Even in modern times with advanced technology, we shouldn’t have the ability to resurrect people, right?

"."Yes, that's right, it's resurrection. This is a very special method, and there aren't too many records here.

The specific method of resurrection is unknown, but it was indeed resurrected. The Dimu calendar we just saw is her after resurrection. "

The sound came again, and Philip couldn't help but wonder whether this was scientific or not.

Roughing his hair vigorously, Zuo Shotaro felt that things seemed a bit beyond his understanding.

Now even resurrection is out!

At this time, Philip continued.

"By the way, based on the information above, I just checked the information about Kao Zhenqingren and found that he is not ordinary, he is not an ordinary person.

It's a Kamen Rider just like us, except he calls himself a magician.

He had been with Li for some time before. At that time, his main purpose was to provide magic power to Li, who only had a body, to ensure that she could stay alive. "

I have to say that it is good to have the Earth Library. Philip found a lot of very critical information from it.

"That handsome guy is also a Kamen Rider?!"

Naru Haiya Shuko opened her mouth slightly, thinking that the handsome boy who came to entrust them with the task before was actually a Kamen Rider.

Compared to the surprised Naru/Uka Asukiko, Zuo Shotarou has calmed down now.

Since even resurrection has appeared, there is nothing unacceptable.

After a while, Zuo Shotaro decided to call Maharuto first and tell him what he learned about the situation.

After all, the other party is his client. If the entrusted task has progressed, of course he must report it.

Bird/Ujingzaka, Mianyingtang.

After taking a short rest and eating some powdered sugar donuts, the magic power in her body recovered somewhat, but it would still take time for it to fully recover.

Although the injuries on his body have been almost treated, they are not completely healed and there is still pain.

Because of this, Nara Shunpei volunteered to stay and take care of Soma Haruto.

Lying on the sofa, Kao Maharuto was thinking about the problem.

He really couldn't understand why Lu Li wanted to take away his Infinity Ring since he already had the Infinity Style to easily defeat himself.

The opponent should not need the power of the Infinity Ring, and it seems that the opponent is not a magician and cannot use the power of the Infinity Ring.

He couldn't figure this out for the moment.

But he now knows one thing, that is, he has lost the Infinity Ring, which means that his combat effectiveness will be weakened to a certain extent.

In the next battle with the Phantom Demon, he may not be able to gain any advantage.

The next battle will probably be very difficult.

However, what he didn't know was that the next battle was not just difficult, it was simply hell-level difficulty.

"Didi di di!!"

Suddenly, Kao Maharuto's cell phone rang.

After taking out his cell phone, he saw that the person who made the note on the phone was actually a detective, and Kao Maharuto's originally depressed mood was instantly gone.

Could it be some news? !

After immediately picking up the phone, Kao Maharuto asked eagerly.

"Detective, are there any new clues? Or is there something going on?"

With a hint of hope in his heart, he wanted to know whether Shotaro Zuo had brought him any good news.

"Yes, I did bring you new clues and a very important piece of news.

I have found the girl you mentioned, Li, and I saw her with my own eyes and talked to her. "

When he heard Zuo Shotaro's words, Cao Zhenqing was ecstatic and immediately stood up and said excitedly.

"Really?! That's great! Where is Li now? Has she told you why she hasn't messaged me back?"

Although he has lost the Infinity Ring, for Soma Haruto, the most important thing to him at the moment is the history.

However, Zuo Shotaro's next words immediately made his mood sink to the bottom.

"Haruto, don't get too excited yet. What I want to tell you is that Koyomi doesn't seem to have any impression of you right now, which means she may not remember you."

"Don't remember...me?"

This answer was something Kao Zhenqingren never expected.

With an expression of disbelief on his face, he sat down on the sofa and said in disbelief.

"How could this happen?! Li...how could Li forget me?!"

Chapter 504 Resurrection? Broken Mirror Flowers and Moon in the Water! The upcoming Sabbat

For a moment, Kao Zhenqingren couldn't accept such an answer and felt very depressed.

He really couldn't figure out what happened during this period of time, and why he suddenly couldn't remember him.

He was hit hard in his heart, making Cao Zhenqing's eyes slightly absent-minded.

Later, Zuo Shotaro told Soma Haruto that Koyomi had already died and was now successfully resurrected.

I wouldn't have said this at first, but considering that just like me, Kaoma Haruto is a Kamen Rider who protects mankind.

You can be 100% sure that he will not be a bad person.

"Li...is resurrected?!"

Kao Zhenqingren's eyes widened slightly, filled with disbelief.

Of course he knew what the situation was like, and he had always relied on him to provide magic power to survive.

Now he suddenly resurrected, what happened?

After a long while, Shotaro Sasama didn't hear any response.

He knew that Haruto Soma must have suddenly known so much, and it was a bit difficult for him to accept so much information.

It might also be because he was shocked by the resurrection, so Shotaro Sasama took the initiative to comfort him!

"Haruto, you don't have to be so sad. It's a good thing that Koyomi can be resurrected.

And the reason why Koyomi lost her memory may be related to her resurrection. Maybe she will remember you at some point."

This is just a hypothesis. He doesn't know whether it is possible or not.

No one can say for sure about the memory problem.

After another silence for a while, Haruto Soma took the initiative to ask

"Detective, can you tell me where Koyomi is now? I... want to see her."

Even though he is still in pain, it is not enough to prevent him from looking for Koyomi Fumu.

There is no phantom demon for the time being, so he doesn't have to be busy with fighting for the time being.

And even if there is a phantom demon, he has not fully recovered his magic power, and the combat power he can exert is very limited.

When asked this question, Shotaro Sa didn't know whether he should tell this to Haruto Souma.

He knew that the place where Fueki Koyomi was now was a very dangerous place.

Especially for Kamen Rider, the danger of that place was very high.

Perhaps guessing that Shotaro Sa had some concerns in his heart, Haruto Souma said quickly.

"Please tell me, don't worry, I won't do anything wrong."

Although he was very worried about Fueki Koyomi's situation, he also knew that the problem of memory could not be restored in a short time.

What he wanted to do now was to meet Fueki Koyomi 740.

After seeing him, could he evoke some memories of the other party and let the other party recover his memory?

"Okay, then you must promise me, you must be calm, and never do anything wrong, otherwise things will be very troublesome.

The trouble of this matter is beyond your imagination. I will arrange someone to accompany you at that time. With him, this matter may be a little easier. "

The person that Shotaro Sa was talking about was naturally Philip.

As a member of the Sonozaki family, Philip would not be in danger if he went back.

With a forced smile on his face, Haruto Soma thanked him.

"Thank you very much, Shotaro."

He had called Shotaro Sa a detective at first, but now he called him by his name, obviously treating him as a friend.

After hanging up the phone, Haruto Soma couldn't wait to go to the Ming/Wu Hai Detective Agency.

Even though he didn't feel well now, he still insisted on going.

After saying hello to Wajima Shigeru and Nara Shunpei, Haruto Soma used the teleportation magic to leave.

Although the magic power in his body had not recovered much, there was no big problem in using the teleportation magic.

At this time, Medusa, who often stayed in the cave when she was free, had returned here.

"Medusa, didn't I ask you to continue looking for the phantom door? What, has the mission been completed?"

The sage was quite surprised by Medusa's sudden return.

Hearing this, Medusa did not walk towards the sage as she did in the past.

Coming in front of the sage, she stared at him and asked directly.

"Sage, tell me, you asked me to find the Phantom Gate just to increase the number of magic changers, not to increase the number of magicians, right?"

With a hint of expectation in her eyes, she wanted the sage to tell her the answer she wanted now.

Faced with Medusa's question, the sage was quite surprised.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you suddenly ask this? Is there a new magician born? !"

When he said the last part, there was a hint of excitement in his tone.

After searching for the Phantom Gate for so long, are the four pillars finally going to be gathered? !

"Sage! Answer my question!

Did you just want to increase the number of magicians from the beginning? So. So you asked me to find the Phantom Gate? ! "

The voice could not help but rise a few notes.

If it was the old Medusa, it would be impossible to talk to the sage like this.

She respected the sage in her heart, and even regarded him as the object of her admiration and reliance.

For the sage, she was even willing to give everything for him!

Now that she suddenly knew the truth, she felt betrayed by someone she trusted.

The sage stared at Medusa. He had guessed that it must be Medusa who knew something.

Thinking that Lu Li had come, he might have dealt with the last magician, so he told Medusa the truth.

Since the last magician had been completed, Medusa was naturally useless.

Thinking of this, the sage put his hands behind his back, looking very calm.

"You are right. All I did was to increase the number of magicians. I need enough magicians to help me complete a task.

This matter cannot be completed by the phantom demon. It must be a magician.

After getting a definite answer, Medusa was suddenly hit hard and staggered back two steps.

At this moment, Medusa looked like an abandoned puppy, very pitiful.

Then, Medusa staggered forward again, put her hands on the sage's shoulders, and asked loudly.

"Why? Why did you lie to me? Why... why didn't you tell me at the beginning?!"


But in the next second, Medusa suddenly widened her eyes, full of disbelief.

Slightly lowering her head, she saw a white sickle had pierced through her abdomen.

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