"Okay! I understand, I'm going to be friends with you."

Sure enough, Gentaro Kisaragi's brain circuit is always so strange, catching people off guard.


Saeha Harumi and Hakusan Shizu obviously didn't expect that Gentaro Kisaragi would say such a thing.

What the two of them were thinking was, this guy...could he be sick? !

"Didn't Miss Baishan just say that? The other party is conscious. Since it is conscious, it should be able to convince it.

Leave it to me, I just want to be friends with satellite weapons... Gentaro Kisaragi! "

With a confident smile on his face, Taro Kozuki Gentaro is still the same as before, no matter who the target is, he wants to make friends with the other person.

Even if the other party is a satellite weapon, as long as it has consciousness, it is still a target that he can communicate with.

"You are really interesting, Kisaragi-san, but what I want to tell you is that it is impossible for machines and humans to be friends."

Although Saeha Harumi said this with a smile, he was very dismissive of Gentaro Kisaragi's idea of ​​making friends with machines.

As the iron men of the universe, what they want is to rule the world and enslave humans. How can they be friends with humans?

He touched the rocket's head very coquettishly, and Tsukisen Taro looked confident.

“How will you know if you don’t try it and see.


Next, everyone began a three-day training.

Three days passed quickly.

Although Inna Brink said it would take three days to deal with her previous matters, it actually did not take three days.

Mobility is leveraged.

After handling her own affairs, Inna Brink immediately came back to find Lu Li and officially joined the museum.

Inna Brinker never thought that one day she would join an organization like a museum.

I hope that my future life will be the life I want.

She is still not 100% sure whether the plan to join the museum is right or wrong.

But in order to destroy the Iron Man of the Universe and avenge her father, she must go even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead.

At night, Innabrink came to Sonosaki's house for the first time.

Seeing this luxurious villa like a manor, I had to sigh in my heart, I am indeed a rich man.

This time, Innabrink did not let the Black Knight hide aside, but brought it in with him.

From now on, it's not just her who joins the museum, but also the Black Knight.

When he learned that Innabrink had taken care of everything and could officially join the museum, Lu Li even held a small welcome party.

All the people attending this small welcome party were from the museum.

Of course, they are mainly Lu Li's women, after all, most of the museum's cadres are composed of them.

There are exceptions, but they are very rare

Gamer counts as one, and the other one is Flute Music.

It's just that Dimu is currently busy training magicians and has no time to care about anything else. Naturally, he did not come to attend this small welcome party.

After all, his current task has not been completed yet, so he must seize the time now to prevent things from changing later.

After opening the door and entering the hall, Innabrink saw a large group of beautiful women.

When she was investigating Lu Li's intelligence before, she already knew that Lu Li had many women.

When she saw her this time, Inna Brink was still very surprised. After all, there was no woman here who looked worse than her.

Innabrink was not disgusted with the fact that Lu Li had so many women.

In her opinion, as a powerful man with terrifying strength, it was reasonable for Lu Li to have many women, and there was nothing surprising.

The protagonist of the small welcome party arrived. Lu Li stepped forward and handed her the wine glass in his hand.

"Inna, welcome to the museum. From now on you will be a member of the museum, and of course, there will be the Black Knight beside you."

As a cosmic iron man, the Black Knight's combat power is also not weak. As a cadre, there is no big problem.

Moreover, the Black Knight itself is completely subordinate to Innabrink, so there is no problem in counting the Black Knight as Innabrink's weapon.

Innabrink, who had already thought about joining the museum, calmly took the wine glass with a faint smile on her face.

"Mr. Lu Li, thank you for the welcome meeting.

With that said, Inna Brink picked up the wine glass and drank the red wine in one gulp.

As for whether she sincerely joined the museum, it didn't matter to Lu Li.

Although she is usually either on a mission or on the road to carry out a mission, Inna Brink is always a woman, and she can still chat with the women at home.

Soon they got into each other's company, and Lu Li roughly heard what they were discussing.

It's nothing more than discussing how Inna Brink maintains such a good figure.

And... isn't she a spy?

Why is there so much fat on my chest? !

This is completely unreasonable. Doesn’t it prevent the continuation of the mission while performing the mission?

Lu Li was not interested in these questions. Looking at the black knight who looked like a guardian on the side, Lu Li smiled.

"Black Knight, from now on, you are also a member of the museum."

The Black Knight has considerable artificial intelligence, so he can understand what he said.

It can't speak, so it can only nod, which is considered an answer to Lu Li.

Time flies and it comes to the next day.

At a certain airport.

A large spaceship is parked here and is undergoing a comprehensive overhaul.

Next, this large spaceship will go to outer space.

Inside the hangar, the Kamen Rider Club is making the final arrangements, and they are about to go to the universe.

Although they can move on the moon through the Jade Rabbit cabin, it is the first time to escape the gravity of the earth and go to the universe like now.

Everyone is eager to try and very excited.

Saeba Harumi had already hidden on the spaceship before they got on the spaceship.

He and Shizuka Shizuka not only want to return to the space iron man form, but also want to gain control of Xchuan.

Once they have control of XVchuan, they will have a very powerful force that can threaten any place on the earth at any time.

With this powerful force, they will force Nei to surrender to them, bow down to them, and become their slaves.

And this is the purpose of their trip.

Everyone was unaware that Harumi Saeba had quietly hidden on the spaceship.

They and Shizuka Shizuka had already made all the preparations and were landing on the spaceship.

Since Lu Li personally took action this time and did not lend the Star Apprentice Switch to Innabrink, they did not encounter any obstacles when leaving the airport this time.

Everything went very smoothly.

The spaceship passed through the orbit, accelerated violently, and flew out of the earth.

At this time, not far from the airport, Innabrink watched the spaceship take off with her own eyes, and she was immediately very anxious.

If the spaceship could not be stopped at this time and really let the spaceship touch XV River, then everything would be too late.

At that time, all human beings on the earth would be threatened by the Space Iron Man, which was definitely not what Innabrink wanted to see.

The Space Iron Man was a mechanical life form created by her father, and she did not want these mechanical life forms created by her father to threaten the safety of mankind.

This was contrary to her father's original intention.

Innabrink looked at Lu Li beside her anxiously.

But she found that Lu Li was still very calm, as if this matter was not a big deal at all.

"Mr. Lu Li, they have all set off, why don't we take action?"

She didn't even know how Lu Li would act until now, she only knew that Lu Li would help her solve this problem.

Now that the spaceship has taken off, how should this problem be solved?

Seeing her so anxious, Lu Li looked up at the spaceship that was gradually turning into a small black dot and smiled.

"Don't worry, I said I would help you solve this problem, so I will naturally help you solve this problem.

I am very curious about the power of the two space iron men, don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you."

The calm and steady words calmed down Inna Brink's originally anxious mood.

Inna Brink did not doubt the truth of what Lu Li said.

Once the space iron man gets the control of XV Chuankong, it will definitely threaten the safety of the entire earth, including the museum.

Lu Li can't just watch the museum being threatened by such a huge threat, and he will definitely stop the space iron man.

Since Lu Li was so confident, Inna Brink finally felt relieved and no longer as impatient as before.

She didn't know why she believed Lu Li, but seeing how confident he was, she felt that he was trustworthy.

Perhaps... it was because she had secretly investigated Lu Li and knew the powerful power he possessed, so she felt relieved.

Inna Brink could only think so and put aside the strange thoughts in her heart.

Soon, the black spot of the spaceship had completely disappeared from the field of vision, and Lu Li suddenly stretched out his hand.

"Let's go, now... let's go to the universe.

"What? ! "

This sentence confused Inna Brink.

What the hell?!

She once thought that she had heard wrongly. Lu Li actually said that he wanted to go to the universe.

How to go to the universe just standing here?

But seeing Lu Li's indifferent expression, Inna Brink did not continue to ask, but just put her hand on his hand honestly.

The next second, the two disappeared directly on the spot.

Inna Brink just felt a flash in front of her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, she found that she actually saw... the earth!

Yes, it was the earth!

The most important thing was that she was actually in the universe, not far away, was X!

She was not wearing a protective suit at all, and she couldn't breathe. Moreover, she was exposed to the universe, but there would be a lot of radiation.

Inna Brink's next reaction was a little cute. She quickly covered her mouth and nose.

"What are you doing? "

A voice suddenly came from her ear. Inna Brink turned around abruptly and saw Lu Li staring at her with a half-smile.

He... doesn't need to breathe?!

At this time, Lu Li's voice came from Inna Brink's ear again

"Don't block your mouth and nose. Don't worry. There is a special energy protection around us, and there is enough oxygen in it.

Don't worry about being exposed to cosmic rays or running out of oxygen. "

After hearing this news, Innabrink realized how funny her action was.

She lowered her head slightly, a trace of redness appeared on her face, and Innabrink felt very embarrassed.

She could never have imagined that Lu Li actually had such a powerful method that he could escape the earth's gravity and appear in outer space in an instant.

This was not human power at all, and it was beyond her understanding.

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