After experiencing so many things like this, everyone was obviously used to it. They immediately withdrew from the main control room and prepared to return to the spaceship first.

Since the star soldiers summoned by Lu Li held back the star soldiers of the Double Dragons of Heaven and Earth, it naturally gave Zhou Qi and Meteor a chance.

It's just that when the two people in ordinary form faced the twin dragons of heaven and earth, they were obviously a little underwhelmed, and it was almost a one-sided crushing.

These two guys actually want to pick peaches from their own hands, which is simply wishful thinking.

The cosmic energy contained in the bodies of the two dragons of heaven and earth is not weak at all, and their combat effectiveness is not inferior to any powerful twelve palaces.

Even if Qi Qi uses the cosmic form, the possibility of being able to cope with it is very small.

Seeing that Lu Li was just watching the battle from the side and had no intention of taking action, Innabrink felt a little anxious.

The twin dragons of heaven and earth are now so powerful, can Lu Li really be able to deal with them?

It's not that she doesn't want to believe Lu Li, it's just that she hasn't really seen Lu Li's power yet.

Noticing that Innabrink seemed hesitant to speak, Lu Li smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, it will be a matter of time to deal with them. Since the Kamen Rider is so willing to help, let them do it first.

But based on their strength, I don’t think they are opponents. "

Just after Lu Li finished speaking, Kong Diyin and Lu Diyin exploded instantly, and a very terrifying force struck, directly covering Qi Qi and Meteor.

Facing the impact of even greater cosmic energy, the two of them wanted to fight back, but they couldn't.

Infused crazily with cosmic energy, the two of them were pushed to the main control room, unable to fight back.

"‖Hmph! A mere lowly creature like a human being wants to be friends with us mechanical life forms. It's just a dream!"

In Lu Diyin's eyes, mechanical life forms are highly intelligent creatures that are far superior to humans. How can they become friends with humans? Humans are only worthy of becoming their slaves.

Lu Li, who had been observing the two dragons of heaven and earth, had a rough understanding of their cosmic energy and combat effectiveness.

The combat effectiveness of the two seemed quite good, meeting Lu Li's requirements.

"Okay, that's almost it.

We have been given a short period of time, and Lu Li does not intend to continue to pay attention to the battle between Qi Qi and the two dragons of heaven and earth.

Since I have promised Inna Brink before, now is the time to fulfill my promise.

Lu Li has always done what he promised and has never regretted it. The same is true this time.

He casually took out the golden Ace of Red Heart awakening card, and the awakening device appeared on Lu Li's waist.

"Change! Evolution!"

The final evolution was activated as soon as he came up, and golden energy instantly enveloped Lu Li.

The next second, a terrifying sense of oppression swept across the entire main control room.

The two dragons of heaven and earth, who were playing with Seqi and Meteor, paused after feeling this powerful sense of oppression.

I thought they were all guys who could solve it easily, but now it seems that things are not what they thought.

The two people's eyes were focused on the golden light. When they saw the looming figure in the golden light, pressure suddenly hit their hearts.

A very powerful opponent!

After looking at each other, the two dragons of heaven and earth came to their senses.

Perhaps this man is not just talking big words, nor is he just showing off, but he really has strength.

Bastard Qi and Meteor, who were lying on the ground in embarrassment, naturally saw Lu Li who was transforming.

"Lu Li! Are you ready to take action?"

Even though he was reluctant to admit this, Zhou Qi knew very well that Lu Li had very terrifying power.

He had already deeply experienced this in the early days.

Although he already knew that Lu Li had powerful power, this was the first time he saw Lu Li transform. Innabrink was enveloped in this dazzling golden light, and there was a special kind of power about him.


As a result, the golden energy gave her a warm feeling, which made her feel nostalgic.

After a moment, the golden light dissipated, because a very handsome knight appeared where Lu Li was just now.

Lu Li squatted down slightly, placing his hands on both sides of his thighs.

The Wild Slashers on both sides of the thighs unfolded automatically. Lu Li held it with both hands and pulled it out of the scythe.

"Are you ready? I'm... coming.

The sound in the front came from where Lu Li was just now, but the two words in the back, Heaven and Earth Shuanglong suddenly heard, came from his ears.

"So fast!!"


The brother and sister were shocked and were about to launch a counterattack immediately, but their actions were still slow.

Holding the Wild Slasher in hand, Lu Li directly launched a swift and violent attack on the two dragons of heaven and earth.

"Bah! Bah!"

The wild slasher, whose only afterimage could be seen, could not swing too fast, even beyond human reaction speed.

Innabrink, who had been paying attention to this battle, even felt that her eyes could no longer keep up.

Is this really a speed that can be achieved by humans?

This is simply outrageous!

Hit in the back by a sudden attack, the two dragons of heaven and earth staggered, but before they could recover, a terrifying force surged on Lu Diin's back.

Lu Diyin was staggered by the terrifying power, and Kong Diyin became furious when he saw this scene.

"Brother! I will avenge you!"

She immediately stretched out her hands, and sharp blades appeared on both sides of her arms. These were folding blades embedded in her arms.

Then he quickly rushed towards Lu Li, preparing to avenge Lu Diyin.

They were obviously mechanical life forms, but they made it look like they were brothers and sisters. Lu Li said he couldn't understand killing.

Kongdiin has a very powerful melee ability, and its attack speed is very agile.

Chapter 509: That guy... we can't deal with him at all! "Cheap fit"! wld

Continuously and swiftly stabbing out the cutters, Kong Diyin was very confident in his close combat ability.

She didn't believe that a mere human could deal with their siblings.

From Kong Diyin's point of view, Lu Li couldn't dodge his swift thrust no matter what.

But she didn't know that the attack, which she considered to be a full-strength attack, was indeed very fast.

But for Lu Li, this speed was completely inadequate.

Every move by the air cutter was accurately resisted by the wild slasher, without falling even once.

"how come?!"

Kong Diyin, who kept attacking, felt very incredible when he saw that all his attacks were blocked.

Why is this completely different from what I thought? How can this human being have such a powerful power? !

At this time, Lu Diyin had also recovered.

He immediately launched a beam attack from his arms, preparing to relieve the pressure on his sister Kong Diyin.

However, Lu Diyin, who launched a sneak attack from behind, never expected that Lu Li, who was concentrating on dealing with his sister's attack, would dodge accurately as if there were eyes on his back.

fired his beam shot.

While dodging the light speed attack, Lu Li slashed down with the Wild Slasher in his hand.


The air cutter on Kong Diyin's arm was cut off in an instant.


Kong Diyin was shocked when he noticed the broken cutter on his arm.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li had such terrifying power that he couldn't even hold back his own air cutter:

Before Kong Diyin could react, Lu Li grabbed her neck and switched their positions.


Seeing this scene, Lu Diyin instantly understood what Lu Li wanted to do.

But the speed of light in his hand has already been emitted, and there is no way to avoid it.


All beam attacks were blocked by Kong Diin, but with a burst of screams, a large number of sparks burst out.

Gentaro Kisaragi and Ryusei Sakuda, who had been knocked to the ground before, were covered in scars and looked very embarrassed.

The two of them faced the two dragons of heaven and earth and were almost completely tortured. However, they did not expect that when the two of them faced Lu Li, they were also completely tortured just like them.

"This guy Lu Li feels like he's become stronger than before."

His face was quite serious. Even though Taro Kuzuki was quite nervous, he could feel that Lu Li's fighting power had become stronger again.

The other party is an opponent whose strength far exceeds theirs, and they have already experienced it before.

But now, this opponent has become more powerful, and they may only be able to hold back.

Shuakuda Ryusei covered his injured arm with a bitter smile on his face.

"His fighting simply not on the same level as ours, it's too strong.

I feel like my whole body is trembling. There is no chance of winning against this guy! "

He was not a master who gave up easily, but when he saw Lu Li's terrifying fighting power, he realized that they were simply too weak in comparison.

"Meteor! You can't say that, no matter how powerful the opponent is, we can find a way to defeat the opponent.

There is no enemy that cannot be defeated! "

Even at this time, Gentaro Kisaragi still stubbornly believed that there could be other ways to defeat Lu Li.

It's just that they haven't found such a method yet, but it doesn't mean that there is no such method.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Sakuda Ryusei didn't think so in his heart. He just thought it was because Gentaro Kisaragi had a good attitude.

Compared with the two of them, Inna Brink was in a very excited mood at the moment.

Lu Li unexpectedly possesses such terrifying and powerful fighting power. Even the fully awakened dragons of heaven and earth are no match for him.

Choosing to join a museum on your own may not be such a bad decision.

As long as he can defeat the twin dragons of heaven and earth, he can be considered as avenging his father.

Kung Diin, who was used as a shield and withstood several beam attacks in succession, was thrown in front of Lu Diin by Lu Li.


The armor on his body is emitting white smoke, and Kong Diyin's current condition is not particularly good.

But fortunately, as a cosmic iron man, he has a very strong defense, so Kong Diyin will not lose his combat effectiveness because of this.

After quickly helping Kong Diyin up from the ground, Lu Diyin asked with concern.

"Sister! How are you?"

Shaking his head slightly, Kong Diyin stood up again with his help.

The brother and sister stared closely at Lu Li in front of them. This was a very difficult enemy.

I don’t know where this guy came from, but he’s so terrifying that even the two of them can’t deal with each other together.

They thought that after completing their awakening, they would be able to successfully control the XV River, and then force the humans on the earth to surrender and make them surrender.

The plan went so smoothly at the beginning, why did it suddenly change now.

But the two siblings were not the type to give up easily. Even though they knew they could not defeat Lu Li, they still wanted to give it a try.

Standing side by side, Lu Diyin and Kong Diyin moved at the same time and rushed towards Lu Li.

During the sprint, the jet behind Kong Diyin immediately took her into the air, while Lu Diyin chose to attack directly from the ground.

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