Last night, when Inna was having dinner, she had already noticed something strange about Erika Satonaka.

So I thought of observing in secret, but saw Erika Satonaka entering Lu Li's room.

She followed quietly, wanting to know if anything would happen.

Nothing happened. Instead, she heard strange sounds outside for a long time.

If you have never eaten pork, have you never seen a pig running?

Even when Inna returns to her room, she can't help but recall Lu Li's powerful appearance.

His extremely powerful strength is matched with his handsome appearance, and he loves his women very much and even sacrifices a lot for them.

Inna returned to her room, tossing and turning on the bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

When she woke up in the morning, she found that it was already very late, and the most important thing was that her inner body seemed to be very bad."

She is the only one who knows about these things.

Since she didn't sleep well last night and got up early in the morning, Inna was also quite tired.

When she saw Lu Li walking down the stairs, Inna lowered her head in embarrassment and absentmindedly ate the breakfast in front of her.

The scene she had dreamed about last night was echoing in her mind. It was very embarrassing!

When she was a spy before, she had never had such a dream. This was the first time.

It was just a dream. The most important thing was that I was actually wet!

This was something she never expected.

He didn't dare to look at Lu Li at all, as if he was afraid that the other party would discover something strange about him and be exposed by him.

Sitting in his seat, Lu Li ate his breakfast calmly, as if nothing happened.

This made Inna feel relieved immediately, she must have not been discovered.

Otherwise... the society will really die.

A simple breakfast was finished quickly. Lu Li discussed with Sonosaki Saeko last night and planned to go to Panya City.

Knowing that Lu Li often went to Panya City, Sonosaki Saeko didn't have any worries at all.

Although this place is a little far away, it's not a big problem.

Anyway, no matter how far the distance is, Lu Li can use space to teleport back, just in an instant.

"What? Why didn't I see you like this when I was listening to you in the corner last night?"

As soon as Lu Li opened his mouth, Inna was immediately confused.

She stopped eating on the spot and looked at Lu Li in disbelief.

Good guy!

He actually knew that he was outside at that time. Recalling what happened at night, Inna suddenly understood.

No wonder Erika Satonaka's voice suddenly became much louder at that time. After a long time, there was something going on.

Inna wanted to refute, but considering that Lu Li would definitely be able to detect it due to his powerful power, it was useless even if she tried to quibble.

And it is the truth.

"By the way, Inna, after breakfast, come with me to Panya City. I have something to do there."

Inna, whose face was slightly red and at a loss, suddenly heard Lu Li's serious words and seemed to be at a loss.


Lu Li couldn't calm down for a while. The topic span of Lu Li's topic was really too big.

It was that kind of thing just now, but now it suddenly became serious.

After Inna reacted, she didn't want to dwell on the issue just now, so she nodded quickly:

“Okay, I get it, I get it.

Compared with the topic just now, this matter was better. She even felt that she could no longer talk anymore.

But recalling what Lu Li had just said about going to Shiya City, Inna couldn't help but feel a little curious about what Lu Li was doing in that city.

Of course, Inna also knew something about Sawaya City. It was a city controlled by the World Tree Foundation.

This company is generally responsible for urban security and the like. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a new era city.

There should be quite a distance between Fengdu and Pan Nha City.

Inna didn't quite understand why Lu Li suddenly thought of going to that place.

After breakfast, Lu Li called Sonosaki Saeko and told her that he planned to go to Panya City.

After learning the news, Sonosaki Saeko immediately called the World Tree Foundation.

He said that he would arrange for people from the company to go over today to inspect the investment and development of the World Tree Foundation.

As an investor in the World Tree Consortium, he is indeed qualified to arrange for inspectors to see the company's development.

After making all these arrangements, Lu Li took Inna and set off.

Inna used to be a spy, so things like driving are naturally easy to do.

Not just driving, but even flying a plane or a ship is no problem.

That's right, Inna's trip to Panya City this time was mainly to help Lu Li as a driver.

After all, he is also a very famous spy and enjoys a high reputation internationally, but now he is reduced to a driver and a handyman.

When she thought of this, Inna, who was holding the steering wheel, unconsciously tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

That anger in my heart!

As for the museum's arrangements for people to come over for inspection, the World Shou Foundation quickly made arrangements.

As a senior executive of the World Tree Foundation, Takahu Wujima suddenly received a call from the director of the World Tree Foundation.

The content of the phone call was to tell Takatora Kureshima that the consortium headquarters would welcome inspection personnel arranged by investors, and Takatora Kureshima needed to receive them.

And he also specifically told Wu Dao Takatora that if the other party didn't interfere too much in the consortium's projects, he didn't need to pay too much attention.

There is no way, who made the other party invest money when the World Tree Group was short of money? Now he can be regarded as a shareholder of the consortium.

Wu Dao Takatora, who learned about this incident, was not angry because of it. After all, this was someone's right, and of course he couldn't stop it.

It just so happens that the other party can see the research results of their World Tree Foundation.

Since he had to receive Lu Li, he couldn't be the only director. For this reason, he specially told Zhan Ji Lingma and others about the matter.

Investors need to come and inspect the situation so that they are all prepared.

When he learned about this situation, Zhanji Lingma didn't particularly care about it.

What really matters to him is his own research and inventions, and other things cannot attract his attention at all.

In the past few days, many hip-hop knight teams have obtained combat pole drives one after another.

Through the battles between these knights, a lot of very useful data was indeed collected.

Studying this data, Zhanji Lingma will be able to create a higher generation drive.

As for the hip-hop knights who obtained the Zhanji Drive, a fierce battle naturally broke out in order to compete for the stage.

For a hip-hop team, the stage is a very important thing.

Only with a stage can they perform and gain more attention and support.

However, in the past two days, a person suddenly appeared who disrupted the struggles of various hip-hop teams.

This person is not affiliated with any hip-hop team, he is just a pure layman.

He is the manager of the very famous Western pastry shop in Pan Nha City, Charmont, Huanglian Pierre Alfonso.

Regarding the Outlander game that became popular during this period, he himself believed that it was not a real battlefield, but just a game for children.

For this reason, he chose to join this battle between knights.

I grabbed the driver and lock seed from the hip-hop team who had just obtained the Zhan Ji Driver, and joined the battle of hip-hop knights.

His own strength is very terrifying, because before becoming a pastry chef, he once served in the paratrooper company of the special forces.

He has very rich combat experience. Because of this, he was able to suppress other hip-hop teams with his own strength.

Although he is an outsider, to the residents of Pan Nha City, this does not matter at all.

What they value is the joy of fighting brought by Huang Lian's location. It is a kind of fighting that can make them physically and mentally happy, and they can naturally gain people's support.

Therefore, when only the hip-hop team was originally participating in the battle, suddenly an additional person with rich combat experience was involved.

It immediately raised the level of the battle and made it very interesting.

Just now, the investors were notified of the arrival of inspection personnel, and Takatora Kureshima received the news.

So he immediately found West Germany, who had been distributing drives and lock seeds, to find out what was going on.

Inside the office.

West Germany held a piece of information belonging to Huanglian.

"Huanglian Yannosuke went to France fifteen years ago in order to become a pastry chef and joined the army after obtaining French citizenship.

He joined the paratroopers and participated in combat in various places such as the Middle East and Africa. After retiring, he called himself Pierre Alfonso.

I got the qualification of a first-class pastry chef and returned to my country last year, that’s it

530 As a lock-seed merchant, West Germany had no idea that the war pole driver he gave to the hip-hop team would fall into the hands of a professional soldier in this way.

This is indeed a very troublesome matter. After all, the two sides are not opponents of the same level at all.

In addition, the other party is a retired soldier, which is indeed a bit dangerous.

Wu Dao Takatora's face was a little solemn and he asked in a deep voice.

"The opponent is a special forces elite with rich practical experience. How did such a dangerous person obtain the driver?"

Syd shrugged helplessly, looking like he didn't know.

"Director, even if you ask me, I don't know. The owner of the drive is not necessarily the first recipient.

It is also possible to initialize it after giving it to someone else.

Taking a deep breath, Takatora Kureshima turned around and put his hands on the table, staring at West Germany with cold eyes.

"How do you take responsibility for this, Syd?"

If this matter is not handled well, it is likely to have serious consequences.

Although he is a cold realist, he is actually very kind at heart.

Stared by this cold look, Sid suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and immediately turned his head to the side, not knowing how to explain it.

After all, he has always been responsible for distributing drives. If something like this happens, he is indeed responsible.

Moreover, Takatora Wujima was his direct superior, so he did not dare to talk back at this time.

At this time, Xiangraku on the big screen suddenly interrupted.

“Don’t worry, unexpected situations are inevitable.

Director Wu Dao, it seems that you also threw the valuable watermelon seeds somewhere, right?

He only knows how to reprimand, but he has made a lot of mistakes. This seems a bit bad.

As soon as Sagara said these words, Kureshima Takatora frowned immediately.

As for Sid, who had just turned his head away, he laughed secretly.

Wudao Guihu only discovered that the important watermelon lock seeds were lost when he came to the company today.

He had kept such an important thing in a suitcase, but it was lost, which was very strange.

Wudao Guihu, who was embarrassed, could only change the subject.

"Anyway, it is too dangerous to let a real combat expert use the drive, and it should be recovered immediately."

But Sagara didn't think so. He thought that the battle should continue.

"Really? I think this seems to be good. After all, this is a hot spot that can make our program more popular."

Hearing this, Wudao Guihu's face changed, and he pointed at Sagara on the big screen and scolded him.

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