Although you can use magic to regenerate, if you keep hovering between death and rebirth, such rebirth is meaningless.

After each rebirth, the terrifying power of the sun will burn the Phoenix/Crow to ashes again.

This will repeat over and over again, unless one day the sun will be extinguished or the Phoenix/Crow's strength exceeds the sun's flames and escapes from the sun's range.

It is not impossible to achieve this level, but it is probably very difficult for the Phoenix/Crow.

Almost all of his life can only stay on the sun, and he has to suffer.

In addition, another cadre Gulemlin died, and Di Muzou currently has only one cadre left, that is, Medusa.

Fortunately, Medusa has an extraordinary perception of the phantom gate, and only she can find the phantom gate, otherwise it is not necessarily possible to gather two Jinchūriki.

Di Muzou is thinking at this time, when the last Jinchūriki is gathered, whether Lu Li will come back.

The main problem is that there is an uncontrollable problem at present, that is, Cao Zhenqingren actually obtained his unimaginable power.

Infinite Magician Ring!

After using it, you can gain very powerful power. This power comes from Cao Zhenqingren himself, not from the magic gem that Di Muzou provided him before.

After using it, Cao Zhenqingren can transform into the strongest form at present, Wuqi. Infinite Style!

The combat power he possesses has even surpassed the current Di Muzou.

This is completely an uncertain factor!

Di Muzou has already felt the trouble at this time. Cao Zhenqingren's growth has completely exceeded his expectations.

When he was feeling a headache about this matter, a phone call suddenly came in.

When he saw the notes displayed on the phone, Di Muzou, who was feeling a headache, was immediately refreshed.

He quickly answered the phone and said respectfully.

"Mr. Lu, you are back. What do you want me to do?"

Of course, he knew that Lu Li had not been in Fengdu during this period of time. As for where he went, he didn't know.

Of course, he didn't need to know.

What he had to do was to complete the tasks assigned to him by Lu Li.

The reason why Di Muli was able to revive was all due to Lu Li's special power.

He was extremely grateful, which was one of the reasons why he was willing to join the museum.

"Dimu, how is the matter assigned to you going? How many Jinchūriki do you have now?"

Faced with this question, Dimu Zou naturally did not dare to hide anything and answered truthfully.

"Including the magician Cao Zhenqingren, there are currently three Jinchūriki, and the last one is missing.

As long as we can find the last person who can resist despair, we can start the final step."

When he heard that there was only one Jinchūriki left, Lu Li nodded:

Originally, he thought it was still a long way to go, but he didn't expect the progress to be good.

There is only one Jinchūriki left, and it seems that it won't take long to inject magic power into the Philosopher's Stone.

After a little hesitation, Dimu Zou decided to tell Lu Li about Cao Zhenqingren.

"Mr. Lu, although there is only one Jinchūriki left now, I have encountered a troublesome thing now."

"Troublesome thing? What is it?"

After two months of absence, Lu Li certainly didn't know what the so-called troublesome thing Dimu Zou was talking about was.

Since the white magician feels troubled and difficult, it must be related to the protagonist, Haruto Soma.

Lu Li had some guesses in his mind, but they have not been confirmed yet.

"This trouble comes from one of the Jinchūriki, Haruto Soma, who is also the first magician to resist despair.

He has completed an evolution that I don't know about, and now has very powerful power. Even I am afraid that I am not his opponent.

Even if I find the last Jinchūriki, his existence may hinder my plan.

Di Muzou has no way to solve this problem at present.

The fighting power shown by the infinite style Wuqi is indeed very strong. Even if he transforms into a white magician, he can't defeat Haruto Soma.

After learning this news, Lu Li has understood what the so-called trouble is.

Infinite Magician Ring!

If Cao Zhenqingren wants to transform into the infinite style, he must rely on this ring to activate the magic dragon power in his body.

Without this ring, Cao Zhenqingren will naturally have no way to transform into the infinite style.

How to solve this problem is indeed a bit difficult for Di Muzou

But for Lu Li, this matter is really not difficult.

Since Cao Zhenqingren's infinite ring will affect the next opportunity, just snatch the ring from his hand.

For Lu Li, snatching props is completely a common thing.

"I will solve this problem for you, you continue to concentrate on finding the last Jinchūriki."

Hearing that Lu Li was going to solve this trouble himself, Di Muzou suddenly felt relieved.

With Lu Li's help, all the problems were solved at once.

"No problem! I will find the last Jinchūriki as soon as possible, and then start the magic feast! "

Then, Lu Li hung up the phone.

Hearing the busy tone from the phone, Di Muzou's face finally lost its sadness.

Without Cao Zhenqingren's obstruction, all problems can be solved easily.

Immediately urge Medusa to continue searching for the magic door and let her fall into despair.

Medusa has always admired and feared the sage. Until now, she has never doubted the sage's true identity.

No matter what task Dimusuo arranges, Medusa will always solve it as soon as possible.

After receiving the order, Medusa immediately took the time to find a suitable magic door and find a way to make it despair.

Lu Li's return is a very happy thing.

Originally, all the girls had something to do today, and those who were busy all asked for leave, and then held a reunion party at home.

We had a great time at the party in the evening, and every woman in Lu Li had a smile on their face.

Just because their backbone is back.

Lu Li had been away for such a long time, and there was no news at all. They couldn't help but feel worried.

Even if everyone didn't say it openly, they were worried about this in their hearts.

It was only because of Lu Li's instructions and their trust in Lu Li's power that there was no trouble.

While Lu Li was sitting outside the garden admiring the stars, Sonosaki suddenly walked over and sat directly in his arms.

He wrapped his hands tightly around Lu Li's neck and held Lu Li against his chest.

Sonosaki Saeko's face was slightly red after drinking a lot of wine, but she had a good drinking capacity and was just a little tipsy.

"Dear, you don't know how nervous I am during your absence.

Every time I go home without seeing you, I always feel empty in my heart.

I'm very worried that you won't come back, and I'm also worried that something will happen to you...

After hearing Sonosaki Saeko's confession, Lu Li smelled Sonosaki Saeko's body fragrance and patted her back gently.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me. I came back late because I had some unfinished business.

Isn’t this coming back? Don't worry, I'll make it up to you tonight. "

As he spoke, Lu Li pinched Sonosaki Saeko's buttocks.

Sonosaki Saeko, whose face was slightly red, suddenly turned redder.

But she was still a queen after all. Sonosaki Saeko didn't flinch even if her face turned red, and she stared straight at Lu Li.

"Come on! Let's see who wins and who loses!"

After the two of them leaned together and talked for a while, Sonosaki suddenly thought of something

"By the way, dear, last month, a company executive from the World Tree Foundation in Xunya City next door came to our company and said he wanted to make an investment.

Because their consortium encountered some financial troubles during the research and development process, they temporarily needed an investor.

I asked Mina to check it out. They were working on a very special project. I thought it was pretty good, so I applied.

The project they are researching is a strange alternate world."

Afterwards, Sonosaki Saiko told Lu Li everything she knew about the situation, without hiding anything.

When Lu Li heard about Shiya City and the World Tree Foundation, he understood immediately.

Isn't that the city where the plot of Kamen Rider Kaibu takes place?

Helheim Forest, Rift, Locked Seed, Foreigner.!

"Dear, what do you think of my one-time investment? Is it okay?"

After Sonosaki passed the situation of this project, she felt that this project was still very reasonable, so she invested a large amount of money in it.

For a developing museum, the funds are not too much, but if they are invested in other projects, they will naturally affect the development progress of the museum.

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled and shook his head.

"No, this little money is nothing. If you want, I can get a lot of myself at any time."

For Lu Li, who has integrated the memory of the earth, the issue of funds is no longer an issue.

Since he lacked funds for development, Lu Li could make countless wealth in a short period of time without having to worry about safety issues.

"Besides... I am very interested in the projects researched by the World Research Institute Foundation. I will go there and take a look when I have time."

Lu Li certainly knew what would be born in the Helheim Forest in the end.

Golden fruit!

A fruit that once eaten can directly transform into a god

Although the strength of this god has a certain degree of moisture, there is no doubt that this is indeed a kind of god, and it is a change in the essence of life.

Although the current Lu Li controls a power close to that of a god, or even as powerful as a god, Lu Li can kill even an intelligent god like the Sealing Stone Slate.

But Lu Li was still an undead creature in essence, and had not yet evolved to the stage of a god.

.....Please give me flowers.

But if he eats the golden fruit, Lu Li might have a chance to evolve into a god.

After the breakthrough in the essence of life, Lu Li is no longer an undead creature, but a god.

And he is still a god with powerful divine power, not a very powerful "water" god.

After hearing the news, Lu Li kissed Sonosaki Saeko hard on the face.

When Lu Li first came to W World, he wandered around for a year. At that time, he had never been to Panya City. He thought he was in another world, but he didn't expect that he was in the same place.


Of course, Lu Li couldn't miss the opportunity to become a god.

At this time, Xiangraku, who had just finished a broadcast in Panya City, suddenly shuddered.

He didn't know why, but he always had a strange feeling, as if he was being watched.

DJ Sagara, ostensibly a web anchor in Panya City, is responsible for reporting the rankings and latest developments of various dance teams, as well as promoting the Outlander game.

Let all hip-hop knights join this game to help the world material group obtain enough information.

But in fact, he is not a person from this world, but an existence called "Snake", the incarnation of Helheim Forest.

His real purpose is to be responsible for guiding a woman in the trial on her journey to become the Daughter of the Beginning, witnessing everything, and balancing all forces in the war in order to select the winner and become the Daughter of the Beginning.

The man of origin promotes the evolution of the entire race.

"What was this feeling just now...?"

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