This made Rinko Daimon and the others anxious.

I didn’t answer the phone calls, I didn’t reply to the messages I sent, I tried all possible means, but I still couldn’t find anyone to fuck me.

PS: Thanks for one-

Come one by one, get your quick monthly pass!

I have something to do today, so I’m going to take a day off, and I’ll resume updating tomorrow!

Chapter 512 Control XVI! This too "big" a threat!

Even though she used her connections with the police, Rinko Daimon didn't get any useful information.

Since Iijima Joe and Yamamoto Masahiro were captured, the person who did this was the White Magician.

At this time, everyone realized that the White Mage might have been planning something behind the scenes, but no one knew the specific situation.

Coupled with the sudden disappearance of Kao Zhenqingren, various things caught everyone off guard.

Just when everyone was seizing the time to find Haruto, Inamori Mayu was suddenly attacked and was eventually taken away by the enemy.

One troublesome thing happened one after another, making everyone anxious for a while.

But fortunately, now Kao Zhenqingren finally got in touch.

After learning everything, he also knew that he had no time to feel sad at the moment and had to rush back as soon as possible.

White Mage, this guy must be planning something behind his back.

In outer space, inside the main control room of XV Sichuan.

After some manipulations by Inna, XV River has now become Lu Li's private property.

From now on, Lu Li will control this powerful military satellite.

Although it may not be used, it has a very terrifying deterrent effect.

To know that a super-heavy particle cannon with 100% full power can even directly kill the entire Japanese archipelago is enough to prove how terrifying its power is.

In order to ensure that XV Chuan was completely under his control, Lu Li also deliberately established a connection with XV Chuan's consciousness.

Although he is the final form of Cosmic Iron Man, XV Chuan also has self-awareness.

But it didn't give birth to other ideas like the Two Dragons of Heaven and Earth.

After establishing the connection, Lu Li was able to ensure that X Chuan was under his control at all times without having to worry about being betrayed.

And if any situation arises, Lu Li will be able to detect it immediately and respond in advance.

After all this is done, it's time to go back.

Lu Li directly grabbed Inna and returned to Sonosaki's house through space transfer.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that she had returned to Sonosaki's house. Inna still felt very incredible.

This ability is so amazing that it is completely incomprehensible to people.

01 However, it is really convenient to have this ability. Inna can only envy her in her heart. She knows that this kind of power is definitely not something ordinary humans can master.

At the same time, Inna couldn't help but feel curious about who Lu Li was.

She wouldn't be surprised if this ability was used in a transformed state.

But even if Lu Li didn't transform, he could easily use this super-normal ability, which was definitely not something ordinary people could do.

Back at Sonosaki's house, Lu Li saw Sonosaki Wakana who had returned, and then he remembered that today seemed to be a day off.

Since it was a day off, it was a day for Sonosaki Wakana to do the radio work she wanted to do. No wonder she came back so early.

"Lu Li, what have you two been doing? Why are you back now?"

Holding Lu Li's arm, Sonosaki Wakana looked at Inna next to her with caution.

This woman is too threatening!

Even though Sonosaki Wakana doesn't think she is young, when she sees Inna, she actually feels a little inferior.

She was very doubtful. Inna was obviously a spy. Should she be required to be agile and flexible?

Wouldn't it affect her flexibility with those two big lumps of flesh?

Inna seemed to feel the vague hostility coming from Sonosaki Wakana, but she didn't take it to heart.

After all, this is a woman's capital. She has it but the other person doesn't. It's not a big deal if the other person is hostile to her.

After joining the museum, Inna had already gotten to know the museum's cadres and members.

As a veteran-level figure, Sonosaki Wakana's strength is naturally very terrifying.

And judging from the information I heard from other officials, Sonosaki Wakana is very powerful. It is said that she is some kind of earth miko who controls the memory of the earth and is very powerful.

She doesn't like to cause trouble for herself, lest she be put in the wrong shoes in the future.

“Took care of a little bit and got a big one.”

As soon as Lu Li mentioned the big guy, Sonosaki Wakana immediately became interested.

"What big guy?"

Lu Li pointed at the ceiling.

"A powerful military satellite."


With her mouth slightly open, Sonosaki Wakana stared at Lu Li in surprise.

She never expected that the big thing Lu Li was talking about was actually a powerful military satellite.

That is a powerful military satellite, not a toy!

This... is a bit outrageous!

Silently giving a thumbs up, Sonosaki Wakana no longer knew how to describe her current mood.

"You're awesome!"

Sonosaki Wakana also told Lu Li what happened before when Philip brought Kao Zhenharuto here.

No detail was left out, and everything was told to Lu Li.

After learning the news, Lu Li roughly understood Cao Zhenqingren's thoughts.

However, what would he think when he knew that Li was resurrected by his own hands and that he was the big boss of the museum?

Before, Lu Li had never revealed his true identity in front of Cao Zhenqingren and the others, and even... they didn't know that his name was Lu Li.

Once Cao Zhenqingren knew about this, I'm afraid his expression would be very interesting.

After a simple lunch, Lu Li suddenly received a call from Di Muzou.

When he saw that it was Di Muzou who called, Lu Li had already guessed it in his mind.

It should be almost ready, and the Demon Feast is about to begin.

"Hey, Di Mu, how are the preparations going?"

"Mr. Lu, the things that should be prepared for the Demon Feast are basically ready.

It's just that Cao Zhenqingren suddenly disappeared for a few days, and until now, I haven't found where he is."

Di Muzou had prepared everything yesterday, and originally wanted to catch Cao Zhenqingren immediately and start the Demon Feast directly today.

But unexpectedly, Cao Zhenqingren seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth, and no one knew where he had gone.

He had already prepared for the Demonic Feast, but it was delayed because of this matter. He then thought of calling Lu Li first to explain the matter.

Hearing this, Lu Li did not blame Di Muzou. After all, Cao Zhenqingren had just appeared in Fengdu, and he might have been in Fengdu these days, so it was naturally difficult to find him.

"Cao Zhenqingren has just come to my place not long ago. If nothing unexpected happens, he should have gone back now.

The Demonic Feast will start tomorrow, so hurry up."

Lu Li wanted to get the Philosopher's Stone as soon as possible, and it was a Philosopher's Stone with full magic power.

"Understood, Mr. Lu, rest assured, I will implement this matter as soon as possible to ensure that the Demonic Feast will be held smoothly tomorrow."

Now the most critical problem has been solved. Di Muzou has already known the whereabouts of Cao Zhenqingren and can start to prepare.

After hanging up the phone, Di Muzou immediately arranged for Iijima Joe and Yamamoto Masahiro, who were controlled by him, to go to deal with Cao Zhenqingren.

With the two of them here, it shouldn't be a problem to catch Soma Haruto.

Now, Lu Li just needs to wait quietly for tomorrow to come.

The Demonic Feast... is about to begin!

Soma Haruto has just returned to the Shadow Hall, and everyone who learned the news rushed to him.

"Haruto! Where have you been these days? Why are you so quiet?!"

Nito Kosuke asked a series of questions as soon as he came up.

The questions he asked were naturally the questions that Rinko Daimon and the others wanted to know.

Hearing this, Soma Haruto was about to explain that he was looking for Fumu Li, but considering that Fumu Li's life is very stable now, there is no need to disturb her again.

After thinking about it, Soma Haruto decided not to tell them about this.

Shaking his head slightly, Soma Haruto forced a smile.

"I was in a bad mood, so I went out for a walk. Seeing you like this, could it be that something happened?

By the way, where is Mayu? Why didn't I see her?"

At this time, Soma Haruto suddenly realized that he didn't see Inamori Mayu.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

When mentioning Mayu Inamori, Nito Kousuke clenched his fist unwillingly.

"Mayu. She was captured by the White Mage!"


When he heard the news, Soma Haruto was stunned.

He obviously didn't expect that this matter would be related to the White Mage.

What exactly does the White Mage want to do? Why did he capture Mayu?

"It's not just Mayu, but also the other man in the yellow shirt we saw before, who seems to have been controlled by the White Mage.

The two of them seemed to be controlled by the White Mage, so they captured Mayu.

This was what Nito Kousuke had seen with his own eyes before. Iijima, who had always had a good relationship with him, suddenly attacked him.


After learning about this situation, Soma Haruto didn't know what to say for a while.

I didn't expect that so many things had happened in just three days.

What is the White Mage planning? Why did he suddenly capture Mayu and the others?

I didn't expect that so many things would happen as soon as I left, and Haruto Soma felt quite guilty.

"I'm sorry, if I hadn't left so suddenly, maybe so many things wouldn't have happened."

Hearing this, Rinko Daimon saw Haruto Soma like this now, and she had a guess in her mind.

I'm afraid that Haruto Soma suddenly disappeared these days, most likely to go to find Li.

And there should be some clues, but Haruto is unwilling to say it now.

So Rinko Daimon hurriedly comforted him.

"It's none of your business, no one expected such a thing to happen.

But the White Mage must want to do something, so he did this, and now we need to figure out what his purpose is."

At this time, Shigeru Wajima suddenly remembered that the man in the windbreaker asked him to make a ring before.

"By the way, I mentioned to you before that a mysterious man asked me to make a special ring. Do you think that man is the White Mage?"

Hearing him say this, everyone was shocked.

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