The two were ready to attack Lu Li from above and below, catching him off guard.

"You... are too slow (daai)."

Lu Li twisted his neck casually, and disappeared in the next second.

"What? !"

"Disappeared? !"

However, the brother and sister seemed to have recalled what happened before, so they attacked behind them without hesitation.

Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years.

This is what they are like. They thought Lu Li would attack from behind again.

But when they turned around, they suddenly found that there was no one behind them.


The two reacted immediately, but before they could fight back, a fist as big as a sandbag hit them hard in the abdomen.

"Ah! "

Under this powerful impact, the twin dragons of heaven and earth crashed into the wall of the main control room in a panic.

Sakuta Ryusei, who saw this situation, also knew that they didn't need to intervene in this battle, and hurriedly called Kisaragi Gentaro.

"Gentaro, let's leave quickly, we are no longer needed here."


Kisaragi Gentaro was of course unwilling to leave like this.

The outcome of this battle has not yet been decided, how can he leave directly?

In addition, he was worried about one problem, that is, once the outcome of this battle is decided, Lu Li will almost certainly win without any suspense.

What will happen to this military satellite at that time, he knows that it will definitely fall into Lu Li's hands:

It is already very clear what consequences will be brought about by a military satellite with terrifying power falling into Lu Li's hands.

If the person who controls this military satellite is a good person, it will be fine, but it is Lu Li.

How could he watch the military satellite fall into Lu Li's hands, and he said at the beginning that he must become friends with Xchuan.

Retreating directly now is not in line with Kisaragi Gentaro's style.

"No, Meteor, we can't just leave like this!

If X falls into Lu Li's hands, it will be a huge threat to the entire earth."

Regarding this issue, Sakuta Meteor is so smart, how could he not consider it.

But the problem is that they have just finished the transformation battle, and it is too much for them to transform again.

Not only that, but the opponent is Lu Li, and his terrifying combat power is obvious to all.

They have also joined forces to deal with Lu Li before, and they all used the final form, but they all lost miserably in the end.

Knowing that the opponent is an opponent that cannot be defeated at all, how can this battle be fought?

"Gentaro, what do you think we can do now?

You are not unaware of Lu Li's strength. With the strength of the two of us, is it possible to deal with him?"

A fatal question directly silenced Kisaragi Gentaro.

Although what Sakuta Ryusei said was not very pleasant to hear, it was indeed true.

That was why Ruzuki Gentaro could not refute it.

The two of them had fought with Lu Li before, but unfortunately, they were not able to defeat Lu Li, and even lost miserably.

After learning that Lu Li had gone to find the Giver, the singer Xianwu briefly analyzed the situation.

If Lu Li had no way to come back, then everyone would be happy and would not have to face a powerful enemy.

But if Lu Li came back, it was certain that Lu Li would become stronger.

This also meant that Lu Li was definitely much stronger than before, and even if they became a little stronger, they would probably not be Lu Li's opponent.

Even though he didn't want to admit it in his heart, Ruzuki Gentaro knew that this was the fact:

A very cruel reality.

Grabbing Ruzuki Gentaro's clothes and dragging him out of the control room, Sakuta Ryusei was a very rational person.

Unlike the impulsive Kisaragi Gentaro, he cannot do things just based on enthusiasm.

Kisaragi Gentaro, who was pulled out of the control room, looked at the back of the wild Calis transformed by Lu Li, with a strong unwillingness in his eyes, but did not take any other action.

Lu Li smiled when he noticed that the two had left and had no intention of organizing.

"The troublemakers have left, how much fun can you... bring me?"

The two men, Tiandi Shuanglong, who were half-kneeling on the ground, were shocked by the powerful strength shown by Lu Li.

Too strong!

They thought that after awakening, they had unparalleled strength and could easily control Xchuan and control everything of everyone on the earth.

But before the plan could be realized, reality slapped them hard.

Lu Li, who suddenly broke into their plan, stunned them directly.

For Inna Brink, who was extremely troubled by Tiandi Shuanglong, seeing that these two guys were now suppressed so easily by Lu Li, she was filled with emotion.

At the same time, she was very glad for the decision she made.

Following Lu Li, she could successfully stop the Twin Dragons of Heaven and Earth, and also avenge her father.

Looking at Lu Li with fear, Kong Diyin suddenly suggested.

"Brother, let's combine! I don't believe he can deal with our combination!"

The Twin Dragons of Heaven and Earth can not only act separately, but also combine.

And after combining, their combat effectiveness will be stronger.

"Okay! Then let's merge!"

Nodding, Lu Diyin couldn't find any good way to deal with Lu Li now.

The opponent's combat power has exceeded their calculations, and it is obviously no longer something they can handle.

This is a combination of choice, which can bring out their most powerful power.

Then the two of them jumped up and relied on the jets behind their backs to instantly escape from Xchuan and go outside.

Seeing this, Lu Li looked back at Inna and gave instructions.

"Now you stay and adjust the XV River. I hope that after the battle, it... belongs to me."

Lu Li traveled all the way to space to help Inna deal with the twin dragons of heaven and earth. Naturally, Lu Li couldn't run in vain. Xichuan must be in his hands.

Hearing this, Inna nodded slightly. She knew exactly what she should do at this time.

As for other thoughts, she might have had them when she first started, but she no longer had them.

Inna, who had already seen Lu Li's power, knew very well that even if she tried some tricks, she might not be able to stop Lu Li from controlling Xichuan.


Now that he is a member of the museum, he is not loyal to the museum, but at least he cannot betray him.


She could guess the consequences of being a traitor without even thinking about it.

Lu Li disappeared into the main control room in the blink of an eye, leaving Inna alone in the entire main control room.

Immediately coming to the console, Inna began to decipher and control the XV River.

As long as this is completed, Lu Li will be able to fully control Chuan's power.

This side of the spaceship.

Everyone in the Kamen Rider Club had already boarded the spaceship at this time. They did not set off immediately, but were waiting for Gentaro Kisaragi and Ryusei Sakuda.

They are companions, and of course they cannot abandon their companions and escape.

Not long after, the two people who left the main control room also came to the spaceship and boarded the ship smoothly.

The spacecraft immediately disconnected and prepared to change direction and fly towards the earth.

And just as they adjusted their direction to fly towards the earth, they saw the situation outside through the window above the spacecraft.

Lu Diyin and Kong Diyin immediately transformed after rushing out of the main control room.

Lu Diyin instantly turned into a land tanker, while Kong Diyin turned into an air jet with excellent flying capabilities.


The air jet flew directly above the land tanker. A special piece of equipment appeared above the land tanker. It was made to carry the air jet and could connect the two.

Come on, this is the combination.

Although it is a fit, it gives people a very cheap fit feeling.

The combination of the two did not transform into another robot form.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly appeared on the surface of XV River.

Seeing Lu Li suddenly appear, the combined land tank accelerated instantly and rushed towards Lu Li.

"Hmph! You're just a human, let me take a good look at the true strength of our brothers and sisters!"

After completing the integration, the Marine Corps seemed very confident that they would definitely win this battle and could not lose.

"Then we'll see."

Lu Li didn't even like the cheap combination of the two.

Even if the strength becomes stronger, it will only be like that.

During the rapid approach, Air Jet quickly launched a large number of missiles. All the missiles locked onto Lu Li, preparing for a bombardment first.

"go to hell!"

The roar of air jets came.

Facing a large number of missiles, Lu Li slowly merged the Wild Slasher into one and turned into bow and arrow mode.

In an instant, Lu Li locked onto all the missiles, and the Wild Slasher released green arrows one after another.

All the arrows seemed to be equipped with precise navigation, accurately hitting all the flying missiles.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Explosions occurred one after another in space, but Lu Li didn't shoot another arrow.

It seemed that all the missiles were within his expectation, and there was no way any missile could hit him.

After the fire released by the missile explosion dissipated, both the air jet and the land tank were surprised when they saw Lu Li, who was still unharmed, appearing in front of them.

"how come?!"

These are small missiles, very powerful, and there are a lot of them, but they were blocked like this? !

For a moment, Kong Jie suddenly doubted whether they were really fused together, otherwise how could they not be able to hurt Lu Li.

“Your combination looks really cheap.

If there are no other means, then this battle can only end here, and it is time to end. "

"Shut up!!" x2

The brother and sister roared in unison, and the land tanker suddenly accelerated and rushed directly towards Lu Li.

From the looks of it, they were preparing for a direct collision.

Facing the menacing two men, an awakening card appeared in Lu Li's hand.

Wild awakening card!

Swipe the Awakening card through the Wild Slasher.


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