
The imperial sword came like a furious lion, rose up and struck down!


The dazzling golden light collided together, and the terrifying energy crazily oppressed the surrounding space.


The Awakening Staff and the Awakening Sword finally came into contact, and a dull metal collision sounded.


Then there was a violent explosion, and the extremely powerful golden energy spread crazily to the surroundings from the location where the two collided.

“Boom boom boom!!

The earth trembled, countless cracks appeared on the ground, and countless gravels were thrown up.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The glass on the surrounding buildings shattered under the impact of this terrifying energy, and a large number of glass fragments fell towards the ground.

The dazzling golden light was so dazzling that it was completely unclear what was going on inside.

The two figures have been completely engulfed by the golden light.

Emperor Gelian could only cover his eyes with his hands, but he couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

But this terrifying collision made his heart palpitate extremely. He was very sure that he would never be able to do it!

Shiromitsu had returned to Miyuki Yoshinaga at this time, and both of them were forced to turn their heads away by the dazzling light.

"It's so dazzling! What's going on?!"

Even though Miyuki Yoshinaga has full confidence in Lu Li, she still feels very curious about what the situation is like inside.

Shaking his head slightly, Cheng Guang wanted to look inside the burst of golden light many times, but it was too dazzling.

"I don't know, Lu Li will definitely not say, but we will know the specific results later."

Cheng Guang had never seen such a terrifying energy explosion before.

She felt her body trembling, and the hairs all over her body stood on end.

too strong! !

Being able to cause such a terrifying energy burst was beyond her current understanding.

Kallis, who had been beaten into the building before, was now leaning against the edge of the building in a very embarrassed state.

Looking at the center of the golden light explosion, there was a strong look of fear in his eyes.


He didn't know what the outcome of this battle would be, but the one he really hoped to win was the Imperial Sword.

At this time, here at Shirai Farm.

Shima Noboru learned about the fighting situation here through the information transmitted by the wind.

Torataro Shirai and Shiro Hirose stood nearby, both staring at Shimabubo nervously, wanting to know what happened.

Shima Noboru, who had his eyes closed, suddenly said.

"The battle is coming to an end. Lu Li's fighting power is too strong. I'm afraid... it will be difficult for Kenzaki to win."

When hearing these words, Hirose Shiori and Shirai Torataro showed nervousness.

"how so?!"

During this period of time, Kenzaki Kazuma was working hard to train himself so that he could control his spirit and not be controlled by his fighting instinct in battle.

The effect was also very significant, and he had not forgotten what Shima Shokyuu said.

But Kazuma Kenzaki, who had successfully mastered all the power of the Imperial Sword, may not be able to defeat Lu Li now.

This is really a very difficult opponent to deal with.

Suddenly, a regretful expression appeared on Shimasei's face, and he shook his head.

"Kensaki. Lost."

"Ah?! Why did you lose so quickly?!"

Hirose Shiori was stunned on the spot.

Didn’t you just say that it would be difficult to win? But it doesn't mean that there is no chance, but I didn't expect that I would lose so quickly.

Hearing this, Shima Noboru shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"We underestimated Lu Li too much. His combat power cannot be estimated by common sense.

Even King.Form is not enough to deal with Lu Li, he is too strong!

Kenzaki and Tachibana are both in Kig.Form now, plus Kallis, they still lost in a three-on-one situation. What do you think~? "

The two fell silent.

They thought they had figured out Lu Li's strength from the beginning, and thought that the probability of winning this battle was still very high. Unexpectedly, they still lost.

At this time, Shirai Torataro suddenly comforted himself.

"It doesn't matter, Lu Li is still the ancestor of mankind no matter what, so he shouldn't kill Kenzaki and the others. 1

We already know from the disk we got before that Lu Li should be the first extreme natural human undead creature.

Of course, this doesn't mean it's necessarily safe.

Now, he could only hope that Lu Li would not kill Kenzaki Kazuma and the others.

Regarding this point, Shima Noboru gave a direct answer.

"They should be fine. Although Lu Li wants to fight them, he has no intention of killing them."

Upon hearing what Jiu Sheng said, Hirose Shiori's originally nervous mood suddenly relaxed.

As long as the person is safe, everything is fine. The most important thing is that the person is still alive!

The reason why Shima Noboru was able to make such a judgment was based on Lu Li's previous behavior.

Lu Li, as an undead creature and the ancestor of mankind, does not have much ill will towards mankind.

The people killed by Lu Li were usually bad guys.

Kenzaki Kazuma and the others are different. They have not done anything bad. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are good people.

Based on this situation, the probability of Lu Li killing them is very low.

Back to the fighting side.

After the dazzling golden light reached its extreme, it began to gradually dissipate.

The gradually weakening golden light gradually disappeared, and the two figures that existed in it finally appeared in everyone's field of vision.

However, the two people who appeared in the golden light at this time were in different states.

Emperor Sword was lying on the ground at this time. His condition didn't look particularly good. He must have passed out.

On the other hand, Lu Li showed no damage at all.

The golden armor was still shining brightly, and no flaws or traces could be seen at all.

The Reawakening Sword, which was originally the exclusive weapon of the Emperor Sword, had fallen aside.

When everyone saw this scene, they already understood that the person who won this battle was Lu Li.

"it's over.

Lu Li looked at the Imperial Sword lying motionless on the ground and said lightly.

Just after he finished speaking, the Imperial Sword lying on the ground automatically released its transformation and returned to the appearance of Kenzaki Kazuma.


Emperor Ge Lian could not worry so much at this time and rushed over quickly.

At this time, Emperor Gelian's heart was filled with loss and despair.

He had great expectations in his heart just now, feeling that Emperor Sword might really have a chance to defeat Lu Li this time.

However, reality slapped him hard and made him realize the reality.

They lost this battle.

Not only did he lose, but he lost completely.

The fact that there were no traces of armor on Lu Li's body said everything. No one knew whether he used all his strength or not.

Seeing Emperor Ge Lian rushing towards him, Lu Li had no intention of stopping him.

An enjoyable battle has ended.

Lu Li was now completely satisfied.

"Don't worry, he just passed out. I have no interest in killing you.

After all, I am considered the ancestor of mankind, and it is not an exaggeration to say that I am a human being.

I just want a hearty fight. Now that you have satisfied me, this fight ends here. "

After saying that, Lu Li turned around and walked in the other direction.

The cloak behind him was swaying in the wind, and his figure gradually moved away.

Emperor Gelian found that Kenzaki Kazuma was still breathing when he was lying on the ground. Although he was injured, most of them were skin injuries, and he did not suffer any fatal injuries. At most, he was injured.

Recuperate for a while.

I couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, nothing serious happened.

Turning his head slightly, Emperor Ge Lian looked at the retreating figure, his eyes full of complex colors.

It is naturally impossible for him to forgive Lu Li.

After all, Lu Li killed Kamijo Mutsuki with his own hands. Even if Kamijo Mutue was controlled, he could not forgive Lu Li.

At the same time, he was also grateful to Lu Li for not killing Kenzaki Kazuma.

Therefore, his heart was very complicated at this time. He didn't know whether to be grateful or to hate Lu Li.

As for continuing to fight with Lu Li, Emperor Ge Lian has no such plans.

This battle has been lost, and it was lost completely. There is no point in continuing to fight.

He teamed up with Kazuma Kenzaki, and there was also Kallis, but there was no way they could pose the slightest threat to Lu Li.

If you continue to fight, there is no possibility of winning at all. If you lose, you lose.

I felt very desperate, as the power gap between the two sides was too great.

Lu Li didn't kill them this time, but that didn't mean he wouldn't kill them in the future.

He didn't dare to gamble!

At this time, the staggering Aikawa Hajime came over, and when he saw Kenzaki Kazuma safe and sound, he was silently relieved.

He had been helped by Kazuma Kenzaki before, so he naturally didn't want anything to happen to Kazuma Kenzaki, so he just wanted to stay alive.

Suddenly, Ju Shuo also spoke slowly.

"You think...what will Lu Li do next?"

Hearing this, Aikawa Hajime shook his head slightly.

"I don't know, but he has no ill intentions towards you humans. Now that the Extreme War is over, and he has achieved his goal, he should not be harmful to humans.

As a Joker, Hajime Aikawa is also very keen in this aspect.

Lu Li never showed any malice to anyone from beginning to end. For example, when he went to a coffee shop to drink coffee before, he really just drank coffee.

Lu Li was even able to have a very pleasant chat with Kurihara Amane, which someone with malicious intentions would not have done.

"Really? I hope so."

Saying that, Tachibana Saku also picked up Kenzaki Kazuma.

However, his own physical condition was not very good, and the pain in his body made him unable to help but grit his teeth.

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