There is no doubt about the ability of the woman in front of her. Letting her join the museum is also a good thing for the museum.

Naturally, the more cadres, the better.

As for whether Inna Brink would run in and become a spy, Lu Li was not worried about this issue at all.

No spy can hide from him, and everything hidden will be revealed by him.

Just like now, Lu Li can know all the secrets of Innabrink if he wants to know:

Time passed by, and Innabrink was struggling with whether he should agree to Lu Li or not.

Innabrink had no doubts about what Lu Li said about helping him get rid of the Iron Man of the Universe.

Although Innabrink didn't particularly understand the power that Lu Li possessed.

But I also know that Lu Li can kill a terrifying existence like me Wang Guangming, so his strength goes without saying.

Even though Cosmic Iron Man has good strength, it is still inferior to me, Wang Guangming.

The opportunity is right in front of you, whether you want to refuse or agree.

This question made Innabrink very entangled.

Once you agree, you will become a member of the museum in the future.

A minute passed quickly, and Lu Li turned his attention back to Inna Brink.

"Okay, Miss Inna, can you tell me your answer now? Should you join or not?

Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you if you don't join. You can leave at any time, but I will still pick up the Xchuan military satellite by myself. "

Lu Li had almost forgotten that there was such a powerful weapon.

Although the weapon does not have much effect on itself, it is a big deterrent for the museum.

It's better to have something like this in your own hands, and it can also deal a terrifying blow to hostile forces, perfect!

Innabrink, who struggled for a minute, finally seemed to give up the struggle and raised her head, staring at Lu Li with her black and white eyes.

"Okay! I promise you! As long as you help me get rid of the Cosmic Iron Man, I will bring the Black Knight to the museum, and I will also give you the operating methods of XV River."

She didn't want to join the museum as a spy, but she wanted to join the museum and be able to monitor the use of Xchuan.

As long as it doesn't threaten human safety, she won't interfere too much.

Lu Li was not surprised at all that Inna Brink would agree to his request.

The cosmic body people are not easy to deal with, otherwise Innabrink would not have been able to deal with those two guys for so long.

Now there is someone who can help him get rid of the Iron Man of the Universe. Naturally, Inna Brinker doesn’t want to miss this rare opportunity.

Mina next to her felt a little unhappy when she learned that Inna Brink had joined the museum.

[This shameless woman has actually joined in. You must be more careful in the future to avoid entangled Master Lu Li! 】

Slowly standing up, Lu Li took the initiative to reach out to Inna Brink...

"Welcome to the museum, Inna."

This time, Lu Li did not call Inna Brinker Miss Inna.

Since the other party has joined the museum, he is undoubtedly his subordinate, so there is no need to be so polite.

Reaching out to hold Lu Li's hand, Innabrink nodded.

"Lord Lu Li, please take good care of me in the future."

She knew very well that from this moment on, she was already a member of the museum.

You have already joined if you want to join, but you can't quit if you want to.

"Since you have joined the museum, I will naturally not break my promise. I will handle the matter of the Universe Iron Man, and you,

.Don’t let me down either, got it? "

He had agreed to join the museum, and Inna Brink also knew that he had entered an abyss and that he could no longer leave.

"I understand, Mr. Lu Li, regarding the Universe Iron Man, they are currently planning to march into the universe and want to find someone to help them destroy the electricity left by my father X Kawakami.

Waves obstruct the launcher.

As long as that device is destroyed, the limitations of the Cosmic Iron Man will be lifted, and they will transform into the form of the Cosmic Iron Man again, and their combat effectiveness will increase dramatically.

It will be difficult to deal with them then. If possible, it would be best to eliminate them while they are still in human form. "

Innabrink has just joined the museum, and she can't wait to get rid of the Iron Man of the Universe immediately to avoid future troubles.

Those two guys must be thinking of a way to land in space and go to the military satellite Xichuan to solve this problem before they arrive.

Once the two cosmic iron men, Kong Diyin and Lu Diyin, brother and sister, regain their true mechanical bodies, their power cannot be underestimated:

However, in Lu Li's eyes, this was still just a minor trouble.

"Don't worry, there will be a chance to resolve the grudge against your father. From now on, keep your identity in mind. You are no longer the spy you were before.

I can give you some time to go back and take care of your own work first, and then come back to me when you're done. I will solve it for you then. "

Innabrink is still a spy now, and Lu Li naturally does not need her to be a spy anymore.

With a slight sigh in his heart, Innabrink naturally understood what Lu Li meant.

From now on, I will draw a clear line between myself and the past.

"Understood, please give me three days. I will handle all these things within three days."

As expected of a spy lady, her mobility is not ordinary.

"It must be so, then I will wait for the good news. Mina, please send Inna out."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li disappeared from his seat.

Seeing Lu Li disappear so suddenly, even though Innabrink had already known that Lu Li was extraordinary, she never expected that he could actually appear under his nose.

It disappears.

Mina originally thought there would be no problem with the addition of a new member to the museum, but this person happened to be Inna Brink.

This woman is not a good person at first glance!

Especially after comparing Inna Brink with the Jade 1.0 rabbit on her chest, she thought so even more.

After giving Inna Brink an annoyed look, Mina walked directly to the door of the living room.

"Let's go, Miss Inna, you can leave first.

Anyway, she just didn’t want to see Inna Brink. Mina admitted that she was a little jealous in her heart.

As a woman, Inna Brink could certainly see that Mina seemed to have objections to her joining the museum.

But this was Lu Li's request. Even if Mina felt uncomfortable inside, she would not speak out.

Afterwards, Innabrink left the company and she had three days to deal with her current affairs.

In three days, she will be back.

After leaving the company, Innabrink came to a hidden place, where a cosmic iron man with black armor was standing.

The Black Knight, among the Iron Man of the Universe, was not affected by the surge of cosmic energy to generate will.

Since the death of Innabrink's father, the Black Knight has been acting with Innabrink and obeying her orders.

"Black Knight, let's go, take me back."

Nodding, the Black Knight took Innabrink and flew away.

This scene was naturally seen by Sonosaki Saeko who was in the office on the top floor.

"Wouldn't it be bad to let her join us? After all, she is a spy. What if she betrays us?"

Sonosaki Saeko looked at Lu Li sitting in his chair and asked.

Hearing this, Lu Li looked through the window at the black spots disappearing in the distance with a smile on his lips.

"Don't worry, since I let her join us, I don't worry about her betraying us.

Don't worry, as long as you join the museum, you will eventually become a loyal member, and Innabrink is no exception. "

Seeing Lu Li's confident look, Sonosaki Saeko didn't dwell on this issue so much.

PS: thanks

A monthly pass for fkdfa.!

Chapter 507 The Kamen Rider Club was deceived! Inna joins, is this space? !

Amagawa High School.

Today, the Kamen Rider Club welcomed a special guest today.

Bai Shanjing, Secretary to the General Secretary of the OSTO Legacy Organization Headquarters.

Of course, she also has another identity, that is, the cosmic iron man Kong Diin, one of the cosmic iron men who killed Dr. Brink.

Due to the radio wave obstruction generating device, she can only move in human form.

To solve this problem, the radio wave obstruction generating device on the XV must be destroyed.

But as cosmic iron men, the siblings had no way to directly destroy the radio wave obstruction generating device, otherwise they would have already done so.

They have been looking for other ways to help them solve this problem.

But the problem is that it is very difficult to destroy the Xchuan military satellite!

And there is the Alicia Federation behind it. For this reason alone, there is nothing they can do if they cannot transform into the Iron Man of the Universe.

I have been secretly looking for suitable opportunities, and even established this OSTO legacy organization just to wait for the opportunity.

Harumi Saeba is the head of the OSTO legacy organization, but his true identity is another member of the Iron Man of the Universe, Lu Diyin.

After searching for a long time, they couldn't find a suitable way, so they found the Kamen Rider Club.

Use the power of the Kamen Rider Club to help destroy the radio wave obstruction generating device on the X River. Then they will be able to successfully get back the power that belongs to their Universe Iron Man.

A group of high school students were still too simple-minded. They never thought that they had been deceived.

I was fooled into being fooled into the headquarters of the so-called OSTO legacy organization, and then I was deceived through a video explanation, and everyone believed it.

They all believe that destroying the military satellite Xichuan is imperative.

However, what they don't know is that XV River is precisely the last line of defense that seals the Iron Man of the Universe.

Just after everyone watched the video played by Bai Shanjing, everyone felt the seriousness of the matter and felt that the military satellite was too dangerous and should be destroyed.

Finally, Saeba Harumi, wearing roller skates, suddenly slid out from the side and said after showing off her skills.

"It is precisely because this satellite is so dangerous that we asked everyone in the Kamen Rider Department for help, hoping that everyone would destroy the satellite weapon."

Singer Kengo was very surprised when he saw Harumi Saeba suddenly wearing roller skates.

"Excuse me, are you...? 9

29After Lu Li achieved his goal and went to find the Giver, the singer Xianwu also returned to Tiangao safely and resumed his campus life.

Even though he remembered very clearly that Lu Li locked him up, he also knew that he could not stop Lu Li.

Now without Xing Tu, life is quite peaceful, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

Hearing this, Saeba Harumi introduced herself immediately with a faint smile on her face.

"I am Saeba Harumi, the head of the OSTO Legacy Organization Headquarters. I am very sorry to ask for help from you abruptly, but there is not much time left before the completion of XV River.

Only you here can save the earth from danger."

Being fooled like this, especially being used to being able to save the earth from danger, the Kamen Rider Club members did not think so much.

Jojima Yuuki nodded thoughtfully.

"It seems.... we can only go!"

JK on the side also stood up immediately.

"That's right. The Kamen Rider Club will go all out in any event."

No one else expressed any different ideas. After thinking for a while, Kisaragi Gentaro slapped the table and stood up.


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