"Chimera, there are a lot of your favorite magic outside now, and what I have to do is to let you out and eat enough magic."

At this time, Jinto Kousuke has made up his mind.

If he wants to save Haruto Soma and the people in this city, he must do this.

Chimera, who has been sealed in the beast riding driver since ancient times, shook his head after hearing this.

"You can't do this."

As a phantom Chimera who has lived for so many years, the first thing he thought of was what Jinto Kousuke wanted to do.


Supporting his body and standing up, Jinto Kousuke already had an idea in his mind.

When he saw his firm eyes, Chimera reminded him.

"If you let me go, no one knows what your body will become!"

After getting along for such a long time, Chimera didn't hate Jinto Kousuke in his heart, and he felt that there was nothing wrong with the current state.

But if he really released himself, what would Jinto Kousuke become, Chimera didn't know.

With a smile on his face, Rento Kousuke said.

"It's interesting because we don't know. Everything is going to end anyway, so why not end it in an interesting way."

Looking at Rento Kousuke in front of him, Chimera knew that it was time to say goodbye.

Since the other party had already made up his mind to release him, Chimera didn't say anything more.

At this time, outside.

Looking at the beast rider who seemed to have lost consciousness, the white magic walked over with the Hammer cane.

"Prototype, goodbye forever."

After saying that, he chopped down directly at his neck.

However, things did not go as smoothly as the white magic thought. The beast rider suddenly moved at this time.

He grabbed the blade with one hand and successfully blocked the fatal blow of the white magic.

"Dimu, you are really annoying! You only know the prototype prototype, which makes people angry.

For you, my magic may be very old, but I will use the old power to defeat you!"

Slowly raised his head and the beast rider slowly stood up.

While the White Demon was not paying attention, the Beast Rider dissolved and repelled it, and successfully seized the Hammer in the opponent's hand.

Originally, the Beast Rider was thought to be just a spent force, and the White Demon never thought that this guy could still have the strength to fight back.

Holding the Hammer cane with both hands, the Beast Rider aimed directly at the lion head in the center of the driver on his waist and inserted it without hesitation.


Just heard a crisp sound, the Beast Rider driver was pierced by the sword blade, and the driver emitted bursts of golden light.

A strong sense of discomfort came, but the Beast Rider did not stop because of this.


In his roar, his hands exerted force again, and cracks appeared on the entire driver, and the starlight became more dazzling.

After doing all this, the Beast Rider pulled out the Hammer cane and threw it aside.

Just now, the White Demon was repelled, and he never expected that the Beast Rider would do such a crazy thing.

In an instant, he already understood what the Beast Rider wanted to do.

Releasing the phantom demon sealed in the driver, this guy is a madman!

Lu Li watched with interest on the side. He could only say that Beast Rider was very decisive in doing things. He did not hesitate to do such a heavy hand to himself.

The most important thing is that he actually used such a simple and preliminary method to release the phantom demon. If he is not careful, he may implicate himself.

It really takes a lot of courage to do such a thing. Ren Teng Gongjie is really brave.


Along with the roar of Beast Rider, a golden energy body flew out of the driver and then turned into its true appearance.

Ancient Phantom Demon Chimera!

After releasing the Chimera, Beast Rider naturally lost its corresponding power, and the armor formed by magic power on his body shattered directly.

After doing all this, Ren Teng Gongjie was exhausted.

Falling to the ground helplessly, Ren Teng Gongjie looked at the Chimera in the sky and said with difficulty.

"Go, Chimera, it's time for lunch! "

After saying this, Nito Kousuke fell to the ground helplessly.

Taking the initiative to release the sealed Chimera, he took half of his life, but fortunately his life was not in danger.

But because of his actions, he also lost the ability to transform and was no longer a magician.

"Roar!!! "

The chimera roared like a thunderous roar, and then quickly flew towards the center where the magic power gathered.

Noticing that the chimera rushed to the center of the magic circle, Lu Li certainly would not let it destroy the magic feast now.

At this time, the Philosopher's Stone was emitting a dazzling purple light, and it was obvious that the magic power had reached a certain level.

It will be completely full in a short time.

Lu Li naturally couldn't watch the chimera destroy the Philosopher's Stone completely, this is what he wanted.

Suddenly, Lu Li's figure flashed suddenly, abruptly blocking the direction of the chimera's advance.

Seeing Lu Li suddenly appearing in front of him, the chimera rammed into him mercilessly, it would not let down Ren Teng Gongjie's kindness.

Since the other party has put it back and let it have a full meal, then of course it can't miss this opportunity.

Such a huge amount of magic power, for the chimera, this is simply a delicious lunch.

Even though Chimera has great power, compared with Lu Li, the gap between the two is still not that big.

Blocking the front with one hand, a powerful force directly blocked Chimera, making it impossible for Chimera to continue moving forward.


Chimera herself felt very unbelievable about being stopped.

It was actually stopped by a human?

Opening her mouth suddenly, Chimera certainly knew that Lu Li in front of her was an enemy. Since he was an enemy, there was no need to be polite.

A powerful magic power gathered in Chimera's mouth, and then it was instantly launched, aiming directly at Lu Li.

This kind of attack had almost no effect on Lu Li.

"Chimera, I know what you want to do, but what I want has not been completed yet.

Now, back off! ! "

Lu Li didn't think of a way to wipe out everyone in the city, he just wanted to get the complete Philosopher's Stone.

Not even close.

The human being in front of him does not seem to be powerful, but he has the power to resist himself, and he does so easily.

A terrifying sense of oppression came over and enveloped Chimera.

Squinting her eyes slightly, Chimera understood that she might not be able to deal with the person in front of her.

The last time Kousuke Nito transformed into a beast, he was severely punished by the opponent. Now it was replaced by Chimera, and it had no confidence in dealing with Lu Li.

The restless Chimera wanted to attack, but considering Lu Li's powerful strength, the Chimera did not dare to act rashly.

When he noticed that Chimera escaped from the seal and flew out, Bai Mo was very nervous, worried that Chimera would ruin the plan.

Fortunately, Lu Li took action at this critical moment.

Bai Mo secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Lu Li hadn't made a sudden move, I'm afraid the Philosopher's Stone's magic power would have been cut off.

PS: Thank you

Yiyi Aimo’s monthly pass!

Chapter 515: Exchange with Chimera! Fusion of the Philosopher's Stone! evolution?

By then it will only be a semi-finished product.

The White Demon is indeed very powerful, but Chimera, as a phantom demon that has been sealed since ancient times, is very powerful in itself.

Even if the White Demon comes, he may not be able to handle it.

Not long after, the Philosopher's Stone suddenly bloomed with a burst of dazzling purple light.

The dazzling purple light blooming is very strong, which means that the Philosopher's Stone has been completely filled, and the huge amount of magic power required has been filled.

The magic power above the magic circle seemed to be free of charge and was still pouring down crazily.

Seeing this, Lu Li casually removed the force blocking Chimera.

"What I asked for has been completed. Now, you can eat slowly."

Noticing that Lu Li did not stop him, Chimera took a deep look at Lu Li.

The man in front of her gave Chimera an unfathomable feeling.

Now is not the time to think about this. It has not forgotten the purpose of Kousuke Nito's release and takes action immediately.

"Roar one by one!!"

Chimera instantly rushed into the whirlpool of magic power, eating the surging magic power with big mouthfuls?

For Chimera, this huge magic power is simply the most beautiful lunch!

Quickly devouring magic power and cutting off the magic supply of the magic circle, the Chimera quickly flew into the city.

Because in the city, there is still a lot of magic waiting for it to devour.

Watching the Chimera start to swallow up magic power everywhere, Bai Mo thought that Lu Li would find a way to be alone, but unexpectedly he gave way.

"Mr. Lu, what did you just do...?"

He couldn't understand why Lu Li should be fully capable of stopping Chimera.

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled indifferently, pointed at the disc in the middle of the magic circle and waved, and the filled Philosopher's Stone appeared in his hand.

The real Philosopher's Stone emits bursts of purple light full of magic, which is very mysterious.

Holding it in his hand, Lu Li could feel the surging magic power in it.

"The Philosopher's Stone has been completed, so naturally there is no need to continue:

I didn't want to kill the people in this city, just because Chimeira was able to solve this problem. "

"Got it. 1

The White Demon didn't ask too much.

Since this was Lu Li's decision, he didn't care.

Anyway, for him, what he promised has now been achieved.

The Chimera quickly shuttled through the city, swallowing up the magic power born one after another.

Because wherever it passed, all the magic power was swallowed up, and the red cracks that appeared on the ground disappeared without a trace.

Those who were feeling unable to breathe and very uncomfortable returned to normal at this time.

"What happened just now?!"

"It was terrible! Then nothing happened."

"I was shocked, but it's okay."


Observed from above, one can clearly see a bunch of purple magic being swallowed by the Chimera.

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