This was the first time Xiangraku had such a strange feeling. He was not a human being, so there should be no such thing as shivering.

Not being able to figure this out for the time being, Xiangra just thought that maybe he had been in the human world for a long time and was affected by humans.


However, what Xiangraku didn't know was that Helheim Forest was being targeted, and also by the very terrifying Lu Li.

The next day, early in the morning

In a hidden alleyway somewhere in Fengdu.

A magic circle suddenly appeared, and then it was like a door opened, and a man came out.

Wearing a black leather jacket, a floral T-shirt underneath, and a pair of red pants.

Damn it!

That's right, the person who suddenly came to Fengdu was Cao Zhenqingren.

Two months ago, he got news from Daimon Rinko that the car that Dimoli was riding in came from a large company in Fengdu.

After knowing that the relationship behind the other party was complicated, he did not act immediately, but chose to go to Fengdu to find it slowly.

Although this is a bit time-consuming, it can make the other party notice you without alerting the enemy.

Ever since, as long as he didn't encounter any demons, he would look for Dimu Calendar almost every morning.

However, after two months of searching, he never saw Dimu Calendar at all.

However, during this time, the Phantom Demon's actions became more and more frequent.

As the guardian bird/Kamen Rider of Karasuizaka, of course he can't ignore this matter, so he plans to come here to find a detective agency and ask the other party to help him find Flute.

Wooden calendar.

After spending so long, I couldn't find any clues. Relying on the local detectives might be able to achieve some results.

Not long after walking out of the alleyway, Kao Zhenharuto came to a detective agency.

Ming/Ming Hai Detective Agency!

This is what he just asked passers-by about, and learned that although the conditions of this detective agency were a little poor, the people they hired were top-notch.

So I came here.

Following the instructions outside, I went to the second floor and knocked on the door.

At this time, Naruya Shuko, who was in the room and was worried about not having any recent commissions, was lying on the table dejectedly.

"Ah! There have been no commissions recently. What happened? Haven't these people lost their cats and dogs?"

As soon as these words came out, Shotaro Zuo, who was sitting on the chair reading a detective novel, rolled his eyes and said dissatisfiedly.

"Hey, hey, hey! Yashuzi, can you pursue me a little? Can I only find cats and dogs? I am also very good at finding people, okay?"

Hearing this, Naru Haiya Shuko raised his head and glared fiercely at Zuo Shotaro who was opposite him.

"Shoutaro! This is all your fault! You went so far as to buy a detective novel again. That's too much. You won't get paid next time I entrust you with it!"

For a moment, Zuo Shotaro said it didn't matter, he would be able to find it when the time comes.


There was a sudden knock on the door, which made Naruhaiya Shuko, who was not very energetic just now, suddenly light up.

"Someone is coming, someone is coming! There must be a commission coming, please, it must be a big commission!"

He hurriedly ran to the door and opened it. When he opened the door, he saw a handsome young man.

When she saw the other party, Naru Haiya Shuko's eyes lit up.

After all, handsome guys are quite eye-catching.

The other party was quite handsome, but unfortunately, Naru Haiya Shuzi was already married to a famous woman, so she quickly looked away and asked.

"Hello, what can I do?"

"Hello, I'm here to ask you to help me find someone."

Chapter 496: The magician’s commission, meeting Fueki again, the last jinchūriki!

Fu Maharuto looked at Naru/Uka Ajuko in front of him, and then at Zuo Shotaro in the room. He didn't know why, but he always felt a little unreliable.

As soon as he heard that it was a request to find someone, Shotaro Zuo, who was reading a detective novel, immediately put down the novel in his hand and came over.

"Please come in, we will talk in detail after you come in, Ya Shuzi, go make a cup of tea for the guest.

Standing by the door, Naruto frowned in displeasure. She really wanted to take out her slippers and give them to this guy.

This guy actually forgot who is the director, too much!

However, considering that a commission was indeed needed to support the operation of the detective agency, Naru Haiyajuko quickly went to make tea.

Entering the detective office, Kao Maharuto walked to the sofa and sat down.

Shotaro Zuo was on the chair opposite, facing Haruto Soma.

"Sir, who are you looking for? Do you have their characteristics or photos?

If you can provide photos or some information, it will be easier to find. "

Shotaro Zuo entered the scene in one second and seemed to have transformed into a reliable detective.

Weiwei takes the lead, and Cao Zhenqingren takes out a photo from his pocket.

"Yes, the person I'm looking for is her, her name is Li."

After taking the photo and looking at the innocent and lovely girl in the photo, Zuo Shotaro's eyes lit up.

"She is indeed a very cute girl. Is there any other relevant information you can provide me with? The more detailed the better."

As a professional detective, Shotaro Zuo is very experienced whether he is looking for people or animals.

Many people often come here to ask him to find their lost animals.

At this time, Ming/Wuhaiya Shuzi, who was going to make tea, also came over.

"Tea, please.


Cao Zhenharuto nodded his thanks, and then began to talk about the situation of Dimo ​​Calendar.

"The thing is, I'm from Bird/Ujingzaka, not a local from Fengdu.

This is a very good friend of mine, but he suddenly disappeared two "seven-sixty" months ago.

I accidentally saw her in a car, but I was delayed by other things at the time, so I couldn't find her.

Later, after my investigation, I found that the license plate of the car was from Fengdu, so I went to Fengdu specifically. "

With that said, Kao Maharuto shared the information he had found with Zuo Shotaro.

License plate number and company name.

Shotaro Zuo had no impression of this license plate number, but when he saw this company,

Zuo Shotaro's expression suddenly changed.

Noticing the change in Zuo Shotarou's expression, Kao Maharuto suddenly became a little curious.

“Detective, from the looks of it you must know this company, right?

Hearing this, Zuo Shotaro, who put down the information, nodded solemnly.

"Yes, I do know this company. It is also the largest company in Fengdu at present.

Its business scope has expanded to all walks of life and has a great influence domestically.

One thing he didn't say clearly was that the company had a very deep connection with the museum.

Of course, at this time, Shotarou Zuo didn't know that the man in front of him was a Kamen Rider just like him.

He only regarded the other party as an ordinary person, so he did not tell the other party any deeper information.

Hearing Zuo Shotarou's words, Soma Haruto nodded thoughtfully.

It’s just that he still doesn’t understand why people in big companies take away their calendars these days.

What exactly is going on here, Kao Zhenqingren couldn't figure it out for a while.

"I only have this information for the time being, detective. If you feel that this commission is a bit difficult, I can investigate it myself."

He noticed the change in Zuo Shotarou's expression just now, and thought that the other party found this commission a bit embarrassing.

The other party also said just now that the company has become very powerful recently, and its background is complicated. Of course you can investigate, but I'm afraid it won't be easy.

Shaking his head repeatedly, Shotaro Zuo did not refuse this commission, but agreed.

"Don't be embarrassed, don't be embarrassed! I have accepted this commission. I will help you find this person as soon as possible. I will inform you as soon as there is news."

Although there is a museum behind this company, it does not mean that this matter must be related to the museum.

He didn't want to accept any more commissions related to the museum, just because the existence in the museum was too terrifying.

But the target of the entrustment was not the museum, so how could he not accept it.

Although there may be some contact, it should not affect it.

In the end, the two exchanged phone numbers, and Kao Zhenqingren left the initial commission fee and left.

Recently, the Phantom has been moving very frequently, and he must always keep an eye on Tori/Uraizaka.

Once an abnormal situation occurs, he will rush to the scene as soon as possible to rescue those in despair and kill the phantom at the same time.

After Soma Haruto left, Shotaro Zuo couldn't help but look at the information on the table and stared at the name of the company.

Next to her, Naru Haiya Shuzi no longer laughed and laughed, and said with a serious expression.

"This commission may involve the museum. Are you sure you want to take on this mission?"

She looked at the many commission fees on the table and was naturally very moved.

However, considering the complexity of this matter, which might lead to unnecessary dangers, she left the decision to Zuo Shotarou himself.

Hearing this, Shotaro Zuo took a deep breath and pretended to be relaxed.

"Don't be so pessimistic. Although this matter has something to do with the company owned by the museum, it doesn't necessarily mean it has something to do with the museum.

I can check it first and sort things out. Maybe this matter has nothing to do with the museum at all. "

He was still very afraid of Lu Li in his heart.

Lu Li had left an indelible shadow of fear in his heart, which he has not been able to get rid of until now.

When he didn't come into contact with Lu Li, he could indeed remain normal, but once he came into contact with Lu Li, fear would spread crazily in his heart and break his heart.

Now he just hoped that this matter had nothing to do with the museum and Lu Li, otherwise this commission would really be impossible to accept.

"Okay, since you want to take on this mission, check it out first.

Maybe it's what you think? "

"By the way, Yashuzi, why didn't you see Philip today? Why did this guy lock himself down there again?"

Shotaro Zuo really wanted Phillip to search for him to see if he could find any clues.

Shrugging slightly, Ming/Wuhaiya Shuzi said helplessly.

"He, I don't know what he is studying now, but he won't come out from down there anyway."

Philip has always been like this. When he is interested in something, he will try his best to explore it and won't stop until he understands the matter clearly.

Of course, Shotaro Zuo also knows what kind of character his partner is.

"Forget it, this guy isn't free now, so I'll go check it out myself.

If Philip is done with his work, let him check for me and see if he can find some useful information. "

"no problem.

After responding decisively, Ming/Wu Hai Yashuzi suddenly reacted, widened her eyes, and looked at Shotaro with her hands on her hips.


Shotaro! What do you mean? Can't I go with you?

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