With this blow, Lu Li's movements were almost invisible to the naked eye.

Sister Hu, who had just finished dealing with all the test subjects, happened to see this scene.

Pupils contract sharply.

She originally thought her speed was fast enough, but when she saw the speed Lu Li displayed, she realized that there was still a big gap between her speed and Lu Li's.

"So fast!!"

Faced with such a rapid attack, Sister Hu knew that she could not dodge at all.

With such a fast speed, if the attack hits the body, coupled with the sharp ax blade, there is no doubt that his body may even be cut in half directly.


Emperor Ge Lian roared with full power output, hoping to kill Lu Li directly.

This blow pinned his hopes!

The golden beam containing terrifying energy finally came into contact with the Awakening Staff.

"Can it succeed?!"

The Imperial Sword, who had just stood up, looked nervously at the location where the golden light burst out.

He very much hopes that this battle will end here, but no one can say whether it will end like this.

The powerful suppressive power Lu Li had shown before lingered in Emperor Sword's heart like a nightmare.

It's not easy to deal with Lu Li.


Callis looked at the scene happening in front of him in disbelief.

He couldn't believe that Lu Li had done such a thing.

The opponent used the ax blade of the Reawakening Staff to directly cut through the golden beam! !

What was supposed to be a complete golden beam turned into two halves after being cut.

At this moment, everyone who witnessed this scene was stunned.

They felt that their worldview had been completely overturned. Lu Li could even cut through energy at the speed of light.

"No... no... no!!"

Yoshinaga Miyuki opened her mouth slightly, and at this moment she felt that her whole body was numb.

It's just... outrageous!

Is it really possible to do this?

Why has no one ever told her that the nirvana can be cut open?

Emperor Green, who used the Royal Flush to unleash his special move, naturally saw this scene.

The pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"How...how could it be possible?!"

He couldn't understand that this was the most powerful special move he could unleash, and he was cut open like this! !

For a moment, Emperor Ge Lian was stunned.

Soon, the energy beam released by the reawakening gun also ended.


The Awakening Staff in Lu Li's hand was still intact after completely cutting off the energy beam.

The whole person looked very relaxed, as if what just happened was nothing at all.

"Why...is this happening?!"

Emperor Gelian looked like he was lost.

He couldn't accept it for a while. The special attack he released had no effect at all.

Even if it could hurt Lu Li even a little bit, it was an acceptable thing for him.

But the problem is, now it doesn't even do any damage, and the strongest sure-kill skill is completely useless.

The Imperial Sword also recovered from his dazed state at this time, and tightly grasped the Awakening Sword in his hand.

The enemy was stronger than he thought, even much stronger.

At this moment, Emperor Jian suddenly realized that he could seal Lu Li with Emperor Gelian as he had said before.

What a joke.

If it were him, he wouldn't have been able to withstand the Royal Flush, the strongest sure-kill skill released by Emperor Gelian just now, let alone like Lu Li, who could have directly

Cut the nirvana open.

This is no longer something that humans can do!

Suddenly, they discovered that all their previous so-called thoughts were just wishful thinking.

Seal Lu Li, these four words now seem like a huge joke.

This road is extremely difficult, and it can even be said that it is almost impossible to complete this task.

But the Imperial Sword did not give up.

In his eyes, there is never a losing battle.

No matter how powerful or terrifying the enemy he faces, he will find a way to become stronger than the opponent and surpass the opponent!

"Don't be too happy! We...haven't lost yet!!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout from behind.

Holding the Imperial Sword of Zhongxing Sword tightly with both hands, he jumped up with all his strength, and immediately jumped into the air, slashing down with a heavy blow.

"Your ending has actually been determined a long time ago, because your target is me.

A cold voice came from below, and Lu Li also jumped up and headed straight for the Imperial Sword above.


The two terrifying weapons collided together, creating bright sparks.


Both arms of the Imperial Sword were trembling slightly, and they tried their best to press down.

However, the person he faced was Lu Li, and even if the Imperial Sword tried its best, it could not suppress him even an inch.

"You... are still too young!"

Lu Li exerted a little force on his arm, and the terrifying power was transmitted to the Awakening Staff, and then poured into the Awakening Sword, heading towards the Imperial Sword.

The terrifying power directly opened the Zhongxing Sword, and the sharp ax blade passed through the chest of the Imperial Sword.


An obvious mark appeared on the golden armor when it was cut by the ax blade.


The Imperial Sword fell directly towards the ground.


The golden body slammed to the ground, and the Emperor Sword was engulfed by the raging gravel and smoke!

He had wanted to suppress Lu Li, but he didn't expect that he not only failed to suppress Lu Li, but also let the opponent suppress him.

After the ultimate move was completely blocked, 260 Emperor Green was in a state of trance.

He heard a violent sound and came back to his senses.

He saw the Emperor Sword fall from the sky and hit the ground.

Looking at the rising smoke, Emperor Green was immediately anxious.


I didn't expect that so many things would happen in just a moment of trance.

Although the ultimate move just now did not achieve the effect he wanted, it did not mean that the battle was lost.

Emperor Green would not give up easily.

He aimed at Lu Li again and pulled the trigger quickly.

The reawakening gun fired beams of energy. Although the attack power was far less than the ultimate move, it was enough as long as it could interfere with Lu Li.

The reason for doing this is to give the Emperor Sword a chance to breathe, so that he can recover his strength as soon as possible and then deal with Lu Li together.

Even the Royal Flush couldn't deal with Lu Li, let alone the ordinary light speed attack. The speed of light shooting is very fast, but it is useless against Lu Li.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the side.


Kalis used the spiral dance, his body spinning at high speed in the air, and then turned into a pitch-black drill, struggling to pierce Lu Li.

Noticing the pitch-black drill falling from above, Lu Li shook his head indifferently.

"A meaningless attack."

Such an attack could not hurt him at all.

The reawakening stick turned slightly and aimed the side directly at the falling pitch-black drill.

It was like hitting a baseball, and there were bursts of sonic booms in the air.


The next second, the pitch-black drill and the reawakening stick suddenly collided with each other, and two terrifying energies burst out.



But it only lasted for two or three seconds, and then a scream was heard.

I saw that Calis was directly blown away, and his body smashed directly into the building next to him.

For a while, no one knew what Calis's specific situation was.

However, Calis was not completely useless. At this time, he successfully attracted Lu Li's attention.

This created the best attack opportunity for the Emperor Sword.

That's right, the Emperor Sword, who had just fallen from mid-air, was holding five golden awakening cards in his hand.



A dazzling golden light burst out from the Emperor Sword, and five golden awakening cards appeared in front of him.


Accompanied by the roar of the Emperor Sword, he held the Reawakening Sword with both hands and rushed through the phantoms of five golden cards.

Every time he passed through the phantom of an awakening card, the golden light on his body would shine brighter, and his strength was gradually increasing.

Just when the Emperor Sword released its strongest ultimate move, Lu Li took out five golden awakening cards like him.

"Come on! Let's see whose Royal Flush is stronger!"

Chapter 493 Royal Flush Confrontation! Satisfaction, End and Leave!



Holding the Reawakening Staff in one hand, the phantoms of five golden awakening cards surrounded Lu Li.

With a sudden force on his waist, Lu Li twisted his body holding the Reawakening Staff in one hand.

Dazzling golden light bloomed on the Reawakening Staff, and the golden light on it became more intense every time it passed through a card phantom.

After the body rotated once, the phantoms of the five golden awakening cards had all been penetrated, and all the power of the cards was superimposed on the re-awakening wand.

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