The reason why Innabrink came to Lu Li to cooperate was after careful consideration.

After careful investigation by Innabrink, it was discovered that Lu Li did not have any great ill intentions towards ordinary people, and was completely different from the Cosmic Iron Man.

She felt that it should be feasible to reach a deal with the other party and eliminate the Iron Man of the Universe.

However, Inna Brink had no idea what she would have to pay.

But she felt that destroying the Iron Man of the Universe was the top priority, and it was worth it no matter what conditions and price had to be paid.

In addition to avenging his father, he also wanted to prevent the Iron Man from posing a threat to mankind.

Her father wanted to stop the Cosmic Iron Man before he died. Of course, she couldn't let everything his father did go in vain.

Innabrink stared at Lu Li sitting on the chair and was silent for a while. Seeing that Lu Li didn't seem to want to say anything.

She knew that she could not take the initiative in this conversation, so she had no choice but to take the initiative.

"Mr. Lu Li, I came here today to trade with you the Star Disciple Switch in your hand.

She wanted to take the initiative in this transaction negotiation, but obviously, Lu Li couldn't give her the chance to take the initiative.

Whoever reveals his or her needs first in a transaction will naturally have no way to take the initiative.

"Star Disciple switch?"

Lu Li was slightly stunned.

But then I thought about Innabrink's identity as a female spy, and it was not difficult to find this information.

It's not a big secret that he killed me Wang Guangming. It's normal for him to be found out.

Then Lu Li smiled calmly and leaned on the chair.

"Miss Inna, since you want to get the Star Disciple Switch in my hand, then at least let me see your sincerity, right?

It’s true that I have the thing in my hand, but what can you give me in exchange for it? I don't like ordinary things.

Lu Li, who already possesses powerful power, can be said to have become very discerning, and ordinary things can no longer enter his eyes.

Innabrink had already considered this issue before coming here.

She had thought about this issue and already had a plan in mind.

He took out his phone, found a video inside, opened it and put it on the table.

"Mr. Lu Li, please take a look at this first."

Moving his gaze to his phone, Lu Li saw what was playing on the video!

A huge satellite is in orbit around the Earth.


A powerful military satellite weapon, it is also the ultimate form of the cosmic iron man. It can even transform into a super huge mechanical life form.

It can release a very terrifying super-heavy particle cannon, which can directly destroy an island with one shot. The power is also considerable.

"Show me this satellite. Are you planning to use this satellite as a trade item?"

Hearing this, Innabrink nodded and said solemnly.

"Yes, Mr. Lu Li, this is Satellite Xchuan, an artificial military satellite with very powerful destructive power.

I wonder if you can use this thing to exchange for the star disciple switch in your hand? "

She still feels very hopeful.

Artificial satellites possess powerful weapons, and the person who controls this power, even if he cannot be said to be the king of the earth, at least does not have to worry about any threats.

Of course, Innabrink also has her own little thoughts.

That is, when she completes her goal and destroys the Iron Man of the Universe, Xchuan will also be destroyed by her.

Chapter 506 Miss Spy’s plan failed, the Iron Man of the Universe and the conditions! shameless woman

Of course, she knew that doing so might anger Lu Li.

But by doing this, she can prevent X Chuan, as a satellite weapon, from becoming a weapon in the hands of others.

Innabrink had already made plans in this regard, and had even thought about how she would face Lu Li's terrifying wrath in the future.

But as long as it can destroy the Iron Man of the Universe, that's enough.

Inna Brink has already made a decision in her heart.

At worst, she would die by then, and she was already prepared.

After watching the short video, Lu Li raised his head and made eye contact with Innabrink.

The two stared at each other in silence for a few seconds, and Mina on the side couldn't help but pout.

[Lord Lu Li is also true! This woman just has bigger breasts. Is it necessary to stare at her like this? 】

Just as she was thinking this, Mina couldn't help but glance at Inna Brink's round and plump figure, with a hint of jealousy in her eyes.

Just by looking at each other, Lu Li could already guess what Inna Brink was thinking.

This woman just wants to get the Star Disciple Switch first, achieve her goal, and then find a way to destroy the military satellite XV River.


It can only be said that Inna Brink is a spy who has thought about what will happen in advance.

However, it was naturally impossible for Innabrink to hide this little thought from Lu Li.

After all, he can see through people's hearts very easily.

Even a trained spy like Innabrink, who could hide his thoughts very well, could not escape Lu Li's eyes.

With a slight smile, Lu Li revealed it directly.

"Haha! Miss Inna, our cooperation has not even begun, and you have already started to plot against me.

Do you think our cooperation can continue? "

When she heard this, Inna Brink's eyes widened slightly unconsciously.

What's the meaning? !

He...did he read "Zero 53" and read my thoughts? !

Inna Brink had no idea that Lu Li would be able to read through her thoughts after just a few seconds of looking at each other.

Is this really possible?

Is it possible for a human to do such a thing?

"You want to get the Star Disciple Switch from me first. After you achieve your goal, you can then destroy X so that I can get nothing. Am I right?

Do you think you are hiding it well and it is impossible for me to see through your thoughts? "

With a slight smile on his lips, Lu Li arrogantly put his legs on the table.

Her hands were slightly clenched, and Inna Brink felt very nervous at the moment.

A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

My plan has been seen through before it even started.

What is it about this man? !

"Miss Inna, to be precise, Miss Inna, the spy. Since it is a deal, let's not think about it with nothing. Leave the method of controlling X River to me.

What I can promise you is to help you get rid of the two cosmic iron men and fulfill your father's last wish. What do you think...? "

When Lu Li said directly about the Iron Man of the Universe, Innabrink knew in her heart that Lu Li must know a lot of things.

I thought I could borrow the power of the Star Disciple Switch first and achieve my goal before destroying the XV River.

Unexpectedly, I had already lost from the beginning.

Lu Li also knew about his situation, who his father was, and about the Iron Man of the Universe.


Innabrink knew that she was careless this time and did not prepare enough in advance.

The identity of his spy has always been kept very secret, so it should be impossible for Lu Li to know.

It seems that the other party also has some special channels to investigate relevant situations.


In this game, she has completely lost.

I thought I had investigated Lu Li clearly enough, but I didn't expect that the other party knew so many things about him even if he didn't investigate him.

After knowing her plan, she couldn't say whether Lu Li would take action against her.

She was ready. If Lu Li attacked her, she would immediately call the Black Knight.

The Black Knight is also a cosmic iron man, but unlike the other two cosmic iron men who gave birth to self-awareness and killed her father, the black knight was not born on his own.

I realize that I will only faithfully execute her orders.

"I know, you have a cosmic iron man following you, his name is the Black Knight, right?

Don't let it destroy my place, otherwise... things between us won't be settled so easily. "

When Lu Li said the word "Black Knight" again, Inna Brink's feet were unsteady and she took a step back unconsciously.

He actually knows about the Black Knight? !

All his secrets seemed to be no secrets at all in front of the other party.

At this time, Innabrink felt that she had no secrets at all in front of Lu Li.

The clenched fists were slightly loosened, and Inabrink knew that if he continued to be careful, I'm afraid this matter would only become more and more troublesome.

“I didn’t expect that Mr. Lu Li would know me so well when we met for the first time.

I don’t know what color underwear I’m wearing. Does Mr. Lu Li also know? "

The latter sentence was naturally a joke, and Innabrink had no other ideas now.

In this game, she had already completely lost, and there was no need to continue.

After listening to Inna Brink's explicit words just now, Mina suddenly cursed inwardly unhappily.

【Shameless woman! 】

In Mina's eyes, this kind of behavior was just trying to seduce Lu Li, and she was not a good woman!

If Lu Li wanted to know what Innabrink was wearing underneath, he could easily find out, but he didn't have a hobby in this area.

"Miss Inna, I know everything, so... can we sit down and talk about the deal honestly now?

I can help you get rid of the Cosmic Iron Man, but my condition is that you join the museum, and of course the Black Knight you control. "

Inna Brink is a good talent, but don't think that she is just a simple sexy female spy!

As the daughter of Dr. Brink, Inna Brink was also involved in the development of the Cosmic Iron Man.

She has a smart brain, a strong body, and can do many things.

Including such talents in the museum can enhance the strength of the museum.

She is already very strong as a human being, so as long as she is given strength, she will definitely become an outstanding leader.

"Join the museum?"

Wrinkling her eyebrows, Innabrink was naturally a little resistant to this condition.

In her eyes, the museum is not a good organization.

If I join this kind of organization, will I be forced to do many things that go against my heart in the future?

Although she was a spy, she didn't do much against her will, and she didn't want to do anything bad.

Considering that the previous museum has done many bad things, if I agree rashly, it will be difficult to quit in the future.

"You can think about it carefully first, one minute, I'll give you one minute to think about it.

Of course, I can tell you that the museums nowadays are no longer the same as they were before.

You don’t have to worry about doing things against your will, and I won’t ask you to kill people or rob goods.

But when there is a task assigned to you, you must ensure that it is completed.

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