Fortunately, Zuo Xiangtaro is very familiar with the wind, which is like his own backyard. He knows every corner of it.

It is relatively easy to find, and he has many acquaintances, which makes it easier to ask.

After some inquiries, let alone, he really found the other party's trace.

It is said that there are four beautiful girls in the group. They just went to the commercial street not long ago. You should be able to meet them now.

After hearing this news, Zuo Xiangtaro immediately went to the prosperous commercial street in front.

As for the four beautiful girls mentioned by the man just now, Zuo Xiangtaro does not know who they are for the time being.

But it is certain that they should have some relationship with Lu Li.

He plans to go over and observe secretly first, and see the situation first, and he did not think of going directly to find Di Mu Li.

The people in the museum are not simple, and he dare not act rashly.

After a careful search, Zuo Xiangtaro finally found the trace of Di Mu Li.

In a milk tea shop, four women, including Fumu Li, were sitting together drinking milk tea and chatting about something interesting.

When he saw Fumu Li, Zuo Xiangtaro was very sure that this girl was the one he was looking for.

But looking at the other party, it seems that she is not sad at all, and has no intention of going back at all. What's going on?

According to what Zuo Xiangtaro learned from Cao Zhenqingren, Fumu Li was taken away suddenly.

Logically speaking, the other party should not be so happy.

But now the facts are in front of him, Zuo Xiangtaro can't say that this is a forced smile.

Obviously not.

What is going on?

Taking off his hat, Zuo Xiangtaro scratched the curly hair on his head vigorously, and couldn't figure it out at all.

Why is this so different from what he knows?

Just now, Zuo Xiangtaro's eyes were completely on Fumu Li, and he didn't notice Shi Mo with his back to him.

This person felt that the back was a little familiar, but he didn't recognize it for a while.

As if sensing someone was watching him secretly, Shi Mo suddenly turned around.

When he turned around, Zuo Xiangtaro immediately recognized her. Wasn't this the witch from before?

Unexpectedly, this witch was actually with Die Mu Li.

In order not to be discovered by the other party, Zuo Xiangtaro immediately hid.

Fortunately, his reaction was quick and he was not discovered by Shi Mo.

Not seeing anyone watching, Shi Mo's eyes flickered for a moment, and then turned around.

So far, Zuo Xiangtaro has never figured it out. Die Mu Li did not show any reluctance at all.

This also means that the other party was not forced to stay here, but she stayed here voluntarily.

He wanted to find a suitable time to contact Die Mu Li a little and talk to her about what was going on here.

If he could figure out the situation here, he could also report to Cao Zhenqingren.

But if he wanted to contact Die Mu Li, he had to find a suitable opportunity.

At least when Shi Mo was there, Zuo Xiangtaro did not dare to go over rashly.

Zuo Xiangtaro also noticed Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki just now, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, there are so many beauties in the Sonozaki family.

More importantly, Zuo Xiangtaro always had a very strange feeling when he saw the two.

He couldn't tell what the specific feeling was.

Then, after drinking milk tea, Shi Mo and the other four left the milk tea shop and continued to walk in the commercial street.

Following all the way, Zuo Xiangtaro wanted to find an opportunity to meet alone and talk to Fu Mu Li about the specific situation.

But it is not easy to find such an opportunity.

Even if Zuo Xiangtaro's hiding skills are very good, he will always be exposed if he follows for a long time.

....Please give flowers..............

Shi Mo has already discovered that he has been following them and secretly staring at Fu Mu Li.

She wanted to see who this person who followed them without permission was.

Since the other party has set his sights on Fu Mu Li, as long as they separate a little, the other party will definitely reveal his feet.

Shi Mo suddenly made a suggestion to them to go to the clothing store next door to take a look.

Among the four people, Shi Mo was not the only one who discovered that someone was following them. Cheng Guang was the most perceptive and naturally noticed it.

After going to the clothing store next to them, the few people separated.

Di Mu Li thought that they really came here to shop for clothes and didn't think too much.

The other three women were secretly observing to see who had been following them.

Zuo Xiangtaro, who had never found a suitable opportunity, was still anxious about how to solve this problem. Unexpectedly, the opportunity came so quickly.

What a coincidence!

Zuo Xiangtaro thought that he was very good at hiding and was not discovered.

Seeing such a great opportunity, he certainly couldn't miss it.

So he hurried to the clothing store and found Di Mu Li.

"Excuse me, are you Li?"

The sudden voice and calling out her name made Di Mu Li quite curious about who the other party was.

When she looked up and saw the unfamiliar Zuo Xiangtaro, Di Mu Li was surprised.

"Excuse me, are you..?"

She really didn't know Zuo Xiangtaro, and she couldn't help but wonder who the other party was.

As soon as he came up, Zuo Xiangtaro immediately took the opportunity to introduce himself.

"I'm Shotaro Sae, a detective. I came to you because someone asked me to find you."

When he learned that the person in front of him was actually a detective, Fumu Li nodded thoughtfully, with doubt in his eyes.

"Then what? Who asked you to find me?"

In addition to remembering what she did when she was a child, she only remembered what she did in Fuuto.

It can be said that she knows very few people, so Fumu Li can't think of who Shotaro Sae accepted to find her.

Frowning, Shotaro Sae couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Have you heard of this name, Fuma Haruto!"

"Fuma... Haruto?"

When he heard this name, Fumu Li suddenly fell into thought, with strong doubts in his eyes.

Then he shook his head, and Fumu Li felt that there was no such thing in his current memory.

As for who this person is, Di Mu Li has no idea at all.

"Sorry, detective, I don't seem to know the person you are talking about. I don't have any memory related to him."

Di Mu Li looked serious, and it didn't seem like he was lying at all.

When he got this answer, Zuo Xiangtaro was completely emo.

"How could this be?! Why don't you know him? Something is wrong!"

At this time, Zuo Xiangtaro didn't know how to solve this problem.

It's embarrassing!

A person came to me to find Di Mu Li, but after I found Di Mu Li, the other party directly said that he didn't know him. This is quite embarrassing.

I was still a little unwilling in my heart, and Zuo Xiangtaro said hurriedly.

"How about you think about it again? Maybe you should know each other, but you may have forgotten."

When Zuo Xiangtaro said this, he himself felt unbelievable.

If both parties knew each other, how could they not recognize each other? Could it be that the memory of the girl in front of him was deleted? !

Suddenly coming to this conclusion in his heart, Zuo Xiangtaro slightly widened his eyes.

He felt as if he had grasped the key point and the most important details.

A person who should be familiar suddenly didn't recognize her, so the biggest possibility was not that she forgot, but that she had no memory of the other person at all.

Shaking his head without hesitation, Di Muli denied.

"I really don't know the person you are talking about. I'm very sorry. You may have found the wrong person."

The possibility of finding the wrong person is very small. The other party knows him and can call his name, proving that the person he is talking about is definitely not fictitious.

Just when Zuo Xiangtaro Yijing was very close to the answer, a voice suddenly came from the side.

"It turns out to be you, a half-baked detective."

The charming and seductive voice made Zuo Xiangtaro's heart tighten.


Suddenly turning back, he found that the three women who had just left were now standing behind him.

"Half-baked detective, you followed us blatantly and even came to contact us. I felt someone was following us before, but I didn't expect it to be you.

Although I don't know what you want to do, but..are you ready to face the punishment?

Shi Mo's face was slightly cold, she is not easy to mess with.

Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki stood in the other two directions, blocking Zuo Xiangtaro's retreat very tacitly.

"Why do you have to learn to follow people when you can learn something else? Now we have caught you."

With a faint smile on her face, Yoshinaga Miyuki seemed to have already eaten Zuo Xiangtaro.

With his hands folded in front of his chest, Cheng Guang looked at Zuo Xiangtaro coldly and said in a cold voice.

"It's okay to follow secretly, but I didn't expect you to dare to show up on your own initiative. Do you really think we didn't find you? "

Chapter 501: Sister Tiger's first battle with the Knight of the Other World! The stolen ring

Noticing that he was surrounded, Shotaro Zuo immediately understood.

The reason why they separated just now was completely a trap, in order to lure him out.

And he thought it was a great opportunity, but he didn't expect that the other party had prepared the trap in advance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I just came here to accept the commission and didn't want to do anything.

I just want to say a few words to this beautiful girl.

Now that I have finished speaking, I will leave first.

He didn't want to stay here any longer, and his body began to move quickly towards the door.

"Want to leave? Who said you can leave?

"Pah! "

Yoshinaga Miyuki quickly threw out a rattan whip and whipped it directly on Shotaro Sa's way forward.

The sudden attack forced Shotaro Sa to stop.

The rattan whip fell in front of him, and Shotaro Sa was shocked and took two steps back.

Immediately turned his head, but suddenly found that Yoshinaga Miyuki's arm had turned into an undead creature.

"That is..? !

Shotaro Sa couldn't understand a guy like this who had partially turned into a monster.

Originally, he thought that although Yoshinaga Miyuki and Shiromitsu were people from the museum, they should also be mixed bodies.

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