
When Medusa came to her senses, she found that she was surrounded on three sides.

These three guys were determined not to let themselves go.

"Medusa! Today... you will definitely die here! I will avenge my sister with my own hands!"

Mage clenched her fists tightly, looking indignant.

Faced with Mage's rhetoric at this time, Medusa simply ignored it.

What we need to consider now is how to get out of the current predicament, otherwise we will not be able to leave.

At this moment, a clear sound of footsteps suddenly reached everyone's ears.

"Ta! Ta! Ta!"


The beast rider immediately moved his gaze to the direction of the sound, and what he saw was a person.

After seeing the other party, the beast rider's first reaction was that the other party entered here by mistake, so he shouted quickly.

"Hey! Get out of here quickly, it's too dangerous here! Go away!"

However, facing the sound of the beast rider, the man walking towards this side remained indifferent and continued to approach on his own.

"Eh?! What's going on with this guy? I've already said it's dangerous here, why doesn't he leave?"

After scratching his head, Beast Rider said that he couldn't understand at all. What on earth did this person want to do? Why do you continue to move closer to this side?

Medusa naturally noticed the person coming, and when she saw the other person's face clearly, she felt happy.

"It's him!"

Medusa had already met Lu Li before.

She didn't expect that Lu Li would appear again at this time.

The other party is a friend of Lord Sage. He suddenly appeared here at this time, and he should be here to help him.

Medusa didn't have the slightest doubt about Lu Li's strength.

Lu Li had already shown great strength before, and Medusa still remembers it clearly. The opponent must be no less than the Sage.


Wu Qi, who also had a battle with Lu Li, was in a serious mood at this time.

He lost miserably last time and was almost unilaterally crushed. Even though he now has unlimited style, he didn't dare to underestimate Lu Li in the slightest.

Unconsciously tightening the brilliant sword and ax in his hand, Wu Qi quickly reminded him.

"Nito, be careful, this guy... is an enemy!"

"Huh? Enemy?! Doesn't he look like an ordinary person? How can he be an enemy?"

The beast rider looked confused.

Since I had never met Lu Li before, I naturally didn't know Lu Li's combat prowess or what he had done.

As for Mage, she became a magician later, so it is naturally even less clear.

"It seems I arrived just in time, Medusa, you are in trouble."

With a very indifferent smile on his face, Lu Li didn't seem to take Wuqi and Beastqiu seriously.

Although both of them have been promoted to their final forms, their final forms are still not enough to be seen in front of Lu Li.

Chapter 498 Sagittarius VS Infinity! Terror breaks out, no matter how strong the defense is, it is useless!

"Mr. Lu!"

Medusa shouted respectfully

Facing a powerful being whose strength was comparable to that of a sage, Medusa naturally did not dare to show any disrespect.

"Fuck Maharuto, we meet again. Last time, your fighting ability was indeed a bit poor.

So this time, can you make me be more serious? "

His words were very calm, as if Lu Li didn't take the three knights seriously at all.

These words directly reminded Wu Qi of his last difficult battle, in which he lost completely.

But now that Wu Qi has a more powerful infinite style, he doesn't think he will definitely lose to Lu Li.

Putting on a fighting stance, Wu Qi said in a deep voice.

“I lost last time, but that doesn’t mean I will lose this time.

The person I am now is no longer the person I was before! "

In the last battle, Wuqi could be said to have lost completely.

He couldn't even see clearly how Lu Li took action.

At this moment, he has unlimited style. No matter what opponent he faces, he is confident that he can win.

Even if this opponent was Lu Li, who had taught him a severe lesson before, he still thought so.

Defeating the Phantom Demon many times gave him full confidence.

"Really? Then let me see what's the difference between you and last time."

While talking, Lu Li had already taken out a Star Disciple switch.

There is a pattern on the top of the Star Disciple switch, which is exactly the pattern of Sagittarius.

Lu Li casually pressed the Sagittarius Disciple switch in his hand, and Lu Li was instantly enveloped in a black nebula.

Several light spots appeared on the black nebula, and finally the pattern of Sagittarius was pieced together, which was reflected on Lu Li.

A hand reached out from the black nebula, and then the black nebula dissipated, revealing the Sagittarius star disciple.

Lu Li has the Zodiac Disciple Switch in his hand, which can not only be used to summon the Zodiac Disciple, but can also be used by himself.

Before there was a replica of the Giver, Lu Li himself did not have cosmic energy, so he naturally had no way to use the Star Disciple Switch.

But after recreating the Giver, Lu Li already had the ability to mobilize the energy of the universe at will.

Therefore, no matter which zodiac switch it was, Lu Li could use it as he pleased.

The last time he fought the witch knight, Lu Li transformed into a knight form, but this time he turned into a monster.

Noticing that Lu Li had transformed into a Sagittarius Star Apprentice, Wuqi frowned.

"What is that...?"

Since Wuqi had not yet cooperated with Ceqi, he naturally did not know about the Star Apprentice switch.

"Whatever it is, this guy is in the same group as Medusa, so kill him!"

The beast rider twisted his neck and launched an attack immediately.

The golden tassels on his arms swung rapidly, preparing to whip Lu Li again like he whipped Arachne before.

But unfortunately, the beast rider obviously chose the wrong opponent. Lu Li was not an opponent that could be dealt with by a simple attack.

He quickly raised his right hand and shot the cosmic energy arrow Apostolos.

A fiery red arrow flew away and instantly broke through the golden tassels, heading straight for the beast rider's chest.

"Oh my! So fast!

The beast rider didn't have time to think so much, and instinctively took out the dice saber to chop the cosmic energy arrow.

"Taste! ! "

But when the two came into contact, an explosive impact came, and the beast rider's legs were firmly planted on the ground, but he continued to slide back under this non-explosive force.

When he slowed down and thought he had resisted it, Apostolos suddenly exploded.


"Ah! !"

The impact of the explosion blasted the beast rider out on the spot, and with a scream, the beast rider fell to the ground in embarrassment.

If it was just the beast rider in the normal form, he would probably have been injured at this time.

Fortunately, he was in the transcendent form at this time, even if he was a little injured, it didn't have much impact.

Supporting his body, the beast rider looked at his slightly trembling hands.

At this time, he felt that his hand holding the dice saber just now was a little numb.

"What on earth was that thing just now? ! The explosive power is so strong! "

Wu Qi watched the whole thing from beginning to end, and immediately understood that even if he didn't transform into a knight, Lu Li's current state was still very terrifying.

At this time, Lu Li also directly tore off the Tiangongtu cloak on his body, revealing the true appearance of his body.

The powerful body, the back decoration burning like a flame, exuded an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

Even Wu Qi, who had transformed into an infinite style, could vaguely feel a sense of oppression at this time.

Not easy to deal with!

Having come to this conclusion in his heart, Wu Qi did not dare to be careless.

However, Wu Qi was still very confident in his own strength.

You must know that the armor on his body was crystallized by the magic dragon and his magic power, and it has a very terrifying high defense.

Putting a fighting posture, Wu Qi immediately took action.

Quickly put the wireless magician ring on the drive Before the starter, Wuqi's body accelerated instantly and entered a high-speed movement state.

This is a special ability that only Wuqi in the infinite style can have. He uses the brilliant sword and axe sword mode in his hand to interfere with the flow of time, so as to move at high speed.

In this form, Wuqi can already interfere with the flow of time.

Although he can't control time yet, it's already very good.

Wuqi, who was moving at high speed, appeared in front of Lu Li in the blink of an eye.

The brilliant sword and axe blade in his hand slashed down fiercely, heading straight for Lu Li's head.

I believe that with such a high-speed movement and such a swift attack, Lu Li must not be able to block it.

But in the next second, Lu Li hit him hard in the face.

The blade that should have hit Lu Li's head directly actually brushed past Lu Li directly, and a little more would have hit Lu Li.

"When? "!"

As the person involved, Wuqi was very shocked.

When he used this high-speed movement, no matter who the enemy was, he could not avoid his attack.

But now Lu Li not only dodged it, but also dodged it just at the right time, just like it was intentional.

The opponent had a chance to dodge it completely, but he just dodged it a little bit. What else could it be but intentional?

"So fast!"

Mage had been watching from the side just now, and witnessed with his own eyes how Lu Li dodged this attack.

In just a blink of an eye, Lu Li had already moved, and Mage didn't even see clearly how Lu Li moved.

Even though Medusa already knew how powerful Lu Li was, when she really saw it, she couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

With such a fast speed and such sharp reaction ability, if it was her, could she have dodged it just now?

Medusa just thought about it, but found that she couldn't dodge it at all.

Although she was a cadre-level strength, she didn't have such a high-speed movement ability.

If it was Gulemlin who was not dead yet, there might be a little chance to dodge the swift attack.

Although Wuqi was surprised, he didn't freeze because of it, and immediately launched the next wave of attacks.

You must not be distracted during a battle, otherwise you will be in big trouble.

He naturally changed the direction of the sword and slashed towards Lu Li's chest.

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