"After all, your farce is just to control intelligence. Don't get it wrong!"

You must know that he is the director and the person in charge of this project plan. Everyone else should follow his orders and do things.

Xiangra immediately raised his hands and shrugged helplessly, looking very innocent.

Sid played with the lock seed, stood up and said.

"Director, Professor Lingma is very happy, saying that he has collected valuable data that has never been seen before."

PS: Thanks -

Monthly tickets for Fang’s treat!

Chapter 518 What are you afraid of, we are investors? Elegant man! magic

"He is right. Although it is an unexpected situation, from the perspective of the entire plan, it is still within the allowable range.

How about waiting and watching for a while? Noble tiger.

A sound suddenly came from above, forcing Wu Dao Takatora to swallow back what he wanted to say.

As his friend and the main developer of this project, Zhanji Reima's words still hold considerable weight among Kurejima Takatora.

Since Zhan Ji Lingma felt that it was necessary to wait and see for a while, he couldn't say anything more.

Turning around and walking outside, Takahu Kureshima stood at the top of the stairs and looked at West Germany with solemn eyes.

"Continue to monitor those guys on the street, don't let up, and report any strange signs to me immediately."

"Yes Yes Yes.

Syd shrugged and responded nonchalantly.

This matter has come to an end for the time being. Regarding the matter of Huanglian, World Tree will not deal with it at present.

Since Zaiya City is far away from Fengdu, it took Lu Li almost five hours to get there by car this time.

Just outside the city, you can see a huge building standing in the center of the city.

And this huge building is the headquarters of the World Tree Foundation.

It looked full of technology, and Lu Li suddenly discovered that the company under the museum didn't seem to have such a similar building.

It is indeed full of style.

He planned to discuss with Sonosaki Saeko later on when to build a building like this.

Inna also came to Pan Nha City for the first time, but she still had a certain understanding of Pan Nha City.

"Mr. Lu, Panya City is currently under the control of the World Tree Foundation.

In this city, the World Tree Foundation has supreme power, and almost everything is handled by the World Tree Foundation.

It is better for us to be more careful when moving in this city and try not to provoke the World Tree Foundation.

Although she had already seen the powerful power possessed by Lu Li, Inna felt that it was still within the control of other forces, so it was always right to be careful.

Hearing this, Lu Li then remembered that he seemed to have not mentioned to Inna what identity he was there under.

“I forgot to tell you, our museum has invested in the World Tree Foundation before.

It can be said that we are one of the shareholders of the World Tree Foundation. Do you think... we will have any trouble? "


Inna was suddenly speechless.

Then he rolled his eyes speechlessly.

With this level of status, why don't you just say it earlier?

It made her think that she was going to do something this time.

With this special identity, it seems that there is no need to panic at all.

On the way to the World Tree Foundation, Inna suddenly noticed a large group of people pouring out from the side.

These people looked panicked and crossed the road directly as if they were running for their lives.

Facing this group of people who were running away wantonly, Inna quickly braked.

"Why are there so many people? What happened?"

Inna had doubts in her eyes, obviously not sure what was going on here.

Through the window, Lu Li noticed that there seemed to be a fight not far away.

What can cause riots in Panya City is undoubtedly the result of the foreigners failing to control their power and breaking through the constraints of the game.

Looking at it like this, it seems that there are quite a lot of foreigners being released, and I don’t know what stage the plot is at.

They had already arrived, and Lu Li was also curious and prepared to go over and join in the fun.

After opening the car door, Lu Li left a direct message.

"I'll go over there and take a look. You park the car and come back.

Without waiting for Inna, Lu Li walked directly towards that side.

"feed me..

Looking at the retreating figure, Inna was completely speechless.

Just leaving yourself here like this, do you really think of yourself as a driver?

Too much!

Although she felt a little angry, Inna honestly pulled over the car and then opened the door and followed.

Go back a few minutes.

The Kaiwu team was dancing hip-hop on their stage, and there were many people around who supported them, waving their hands and shouting below.

But at this moment, the music suddenly stopped.

Everyone saw a man wearing a floral shirt and red trousers standing next to the stereo and taking off the card that played the music.

The sudden stop made the members of the Armored Team naturally unconvinced.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Wu Daoguang actually recognized this man when he saw him.

Next to him, Gao Siwu showed an expression of admiration.

"You are Lord Huanglian"!

She clasped her hands together and sounded very excited.

The other team members were shocked when they saw Gao Siwu's appearance.

Is this still the Gao Siwu they know?

Huang Lian held the card and approached step by step, her tall body bringing a strong sense of oppression.

“Since this kind of thing is going to be used on a public stage, it should be subject to stricter review before being released.”

As he spoke, he threw the card in his hand to the ground.

Upon hearing this, the members of the Armored Team immediately became dissatisfied.

"What qualifications do we have to determine how good our dance is?"

"Because no one ever decides!"

Huang Lian, who had a loud voice, scared everyone away with just one sentence.

What followed was a series of unfair remarks. Huang Lian didn't bother to talk to them any more and just took out the Zhan Ji Driver and Durian Lock Seed.


Opening the lock, a zipper suddenly appeared above his head, revealing an armored durian.

"Lock.On! Durian.Arms (Durian Armor)! Mr. Dangerous (Mr. Dangerous)!"

When the armored durian fell on Huanglian's head, a driving uniform appeared on her body.

The armor opens and finally turns into a green Kamen Rider Bravo!

Seeing the other party preparing to fight, it was naturally impossible for Kuzuyo Kota and Kureshima Mitsumi to watch helplessly.

Take out the drive and lockseed together to transform.

"Transform!" x2

"Lock.On! Soiya! Orange.Arms! Ikebana On.Stage!"

"Lock.On! Haii! Budou.Arms! Dragon Cannon HaHaHa!"

Kamen Rider Kaiwu, Kamen Rider Ryugen!

Subsequently, the two sides started a fierce battle.

Although it was two against one, Braver, as a soldier with rich practical experience, showed stronger combat effectiveness after the transformation.

Even in a one-on-two situation, he can suppress two people.

This battle did not have a good chance of winning just because they had one more person.

Facing the powerful Braver, the two of them had no chance of winning and were beaten very badly.

In the situation where he had an absolute advantage, Braver did not rush to solve them, but suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, let's imitate that kid a little bit.

As he said that, he also took out a lot of locked seeds, opened them directly, and threw them on the ground.

Since he didn't know the rules of the game of the Outlander at all, Braver didn't know that he needed to hold the Locked Seed to control these Outlanders.

Throwing these lock seeds directly on the ground is tantamount to giving up control over them.

Seeing his operation like this, Kaiwu was dumbfounded on the spot.

Good guy!

I’ve seen people play, but never seen people play like this!

"Hey! How do you control them?"

"Huh? What is that?"

Obviously, Braver had no idea what control and non-control were, and he thought that the aliens he summoned were under his control.

"You don't even know the basics of the Outlander game?!"

Gao Siwu's voice had just fallen. These foreigners, who were not controlled by anyone, instantly broke through the game arena and poured into the crowd.

Because of this, the scene that Lu Li saw before happened.

A large number of people rushed outside crazily. They fled in all directions because they saw foreigners rushing out.

Faced with the sudden appearance of a large number of foreigners, Kaiwu and Long Xuan fell into a hard fight for a while, even though their combat effectiveness was good.

As for Braver, this guy still hasn't figured out what the situation is.

Even he, the summoner, has also become the target of attacks by these aliens.

"Hey! I'm the commander, what's going on with these guys?!"

Braver's eyes darkened, and he looked at the chaotic scene around him, feeling confused for a moment.

The crowd has not been completely evacuated. If so many monsters cannot be dealt with and let them escape, things will become very dangerous.

Contrary to these people who were fleeing in all directions, Lu Li took the initiative to get closer.

Moving completely in the opposite direction to the flow of people, Lu Li's appearance was naturally very eye-catching.

Gao Siwu and others who were hiding in the corner were surprised when they saw Lu Li.

"Eh?! What happened to that person? Shouldn't you run away when you see a monster?!"

"I don't know! Is there something wrong with his mind?"

"It's so dangerous, and he even took the initiative to come in. I really don't know what this guy is thinking."

Compared with his teammates, Gao Siwu felt his eyes light up when he saw Lu Li.

She always felt that the other person exuded an extraordinary aura. At the same time, the other person was very handsome, more handsome than any boy she had seen so far.

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