"Come here, long time no see, why did you suddenly come back today?"

Hearing this, Philip thought about it and decided to tell Sonozaki Wakana about this matter.

If you want to see Fueki Koyomi, you must inevitably enter the Sonozaki family.

If you tell Sonozaki Wakana about the matter directly, the possibility of entering will be much greater, at least you should not be stopped.

After listening to Philip's words, the joy on Sonozaki Wakana's face suddenly faded a lot.


Of course she knew Fueki Koyomi.

However, she would not let Soma Haruto enter the Sonozaki family to see Fueki Koyomi.

"Come here, if you just come back as our family, I welcome you.

But if you just come to find someone, then I can only say...sorry.

She will not be soft-hearted on some things, even if the other party is her younger brother.


Philip originally thought that Sonozaki Wakana would not mind helping him a little. After all, it was just to meet someone, and it should not be difficult.

Unexpectedly, Sonozaki Wakana rejected him without hesitation.

Philip opened his mouth and wanted to settle the matter, but he didn't know what to say.

After all, he was his younger brother, and he had suffered so much in the past, so Sonozaki Wakana naturally felt sorry for this younger brother:

"I won't let you in, but I can give you a chance to see Koji. I hope you don't have any bad ideas, otherwise don't blame me for turning against you."

Sonozaki Wakana was not joking, but was very serious.

She could help Philip, but it was limited to letting them see Koji, and there could be no excessive actions.

Although there was no way to get in, knowing that he could see Koji Fueki, Haruto Misaki couldn't wait to nod and agree.

"Thank you, beautiful lady!"

He didn't know the true identity of Sonozaki Wakana, he just knew that Philip called her sister.

It seems that the two are siblings, and with this relationship, there are indeed many good things to do.

Sonozaki Wakana didn't care at all about being called a beautiful lady by Haruto Misaki.

The reason why she was willing to help was entirely because of her younger brother Philip, nothing more.

Moreover, Sonosaki Wakana was very clear in her heart that once she joined the museum, there was no possibility of leaving.

Fueki Koji is now also a member of the museum, so she naturally could not leave the museum.

"Sister, thank you! Sorry for bothering you."

The car entered the manor and the gate closed again, leaving Philip and Soma Haruto waiting there.

Sonosaki Wakana returned to the villa and happened to see Fueki Koji.

"Koji, come with me, someone wants to see you."

Although he didn't know who wanted to see him, Fueki Koji didn't think too much and went to the gate of the Sonosaki family with Sonosaki Wakana.

After waiting outside for a long time, Soma Haruto was actually very eager to see Fueki Koji.

He really wanted to know what happened to the other party, why he lost his memory, and also forgot himself.

Walking back and forth uneasily, Philip leaned against the stone pillar beside the gate and shook his head helplessly.

"You don't have to be so anxious. Since my sister has agreed, she will definitely bring Kojime to see you."

Although he didn't return home, Philip believed that Sonozaki Wakana didn't need to lie to him about this matter.

Hearing this, Soma Haruto smiled awkwardly.

"I haven't seen Kojime for a long time, so I'm more or less excited."

It's been so long since we've been apart, and now we can finally see each other, it's normal for Soma Haruto to be excited

Shrugged slightly, Philip didn't particularly understand this kind of emotion.

Although he now has some human emotions, he can't understand all emotions.

Not long after, Sonozaki Wakana appeared in their sight with Fumu Kojime.

When he saw Fumu Kojime again, Soma Haruto was very excited.

After such a long time, he finally saw Fumu Kojime again.

However, Fumu Kojime's puzzled and strange eyes made him feel a pain in his heart:

What happened, why did Fumu Kojime look at him with such strange eyes.

She...really can't remember me anymore?

Sonozaki Wakana placed her eyes on Philip, with her arms folded across her chest.

"Come here, I've brought Riki here, just say whatever you want to say.

But don't do anything else, you should understand what I mean."

She wasn't worried that Riki Diemu would leave at all. Everyone in the family knew that Riki Diemu had deleted all his previous memories, leaving only the memories before his death.

Through the iron gate, Soma Haruto looked at Riki Diemu with excitement and said quickly.

"Riki! I'm Haruto, do you remember me?"

Although he had already learned about Riki Diemu's amnesia from Shotaro Sa, he made people unwilling to give up, or to be more precise, unwilling to believe.

How could Riki Diemu lose his memory for no reason? Something must have gone wrong.

Looking at the stranger in front of him, Riki Diemu didn't know him at all.

Carefully holding Sonozaki Wakana's hand, Riki Diemu whispered.

"Sister Wakana, I don't know him, let's go back quickly."

Riki Diemu didn't have much interest in talking to someone he didn't know.

Although she didn't speak loudly, she could still hear her clearly.

Haruto Kao, who was holding the iron door with both hands, looked at Koyomi Fuegi with difficulty and murmured in his mouth.

"How could this happen? Why is this happening? You really don't recognize me!"

Seeing his dejected look, Philip did not interrupt Soma Haruto, but looked at Sonosaki Wakana.

"Sister, according to the information I found, Li should have died a long time ago, and he had been living in a shell before.

How did Lu Li resurrect her? Is there really a way to resurrect people? "

Philip, who has always believed in science, couldn't calm down when he learned about the rebirth of the dead.

After all, it is a matter of turning a dead person into a living person, and it exists in legends.

Philip has free access to the Earth Library, so it's not surprising that he was able to look it up.

"Yes, Li was indeed resurrected. He was sent here by his father to beg Lu Li to be resurrected."

This matter is not a secret, Sonosaki Wakana did not hide it deliberately.

But Haruto Soma on the side grasped the key point at this time, looked at Sonosaki Wakana, and asked excitedly.

"Father? Who is Li's father? What on earth is going on with this resurrection?!"

Faced with his question, Sonosaki Wakana didn't want to answer a word.

"Come on, you have seen the situation. Li is living very well with us. Li, are you willing to leave us?"

The questions raised later are naturally asked to Dimo ​​Calendar.

Dimuli, who was suddenly asked a question, quickly shook his head vigorously.

"No! I live happily with my sisters. This is my home. I don't want to leave."

The tone is very firm, there is no way Dimoli can leave here.

These words immediately silenced Soma Haruto. He held the guardrail of the door tightly, hesitation flashing in his eyes.

He was thinking about something.

Now that Li has lost his previous memory, is it appropriate for him to come find her again?

Whether to give up and leave or take Dimoli away, Cao Zhenqingren is trapped in infinite tangles in two directions.

Of course he doesn't want to give up.

He had lived in Mianyingtang with Li for so long and had experienced many things. He didn't want to give up so easily.

But even if the calendar is taken away, what will happen?

Then, Sonosaki Wakana took Dimo ​​Koyomi's hand, turned around and walked inside.

Looking at the retreating figure, Cao Zhenharuto wished that Koyomi Fuegi could turn around and take a look at him at this moment.

Even just one glance might be enough to make him decide to take Dimoli away.

But alas, no.

Dimoli never turned around until he disappeared around the corner, not even once.

Watching the two people disappear, Cao Zhenqingren suddenly became devastated.

He didn't understand why things turned out like this.

Looking at the lost soul, Phillip suddenly interjected.

"Perhaps... for her, there is nothing wrong with her current life, at least it is very stable, what do you think?

And she herself said that she likes her current life very much. "

This sentence goes straight to the heart of Kao Maharuto.


Wouldn't it be great if we could live a stable life?

Even if she is with him, it is impossible to have a stable life. It is better to let her be like this.

After figuring this out, a bitter smile appeared on Kao Maharuto's face.

"Yeah, it's pretty good now..."

Afterwards, Kao Maharuto took out the remaining commission fee from his pocket and handed it to Fei 2.5 Lipp.

"Phillip, thank you for your help this time. This is the remaining commission fee. I will leave first."

After saying that, Kao Zhenqingren got on the motorcycle and accelerated away from here in an instant.

Although he has accepted the result, he needs to vent well now.

Looking at the figure speeding on the road, Philip could also imagine that this incident must have been a big blow to Kao Zhenqingren.

After taking a sincere look at the Sonosaki family manor, Phillip also left.

It was enough to do this to this extent. As for taking away the Dimo ​​Calendar, Philip could only say that it was fortunate that Kao Zhenharuto did not do so.

Otherwise, what you will face will be a very terrifying enemy.

The powerful cadres gathered at the Sonosaki family are now far greater than before, and Philip is not confident that he can help Soma Haruto regain the Feng calendar.

What's more, he himself is not willing to leave, so this may be the best thing for now.

At the same time, Tori / Karasuizaka side"

During these three days, although it was impossible for Fueki Kanade to be idle, he directly brought back the remaining two ninjutsu, Joe Iijima and Masahiro Yamamoto, and controlled them with magic.


All he has to do is make them magicians.

As long as you become a magician, you can become the human pillar for the final step:

The final step is about to begin, using the entire Bird/Ujingzaka as the location for the Sabbat.

Use four magicians as human pillars and the entire city as a magic formation to obtain an extremely large amount of magic power and inject it into the Philosopher's Stone.

In the past three days, Kao Zhenqingren seemed to have disappeared from the world, with no news at all.

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