The red cracks became fewer and fewer, and in the end almost all of them disappeared without a trace.

Wu Qi looked at the Chimera galloping in the sky and was shocked.


You must know that Chimera is a phantom that is in a seal. Now that the seal is being released, the only thing he can think of is that Kousuke Nito took the initiative to release the seal.

He didn't know what the consequences of doing so would be.

The magic power in the entire city was swallowed up by the Chimera and disappeared. Because of this, the solar eclipse in the sky also disappeared.

The sun shines into the city again, and the terrifying darkness disappears.

If they hadn't experienced this personally just now, many people would probably think it was a nightmare.

As the Sabbat ended, the four human pillars including Wuqi, who were having their magic power drained, exited their transformations and fell to the ground.

The magic power is severely depleted, and the emptiness and fatigue in the body can be clearly felt.


He barely held up his body and stood up, looking at the clear sky in front of him, Cao Zhenqing was very happy.

"The Sabbat is over!"

However, it's not over yet, he is now worried about Kousuke Nito's safety.

That guy broke the seal of Chimera. I don’t know what’s going on now:

Thinking of this, Cao Zhenqingren ignored his physical fatigue and rushed towards the center of the magic circle as soon as possible.

After having a good meal, the Chimera returned to the middle of the magic circle.

Looking at Lu Li, Chimera's eyes were full of fear.

"Your Excellency, can you promise me not to harm Kousuke Nito and spare his life?"

Yes, that's what Chimera said.

Just because it is free now does not mean that it has forgotten the time spent with Kousuke Nito.

If possible, it hopes that Kousuke Nito can live.

Unexpectedly, Chimera would say these words to him, and Lu Li was quite surprised.

His goal has been achieved, the magic power inside the Philosopher's Stone has been filled, and naturally there is no need to deal with Kousuke Nito.

The current Kousuke Nito is just a slightly stronger ordinary person at best.

"Just think of it as an exchange for you to deal with the aftermath for me, and I can let him live."

Then, Lu Li nodded to the white demon next to him.

Bai Mo instantly understood what Lu Li meant and took out the teleportation magic ring.

"Teleport! Now!"

Covered by the magic circle, Lu Li and Bai Mo disappeared from Chimera's sight.

After seeing the two people disappear, Chimera, who was originally very wary, immediately felt relieved.

I saw the Chimera flying back to Kousuke Nito, looking down at Kousuke Nito who was lying on the ground.

"Chimera, are you ready to eat me? Come on, I'm ready, no need to be polite!

When Kousuke Nito released the Chimera, he was already prepared to be devoured by the opponent.

Just now, Chimera begged Lu Li to let him go. Kousuke Nito thought that Chimera was planning to eat him.

Hearing this, Chimera shook her head slightly, and then laughed.

"Hahaha! You are so funny.

Well, from now on, you don't have to be my servant anymore. "

After hearing these words, Kousuke Nito suddenly looked confused.


It was all prepared and ready to be eaten, only to be told it wouldn't eat.

"From today on, you are free, Kousuke Nito."

After saying that, Chimera quickly flew away into the distance.

It was freed from the seal of the drive and, from now on, was free.

After the Chimera left, Kousuke Nito felt that he had regained some strength and could barely sit up.

Looking at the Chimera gradually disappearing into the horizon, Kousuke Nito smiled lightly.

"Thanks, Chimera."

Seeing that the drive had been destroyed on his waist, Kousuke Nito gently touched it.

He could feel that Chimera really left this time.

This also means that from now on, he is no longer a magician and has lost the power to use magic.

At this time, Kao Maharuto, who rushed here in a hurry, saw that there was no one else here except Kousuke Nito who was sitting on the ground.

He felt very surprised in his heart. Aren't Lu Li and Di Muzhuo here too?

He couldn't figure it out for a moment and ran over quickly.

"Nito! How are you? I saw Chimera just now. Did you lift the seal on Chimera?"

Hearing the call, Kousuke Nito raised his head and saw Haruto Soma running towards this side.

"Yeah, in the situation just now, I couldn't think of any other solution. Chimera likes to eat magic so much, so just treat it like I treat it well once."

On the surface, he seems calm and relaxed, but Kousuke Nito is still quite emotional in his heart:

The partner who fought together left like this. It is impossible to say that I am not sad at all.

Seeing the damaged driver around Nito Kousuke's waist, Kousama Haruto handed his hand to him.

Grabbing the hand of Fu Maharuto, Kousuke Nito stood up with his exhausted body.

"By the way, why didn't you see Lu Li and Di Mu Zuo? Are these two guys just watching the Chimera destroy the Sabbat?"

No matter how I thought about it, I felt something was not right.

You must know that Lu Li has very terrifying power and should be able to stop the Chimera, but he doesn't seem to do that.

He shrugged helplessly. Kousuke Nito heard the conversation between Chimera and Lu Li just now, and told the exact words to Haruto Soma.

"I don't know the specific situation very well, but the Lu Li you mentioned doesn't seem to have any intention of destroying our city.

It seems that he just wants to obtain the Philosopher's Stone and fill it with the magic power of the Philosopher's Stone.

After the magic power of the Philosopher's Stone was filled, he stopped caring about Chimera.

To be precise, the Chimera was allowed to swallow up the magic power and save the people in the city. "

After learning about this situation, Kao Zhenqing was stunned.

Originally, in his opinion, Lu Li must be a guy who does all kinds of evil and would not take human life seriously at all.

However, what was happening now really made him a little confused as to what Lu Li was thinking.

Originally, he already felt that the other party was heinous and could use so many people as sacrifices to achieve his goals, but he didn't expect that things would change so quickly.

The other side.

Lu Li and Di Mu Zuo appeared directly in Di Mu Zuo's back garden through teleportation.

Looking at the crystal clear Philosopher's Stone emitting light purple light in his hand, Lu Li could feel the energy full of it, which was magic power.

As long as you integrate the Philosopher's Stone, you can successfully obtain powerful magic power.

I just don’t know if this powerful magic power can help me complete my evolution again.

When Golemlin got the Philosopher's Stone in the original show, it was still incomplete and could evolve, or because he was too weak.

What Lu Li has now obtained is the complete Philosopher's Stone. It is not yet clear whether it will help him.

Lu Li planned to give some time to let his body adapt to and integrate the Philosopher's Stone.

"Dimu, the task assigned to you has been completed. Now you can do whatever you want, but remember, you are a member of the museum.

As for Li, she is very happy living with me now. If you want to see her, go and see her. I have already said hello to you at home and will not stop you. "

0. Asking for flowers 0

When he learned that his mission was mature, a smile appeared on Dimu Kanade's face.

I can finally watch my daughter grow up, and everything will be as I expected.

After a brief explanation, Lu Li turned around and disappeared in front of Di Muzou.

Looking at the disappeared figure, Dimuzou breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

He has been worried about one thing before, that is, if Lu Li has completed the task, will Lu Li arrange other tasks for him, and he will not be able to meet him at any time?

The calendar has arrived.

But Lu Li didn't do that.

The museum is currently developing smoothly, and there are no problems for him to solve for the time being.

Here, Lu Li must have returned to Sonosaki's house smoothly. After a brief explanation, Lu Li went directly underground.

There is a very huge space underneath Sonosaki's house.

The reason why I chose to fuse the Philosopher's Stone here is so that I don't have to worry about being disturbed.

Looking at the crystal clear Philosopher's Stone, which glowed with faint purple light in his hand, Lu Li slowly placed it on his waist and abdomen.

Perhaps affected by the powerful magic power of the Philosopher's Stone, a golden awakening device automatically appeared on Lu Li's waist.

As soon as the Awakening Device appeared, it shone with dazzling golden light, which seemed to echo the Philosopher's Stone.

After the Awakening Device appeared, Lu Li directly pressed the moment of choice on the Awakening Device.

The next second, the Philosopher's Stone suddenly bloomed with a burst of bright and coquettish purple light, which looked very dazzling.

The golden light released by the Awakening Device and the purple light released by the Philosopher's Stone entwined with each other, and Lu Li was enveloped in powerful energy.

Two special energies begin to merge!

There were strong energy fluctuations coming from the underground, and Mezier noticed it immediately.

"Is this the new power Lu Li has gained? It looks terrifying!"

The tone was full of wonder. In Metzler's opinion, it was unbelievable that Lu Li was already very powerful, and now he has become even more powerful.

In Metzler's view, it would be very difficult to improve one's strength after reaching Lu Li's level.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li's ability to improve his strength was as simple as eating and drinking.

Shi Mo leaned on the chair, looking unconcerned.

“We all know how powerful he is, so there’s nothing surprising about him.

Even if he becomes stronger again, it is reasonable. "

Although he arrived a little later, Shi Mo felt that he knew Lu Li very well.

When he came into contact with Lu Li, Shi Mo knew that this man was full of mysteries.

The unparalleled strength easily crushed Lifeng City and completely destroyed the entire Lifeng City.

Now that she's used to it, she naturally doesn't find it strange.

The fusion process with the Philosopher's Stone will take some time and cannot be accomplished within at least a day or two. Lu Li had already told them in advance.

at the same time.

In Phan Nha City.

After receiving financial support from the museum, the World Tree Foundation finally began to conduct experiments.

This experiment is to deliver the already developed Zhanji driver to the hip-hop knights, so that these hip-hop knights can use them in competitions.

To put it bluntly, these street dance knights are treated as guinea pigs, and they are allowed to transform and fight, while the World Tree Consortium collects data.

When enough data is collected, the World Consortium may have a stronger driver for this kind of thing to deal with possible crises in the future.

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