The purple magic power in the body is constantly passing away.


There was a deep sense of disbelief in his eyes.

Medusa did not expect that the sage would suddenly attack her.

The other party actually killed him when he was defenseless.

"Sage? Why...why?! Sage...why is this?!"

Looking at Medusa who seemed very unwilling, the sage calmly took out the sickle from his left arm.

"Because I don't need you now, and you have too many problems.

The sage didn't think there was anything wrong with doing this. From the beginning, in his opinion, all phantoms were just the product of the failure of the Sabbat.

He had never thought about allowing phantoms to be born. It was just that the Sabbat failed and these phantoms happened to be born.

It was just a tool that could be used. Now, the tool is useless.

"Why?! Didn't you say you need me? You said you would let me stay with you! But now."

Medusa clutched her abdomen and came to the stone wall with a painful expression on her face, barely holding on to her body.

"I was right to say that, because only you can find the Magic Gate, but now a fourth candidate has been born who can become a magician.

In other you are useless.

As soon as he finished speaking, the sage's disguise finally faded away and turned into his true appearance.

Flute music!

When she saw the flute playing, Medusa still didn't quite understand why. But in the next second, Medusa's eyes widened in disbelief.

Putting on the Transformation Magician Ring, Dimuzou immediately transformed.


"Change! Now!"

A golden magic circle appeared in front of him and then passed through his body.

The white devil wearing a white mage robe appeared in front of Medusa.

When she saw the white devil, Medusa didn't know what she could say.

It turns out that I have always been a fool and the one who was deceived.

The body is gradually turning into crumbs, which is a precursor to impending death. Medusa's final moment has arrived.

Staggering over, Medusa still couldn't accept this result.

"A sage is also a magician?! Does that mean (chbd) that I have been deceived all this time?

No! don't want! Please tell me this is a lie! "

With both hands on the White Demon's shoulders, Medusa suddenly felt a very heartache.

It was as if I had been betrayed by the person I loved, and I felt very uncomfortable.

However, facing her last plea, Bai Mo just said it lightly.

"It's been a long time coming, Medusa."

The sage has been working hard to find the magic door, but she didn't expect to end up in this situation. Medusa had an extremely miserable look on her face.


She was very unwilling to ask why she would end up like this.

Numerous cracks have appeared on the body. Medusa does not have the immortality ability like the Phoenix/Uro, and she will die once she is fatally injured.

After a moment, Medusa's body shattered into pieces as if turned into fly ash, and disappeared without a trace.

Of course Fueki Kanade, as a human being, also has emotions.

It's just that all his emotions had been devoted to his dead daughter before.


He murmured this name, and because he was in a state of transformation, no one could see clearly what the white devil's expression was.

He can naturally feel that this demon who has always been loyal and following him is willing to sacrifice everything for him.

However, this is all just a scam.

The mirror, the flower in the mirror, will be broken sooner or later.

In this case, it would be better for him to break it with his own hands now.

This may be a bit cruel, especially for Medusa, it is an extremely unfair thing.

But there is no absolute fairness in this world.

"You are quite cruel. You even killed your loyal subordinates without hesitation."

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly came from the side.

Lu Li slowly walked out of the darkness.

Yes, Lu Li has been here from the beginning.

The main reason I came here was to tell Dimu Kanade to seize the time to train the remaining two people who have not yet become magicians, so that they can learn to use magic.

The remaining two people who have not yet become magicians are trained to become magicians in preparation for the subsequent Sabbat.

Di Muzhuo did not make any rebuttal to Lu Li's words teasing him.

He got rid of Medusa to avoid unnecessary trouble in the future.

Mainly because of Medusa's character, after knowing that he had deceived her, she might turn against him in the future.

Di Muzou released his transformation and shook his head slightly.

"Mr. Lu, there are now two magicians among the four human pillars. The remaining two need time to be trained. Please wait a little longer.

When the time comes, the Sabbat will unfold, and the Philosopher's Stone will be filled with the Sabbat. "

Regarding Medusa, Dimuzo didn't want to mention it.

A phantom that has disappeared, there is no need to worry about what is there and what is not.

The Medusa incident was just a small incident, and Lu Li didn't take it to heart at all.

The reason why he told Medusa about Di Mu Zuo was because he wanted to see what Di Mu Zuo would do.

In the original drama, the reason why Fueki Kanade suddenly attacked and killed Medusa was because Medusa was preparing to kill the magician Mayu Inamori.

He had worked so hard for so long to resurrect his daughter. How could he allow others to hinder him? Naturally, he killed Medusa without hesitation.

But this time, Medusa only came to question Dimu Kanade. She had no intention of killing other magicians.

But in the end, Medusa still had to die.

It can only be said that Dimuzou is a decisive person, but such a person also has weaknesses:

And Dimu Zuo's weakness is his daughter Dimu Li.

As long as Di Muli is by his side, Lu Li has no worries that Di Muli will do anything detrimental to him.

"Okay, hurry up, I'm waiting for your Sabbat."

After saying that, Lu Li turned around and left with a smile, as if everything that just happened was just a small thing.

After Lu Li left, the cave suddenly became quiet.

Not long after, Dimuzou left.

As for the magic barrier in this place, he also directly lifted it.

From now on, this place is of no use. He is no longer a sage and will not come back here again.

Fengdu, Ming/Wuhai Detective Agency.

He directly used teleportation magic to get here. With such a large distance span, Kao Zhenharuto almost fell to the ground after walking out of the magic circle.

After leaning against the wall to recover for a while, Kao Zhenharuto walked upstairs to the door of the detective office and knocked gently.

"Knock knock knock!"

A sudden knock on the door stunned Zuo Shotaro, who was thinking about the feasibility of the plan inside the house.

"Huh? It can't be that guy, right? So fast?"

He just had a phone call with Kao Maharuto, so he shouldn't be here so soon.

With doubts in his heart, Shotaro Zuo asked us to open it and found Haruto Kou who looked a little weak outside.

"Is it really you?!

When he saw the real Haruto, Zuo Shotaro was very surprised.

But when I think about the fact that I'm a Kamen Rider myself and a magician myself, it doesn't seem so strange.

Since he is a magician, isn't it normal to know some teleportation magic?

It's just that his face is pale and his feet are weak, and he doesn't look good.

Hurrying to support Cao Zhenharuto, Zuo Shotarou said in surprise.

"Why did you come here so quickly? You look like this, you are still injured, otherwise you should take a rest for the time being."

Although there was help from Philip, if there was danger, it would be very troublesome to take such a weak person with him.

Hearing this, Cao Zhenqingren shook his head and said firmly.

"I'm just a little injured, it's no big deal. You can take me to see her when you can. I want to see her."

It had been such a long time since I had seen him, and Cao Zhenqing was always thinking about him very much.

Now that he finally had this opportunity, he wanted to seize some time.

"I know you are anxious, but you also have to look at your own condition.

And if you want to see the calendar, you need the help of my companions. We cannot rule out that you will encounter danger. You have to take a rest first, and I will ask you to set off. "

No one can say whether you will encounter danger, but you must be mentally prepared.

This time, Kao Maharuto did not insist anymore and nodded.

He took him to Phillip's bed, but not long after he lay on the bed, Fu Zhenqingren fell asleep due to the loss of too much magic power.

Chapter 505 Am I so unpopular? Inna suddenly came to the door, XV!

Looking at Kao Maharuto who fell asleep directly, Shotarou Zuo couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"This guy just said he didn't need to rest, but he actually fell asleep and fell asleep so quickly."

At this time, Philip and Naru Haiya Shuko came out of the underground base, looking like they were still discussing something.

As soon as he came out, he saw Kao Maharuto lying on Phillip's bed, and Naruto was stunned for a moment.

"Eh?! When did he come? Why-why don't I know?!"

She expressed that she didn’t understand at all, when did Fuma Haruto come?

Shrugging slightly, Zuo Shotaro said helplessly.

"Just now, not long after I called him, he came over."

"Ah this! Is this the magician? So magical!"

Naruto's eyes suddenly lit up, and she felt like she wanted to try using magic.

This is magic that only exists in fairy tales. Can you not be curious?

Ignoring Ming/Wuhaiya Shuzi, Zuo Shotaro focused on Phillip and said in a deep voice.

"Philip, is there any problem with this matter?"

Although Philip himself is a member of the Sonosaki family, no matter what, he is always his partner.

Wouldn't it be a little bad to just go back like this?

"It's okay. My sisters and husband won't make things difficult for me. Of course, the premise is that you can't go with me."

Phillip's words immediately silenced Zuo Shotaro.

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