Kamen Rider Beast Knight's Transcendent Form!

At the beginning, Arachne was able to suppress the two of them, but these two guys were so unsportsmanlike that they used their final forms right away.

The battle axe in Arachne's hand slammed into Beast Knight's armor, but facing the extremely fierce attack, Beast Knight didn't move at all.

"Clang! Clang!"

After attacking several times in a row, Arachne felt that her hands had been numb, but the Beast Knight in front of her didn't move at all.

"What the hell? !"

Suddenly, the whole person was not good. Isn't this bullying?

"Is your attack strength... only this? Then it's my turn next!"

As soon as the voice fell, Beast Knight quickly took out his exclusive weapon, the Brilliant Sword Axe.

Holding the hilt end, the Brilliant Sword Axe is an extremely sharp sword.

"Pila! !"

A sword directly passed through Arachne's chest.

Accompanied by the sparks that splashed out, a scream rang out.

"Ah! !”

Arachne kept retreating, but at this time, the Beast Rider had already appeared behind him.

Holding the dice saber, the Beast Rider aimed directly at the back and chopped fiercely.

As a powerful phantom demon, Arachne certainly couldn't sit and wait for death, and immediately fought back with a battle axe.

"Dang! !"

The two weapons collided with each other, and the terrifying force forced Arachne back.

Seizing this opportunity, the Beast Rider quickly swung his arms, and the golden tassels on his wrists actually extended out, hitting Arachne like a long whip.

Faced with the sudden attack, Arachne had no power to resist at all and was beaten back again and again.

"Oops! If this continues, it will be over. "

Arachne, who was very arrogant just now, was no longer arrogant at this time.

Seeing Arachne being beaten so badly, Medusa would naturally not sit idly by.

However, facing the witch knight who had turned into an infinite style and the beast knight who had transcended the form, these two guys must not be underestimated.

She immediately changed into a phantom demon form.

The snake hair on both sides of her head quickly extended out and rushed straight to the witch knight!

Don't underestimate Medusa's snake hair. It not only has a entanglement effect, but also can extract the magic power of the target after entanglement.

The previous witch knight suffered this loss from the opponent.

The witch knight noticed it at the first time, and quickly grabbed the handle of the brilliant sword axe with his backhand, switching to the battle axe form.

"Shua shua shua! !"

Quickly slashed, and directly cut off several snake hairs released by Medusa on the spot.

These snake hairs are part of Medusa's body. Being cut off directly will naturally make her feel pain.

"Ah! ! "

There was only a sharp and piercing cry.

Then, Medusa was furious on the spot, raised the magic wand in her hand arrogantly, and released energy balls one after another.

However, facing the Wuqi in the infinite style, this attack obviously had no effect.

With a casual slap, the energy ball was directly shattered.

Medusa took two steps back unconsciously, and was obviously shocked by the fighting power of Wuqi at this time.

"Damn it! ”

Since the witch rider transformed into the infinite style, it has become more and more difficult to deal with, and its combat power is very terrifying.

Even as a cadre, she will be restrained and even suppressed by the opponent when facing the witch rider.

In Medusa's opinion, perhaps only the sage can fight against the current witch rider.

But as the only cadre under the sage, if she can't even do the things arranged by the sage, how can she face the sage.

In her heart, she admires the sage and is willing to dedicate everything to the sage.

Even if she sacrifices her life for this, it is not impossible.

Even if Medusa's inner heart at this time She already had some guesses in her mind, but she was still willing to believe the wise man.

At this moment, a girl who looked exactly like the human form of Medusa just now suddenly ran out.

She was Mayu Inamori, the younger sister of Li Sheng, the host of Medusa, Misa Inamori.

Not only that, she was also a magician who successfully restrained despair and obtained the qualification to become a magician, that is, one of the so-called Jinchūriki in Fumu Sou's mouth.

Now Mayu Inamori has only one idea in her heart, that is to destroy her sister.

To be precise, it is not her sister, but the phantom Medusa born from her sister's despair.

"Medusa! This time... I must destroy you!"

Mayu Inamori has become Kamen Rider Mage, but the combat power he can exert is very limited, and he has never been able to destroy Medusa.

Hearing this, Medusa sneered.

"Humph! Do you want to destroy me with just you? Don't dream! ”

The opponents she really didn’t want to face were only the Infinite Style Witch Rider and the Transcendent Form Beast Rider, but not her sister.

And she wasn’t Inamori Misa, so she had no problem killing Inamori Mayu.

Without saying much, Inamori Mayu immediately took out the Mage Magician Ring.


“Change! Now!”

After passing through the magic circle, a Kamen Rider who looked very ordinary appeared in the same place.

The left hand is a huge claw that looks like a dinosaur, and the shoulders have amber spikes. The entire knight mask looks like a piece of uneven amber.

Kamen Rider Mage (Yellow)!


With an angry roar, Mage rushed towards Medusa with all his strength, as if he really wanted to destroy her on the spot.

Without Medusa's obstruction, Arachne could not resist the attacks of the two knights who had already turned into their final forms.

She couldn't stop one, let alone two, which was almost a one-sided crushing.

Facing the aggressive Mage, Medusa didn't take it seriously at all. The opponent was not her opponent at all.

Magicians also have to be divided into strong and weak combat power. The combat power of these two guys, Haruto Soma and Kousuke Nito, is obviously much stronger.

Mage, who has just become a magician for a short time, even if he has a certain amount of magic power, is still far behind those two.

Mage has a universal magic ring and can use some very common magic.

Although these magics have a certain power, they are not enough to threaten Medusa.

"Chain! Now!"

Suddenly, several magic circles appeared around Medusa, and then a lot of chains flew out from them to tie her up.

This simple bondage, however, has no effect at all against Medusa.


The chains collapsed in an instant, and Medusa used her cane to arrogantly hit Mage in the abdomen, instantly repelling her.

Looking at Mage who was repelled by her, Medusa immediately sneered!

"Don't you want to kill me? With your little power, it seems that you can't do it at all."

Hearing this, Mage raised his head unwillingly, staring at Medusa angrily.

She wanted to avenge her sister with her own hands, but her strength was too weak to avenge her sister.

"Shut up!!"

Knowing that he was not an opponent, Mage was still unwilling to give up.

Here, Arachne couldn't stand it anymore.

If he continued to fight, there was no doubt that he would be killed by these two despicable guys.

"Hmph! You two despicable guys! Two against one! Damn it! If you have the guts, fight me one-on-one!"

At this time, Arachne could only talk big.

Why should he fight you one-on-one when he has the advantage? Isn't it easier to just eliminate him?

"No need to bother, I can get rid of you right away."

As he said that, the witch rider was ready to launch his ultimate move.

"Don't worry, I'll take your magic!"

The beast rider was also ready to release his ultimate move, and he felt that his stomach was already hungry.

To be precise, the chimera that provided him with magic power was now craving the magic power of the phantom demon.

Feeling a strong sense of crisis, Arachne did not hesitate at all and lay directly on the ground.

Then he instantly assimilated with the ground and disappeared on the spot.


The two people who were just about to launch their ultimate moves were also confused. Why did they suddenly disappear?

"Did this guy escape? I didn't expect him to escape so quickly!"

Shaking his head unwillingly, the beast rider had hoped to have a good meal this time to feed the Chimera in his body.

But he didn't expect this guy to be so weak and chose to escape directly.

"There's another one!"


Finally, the two of them looked at Medusa who was fighting with Mage next to them.

This guy is a cadre of the Phantom Demon. If he can be solved in advance, it may reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Medusa naturally noticed that Arachne escaped and felt very dissatisfied.

"Arachne, this guy, actually escaped directly!"

I, a cadre, am still fighting here, but Arachne actually escaped before me.

This is too much!

Medusa is not stupid. She knows that she has been targeted by those two guys, and she has already had the idea of ​​retreating.

There is no way to continue for the time being. She will retreat first and then make plans. Anyway, she already knows who the Phantom Gate is.

Just as Medusa was about to cast a spell to escape, the Beast Rider immediately raised the Phantom Magnet Gun and fired at her crazily.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The bullets hit Medusa accurately, interrupting her spellcasting.

She took a few steps back, and white smoke rose from her body.

"Damn it!"

She had wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to escape directly, but she didn't expect to be stopped by the opponent.


If the opponent had only one Mge, she could easily solve it 317, but now she had to face the Beast Rider and the Witch Rider, and both of them were still in their final forms.

In this case, her chances of winning were very small, close to zero.

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