared.


Calis stared at Lu Li, not daring to relax at all, and his nerves were very tense.

Jian and Green also felt confused. They really couldn't figure out what Lu Li wanted to do.

They clearly had an absolute advantage. Even if the twelve guys just now besieged them, they might not be able to solve it at all.

But Lu Li did not do anything. He had no idea what this guy was thinking.

"This time, Jian Qi Yizhen, don't be controlled by your fighting instinct again.

But you must let me have fun, otherwise I will not be polite to you.

Lu Li's voice exploded in their ears, so that the three of them could hear it very clearly."

At this time, Jian finally understood what Lu Li was going to do.


Fight with them!

This is a difficult battle, but it is also an opportunity.

Without the help of others, he and Ge Lian used King.Form at the same time, and there might be a chance to defeat Lu Li.

Once this opportunity is missed, it will be very difficult to find such a suitable opportunity again.

What's more, Lu Li is willing to fight the three of them alone, and the powerful monsters he summoned just now were also taken back by him.

Such a rare opportunity, Jian doesn't want to miss it.

Turning their heads, Jian and Ge Lian looked at each other. They seemed to see each other's thoughts and nodded at the same time.

Then, they both took out the awakening cards corresponding to their respective categories King and Queen.

"Lu Li, this time. I must seal you!"

Before he finished speaking, Jian quickly inserted the Spade Queen and quickly swiped the Spade King.

Ge Lian did the same and completed the operation quickly.

"Absorb. Queen! Evolution. King!" x2

Both of them burst into golden light at the same time, but the transformation process of the two was different.

There were thirteen cards around Jian, and all the cards burst into golden light, and then they merged into the body of Jian.

A dazzling golden light flashed, and Jian turned into the emperor again.

As for Green, his King.Form is different from when the sword transformed.

The first is the awakening fusion machine, which has not become similar to the Emperor Sword.

When the sword transforms into the imperial form, the awakening fusion opportunity on the arm changes completely, and the pattern on it becomes a spade pattern.

But not Gillian. The pattern on the Awakening Fusion Machine is just a giraffe saw and spade, not a block pattern.

Furthermore, the emperor form that Ge Lianze transformed into was only a fusion of type Kig, not thirteen undead creatures.

This was a golden giraffe saw shovel that appeared next to Ge Lian, and then burst out with a burst of golden light, enveloping him in it.

When the golden light dissipated, the armor on his body also turned into a golden grid, appearing in front of Lu Li.

Kamen Rider Galen.Emperor Form!

Ju Shuo is also fundamentally different from the emperor form that Lu Li transformed into. The Ge Lian emperor form used by Lu Li is the fusion of thirteen undead creatures.

At this time, Gelian should have displayed the corresponding pattern of undead creatures in the place where the undead creatures were supposed to be fused, but because he did not fuse the other twelve undead creatures,

The object is now just a diamond-shaped object.

They are both in imperial form, but there are essential differences between Jian and Gelian.

Noticing that the sword had once again transformed into its imperial form, Kallis was very nervous at the moment.

He was worried that he would go berserk and unable to control the wildness in his heart.

But this time, Callis didn't go berserk.

He had already obtained the King of Hearts before, and relied on the power of the King of Hearts to suppress Jokerl's wild nature to a greater extent.

Kallis couldn't help but secretly sigh in relief as he didn't feel his wild nature explode.

"Lu Li has waited for so long, and finally it's here.

The Imperial Sword and the Imperial Gren, both finally appeared.

Kallis, who had not transformed into his wild form, was not taken seriously by Lu Li.

The combat effectiveness that Kallis in his ordinary form can exert is still too limited.

"Lu Li, although Mu Yue has done many things wrong, no matter what, you should not kill him. This is an unchangeable fact!

Today...I must go to Mutsuki to take revenge and seal you! "

Emperor Ge Lian's tone was very firm, and the reawakening gun appeared in his hand.

The reawakening gun looks like a hand cannon. In addition to being full of weight, it also gives people the impression of being full of power.

Lu Li shrugged helplessly, thinking that the other party still didn't realize the problem.

"Tachibana, are you mistaken? Kamijo Mutsuki is no longer a human being. It shouldn't be a bad thing if I kill him."

"Shut up! No matter what, you must be sealed!"

Lu Li was too lazy to continue talking to the stubborn Emperor Gelian.

All he wants is to fight, and that's it. Why talk so much?

A golden awakening device appeared on his waist, and Lu Li took out a golden card.


"Change! Evolution!"

He was the first to transform into the Lengel form, and then a burst of dazzling golden light burst out from his body.

Cards representing thirteen undead creatures were quickly integrated into various locations on Lu Li's body.

In the dazzling golden light, Lu Li had transformed into a form that had never appeared in front of them before.

Kamen Rider Rengel.Emperor Form!

Like the Imperial Sword, Lu Li's body was filled with icons of fusion with the undead. This was complete fusion.

Above her purple eyes is a golden crown, and the black cloak behind her is swaying in the wind.

Jian and Ge Lian were shocked when they saw Lu Li transforming into Leng Ge's emperor form in front of them.

"That's...Lenger's King.Form?! I didn't expect this guy to be able to use this power!"

The Emperor's Sword tightened the Chong Awakening Sword in his hand, knowing very well in his heart that the enemy was very difficult to deal with.

But Emperor Ge Lian felt an inexplicable anger welling up in his heart.

I just mentioned Shangcheng Muyue, but Lu Li turned into Emperor Lenger.

Isn't this just targeting yourself? !

"Damn it! Lu Li!!"

With a low roar coming from his mouth, Emperor Gelian took the lead and couldn't bear it any longer. He raised the reawakening gun in his hand and quickly aimed at the Lu Licannon.


A beam of terrifying energy cannon was shot from the muzzle. Lu Li held it in the air, and the Awakening Staff appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Directly use the huge ax blade at the front of the Awakening Staff as a shield to block the front.


Easily resisting the attack of the Awakening Spear, Lu Li used the seemingly heavy Awakening Staff with ease.

Emperor Gelian has now launched an attack, and Emperor Sword will naturally not stand aside and watch.

Ting Zhongxingjian rushed up immediately, wanting to start a close combat with Lu Li, and also to find opportunities for Emperor Gelian to attack.

Although there is no final form, it is still in the ordinary form, but Kalis naturally will not watch helplessly at this time.

Following the Imperial Sword, Kallis shot energy arrows from his awakening bow, hoping to interfere with Lu Li's judgment.

But attacks like this from Kallis had no effect at all in Lu Li's eyes.

Without using any means to resist, just letting such an attack hit the armor will not have much effect.

He didn’t even look at Calis. Lu Li’s main opponents were Emperor Sword and Emperor Gren.


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