The extraordinary temperament, coupled with the handsome face, indeed has extraordinary appeal for a young girl.

"So handsome!

His eyes shone slightly, and Gao Siwurang looked slightly obsessed, which made several teammates around him feel speechless.

"Dance! What are you thinking?!"

"Ah?! It's nothing, nothing!"

After coming back to his senses, Gao Siwu suddenly remembered the current situation and quickly shook his head.

Her face was slightly red, and she felt very embarrassed at the moment.

Now is a dangerous time, why would I think about these messy things?

However, she was still secretly glancing at Lu Li, trying to see if she wanted to see something.

【who is he? Could it be that... isn't he afraid of these monsters? 】

Doubts suddenly appeared in his heart. He couldn't understand why Lu Li didn't escape with the others.

Not only did he not escape, but he also came over on his own initiative, which was very strange.

Lu Li, who had just entered here, probably knew what was going on after seeing what happened in front of him.

These foreigners were all released by Brafur, and there were quite a few of them.

At this time, a deer alien with large branch antlers on its head and back suddenly stared at Lu Li.

He quickly rushed towards Lu Li, the sharp horn on his head being very sharp and could easily penetrate the armor.


Kaiwu was being stopped by other foreigners at this time, and could only watch helplessly as the deer foreigners attacked Lu Li.

He wanted to help, but he couldn't do anything right now.

When Gao Siwu saw this scene, she immediately covered her eyes with her hands. She no longer dared to continue watching.

She was worried that if she continued to watch, the handsome man in front of her who could make her fall in love would suffer.

If such a sharp branch corner is pierced, it will definitely die besides leaving a lot of blood.

After a few seconds, Gao Siwu didn't hear any screams and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

She noticed that the companions around her all showed surprised expressions, and they were all dumbfounded, as if they had seen something worthy of surprise.

He carefully removed his hand and opened his eyes to take a look.

Gao Siwu didn't even dare to move too fast, for fear of seeing a very bloody scene.

But when she saw the specific situation, she was stunned.


,"How could my heart? How could it happen? ! "

With his eyes widened slightly, Gao Siwu looked at the scene in front of him with an incredulous look on his face, and he was completely surprised.

She didn't understand at all, how did the man in front of her do it?

Why can someone do this?

Lu Li was seen blocking the front with one hand, and the deer alien was still sprinting, but was unable to move forward at all.

An invisible force resisted the attack of the Deer Stranger.

No matter how hard it tries, it can never break through.

"Isn't it a little bad to welcome me like this when you first come in?"

Lu Li looked at the deer alien in front of him who was still exerting force, with a flat smile on his face.

Although the strength of the Lu Foreigner was pretty good, he was not on the same level as Lu Li at all, and the power gap between the two sides was really too big.

Then, Lu Li casually patted the side.

As if being affected by some huge impact, the deer alien flew directly sideways and fell to the ground in an awkward state.


It hit a wall like a cannonball, causing the entire wall to dent and splashing countless rubble.

Falling to the ground awkwardly, the Deer Stranger was directly submerged by the rubble falling from the wall.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

This sudden display of power made everyone stunned.

Can people...really be able to do this? !

This is obviously not something humans can do!

As for the local monsters, Braver was filled with excitement after seeing Lu Li kill a deer alien so easily.

"Elegant! So elegant!"

He worships strong people, especially those who are handsome and behave elegantly.

Compared to Brafur, Long Xuan obviously has more to consider.

"Who is that guy? Where did he come from? Is he from another team?"

If Lu Li was from another team, Long Xuan felt that the opponent would be a very difficult opponent.

Although Long Xuan is the youngest in the Armor Team, he has a very flexible mind.

And Lu Li's sudden appearance showed a different power, making Long Xuan feel that the other party was not simple.

If the other party is an enemy, will there be a conflict with the Armored Corps?

These are all unknown, but Long Xuan is already considering these issues at this moment.

"Is this the alien from Helheim Forest? So... weak."

This was not because Lu Li looked down upon foreigners, but these ordinary foreigners were indeed no threat to Lu Li.

Especially after Lu Li fused with the Philosopher's Stone and further improved his strength, it was even less likely to pose any threat to him.

In Lu Li's eyes, the only Overlord Foreigners who might be of some interest are probably not even Overlord Foreigners, they must reach Bai Ya's level.

Anyway, he had already arrived, and there happened to be so many foreigners here, including some advanced foreigners who had completed evolution, so Lu Li didn't mind doing some exercise.

It just so happens that we can take this opportunity to experiment with the power of magic.

Inna, who followed closely behind, was shocked to see so many monsters here.

But seeing that Lu Li had no intention of leaving at all, he knew without thinking that Lu Li was not afraid of these monsters.

Compared with the opponents at the level of Cosmic Iron Man, World Double Dragon, she felt that these monsters in front of her were more "cute".

The Golden Demon's driver appeared on Lu Li's waist, and he put on the Transformation Magician's Ring.


"Change! Now!"

A golden magic circle appeared under Lu Li's feet, which seemed to give people a very sacred feeling.

The golden magic array gradually passed through Lu Li's body from bottom to top.

PS: Thanks -

- A monthly pass for Chen Xing at the end of the summer! .

Chapter 519 The Elegant Golden Demon makes the final assault! Sagara: It’s getting more and more interesting.

A black and gold mage robe formed on the surface of Lu Li's body.

The elegant and noble magician appeared in front of everyone.

Those obsidian-like eyes seemed to exude real magic power.

Kamen Rider Sorcerer (Golden Demon)!

With surging magic power inside his body, Lu Li can now easily use the magic ring.

Gao Siwu and others were very surprised when they saw Lu Li complete his transformation.

"Transformed?! What kind of knight is that? Why is it different from the one used by Hongtai and others?!"

They originally thought that those who could fight the aliens must be armored knights, but now it seems that the situation is not what they thought.

In addition to the armored knights, there are some other powers that exist.

After barely repelling an alien, Long Xuan naturally noticed Lu Li who had completed his transformation.

His face became slightly serious, and he secretly looked at Lu Li.

It is completely different from the Zhanji driver. Is it a new driver?

Moreover, the prop used by the other party to transform is not a lock seed, but a special ring.

What kind of power is this?

"Eh?! Mitsumi! Have you seen it? Is this some new power? I've never seen it before!"

His words were full of surprise, and Kaiwu had no sense of crisis at all.

"Ah! Such an elegant and beautiful figure, such a noble magician, it is simply fascinating."

Braver held his hands on both sides of his face, looking as if he was intoxicated by Lu Li's noble and elegant fighting posture.

A bat alien suddenly locked onto Lu Li and quickly plummeted down from above, preparing to tear Lu Li apart with its small wings hidden on its wrists.

Generally speaking, flying enemies are more difficult to deal with, but this premise depends on your own strength and the strength of the enemy.

For example, the current strength gap between Lu Li and Bat Stranger is not too big.

It looked like the Bat Alien was approaching with great force, but Lu Li didn't take him seriously at all.

He casually put the all-purpose magic ring on his hand.

With the Universal Magic Ring, all kinds of conventional magic can be easily used.

Fit the universal magic ring on your right hand to the driver's palm.

"Blast! Now!

The next second, a golden magic circle appeared in front of Lu Li.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely terrifying impact struck instantly.

The Bat Stranger, who had just descended rapidly, lost his balance in the face of this powerful impact.

"It rolled awkwardly in mid-air and finally hit the ground hard.

"It's indeed magic! It's so magical!"

Gao Siwu previously thought that Lu Li looked very much like a magician, but he didn't expect that he could actually use magic.

Handsome! grace!

With a casual wave of his hand, he hit the impact magic and directly knocked an alien away.

The elegant and powerful attack makes people feel happy to see it.

This was the first time to see Lu Li transform into a golden demon. Even Inna felt a little surprised.

The power of this magic is indeed amazing, but Inna doesn't just think it's magical, Lu Li must have more powerful power.

To be able to become the supreme ruler behind the museum, there is absolutely no doubt about Lu Li's strength.

"Lighting! Now!"

Release magic again, and a golden magic circle appears in front of you.

The next second, countless golden thunders emerged instantly.

The aliens who were relatively close to the area had no way to escape from the menacing thunder and lightning.

In just a moment, these foreigners were knocked to the ground one after another.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The junior aliens exploded on the spot under the lightning attack. As for the advanced aliens, although they did not explode, they were still lying on the ground one by one.

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