The ax blade of the Awakening Staff collided with the blade of the Awakening Sword, and a bright fire suddenly burst out.

The energy arrow fired by Kallis just hit Lu Li directly.

But before he could be happy, Lu Li didn't move at all after being attacked. To be precise, there wasn't even a trace left on the armor.

"Kensaki, don't have any scruples, just fight! I believe in your training during this period!"

Emperor Ge Lian suddenly roared from behind.

After hearing the sound, Emperor Jian, who was still a little hesitant, suddenly calmed down.

"Lu Li! You can't escape this time!"

Hearing this, Lu Li almost laughed out loud.

Good guy!

What do you mean I can't escape?

Lu Li had never escaped before, so how could he escape?

"Do you think too highly of yourself, Kenzaki, do you think that two King Forms can suppress me?

It's really... so naive! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the situation between 0.4 Imperial Sword and Lu Li, who had seemed to be evenly matched just now, suddenly changed.

With his arms suddenly exerting force, Lu Li directly suppressed the Imperial Sword.

His legs were firmly planted on the ground, but the Imperial Sword was still retreating.

"What a terrifying power!"

Emperor Jian was very shocked.

He thought that he and the other party might really have the strength to fight, but unexpectedly, it seemed to be a little different from what he thought.

Of course Emperor Gelian who was behind would not watch helplessly. Now was the best opportunity and he must not miss it at this time.

Since Lu Li and Emperor Jian were leaning against each other, Emperor Gelian did not dare to directly use long-range attacks.

If the person hit by the long-range attack was not Lu Li but the Emperor Sword, it would be the end of the world.

Although the reawakening gun is a long-range combat weapon, it also has sword blades at both ends of the gun muzzle, which can be used for close combat.

So Emperor Gelian rushed forward, ready to help Emperor Sword relieve the pressure.

Kalis also took the opportunity to attack at this time, leaping up, and from top to bottom, he slashed at Lu Li with his bow.

The Awakening Staff that should be held by both hands was now held by Lu Li with one hand.

He directly pinched Kallis' awakening bow with his backhand, and the force was so strong that Kallis couldn't chop it down.


He used a lot of strength to say this just now, but he didn't expect Lu Li to catch it with his hands without dodging.

Simply outrageous!

Before he could react, Lu Li yanked hard, and Kallis' body uncontrollably hit the Imperial Sword in front of him.

The Imperial Sword, which was barely able to resist, was immediately knocked to the ground under the impact.

This is the Emperor Gelian who has arrived, and he immediately launches a melee attack.

“Qiang Qiang Qiang!!”

The strong metal collision sound spread far away, and all of Emperor Gelian's attacks were blocked by Lu Li one by one.

Chapter 492 What is... despair! Those who are cut will be killed!

Just when Lu Li was waiting for another attack, Emperor Ge Lian suddenly pulled the trigger.

He is always looking for an opportunity, an opportunity to unleash an attack from close range.

But at the moment when his attack was blocked, Emperor Gelian felt that this was the most suitable opportunity, so he fired the beam without hesitation.

Facing the beam attack coming from close range, Lu Li was fine even if he resisted it.

But why carry it when you can hide?

The figure disappeared instantly, and the beam of light passed directly through the place where Lu Li disappeared just now.


Initially, Emperor Gelian thought that his attack was bound to hit this time, but unexpectedly it failed.

At this time, Emperor Ge Lian remembered that Lu Li not only had a very powerful fighting ability, but also had many unpredictable abilities.

Teleportation and so on are also one of the abilities controlled by the other party.


Just when Emperor Gelian felt a sense of crisis coming from behind him, even if he wanted to resist, it was already too late.

The terrifying ax blade of the Awakening Staff directly hit his lower back. The impact was so powerful that Emperor Gelian flew out on the spot.


His body slammed to the ground, and Emperor Gelian couldn't help but let out a cry.

It wasn't because he felt pain when he fell to the ground, but because the pain from his lower back was too strong.

With that blow just now, he even had the illusion that his body was about to be split open.

If it were Ge Lian in a normal state, he would probably have completely lost his combat effectiveness!

As for Ge Lian, who was in the imperial state, the defensive power of his armor was greatly enhanced, which prevented him from losing his combat effectiveness.

Emperor Jian naturally noticed what happened just now, and was naturally very anxious.


Although their strength has been improved, they are still human beings no matter what.

Since we are human beings, there is an upper limit to our endurance.

If the injury is too serious, the consequences are obvious.

"Kensaki, be angry. Use all your power. Your power should be more than this."

From the previous fight, Lu Li felt that the Imperial Sword's combat effectiveness was stronger than last time, but it was still not as strong as Lu Li expected.

not enough!

The power of the Imperial Sword doesn’t stop there;

You can also become stronger!

21However, to become stronger, the Emperor Sword needs to be angry.

Anger can improve the degree of integration between Jian Qi Yi Zhen and the thirteen undead creatures, allowing him to burst out with more terrifying combat power.

"You guy! Ah!!"

With a roar, the Emperor Sword rushed forward again, waving the Reawakening Sword in his hand angrily.

The attack strength has obviously increased compared to the previous time.

Sure enough, Jian Qi Yi Zhen is worthy of being the most special guy.

Once affected by anger, his strength will even change qualitatively.

Easily evaded, although Lu Li was wearing heavy armor, his movement speed was very fast.

When the next attack was about to come, Lu Li suddenly stretched out his right hand and grabbed the wrist of the Emperor Sword.

"That's right, that's it! Be angry, keep being angry!

Only anger can improve your strength, only anger... can make you stronger!"

"Shut up!!"

Directly releasing the hand that was grabbed, the Emperor Sword held the Reawakening Sword with only one hand and smashed it towards Lu Li.

The power was not weaker than when he smashed down with both hands just now.


But unfortunately, this extremely sharp and terrifying attack was still blocked by Lu Li with the reawakening stick.

The Emperor Sword reacted sharply and kicked Lu Li's waist and abdomen quickly.

But before the Emperor Sword kicked Lu Li, a foot had already been printed on his chest.


The terrifying force directly blasted the Emperor Sword away.

Falling face down on the ground, the Emperor Sword looked very embarrassed at this moment, and the reawakening sword in his hand fell to the side.

Yoshinaga Miyuki, who was watching this battle on the side, couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

This fighting power... is too terrifying

It feels that the two sides are not even at the same level, the gap is a bit big.

It seems that the status of the two sides is similar, but the fighting power is so different. I can't help but sigh in my heart that this is probably only Lu Li can do it.

Looking at Calis, Yoshinaga Miyuki sighed slightly

"Even Jokr may not be able to take advantage at this time, after all, the person he has to face is Lu Li."

Before, Yoshinaga Miyuki always thought that Joker was a very scary guy.

But now it seems that the real scary person should be Lu Li, and Jokr is far behind him.

After barely recovering for a while, Emperor Green endured the pain from his lower back and stood up again

I never thought that even if he had turned into an emperor, he would be so embarrassed in front of the opponent.

Is it really impossible to take revenge? Is there really no way to seal Lu Li? !

"No! There must be a way!"

Thinking of this, Emperor Green directly pulled out five cards from the reawakening gun.

Unlike the cards that have turned golden after the transformation of the Emperor Sword, these cards of Emperor Green are still in their original appearance.

The cards in both hands are inserted into the reawakening gun one by one, and Emperor Green is ready to release the ultimate move directly.


Holding the reawakening gun with both hands, Emperor Green stepped hard on the ground with his right foot.

"Royal Straight Flush!"


Five cards appeared in front of the reawakening gun, and then a terrifying golden beam shot out from the reawakening gun.

Every time it passed through a card shadow, the golden beam seemed to become more shining.

When it completely passed through the five card shadows, the energy of the golden beam had reached its peak.

A terrifying impact came, and Green's body kept sliding backwards under this powerful recoil.

Two long traces were left on the ground, which were drawn by Emperor Green's feet under this recoil.

A very terrifying energy came, and Lu Li naturally couldn't help feeling it.

"Royal Straight Flush? He actually used the strongest ultimate move directly, huh!"

Lu Li could only say that Emperor Green was really too naive.

Knowing that he has the skill of teleportation, he dared to use such a simple attack directly.

If he used teleportation, he could easily dodge it.

However, Lu Li did not dodge this time, but held the reawakening stick with both hands.

Let the other party see what power is!

What is... despair!


Accompanied by Lu Li's loud shout, he aimed the axe blade at the golden beam and flew out at a rapid speed.

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