That being said, why do you seem to be so unpopular?

He was very speechless in his heart. Of course Zuo Xiangtaro also knew that he, Lu Li and others would not be able to deal with him.

There is another reason, that is, the fear deep in Zuo Xiangtaro's heart has always deeply affected him, making him afraid to face Lu Li.

It was true before, and it is true now.

As long as he didn't see Lu Li, there would be no problem. But once he saw Lu Li, he unconsciously fell into fear.

"Don't worry, I don't want to go.

Waving his hands casually, Zuo Shotaro didn't want to go at all.

Sonosaki's house.

Lu Li had also returned at this time.

It would still take some time before the Magic Banquet was held, so Lu Li was not in a hurry. Anyway, since he was here, there was no surprise in this matter.

After returning home, not long after Lu Li stepped in, Shi Mo and the others came back.

Seeing the large and small bags being carried, Lu Li suddenly raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Looking at you guys, you must have gone shopping.

Hearing this, Shi Mo put the bag in his hand on the stool aside, walked over and hugged Lu Li for a kiss.

“It can be considered a shopping spree, but we didn’t spend any money.


This is true. They didn't even have a chance to pay. After all, there was no one in the store, so how could they pay?

"No money?"

Of course Lu Li didn't know what happened and looked at Cheng Guang and the others with confusion.

Afterwards, Shi Mo told Lu Li everything that happened.

After hearing the specific situation, Lu Li nodded thoughtfully. He didn't expect that someone would entrust a half-hearted person like Zuo Shotaro to investigate Dimu Calendar.

There is only one person who can do this, and that is Fu Maharuto.

Apart from him, Lu Li had no idea who else would do this.

"Brother Lu, the strange detective wearing a hat today said he came to see me on behalf of someone, and said that person's name was Kao Zhenharuto.

But I have no impression at all, I don't know that person at all.

Feng Yuli also told the situation between her and Zuo Shotaro.

Sure enough, it was Fu Maharuto. This guy was quite good at getting things done. Unexpectedly, he found Shotaro Zuo as soon as he looked for him.

I really don’t know whether I should say that the Kamen Riders cherish each other?

This possibility cannot be ruled out.

"Don't worry about the little things. Just do whatever you need. They're just minor incidents."

Lu Li was not worried at all that Dimo ​​Li would regain his memory. He was absolutely sure.

The reason why I say this is because before Dimoli was completely resurrected, Lu Li used some tricks when resurrecting her.

That would delete some of the memories in Dimoli's mind.

It is really difficult to delete the memory of ordinary people, because sometimes it may not be deleted completely.

But the Dimu calendar does not.

Her memories are relatively simple and belong to stages.

The memories of childhood and the memories of being a doll again after death are all divided into time periods.

In this case, directly deleting the memory of this period of Dimu Calendar was completely easy for Lu Li.

Koyomi Tomo has completely lost the memory of his time as a doll, and there is no way he can remember fucking Haruto.

Even if the two sides meet again, it is impossible for Dimoli to recall the lost memories before.

There is no chance to fuck Zhen Qingren, Dimoli now belongs to Lu Li.

Not only Lu Li thinks this, but Di Muli, who is also involved, also thinks so.

Looking at Chengguang and Yoshinaga Miyuki, Yoshinaga Miyuki brought back many skirts.

Chengguang, on the other hand, didn't have too many requirements on what to wear, so he brought a few pieces.

Miyuki Yoshinaga remembered what Lu Li had promised her, so she couldn't wait to ask.

"Lu Li, where is the memory you said you were going to give me? Has it been made now?"

She had been looking forward to the power of the memory for a long time. Every time she saw Cheng Guang obtain the memory and become so powerful, she felt eager to give it a try.

Hearing this, Lu Li shook his head and explained.

"Not yet, the memory is still being produced, how can it be so fast?

But don’t worry, the production process won’t take long, and after the self-financing is completed, you still need to make certain adjustments before you can gradually adapt. It’s not that fast.

You can get it in two days.

Even making a memory would take at least more than a day, and Lu Li had never made an orchid memory before.

It still needs to go through a series of adjustments. Only the memory that has been adjusted can be used with confidence.

Although there is no way to use the memory for the time being, Miyuki Yoshinaga is not in a hurry.

Anyway, things can't escape there, sooner or later they belong to you.

At this time, Cheng Guang walked aside and sat down, saying with a cold expression.

"Today's Kamen Rider W looks pretty good, and it seems like two people are transforming.

Next time I meet him, I want to have a good fight with him.

This idea could have been realized today, but unexpectedly, W directly chose to escape without any hesitation.

This was something Cheng Guang never expected.

Aren't all Kamen Riders supposed to be partners of justice, those who want to destroy monsters?

It's really rare to see so many monsters that you choose to run away directly.

When Lu Li mentioned W, he thought of Zuo Shotaro, who was afraid of him and trembled when he saw him.

There was no way he could pose any threat to him anyway, and Lu Li didn't bother to do anything to Zuo Xiangtaro.

No matter what, he is his brother-in-law's best partner, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to get into trouble with him.

This guy, Kao Maharuto, actually found Fudu, and also found Koyomi through Zuo Shotaro. I have to say that he is still quite capable.

But it's only limited to some ability.

So what if she finds Koyomi Fueki, she has completely lost any memory of being in Menkagetang, and there is no way she can know Soma Haruto.

If he comes to you, this guy is just asking for trouble. He comes happily and leaves dejectedly.

When he heard with his own ears that Dimuli said that he didn't know him, would Zhen Qingren feel despair?

Lu Li didn't think so.

Kao Zhenharuto, who has already experienced despair once in the Sabbat, is unlikely to experience despair again.

This guy has a strong enough heart, and because of this, he was able to obtain such a powerful power from the Infinity Ring.

At this moment, Lu Li suddenly received a call.

The call was from Sonosaki Saeko, saying that there was someone in the company who wanted to discuss a business deal with Lu Li.

As for the specific business, the other party did not say clearly.

It's interesting that he suddenly came to your door and took the initiative to discuss business with me. Who is the other party?

Lu Li felt that it was necessary to meet and see who the person who was looking for him to discuss business was.

He directly used space transfer to arrive at Sonosaki Seiko's office.

Seeing Lu Li suddenly appear in the room, Sonosaki Saeko and Mina were not surprised at all. They had been used to it for so long.

"Zezi, where is he?"

"Over there in the living room, Mina, please take Lu Li there."


With a happy smile on her face, Mina pulled Lu Li and walked outside.

"Master Lu Li, that person here seems unusual. I don't feel like he looks like an ordinary person."

Walking on the road, Lu Li listened to Mina's description of the guest.

She is a woman who is not only good-looking but also has a hot figure. Even Mina feels like she is losing to her opponent in terms of figure.

It feels like this girl's words have completely gone off the rails, and she's just comparing body shapes or something like that.

Lu Li couldn't help but shake his head. This girl seemed to have forgotten the important point.

Not long after, Lu Li arrived at the living room.

When he and Mina walked in, they saw a handsome beauty wearing a leather jacket and long brown hair sitting on a chair waiting.

When Lu Li saw this woman, he recognized her immediately.

Inna Brink!

Judging from the current time, she should still belong to Alicia's female spy.

It's interesting that she actually came to do business with him.

When she saw Lu Li, Innabrink took the initiative to stand up, walked over and extended her hand.

"Hello, Mr. Lu Li, first time meeting me, I'm Inna.

After briefly shaking hands, Lu Li could clearly feel the calluses on Innabrink's body.

In addition to practicing martial arts, Innabrink often uses firearms, so it is normal to have calluses on her hands.

"Hello, Miss Inna, I wonder what kind of deal you have going through all the trouble to find me?"

According to what Lu Li knew, Inna Brink was the daughter of Dr. Brink, the cosmic iron man researcher.

Due to the sudden surge of cosmic energy, the Cosmic Iron Man studied by her father developed a strong self-awareness and was eventually killed by the Cosmic Iron Man.

.Ask for flowers.

However, before dying, Dr. Brink set up a radio wave interference generating device in the


Now what Lu Li is curious about is whether Inna Brink suddenly came to him because of the matter of the Cosmic Iron Man.

Due to Lu Li's intervention, the plot of Qi Qi has already been disrupted beyond measure.

And it was gone before I could see the light. Naturally, Innabrink didn’t grab the copied Zodiac Disciple switch.

Lu Li casually walked to the chair next to him and sat down. Lu Li was still a little curious about Innabrink suddenly coming to him.

Of course, Lu Li now also has the option to directly search for the Iron Man of the Universe through Earth's memory.

But now that the rightful owner is here, there is no need, just ask directly.

Looking at Lu Li, Innabrink felt an inexplicable sense of oppression in her heart.

Before coming here, Innabrink had specifically checked for information about Lu Li.

More than a year ago, I suddenly appeared in Fengdu and joined the museum.

After the death of the previous manager of the museum, Sonosaki Ryubei, the museum no longer studied memories that turned people into monsters as before.

Instead, he turned to research on memories that could make people stronger without turning them into monsters.

Lu Li's existence has brought vitality to the entire museum, and his vision has become bigger and bigger, and the company's business has become more and more extensive, reaching almost all walks of life.

Even Consortium X, which it once cooperated with, suffered losses at its hands.

It was previously said that the branch of Consortium X was destroyed by Lu Li. He was a very dangerous guy with extremely terrifying power.


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