Suddenly, a painful sound came from the red sky.

Immediately afterwards, a mangled figure fell from the sky and slammed to the ground, looking very embarrassed.


This figure in such a miserable state was naturally the Wu Qi who had collided head-on with Lu Li just now.

After smashing a hole into the ground, Wu Qi was also forced to cancel his transformation.

The clothes all over his body looked in tatters, with traces of being burned by the flames.

The infinite magician's ring fell aside, temporarily losing its luster.

At this time, the magic power in Qo Zhenharuto's body has been exhausted.

Due to the exhaustion of magic power, he naturally had no energy and fell into a coma in the pit on the ground.

Seeing this, Lu Li directly pressed the Sagittarius switch and returned to human form.

At the end of the battle, both the wizard knight and the beast knight were defeated.

Of course, Lu Li did not forget what his purpose was. He gently grasped the infinite magician ring that fell aside, and the infinite magic ring appeared directly in his hand.

Looking at this infinite magician's ring, without this thing, Wuqi no longer poses much of a threat.

Medusa, who had witnessed the entire battle, came over quickly when she saw that Lu Li had ended the battle!

"Mr. Lu, thank you for your help. Since these two guys have been defeated, why don't you take this opportunity to kill them directly?"

From Medusa's perspective, since Lu Li was friends with the Sage, he naturally hated Kamen Rider.

Taking this opportunity to get rid of these two troublesome guys can save a lot of trouble.

Hearing this, Lu Li glanced at Medusa condescendingly. His cold eyes made Medusa shudder and she quickly lowered her head.

The next second, Medusa heard a voice coming.

"Medusa, recognize your identity clearly. I don't need to explain to you what I do, and you don't need to question the decisions I make. Do you understand?"

Although this is a question, there are not many answers, only one answer.

When the smart Medusa heard this, her body suddenly trembled and she did not dare to say anything more.

Although she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to kill the two Kamen Riders directly, she had no chance to do so now.

Lu Li must have a reason for doing this, and Medusa didn't dare to ask.

If she annoys the person in front of her, I'm afraid she will be the one who can't take advantage of her. Medusa is not stupid, on the contrary, she is very smart.

Although he failed to kill the witch knight, he had already snatched away the most powerful witch knight and magician's ring from the opponent's hand, which was enough.

Having lost his biggest support, Wu Qi has nothing to worry about.

For some reason, Medusa felt that the Lu Li in front of her might be much more powerful than the Sage. Whether this was an illusion or something else, she didn't know.

Anyway, his intuition told him that it was best not to mess with the man in front of him. He couldn't afford to mess with him.

"Let's go, continue to do your thing, don't waste time here, find the illusion door, and continue to make him despair."

Lu Li was still waiting for the magic power of the Philosopher's Stone to be fully replenished. Of course, he didn't want Medusa to continue to be slow here.


Although she was a little dissatisfied with Lu Li ordering her to do something, Medusa didn't dare to show it on her face.

She has seen the strength of the person in front of her several times.

The look in his eyes confirmed that he was someone he couldn't afford to offend.

She should seize the time to complete her own affairs honestly. She has not yet completed the tasks assigned by the Sage.

Then, Medusa took a reluctant look at the injured Kao Zhenharuto who was lying in the pit, and left directly.

As for Lu Li, he turned around and left while playing with the Infinite Magician Ring in his hand.

Lu Li can't use this thing at the moment.

The main reason is that there is no magic power in his body now. Even if it is the Golden Demon's driver and the magician's ring, Lu Li cannot use it.

Chapter 500 Is it appropriate to hold him like this? Shotaro emo! It’s numb!

Only after he obtains the Philosopher's Stone can Lu Li obtain the corresponding magic power. By then, these magician rings can be used.

Now that I have it in my hands, I can only treat it as a collection and put it away for now.

After Lu Li left, the scene was in a mess, and the only ones left were Haruto Kou, Kousuke Nito, and Mayu Inamori, the only one who hadn't passed out.

Due to the impact of the energy just now, which caused the same impact on the car, Inamori could still feel a burning pain in his back.

Holding back the pain, Inamori Mayu first came to the unconscious Kousuke Nito and shook his body vigorously.

"Senior Rento, wake up quickly! Get up quickly!....

Amidst the shaking and shouting, Kousuke Nito opened his eyes in a daze.

Looking at the sky, it seems that there are still traces of the flames burning.

He sat up suddenly, but Inamori Mayu didn't have time to dodge, and was directly hit by Kousuke Nito on the chin.


She never expected that she would be hit by Kousuke Nito who stood up suddenly.

Covering her chin with a painful expression, Inamori Mayu felt that she was unlucky today.

I thought I had a chance to get rid of Medusa, but unexpectedly, I failed in the end.

It was okay to fail, but in the end, he was hit in the chin by Kousuke Nito.

The forehead is still quite hard, and Kousuke Nito is also quite hard-headed. Although it hurts a little, it doesn't have much impact on him.

"Uh! Mayu? Sorry! By the way, where did that guy go just now?!"

Recalling that he was knocked unconscious by Lu Li so easily, Kousuke Nito felt very unhappy.

He felt that he was careless.

If I had paid a little more attention just now, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

But he didn't see the energy explosion between Lu Li and Wu Qi at the end, otherwise he wouldn't have said these words.

Hearing this, Inamori Mayu held her chin and said in despair.

"The other party has left. This battle...we lost."

Although she felt very unwilling, Inamori Mayu knew very well that they had indeed lost this battle, and there was nothing to admit.

"Lost?! How could you lose? Where's that guy Haruto? Why didn't you see him?"

Looking around in confusion, Kousuke Nito didn't find Haruto Soma.

This is Mayu Inamori, who has almost recovered, pointing to a place next to her with her finger.

“Over there, there is a pit, and Haruto-senpai is in it now, and he is also unconscious.

Let's go over there and take a look. I don't know what his current situation is. "

Saying that, Inamori Mayu immediately stood up and walked over there.

After all, there weren't many injuries on Kousuke Nito's body. He was just knocked unconscious by the powerful impact just now.

He hurriedly stood up and ran towards Kao Maharuto.

When someone came to the pothole, they saw Haruto Kao who was in a coma.

I saw that the clothes on his body were already torn, and there were all traces of flames.

There are scars everywhere on the body, and the situation does not look optimistic.


Seeing his condition, Kousuke Nito was shocked and quickly jumped into the hole to help him up.

"Haruto! Wake up, what's wrong with you? Hey! Wake up! ....

Seeing him rocking and fucking Haruto so roughly, Inamori Mayu was really worried.

Damn it, Zhen Qingren was only seriously injured. Will he die directly if he does this?

So Inamori Mayu quickly grabbed Nito and said.

"Stop shaking! Nito-senpai, hurry up and send Haruto-senpai back to the Miankagedo. His current condition is not very good and he must be treated first!"

"oh oh!"

Kousuke Nito reacted and quickly picked up Kouma Haruto.

That’s right, just pick it up!

He just hugged her like a princess and ran directly towards the Mianyingtang.

Good guy!

This picture looks a little bit eye-catching.

Mayu Inamori followed behind, feeling like she had lost sight.

At the same time, here in Fengdu

Shotaro Zuo conducted a series of inquiries around the company and found that no one knew Koyomi Obito:

The reason for this is entirely because Dimu has never been to the company, so naturally no one has seen her.

There was no trace of the Feng calendar, and Zuo Shotaro's mood suddenly sank to the bottom.

If you can't find out here, then this matter may have something to do with the museum.

When thinking of museums, the first thing that naturally comes to mind is the Sonosaki family.

It seemed that he still had to go to Sonosaki's house.

Of course, he didn't want to go directly to Sonosaki's house, he just planned to observe the situation in the surrounding area.

If the Dimu Calendar had appeared in the surrounding area, someone might know about it.

Thinking of this, Shotaro Zuo pressed the hat on his head hard.

“This trip seems to be a must.

Because he was very afraid of Lu Li in his heart, Shotaro Zuo was reluctant to get in touch with things about the museum, let alone go to Sonosaki's house.

It would be fine if he had not accepted the commission. He had already accepted the commission. As a detective, no matter how many dangers there were ahead, he must complete the mission of the client.


This is his job!

Driving the Tough Guy, Shotaro Zuo headed straight to the area where Sonosaki's house was.

When he came here, he did not approach Sonosaki's house directly, and planned to do some exploring around it first.

If you can get some useful information from the surrounding area, there is no need to take risks.

He took the photos and asked around, but he didn't get any results further away from Sonosaki's house, but as he went deeper, he finally got results.

"I've seen this girl before. She lives at Sonosaki's house. I just saw her going out in that direction before."

An aunt told others about what she saw.

After learning the news, Zuo Shotaro's heart suddenly became very heavy.

Unexpectedly, things developed into something I didn't want to see.

This girl actually lives in Sonosaki's house.

At first I was thinking that this matter might have nothing to do with the museum, but it seemed that I was still naive.

"Thank you, sis."

After saying that, Shotaro Zuo hurried towards the direction pointed by his eldest sister just now.

Although he couldn't enter Sonosaki's house, after all, there was a very scary presence there.

But if he could find the girl outside and tell her the situation, maybe he wouldn't have to face Lu Li.

It is not easy to find someone just by knowing the direction.

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