
Lu Li raised his chin slightly, indicating to Inna Brink to look in that direction.

Hearing this, Innabrink raised his head and saw the spaceship that had left before their eyes.

They flew for a long time and still didn't reach their location, but they appeared here in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Inna Brink didn't know what she could say. The power Lu Li possessed was too magical and beyond comprehension.

In the past, Innabrink had thought about finding a way to leave the museum after this incident was over.

But now, she suddenly realized how ridiculous her thoughts were.

PS: thanks

Safe monthly pass! .

Chapter 508 Is that man back? ! VS Iron Man Brothers and Sisters from the Universe!

As long as Lu Li is willing, no matter where he escapes to on earth, the other party will be able to find and catch up with him as soon as possible.

No wonder when I joined the museum, the other party told me that once I joined the museum, I couldn’t quit.

Innabrink had not taken it seriously before, but now, she became convinced.

Unexpectedly, this is actually the case.

At this time, Inna Brink was completely shocked and impressed by Lu Li's methods.

She even has reason to suspect that Lu Li may be the most powerful being in the world."

With mysterious methods and extremely powerful strength, who can stop him?

"Let's go, we can go to the X River and wait until they finish everything, and then we can finish it off."

Lu Li didn't need to do anything extra, since the Kamen Rider Club would eventually solve all the problems.

After the Cosmic Iron Man lost the shackles of the radio wave obstruction generating device, it was almost time for Lu Li to take action.

After experiencing the attack by the XV River self-defense device, the spacecraft finally successfully reached the surface of the XV River and successfully established a connection.

Everyone immediately picked up their weapons and rushed in. As a result, they encountered a counterattack from the self-defense robot not long after entering.

After a fierce battle, everyone immediately dispersed into four teams and destroyed several radio wave interference generating devices inside Xchuan.

I have to say that Bai Shanjing and Saeha Harumi are really good at deception.

Of course, this also reflects that everyone in the Kamen Rider Club has no brains and is easily fooled.

After successfully destroying the last radio wave obstruction generating device, Bai Shanjing suddenly felt that the restraints on her body disappeared.

A smile appeared on her lips unconsciously, and she knew that the plan had been successful.

Everyone immediately went to the main control room.

But when they came here, they found that someone was already waiting for them.

"Mr. Saeha?! Why are you here?"

Kisaragi Gentaro was very sure that they didn't see each other when they boarded the expedition ship just now.

At this time, singer Xianwu finally realized that something was not right about this matter. It seemed that everything was too logical.

"I came here, of course, on the expedition ship. I came here to get X."

When Saeba Harumi decided not to hide his identity anymore, Bai Shanjing had already arrived next to him.

The situation has become very obvious, these two people are originally a team.

"Now that we have taken control of XV River's central computer, our seal will finally be lifted!"

It was because the radio wave obstruction generating device was destroyed that they were able to come here and control the X River to remove the seal on them.

"Inda. Lu Diyin!"

"Inda. Kongdiin!"

The two completed the transformation together and switched directly to the cosmic iron man form.

This...is what they really look like!

At this moment, everyone in the Kamen Rider Club realized that they had all been fooled!

Not only was he fooled, but he was also fooled around by the other party.

Lu Diyin looked at Kong Diyin and smiled.

"Thank you for your hard work, sister."

"No! I'm very happy to be able to help my brother."

Singer Xianwu was very surprised when he heard the two calling each other.

"Are you brother and sister?"

The reason why he felt the difference was that in his opinion, both of them were robots, so how could there be such a thing as brother and sister.

Lu Diyin could see through what the singer Xianwu was thinking at a glance.

"That's right, we are mechanical life forms that are superior to humans, the iron man of the universe and the twin dragons of heaven and earth!"

Recalling that when she and she acted together before, Bai Shanjing did not dare to approach the device at all. Singer Xianwu was still confused about this problem before, but now he finally understands it.


"It turns out that you have no way to get close to the radio wave obstruction generating device."

Slowly walking forward, Kong Diin continued.

"You are right, I really have no way to get close to the radio wave obstruction generating device.

Moreover, XV's attack was only to defend against our attack. Thanks to you for destroying it, our functions were able to fully awaken. "

These words are simply heartbreaking!

Everyone has realized that they have been played.

But now, even if they regret it, it will have no effect.

Because everything is too late, the brothers and sisters of the Iron Man of the Universe have fully awakened.


At this moment, a sudden burst of applause suddenly came from behind:

This sudden sound immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they all looked behind them.

The brothers and sisters of Heaven and Earth Double Dragon also looked at the main control room door, and saw Lu Li and Inna Brink walking in from the outside.

"It's you?!"

Kong Diyin's words were quite surprising, as if he didn't expect that Innabrink would appear at this time.

Before, Kong Diyin was still wondering why Innabrink, who had always been against them, suddenly stopped moving.

"What's the point of coming now? We're fully awakened now, and there's nothing you can do to stop us!"

Lu Diyin clenched his fists very confidently and did not pay attention to the sudden arrival of Lu Li and Inna Brink.

Compared to the confident Heaven and Earth Twin Dragons, everyone in the Kamen Rider Club showed shocked expressions when they saw Lu Li.

"It's Lu Li?! It's actually him!

"Didn't this guy already go looking for the Giver? Could it be that... he has already found the Giver and returned?"

"What should I do? What should I do?! There's Cosmic Iron Man in front of me, and Lu Li behind me. We're in big trouble!"

Seeing Lu Li again, Kozuki Gentaro clenched his fists tightly.

"Land from!"

Of course, it was impossible for him to forget what happened before, but even if he was hurt by Lu Li, Taro Kisaragi wanted to be friends with Lu Li in his heart.

He is born like this, even if the other person is an enemy, he also believes that enemies can become friends.

As long as you use your sincerity to influence the other person, you can definitely do it.

However, this was all wishful thinking of Kisaragi Gentaro himself, and Lu Li had no intention of being friends with him.

After all, the two of them are not on the same side, so how can they be friends.

After scanning the Kamen Rider Club, Lu Li smiled slightly.

"Members of the Kamen Rider Club, I have to admire your ingenuity for actually helping your enemies lift the seal.

Should I say you have no brains? Or should I say you have no brains?

Such a large number of people did not pay attention to the problem at all, and now they realize that they have done something wrong. "

These words directly caused everyone in the Kamen Rider Club to lower their heads, their faces full of embarrassment.

After all, this matter is indeed their problem. They just trust others without understanding the ins and outs of the matter.

The final result is that you are successfully deceived by the other party.

They even happily helped each other destroy the seal, allowing the other party to awaken smoothly.

Thinking of this, they all wanted to find a trap to put themselves in. It was really embarrassing.

Seeing that they all bowed their heads and remained silent, Lu Li turned his attention back to the two dragons of heaven and earth.

"Fully awakened, he looks pretty good, and feels a little stronger than the Black Knight.

I don’t know how much fun you can bring to me. By the way... I haven’t introduced myself yet. This is the first time we meet. I am Lu Li. "

Lu Li looked like a very gentleman, and it was completely unimaginable that he was a terrifying boss.

Lu Diyin and Kong Diyin looked at each other, and then they both burst into wild laughter at the same time.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Hehehe! Brother, it's so interesting. This person actually wants to fight against us who have fully awakened. It's a big joke."

After laughing, Kong Diyin stared at Lu Li and said coldly.

"Brother, get rid of all these guys, they are of no use anymore."

For Lu Diin and Kong Diin who have awakened, the people here are of no use and can all be killed.

Lu Diyin nodded, and then the two of them waved their hands and directly summoned a group of star soldiers.

Since they also use cosmic energy, they can summon star soldiers to fight for them.

They were just a bunch of fish. Lu Li had absolutely no interest in facing this group of star soldiers.

Lu Li, who also possesses cosmic energy, can naturally summon star soldiers to fight.

With a wave of his hand, the same group of star soldiers appeared on both sides of Lu Li.

However, the two star soldiers summoned by Lu Li are slightly different. Although these two are also wearing black clothes, one of their hair is red and the other is white.

It’s the Leo Star Soldier.

Compared with ordinary star soldiers, the two Leo star soldiers have more powerful combat power.

A fierce battle broke out instantly among the star soldiers.

Originally, Lu Diyin and Kong Diyin's idea was to use these star soldiers to solve the trouble, but now it seems that things are not going as they want.

"Damn it! I can't forgive you for deceiving our feelings!"

Clenching his fist tightly, Kisaragi Gentaro took out the bastard driver, his face full of anger.

At the same time, Shuakuda Meteor also immediately took out the Meteor Driver.

"Transform!" x2

The two of them completed their transformation at the same time.

After the transformation, they immediately rushed towards the twin dragons of heaven and earth. As for these star soldiers, they had no interest at all.

"Everyone, get out of here quickly!" Zhou Qi shouted as he rushed out.

The Kamen Riders are just ordinary people to others, and if they are allowed to stay, they may cause unnecessary damage.

It was safest to let the others leave at this time, leaving him alone to fight the meteor.

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