Since there is no way to hit the opponent's head, then the next best thing is to do it.


The black arm accurately blocked the wizard's further attacks.

The gauntlet on the arm, after blocking the attack of the Brilliant Sword and Axe, did not even leave a trace.


Wu Qi was very surprised. This was different from what he thought.

Even if Lu Li could really catch his attack, he probably wouldn't be able to even take a step back.

He even wondered if his power had become weaker, otherwise why it didn't have any effect.

"The strength is indeed stronger than before, but... your current strength is not enough."

His arm instantly exerted force, and after deflecting the Brilliant Sword and Axe, Lu Li quickly punched out with his right hand.

Wu Qi, who was not slow to react, noticed that Lu Li punched him, and he had no intention of resisting at all.

The armor he wears has extremely high defense. He doesn't believe Lu Li can break through the defense of his armor.

Absolutely impossible!

In the infinite style form, the witch knight's diamond-like armor indeed possesses extraordinary defensive power.

However, defense can only ensure that the armor is not destroyed, but cannot completely eliminate the impact.

And with the means Lu Li had, it wasn't difficult to destroy the armor's defense.

But he doesn't need to do this. When the power is strong enough, he can still cause damage to the target even through very hard armor.

Like now.


When this punch hit Wu Qi's chest, it was like a speeding train hitting Wu Qi quickly.


Along with a burst of screams, the witch rider flew out faster than the beast rider just now, and flew further at the same time.

It hit the parking lot nearby, sinking deeply into the wall.


A lot of gravel splashed, and there was smoke and dust everywhere.

Even Medusa, who had already known about Lu Li's powerful strength, was shocked when she saw this scene.

" strong!"

Although Lu Li taught Phoenix/Crow a lesson in front of Medusa before, Lu Li did not show such terrifying power at that time.

If Medusa faced the infinite style of the witch knight alone, she would not be able to escape the fate of defeat.

However, such a powerful wizard was sent flying by a punch and was beaten so embarrassingly.

At this time, a strange idea suddenly came to Medusa's heart.

Can Lord Sage really match Lu Li? !

Although she didn't want to think so, the strength Lu Li showed was too terrifying.

There was fear in Mage's eyes. This guy in front of him, who was not a phantom, was actually so powerful.

Judging from the appearance of the other party, if nothing else, he should be one of Medusa's group.

Such a powerful guy is actually working with Medusa. Wouldn't it be more difficult for him to take revenge?

【hateful! Why did such a powerful guy suddenly appear? ! It's obviously only a little bit closer, and with just a little more time, I have a chance to avenge my sister! 】

She thought she would finally have a chance to avenge her sister this time. Although she borrowed the power of the Witch Rider and the Beast Rider, she still had self-knowledge in her heart and knew that she was not beautiful.

Dussa's rival.

Now another person suddenly appeared, directly disrupting the battle.

"No! Even this guy Haruto...

The beast knight thought he was careless just now, but he didn't expect that the wizard knight would be beaten like this.

This is just one punch, not counting other attacks.

Simply outrageous!

Seeing the witch knight embedded in the wall in the distance, Gilgamesh on Lu Li's left arm instantly unfolded.

Aiming at the witch knight, an energy arrow made of flames was shot from Gilgamesh.

~Phew! ! "

"Haruto! Get out of the way!"

The beast rider who noticed this situation immediately roared.

Just now, Wu Qi flew so far and smashed into the wall. At this time, Wu Qi only felt that his mind was dizzy.

Hearing the call, Wu Qi finally came to his senses. Seeing a flaming arrow shooting at a very fast speed, he was suddenly shocked.

Although he didn't know how powerful the flaming arrow was, Wu Qi, who had underestimated Lu Li's terrifying output just now, didn't dare to underestimate Lu Li's attack at this moment.

Immediately take out a magic ring.

"Defend! On!"

With the injection of magic power, a magic array of colorful lights appeared in front of him.

The next second, a barrier that looked like it was made of diamonds suddenly appeared in front of the witch knight.

The flaming arrows hit the diamond-like barrier over there without mercy.


An extremely terrifying impact struck, and the violent explosion brought an extremely powerful impact.

Wu Qi felt a terrifying force oppressing his body.

And his body was continuing to penetrate deeper into the wall bit by bit.

"Damn! It's so... such a strong oppression!"

The diamond barrier he created did help him block the flaming arrows, but it couldn't offset all the impacts.

Due to the diamond barrier, the terrifying energy of the explosion poured crazily to both sides, leaving two very deep marks on the building.

Just as the impact gradually weakened, Wuqi found that cracks appeared one after another on the diamond barrier created by his magic.


Then, the diamond barrier shattered and turned into many fragments, and finally directly transformed into magic.

"Broken? How could it be?!"

The words were full of shock, Wuqi's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

This is a protective barrier made of diamonds, but it can't withstand the impact of the opponent's attack.

Lu Li, who had just shot an arrow, looked at the broken diamond barrier and nodded thoughtfully.

"Was it blocked? If you blocked it once, you may not be able to block it the second time. Are you ready for the next one?"

While speaking, Lu Li immediately raised Gilgamesh again, and a flaming arrow gathered again.

(Wang Ma Hello) Countless flames gathered crazily towards Lu Li's position.

"It can come again?!"

The beast rider noticed this situation and opened his mouth in surprise.

The terrifying attack just now was completely like a killer move.

But for Lu Li, it seemed to be just a very ordinary attack, without any restrictions at all, and there was no saying that it could not be used continuously.

Seeing that Lu Li had locked onto the witch rider again, the beast rider would certainly not sit and wait for death.

Although there were some minor frictions when fighting for the phantom magic with the witch rider, the two sides had become friends unknowingly.

Of course, he couldn't watch his friend die!

"Don't even think about it!"

Then, the beast rider quickly opened the lion's mouth on the ring of the transcendent magician and loaded it into the socket of the phantom malin gun.

"Hyper! Magnum.Srike (burst shooting)!"

The phantom of the chimera appeared in the mirror on the back of the phantom malin gun:


Accompanied by a lion-like roar, a ball of red energy broke free from the restraints in the mirror.

It was a chimera phantom that looked like it was stained with red.

In the roar, it merged into the body of the beast rider, and the energy gathered crazily in the phantom malin gun in his hand, and a golden magic circle appeared at the muzzle.

The terrifying energy quickly gathered, and a faint red light burst out. The beast rider pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The golden magic circle suddenly burst into dazzling golden light. The next second, a powerful magic bullet in the shape of a chimera was seen shooting out from the muzzle.

The extremely terrifying bursting energy poured out crazily, aiming directly at Lu Li.

"Let you taste my ultimate move! Let's see who is stronger!"

Seeing the energy bullets in the shape of a chimera rushing, the beast rider was full of confidence. He absolutely did not believe that the other party could easily block his attack.

Facing the rushing chimera energy bullet, Lu Li directly adjusted the position of Gilgamesh.


The flame arrows that gathered again were instantly fired, and the flame arrows with terrifying bursting energy went straight to the chimera energy bullet.

Chapter 499 Full output, magic limit! Lu Li supernova! Infinite acquisition

The two quickly approached and finally collided in a short blink of an eye.


The two bursts of energy collided with each other and exploded instantly. For a moment, flames shot up into the sky, and the terrifying impact spread to the surroundings.

Mage, who was relatively close, was directly blown away on the spot in the face of this powerful impact.


Mage smashed into a parked car, holding the roof of the car tightly with both hands, and barely stopped.

And this car was also very unfortunately dented by the smash.

Medusa had already made preparations in advance, and the cane was arrogantly placed in front of her, and a magical power resisted the terrifying impact.

But even so, under this terrifying energy impact, Medusa still slid several meters away.

"What a terrifying impact!"

Medusa was extremely horrified.

Even though she had known that Lu Li was very strong, she didn't expect that Lu Li could easily resist the powerful and terrifying ultimate move of the beast rider.

As for Lu Li, as the person involved, he was completely like nothing happened at this time, standing still in the same place, as if he was rooted in the ground.

But the beast rider had no way to stand in the same position as before, and retreated a distance in a very embarrassed manner.

When the fire between the two of them faded, the beast rider was extremely shocked when he saw the intact Lu Li.

"How could it be?! It didn't work?!"

He thought that he had used the strongest ultimate move, at least he would have a chance to force the opponent back, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Not only did he fail to force the opponent back, he even saw the more terrifying side of the opponent.

At this time, the beast rider suddenly realized that the enemy in front of him was probably not just ordinary terrifying.

Suddenly, the beast rider found that Lu Li had disappeared from his sight.

"What?! Gone?! When did he disappear?!"

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