Of course, just by merging the Philosopher's Stone, Lu Li has indeed evolved to a certain extent, but compared with opponents at the level of the Giver, there is still a big gap.


The Philosopher's Stone, which was simply injected with a large amount of magic power, really helped Lu Li improve his strength to a certain extent.

But the possibility of catching up with the giver with the Philosopher's Stone is slim.

Even so, Lu Li was already satisfied.

The process of becoming stronger is a step-by-step process and cannot be achieved overnight.

The Giver can be so powerful, and it only takes a long time of accumulation to become so terrifying.

Now that he had obtained the Philosopher's Stone, Lu Li had already decided on his next target.

If you want to achieve greater transformation in your life level, you must have this thing.

Golden fruit!

Born in the Forest of Helheim, this golden fruit can directly gain godlike power after use.

Of course, the name of this god may have some water content, but his life level has definitely reached the level of a god.

Just for this reason, Lu Li couldn't refuse.

As long as there is any possibility to make himself stronger, Lu Li will not miss it.

After successfully integrating the Philosopher's Stone, Lu Li now has magical power.

This means that Lu Li can now also use magic 0.

Not only that, due to the special mechanism of the Philosopher's Stone, Lu Li could not only use magic as he wished, but he also didn't have to worry about the consumption of magic power.

The Philosopher's Stone was like a magic power generator that could permanently provide magic power. Lu Li didn't have to worry about running out of magic power.

Since he had magic power and could use magic, Lu Li could use all the drives and rings he snatched from the Golden Demon when he defeated him.

Even if it was Fu Zhenqingren's infinity ring, Lu Li could still use it.

After suppressing his fearful aura, Lu Li became an ordinary person again.

Walking on the street, no one would doubt that he was a terrifyingly powerful being, and would only be regarded as a handsome young man.

It happened to be night when we returned to Sonosaki's house from the underground, and all the girls had already returned.

Everyone was waiting in the hall for Lu Li to come out. Almost everyone felt that the energy in the underground was finally stable.

You can guess that this must be the end of Lu Li's breakthrough.

When they saw Lu Li returning to the living room, everyone stood up.

"It seems that I came up at the right time and just came back to eat."

Unconsciously, I suddenly found that there were so many people sitting at the table in the living room at home.

Except for a few exceptions, almost everyone here has a deep relationship with Lu Li.

Of course, this does not include Misaki Nadeshiko who has not returned yet, otherwise another position would be added.

Seeing Lu Li, the faces of the girls suddenly showed joy.

As the eldest sister, Sonosaki took the initiative to walk over and give Lu Li a hug.

"My dear, you finally came out, how about this time?"

Of course Sonosaki Saeko knew that Lu Li was fusing the Philosopher's Stone, so she was naturally curious whether Lu Li's strength had been improved again.

With a knowing smile, Lu Li kissed Sono Saki Saeko on the mouth without any scruples.

"Of course, after living for such a long time to get something, it has improved me a lot."

Afterwards, Lu Li came to the main seat.

"I've kept everyone waiting for a long time, so I'll punish myself with a drink first."

With that said, Lu Li picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it in one gulp.

The breakthrough in strength naturally made him feel good. At this stage, it was already difficult to improve his strength.

Lu Li's breakthrough was a joyful thing, and all the girls were happy for him.

Inna found it incredible that this family was so harmonious when she first came here, and she still thinks so now.

So, Inna carefully pulled the youngest-looking Dimo ​​Calendar.

Suddenly being pulled by someone, Dimoli looked at Inna in confusion and said in surprise.

"Sister Inna, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Inna immediately came over and asked in a low voice.

"Li, don't you think it's strange that so many of you share Lu Li?"

Even though she had been getting used to it for a while.

But I still find it strange how many drugs Lu Li gave these women to make them so determined.

Shaking his head slightly, Dimuli saw that Inna spoke so quietly, and knew that she definitely didn't want others to hear her.

So she spoke as quietly as possible.

"You don't know that all of us voluntarily followed Brother Lu Li. He can be said to be the savior for most of us in 1.3.

It was He who saved us and gave us the life we ​​live now. Isn’t it right to follow in His footsteps? "

Although Inna has joined for a while, she still doesn't know much about the specific situation of this family.

If you want to understand these things, you must at least become a part of this family. Inna obviously does not meet such conditions now.

Dimoli didn't explain too much. Of course she knew the rules at home.

Before officially becoming a member of this group, Inna didn't know much about the situation.

At this time, one of the girls was drinking red wine very nervously.

This person is Erika Satonaka.

In the past, although Erika Satonaka was ready, she never took action.

Ever since Lu Li returned from two months away, she had silently made a decision to fully integrate into the Sonosaki family.

Having lived here for a long time, she is naturally very familiar with the life here, and it is impossible for her to leave.

And because of Lu Li, she has now reached the limit of human beings. Not only does she have a powerful weather Nazca memory, but she is also able to become immortal.

It is impossible for any woman to refuse Lu Li, who has given him a life beyond ordinary people and can ensure that his beauty will last forever.

She decided to hand herself over today.

At the same time, he completely integrated into the Sonosaki family.

While everyone was enjoying the delicious dinner, Sonosaki Saeko had already quietly told Lu Li about this matter.

After learning about this situation, Lu Li glanced at Erika Satonaka from time to time.

Erika Satonaka, who is usually very outgoing, doesn't look like her at this moment.

Not only was the whole person extremely nervous, but his usual composure was completely absent.

PS: Thank you

Only love Yan Lingji’s monthly ticket!

Chapter 517: Capture Erika! Head to Xunya City!

Kureshima Kutora!

A professional secretary, Lu Li will taste everything about her tonight.

It wasn't until very late that the girls returned to their respective rooms to rest.

At night, outside Lu Li's room.

Wearing a pink lace pajamas, Erika Satonaka stood by the door, feeling very uneasy at the moment.

She had obviously made this decision before, but when things came to pass, she felt a little scared again.

Mainly because it was her first time to experience this kind of thing, and she took the initiative herself, which made her feel nervous and a little shy at the same time.

Even though she had known that she would reach this point, she still felt nervous when she actually reached this point.

He raised his hand twice to knock on the door, but finally put it down again.

The whole person is infinitely confused.

Of course, Lu Li knew everything about the situation outside.

This secretary is usually quite smart, capable, and very outgoing.

I can't tell that she is such a shy person.

Maybe that's just on the surface. When things are really put in front of you, there seems to be a big difference.

Just when Erika Satonaka was struggling with something, suddenly a sound came from inside the room.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

As this voice sounded, the door to the room that was originally closed suddenly opened:

This made Erika Satonaka, who was about to knock on the door again, suddenly feel even more embarrassed.

To enter or not to enter, that is the question now.

Taking a deep breath and cheering herself up, Erika Satonaka finally calmed down her nerves.

He opened the door carefully and entered the room.

Once inside, Erika Satonaka closed the door nervously.

The sneaky look was like being a thief.

After locking the door, Erika Satonaka turned around, only to suddenly find that Lu Li had appeared behind her at some point.

As soon as she turned around and saw Lu Li, Erika Satonaka was immediately startled.

He fell backward unconsciously, and Lu Li stopped him.

Erika Satonaka, who has the ultimate physical fitness of a human, can react quickly even if she falls backwards, making it impossible for her to fall.


"What? Aren't you ready? Now... you regret it?

The voice suddenly came, and Erika Satonaka suddenly raised her head and looked into Lu Li's black and white eyes.

"No! Just...just a little nervous."

Looking down at Erika Satonaka from a high position, she usually wears professional attire, completely covering her snow-white plumpness.

03 But at this moment, she was wearing pajamas, and she could see everything from top to bottom.

Lu Li said with great confidence that Erika Satonaka was not inferior to Inna at all.

"Now that you're ready, let's get started."

Picking up Erika Satonaka, Lu Li walked directly towards his big bed.

Erika Satonaka was suddenly startled when she was suddenly picked up, and she quickly put her arms around Lu Li's neck.

She didn't know what was going on with herself. Compared to her usual self, she felt like a noob now.

The night was silent.

The next day, when Lu Li woke up, Erika Satonaka was still sleeping very soundly.

There was a lot of gunfire last night, and Erika Satonaka didn't sleep until very late.

But even so, Erika Satonaka couldn't see any signs of fatigue on her face, but instead looked nourished and happy.

I told Sonosaki Yuko that Erika Satonaka would take a day off today to take a rest.

When he came to the living room, Lu Li found that Inna was still eating in the living room.

When he saw Inna, Lu Li naturally noticed the tired look on her face.

Lu Li didn't know much about what she did last night.

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