Seeing this, Hajime Aikawa came to the other side, supported Kazuma Kenzaki, and the three of them left in the opposite direction.

Returning to Chengguang and Miyuki Yoshinaga, Lu Li had also released his transformation at this moment.

"Lu Li, how are you? Did you use your full strength in this battle?"

After such a fierce battle just now, Miyuki Yoshinaga was curious whether Lu Li fought with all his strength.

Until now, she had not discovered where Lu Li's upper limit was.

Every time he fought, Lu Li acted with ease, but this time, Miyuki Yoshinaga didn't notice.

With a faint smile on his face, Lu Li raised his fist confidently.

"Full force? With their strength, they won't let me use my full force, but it's not bad. At least it makes me fight more happily."

Lu Li, who has already recreated many targets, has reached a very terrifying level of strength.

Especially after re-engraving the Giver, Lu Li didn't know where the limit of his power was for the time being.

Even though it was the sealing stone slab of the Earth's Intelligent God, Lu Li had no power to resist it.

Even though they are very powerful with the Imperial Sword, they have not yet reached the level of sealing stone.

I originally thought that Lu Li should have used almost all his strength to kill the three knights, but he didn't expect that this was not the limit.

Yoshinaga Miyuki was very curious about where Lu Li's limit was.

A man who cannot know his limits is extremely powerful and really attractive.

Compared to Yoshinaga Miyuki who was concerned about whether Lu Li had reached his limit, Cheng Guang was now more concerned about another thing.

"Lu Li, are we leaving here soon?"

She also remembered very clearly what Lu Li had said before that he would leave after he finished his work.

Now that the battle that could make Lu Li take it seriously was over, she guessed that he might leave this world soon.

Nodding, Lu Li raised his hands above his head and stretched.

"Yes, I have finished what I have to do in this world, and it is time to leave. You can think about it and see if there is anything you haven't done yet.

If there's nothing to do, we leave.

Lu Li, who had nothing to do in this world, really wanted to go back.

It had been a long time since he had seen the Sonosaki sisters and other women, and Lu Li still missed him a lot.

Although this world is the world that I came to in the first place, I am just a passerby in this world. After all, I do not belong to this world.

And W's world is its own world, with everything and its own foundation in it.

When she learned that she could leave immediately, Miyuki Yoshinaga's eyes suddenly lit up.

"We are not human beings, so how come there are so many things? I'm ready, when are we leaving?"

She has been eager to go to another world. (Zhao Dezhao) After waiting for so long, she can finally realize this wish.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Cheng Guang shook his head slightly.

"No, my matters have been taken care of.

As Miyuki Yoshinaga said, they really have nothing to deal with, and the things that should be dealt with have already been dealt with.

"Okay, now that you are all ready, let's get ready to go."

As he spoke, Lu Li stepped forward and stretched out his hands.

Lu Li, who has the power to travel through the world, can easily return to the world he has visited.

However, the mark Lu Li possesses must be refilled in a new world.

The next second, in the surprised eyes of Chengguang and Yoshinaga Miyuki, a dark round hole suddenly opened.

It was pitch black inside and looked like nothingness.

After doing all this, Lu Li turned back and looked at the two of them.

"Let's go, follow me closely and don't wander around, will be very dangerous."

The method Lu Li used to travel through the world was different from that of the passing knight. The other party used the Aurora Curtain to travel through the world.

The power Lu Li used to travel through the world was to open a passage between worlds. Through this passage, one could reach another world.

Of course, being able to travel between two worlds or even different universes at will requires Lu Li to have been to that world himself.

As it is now, the passage opened by Lu Li is heading to World W.

This passage is very dangerous. If others mistakenly enter it, they will not be able to see any way forward and will only lose themselves in it. They may enter a very dangerous passage.

A dangerous world.

But Lu Li was different. Lu Li was able to find the only way by relying on his perception of the world he was going to.

Therefore, Lu Li was not worried at all that anyone would break into the world passage he had created.

Once you get in, you may not even know whether you will die or not.

Shiromitsu and Yoshinaga Miyuki knew very well that since Lu Li could be made to say the words "very dangerous", it was probably not an ordinary danger.

The two took the initiative to come to Lu Li and carefully held his hand.

Chapter 494 The best result! return,

Return to Fengdu

Afterwards, Lu Li and the others entered the opened world passage.

When the three people entered, the world passage gradually shrank, and finally disappeared without a trace.

A breeze blew by, nothing was left here, nothing was left.

Here at Shirai Farm.

Jiu Sheng suddenly opened his eyes at this time, with a strong look of surprise in his eyes.


He was slightly shocked as he spoke, as if he had discovered something he couldn't understand.

Seeing Shima Noboru's surprised look, both Shirai Torataro and Hirose Shiori were curious about what Shima Noboru felt.

"Mr. Shima, what did you feel? Why are you so surprised? Could something have happened?"

Shirai Torataro was a little nervous, worried that something might have happened.

After coming back to his senses, Shimaso shook his head slightly and smiled.

“It’s not what you think, nothing serious happened.

But Lu Li suddenly disappeared just now. To be precise, he had already left this world. "

"Ah?! I left this world, did I go...

With a surprised look on his face, Torataro Shirai pointed to the sky.

The meaning was already very obvious. It was saying that Lu Li would probably die.

"No, just like the literal meaning, he simply left this world and probably went to other worlds."

After Yusho's simple and clear explanation, Shirai Torataro suddenly understood.

After a long while, it turned out that this was what happened. Shirai Torataro had completely misunderstood just now.

Touching the back of his head in embarrassment, Shirai Torataro said embarrassedly.

"So that's it, I went to another world! Oh my God! Do other worlds really exist?"

Hirose Shiori held his chin up, showing his seriousness.

"Although it has not been confirmed yet, we do not rule out the existence of other worlds. Parallel universes and parallel worlds may exist, but we have no way of detecting them."

Then Hirose Shiori breathed a silent sigh of relief.

"That's fine. It might be best for Lu Li to leave this world, so there won't be any conflicts in the future."

After learning that Lu Li was a human undead creature, Hirose Shiori always felt that the relationship between Lu Li and humans was much closer.

As a human undead creature, the opponent would at least not kill ordinary people, let alone disrupt the current order of human society.

But no matter what, Lu Li killed Kamijo Mutsuki, and this incident will only leave a knot in the hearts of others.

It may be the best decision for both parties not to see each other again.

While they were talking, Tachibana Saku also came back with Kenzaki Kazuma.

080 As for Aikawa Hajime, of course he went back to the coffee shop.

There are no extreme battles or struggles in this world. Hajime Aikawa can also continue to survive in this world as a human being.

He could stay in the coffee shop and protect the mother and daughter.

On the way, Kenzaki Kazuma had almost woken up.

When he learned that he had failed in the battle, Kenzaki Kazuma was also hit hard.

I didn't expect that not only did I lose, but I also lost so completely.

Regarding Lu Li's powerful strength, Kenzaki Kazuma had a new understanding in his heart.

He felt an inexplicable fear in his heart. He felt that no matter how strong he became, he would never be Lu Li's opponent.

Torataro Shirai hurriedly ran over to join Kenzaki Kazuma, and Hirose Shiori also hurriedly ran into the room to get the medical kit.

"Sorry, we lost this battle."

Kazuma Kenzaki leaned on the sofa, a look of self-blame flashing across his face.

Shima Noboru told Kazuma Kenzaki and Sakuya Tachibana what happened just now.

When they learned that Lu Li had left this world, Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Shuo were also stunned.

They didn't expect that Lu Li would leave after the battle.

"Is that guy...already gone?"

Ju Shuo also bit his lip, still feeling a little bit unwilling in his heart, but more of a feeling of joy.

Now that things have come to this, there is nothing he can do to stop him. Lu Li has already left this world. Can he still catch up?

Obviously impossible.

After losing the battle so completely, he had no ability to avenge Mutsuki. If the other party left, the matter would end there.

And Kenzaki Kazuma also felt a little lucky in his heart. Lu Li's departure might be a good thing.

After getting up and walking to Tachibana Sakuya, Shima Noboru patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"This...maybe for the best."

At this time, in the world passage.

The surroundings were completely dark and nothing could be seen.

Shiromitsu and Yoshinaga Miyuki kept in mind what Lu Li just said, it was very dangerous in the world passage, so their hands did not let go of Lu Li for a moment.

Obviously nothing could be seen here, but Lu Li led them along as if they didn't encounter any danger.

In their eyes, everything inside was pitch black, but that was not what Lu Li saw.

He saw a clear route under his feet. Following this route, he could go to the world he had been to and wanted to go to.

Only Lu Li has this ability.

As for what was in the darkness around him, Lu Li didn't know much.

But he knew very well that if he deviated from the fixed route and entered other areas, he would probably enter the crack between the worlds, and it would be difficult to figure it out.


Even as an undead creature, Miyuki Yoshinaga is quite nervous inside, and her surroundings always give her a very depressing and dangerous feeling.

"Lu Li, can't you see where to go? Why don't we see anything?"

“Of course, you can’t see it, but I can. After all, this is the passage I opened up.

Let’s go, we’re almost there.

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