Street Dance Knights is the collective name of the hip-hop performing groups in Pan Nha City.

When there is a conflict between hip-hop knights, the Outlander game will be played to resolve the dispute and also to compete for the dancing ring.

World Tree Foundation.

As a huge enterprise that governs and develops this city, it almost has control over the city.

The reason why the Outlander game became popular is because of the methods of the World Tree Foundation.

In the director's office.

Wearing a black suit, Takatora Kureshima stood by the window, looking at the city below.

"West Germany, we can start the next phase of experiments. The battle pole drive needs more experimental data."

Sitting on the sofa nearby was a man wearing a black hat, black clothes and leather shoes.

There is also this trolley case next to it. The things contained in this trolley case are exactly the locked seeds used by the hip-hop knights to resolve disputes.

He is a fixed seed merchant from West Germany.

On the surface, he is a businessman selling locked seeds, but in fact, he is a member of the World Tree Foundation.

The purpose is to help the World Tree Consortium spread these locking seeds.

Pressing his hat lightly, Sid nodded.

"No problem, director, I will find the right people and give them the Zhan Ji Drive. I wonder if they will have more fun next time? Hahaha!"

With a smile on his face, West Germany became more and more interested in what was going to happen next.

Seeing Xi De like this, Wu Dao Guihu's stern face frowned slightly.

"Sid, do your job well and don't do unnecessary things. Do you understand?"

He just wanted to collect combat data as quickly as possible and didn't want to cause unnecessary complications.

PS: Thank you

118yiyi doctor’s monthly ticket! one

Chapter 516 Ark Plan! Daughter of Origin! Transform again,

Golden fruit!

Before the Helheim Forest completely invades the earth, it is necessary to find a way to collect enough data as soon as possible to stabilize the performance of the Militant Pole Drive.

After completing all this, mass production can begin immediately.

According to the current plan, it can only ensure that one billion people on the earth can continue to live before being completely swallowed by the Helheim Forest.

Before a solution to the crisis is found, this is also the safest way at present.

Although it cannot save all humans on earth, it can at least save some of them.

This is the Ark Plan!

Now that the Ark Project has reached a critical stage, the issue of Zhanji Drive cannot be ignored.

Seeing Takatora Kureshima with a serious look on his face, West Germany shrugged helplessly.

"Yes, yes! Director, everything you said is right. Don't worry, I will complete the tasks you assigned."

Afterwards, Sid stood up, grabbed the trolley case and left directly.

After he left, Takatora Kureshima immediately went to the laboratory.

Kureshima Takatora is a very important figure in Yggdrasil.

Not only was he the head of the Helheim Forest Research Program, he was also the first experimenter of the War Pole Drive.

In the laboratory, Zhanji Lingma was still conducting experimental tests at this time.

The Zhanji Driver was made by Zhanji Lingma, so it was named after him!

Although the drive is now complete, the current data is not enough, especially combat data,

So now that the development has reached the bottleneck stage, Zhanji Lingma has begun to develop more advanced drivers.

However, it will take some time to develop a more advanced driver because there is not enough combat data.

As one of Wujima Takatora's subordinates, Senji Reima is also his close friend.

Unlike Wujiao Takatora, Zhanji Lingma cares very much about his inventions. He has never agreed with Wujima Takatora's method of saving mankind.

At first, the two became friends because they admired each other, but as time passed, Senji Reima lost interest in Kurejima Takatora.

In his opinion, Takatora Kureshima is so outstanding, but very stupid, using his own inventions to do useless things.

I just want to develop the battle pole driver myself, and then mass-produce it, so that some humans can survive after the Helheim Forest invades the earth.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, there was a familiar voice.

"Ling Ma, is there any progress on your side?

Zhan Ji Lingma said without turning his head.

"There is still a lack of corresponding experimental data, so we can only reach this step temporarily. I have already started to develop more advanced drives."

Hearing this, Wu Dao Takatora naturally wouldn't blame him.

After all, this is a scientific experiment, and it will naturally hit a bottleneck after reaching a certain level.

In the end, the two chatted for some time. Zhanji Lingma had no interest in what Kurehu Takatora said. He only focused on his own inventions and research.

The Kaiwu team lost the Outlander game today when competing with the Baron team, and therefore also lost a hip-hop dance stage.

The loss of a stage made everyone in the Kaiwu team feel heavy-hearted.

As the captain, Kakuzu Yuya naturally had to take the initiative to help the Armor Team solve the problem at this time.

However, if you want to defeat the Baron team, you can't just rely on ordinary fixed seeds.

Inside the fruit dessert shop Drupes.

Kakuzu Yuya was suddenly approached by West Germany, and he couldn't help but wonder what the other party was looking for.

Looking at West Germany sitting there drinking juice, Kazui Yuya said in a deep voice.

"What do you find me for?"

Sid didn't look at him, but pointed to the sofa opposite.

"Your team seems to be in crisis. I have a super powerful secret weapon here."

Walking to the sofa and sitting down, Yuya Kakui was quite disgusted with the Outlander game itself.

But now that it was related to the ranking of the Kaiwu team, he had to consider the secret weapon that the West German guy said.

"No, it's not."

Putting down the cup in his hand, West Germany took out the battle drive and placed it on the table.

Seeing this kind of thing for the first time, Kakuzu Yuya had a hint of surprise in his eyes.

I originally thought that the other party would bring out a locking seed or something, but I didn't expect it to be something I had never seen before.

When he got the secret weapon, he immediately thought of sharing it with Kuzuye Hongtai and the others.

As a result, a crack leading to the Helheim Forest suddenly appeared around the agreed upon warehouse.

By chance, Kakuzu Yuya entered the passage, and did not resist the temptation and ate the fruit of Helheim Forest.

After eating the fruit, he transformed into an alien, and he was also a superior alien after the transformation.

Kota Kuzuba and Mai Koji who rushed to the warehouse did not see Yuya Kakui, but they saw the passage leading to Helheim Forest.

Kota Kuzuba accidentally picked up the Zhan Ji Drive that originally belonged to Yuya Kakuzu, and discovered that the fruit here can be turned into a locking seed.

Later, he and Gao Siwu were chased by the White Tiger Foreigners and fled back to the human world.

After a lot of fighting, the transformation was finally completed and he successfully became Kamen Rider Kaiwu.

He completed the armor transformation for the first time, and he didn't even understand what was happening now, but he felt that he had the strength to fight monsters.

At this time, Gao Siwu, who was high up in a white dress and had golden hair, was quietly watching the battle below.

She knew that today was the turning point of fate, and it was also because today, Kuzu Ye Hongtai would be involved in this whirlpool.

She comes from the future and wants to interfere with the current development of things in her own way.

The first is that the fighting armor is not able to use its own power skillfully. Facing the White Tiger Foreigner, the battle is a bit embarrassing.

When he saw the completely different Gao Siwu, he was filled with surprise.

"Are you Wu?!"

The two of them were obviously together just now, but the other person was not dressed like this at all, so why did he suddenly change.

"Be careful, you are standing at the crossroads of destiny.

If you keep moving forward, there is no way you can go back.

You can only fight until the end until you dye the world your own color. "

Kaiwu finally chose to fight. He felt that he had to protect Gao Siwu.

Seeing Kaiwu's determined look, the Daughter of Origin had already guessed that things would turn out like this.

Although she can talk to people in the present, she cannot directly interfere with the development of time in the past.

Can she watch Kaiwu being killed by the White Tiger Foreigner in the battle? She taught Kaiwu how to use special kill, and finally succeeded in killing the White Tiger Foreigner.

And when he killed the White Tiger Foreigner, the Daughter of Origin had already left.

She will only appear at critical turning points to prevent things from developing into the future.

After failing to prevent the first critical turning point, she had no choice but to move to the next turning point.

She clearly knew what might happen in the future, but she couldn't stop it. She could only watch it happen again in front of her eyes. She felt very sad.

Very complex.

"How can we change the future?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the Daughter of Origin disappeared.

Kuzuye Hongtai, who successfully eliminated the White Tiger Foreigner, found that Gao Siwu, who was still above him before, had disappeared without a trace.

He had many doubts in his heart about Gao Siwu, whose appearance had changed drastically.

As a result, the next second, the current Gao Siwu suddenly appeared in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

During these few days, the wind seemed particularly quiet, and everything was so calm and calm.

Since the transformation of the museum, monster attacks have been rare in Fengdu.

Of course, it's not completely absent.

There have always been some Gaia memories produced before that were sold, and they would always pop up at some point.

The people who solve these problems are naturally the duo as Kamen Riders and the "very good" Terui Ryuu.

The basement of Sonosaki's house.

After several days of fusing the Philosopher's Stone, Lu Li was floating quietly in mid-air.

With his eyes closed tightly, the aura on Lu Li's body became mysterious and mysterious.

The awakening device on the waist is still golden, but in the middle position, in addition to the golden color, there seems to be a faint flash of strange purple light.

Mu Ran opened his eyes, and a flash of purple flashed in Lu Li's black and white eyes.

As his body fell back to the ground from mid-air, Lu Li could clearly feel the changes that had taken place in him.

After the fusion of the Philosopher's Stone, it did bring a certain degree of transformation to himself, and he actively merged with Lu Li.

The essence of life was once again improved, and Lu Li's own strength also changed slightly.

If Lu Li now transforms into Wild Kalis or other emperor forms, his strength will be improved again compared to before.

Transforming into the most powerful Jokr fully fused form, Lu Li's power also underwent a qualitative change.

As his life essence was enhanced, Lu Li felt that his current state was better than ever before.

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