Lu Li raised his head and looked forward. The exit of the world passage was not far away.

At this time, W world.

This is the company under the museum.

Compared with before, the scale of the company is now larger than before.

After the staff were screened, there were at least half more staff than before.

As the president, Sonosaki Yueko has been very busy during this time and is committed to expanding the company's scale.


A bright figure opened the door and walked in.

Wearing a small black suit, a black hip skirt, black stockings, and a pair of black high heels.

With a curvy figure, the production line can be seen at a glance.

"Sister, these are the details of the talents I have recently recruited. Take a look."

The person who came was none other than Sono Saki Wakana.

Although she usually spends most of her time in the company, she still takes time on weekends to go to the radio station to do what she wants to do.

In the past, when her father was around, if she and her sister didn't get along, Sonosaki Saeko would find fault with Sonosaki Wakana because of this matter, but now, Sonosaki Saeko no longer does such a thing

In love.

Sonosaki Wakana only needs to take care of her own affairs, and Sonosaki Saeko will not ask too much about her rest time.

Originally, Sonosaki Wakana, who was the general manager, would not be here to deliver the documents. Erika Satonaka, who was the secretary to the general manager, should be the one to deliver the documents, but Erika Satonaka was assigned to do it.

Other things have happened.

"Put it on the table. I'll look at it later."

Sonosaki Saeko was not finished with the things at hand, so she naturally didn't have time to read the documents.

Seeing Sono Sakiko looking so busy, Sono Saki Wakana couldn't help but pouted her lips and complained.

"Sister, Lu Li has been away for two months, why hasn't he come back yet?

It’s been too long, I didn’t say it would take so long before.

They haven't seen each other for two months, so Sono Saki Wakana naturally misses Lu Li.

Even if you think about it, there's nothing you can do about it. Lu Li's people are not here, so there's no point in thinking about it.

Sonosaki, who was working, suddenly stopped what he was doing.

"Yeah, I've been gone for two months and there's no news at all.

But... there must be nothing wrong with him, he'll be back. "

Even though she was worried about Lu Li in her heart, as the eldest sister Sonosaki Saeko, of course she couldn't mess up at this time and had to stay calm, otherwise the other sisters wouldn't know that she would mess up.

What does it look like?

It is precisely because of her presence that the house is very peaceful and there is no trouble.

Because Sonosaki Wakana has already reached the ultimate form, although it is still a little inferior to Lu Li's fusion of the earth's memories, she still has very keen perception.

Especially if something is linked to the memory of the earth, it is very easy for Sonosaki Wakana to detect it.

Sonosaki Wakana was just about to sigh when she suddenly felt a familiar feeling.

"This is... Lu Li?!"

With a tone of disbelief, Sonosaki Wakana immediately took out the New Gaia Drive and the Nendoroid Memory.


Transform directly into the ultimate form of a clay doll. In this form, Sonosaki Wakana's perception will be greatly enhanced.

She felt that there was a very strange power where Sonosaki's home (ccbb) was, and this power gave her a very familiar feeling.

Lu Li's power!

Seeing her sister like this, Sonosaki Saeko looked at her expectantly.

"How is it? Wakana, is it really Lu Li?"

"Yes, sister, it is indeed Lu Li's power fluctuation, and it is in our house!"

Nodding slightly, the Clay Doll Ultimate Dopant's tone was very sure.

Since Lu Li himself has been integrated with the memory of the earth, the Clay Doll Ultimate Dopant is not too familiar with Lu Li's energy.

"Okay! Inform the others quickly and let's go back!"

At this time, work and other things had been completely forgotten by Sonosaki Yuiko.

The most important thing now was to go back as soon as possible. She couldn't wait to see Lu Li.


Afterwards, Sonosaki Wakana, who returned to human form, immediately called the other sisters at home to tell them the good news.

After hearing the news, everyone immediately put down the work at hand and rushed back home.

Two months have passed since Lu Li's first time.

Two months may not be a long time for them, after all, their lives have already lasted a long time.

But this was the first time for them to be separated from Lu Li for such a long time.

Not long after, all the girls gathered at Sonosaki's house.

They were all waiting in the courtyard of their home.

Mina pinched her hands together nervously and said excitedly,

"Is Master Lu Li finally coming back? Great!"

Shi Mo, who had light purple hair, folded his hands on his chest. Thinking that Lu Li had been away for so long, he couldn't help but complain.

"Lu Li said he would come back soon, but he didn't expect to be away for so long. I must let him make it up to me when he comes back!


As for whether this compensation is serious or not, I'm afraid only Shi Mo himself knows.

Hahara Lai, who has a stronger personality, doesn't seem to care on the surface, but in fact, he is also full of expectations in his heart.

When she was conquered and saved by Lu Li, she had sworn that she would devote everything to Lu Li in the future.

After Lu Li left for a while, Yuyuan Lai felt as if she had lost her goal, and spent most of her time trying to train herself and make herself stronger.

Now that Lu Li is back, she seems to have found her backbone all of a sudden.

Metzl and Dimu Li stood together. During this period, they acted together.

"Lu Li is finally coming back. It feels so boring when he is not here.

Even though she has gained the perception of this world, allowing Metzl to feel the beauty of this world, her love and loyalty to Lu Li are naturally beyond doubt.

And Dimu Li, she knows very well in her heart that she was resurrected by Lu Li.

She can still stand here in the past few years, all because of Lu Li.

She has long determined that she is Lu Li's person, and is also looking forward to Lu Li's return.

Kujo Aya and Satonaka Erika chatted with each other.

"Boss is coming back, don't you feel happy? "This is what Erika Satonaka said.

Shaking her head slightly, Kujo Aya replied with a smile.

"Of course I'm happy, but my happiness won't show on my face.

What about you? Have you made up your mind? It will be too late if you don't act now.

As soon as these words came out, Erika Satonaka blushed.

Although she has now joined the museum and also obtained the fusion memory and the new Gaia drive, she has not yet done what others have done.

"Don't worry, I have made up my mind, you don't have to worry about it."

Just as everyone was chatting, suddenly the dark round hole gradually expanded and appeared in front and behind them.

Sonosaki Wakana's face was suddenly full of surprise.

"Here we come!"

Everyone held their breath and concentrated, and their eyes were all focused on the dark passage in front of them.

Not long after, three figures were vaguely seen approaching.

When they saw the three people coming out from inside, everyone saw Lu Li.


As the eldest sister, Sonosaki Saeko, at this time, no longer had the previous reserve, and threw herself into Lu Li's arms.

With the soft jade in his arms, Lu Li had a faint smile on his face, and he was still looking at the women around him.

"I'm back."

"Welcome back!"

The voices rang out in unison, making Lu Li suddenly feel like he was home.

Unconsciously, this place has become his home, where he lives.

The women naturally found Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki beside Lu Li. They did not show any angry expressions, but greeted them with a smile.

Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki, who were new here and completely unfamiliar with this place, saw such a warm crowd, and they also understood that this must be Lu Li's home in the other world.

At the same time, this will also be where they will live next.

After a round of greetings, Sonosaki Saeko had already prepared today's tea party in the backyard.

Everyone can talk about what happened recently, of course, they mainly want to hear what happened to Lu Li during this period.

After understanding, Lu Li knew that Misaki Nadeshiko had not returned here yet, and if nothing unexpected happened, she should still be with the giver!

It is hard to say when they will come back, but it should not be too long.

When they learned that Lu Li returned to the original world and participated in another extreme battle, the girls were curious about what the other world was like.

Lu Li answered their curiosity one by one.

Although they were new here, Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki integrated into this big family very quickly.

It didn't take long for the two of them to have their own identities and there was no rejection.

At the same time, when others asked them about the situation in the other world, they were also learning about some of the situations in this world.

Seeing that the two of them integrated very smoothly and there was no discomfort, Lu Li nodded secretly.

Then, Sonosaki Saeko told Lu Li about some recent events, as well as the expansion of the company's scale, etc.

Lu Li, who didn't care about these things, didn't have much interest.

He was thinking about another thing now, that is, the situation of the Philosopher's Stone.

Before leaving this world, Lu Li specifically asked Di Muzou to hurry up and complete the Philosopher's Stone.

Two months have passed, and I don't know what the situation is.

Thinking of this, Lu Li took the initiative to call Di Mu Zou.

In the past two months, Di Mu Zou has not been idle, and has been seizing the time to find a suitable magic door

Chapter 495 Infinite Magician Ring! World Tree Consortium? Golden Fruit!

After two months of hard work, Di Mu Zou is not completely fruitless.

He has successfully found two people who have overcome despair, and both of them meet the conditions to become magicians.

In order to inject magic power into the Philosopher's Stone, there is only one last suitable person missing.

As long as the last person who can become a magician is found, all conditions will be met.

Of course, a lot of things happened in these two months, such as the Phoenix/Wu guy, who was thrown into the sun by the Wuqi-.

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