If you look closely, you can see that the body of the superior alien is shaking constantly. It is obvious that this is the sequelae of being hit by lightning.


Gaiwu quickly solved a primary alien and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Compared with his own fighting method, Lu Li didn't even need to touch these aliens to easily solve them.

"In this case, I can't fall behind!"

Quickly take out the pineapple lock seed and replace the orange lock seed on the Zhan Ji driver.

"Lock.On! Soiya! Pine.Arms! Destroy!"

Kamen Rider Gaim. Pineapple Armor Form!

Holding a pineapple steel hammer in his hand, with a chain wrapped around the end, he can attack at medium and long distances.

Swinging the pineapple steel hammer and throwing it out quickly, the pineapple steel hammer wrapped around a superior alien, and his arm suddenly exerted force to bring the opponent over.


After pushing the blade-like push rod twice in a row, Kaiwu tightened his grip on the unparalleled saber in his hand and quickly slashed at the approaching superior alien.


"Boom! !"

Under the unwilling wail of the superior alien, his body exploded instantly.

After dealing with a superior alien, Kaiwu immediately looked for the next target.

Noticing that Kaiwu was competing with him for the target, Lu Li raised his mouth slightly and cast a new magic again.

"Chain (binding)(aech).Now! "

Suddenly, Lu Li then emerged several golden magic circles.

Then a large number of chains emerged from the golden magic circles.

These chains quickly extended out and directly tied up the aliens who were still in action.

Under Lu Li's intentional control, all the aliens were directly gathered together.

With the restraints of the magic chains, they had no way to escape.

Directly put on the Final Assault Magician Ring, switched the position of the driver's palm, and covered the driver with the ring.

"Yes! Final.Strike! Understand? "

A golden magic circle appeared under his feet, and a terrifying golden magic power rushed into Lu Li's right foot.

He squatted slightly, then jumped up.

Lu Li made a 360-degree rotation in the sky, then fell rapidly, and kicked from top to bottom.


The dazzling golden magic circle burst into dazzling golden light at the toes.

The black and golden figure fell directly from the sky into the aliens entangled by the chains.


The extremely terrifying and violent explosion shook the earth.

Those aliens entangled by the chains were instantly engulfed by the flames of the explosion.

The flames that shot up into the sky illuminated everyone's faces, making people stunned.

Gao Siwu's watery eyes widened, and he felt very incredible in his heart that there was such a handsome magician.

"Oh my God! This power is too great. ”

“It’s so powerful that it killed all the foreigners in one go!”

“Incredible! Even Kota-kun can’t do this, right?”

Such an amazing scene is really unforgettable.

Among the crowd, only Long Xuan was in a serious mood at this time.

No one knew who Lu Li was, and whether he would become an enemy.

If such a powerful and terrifying guy became an enemy, it would be very difficult to deal with.

The explosion and fire that fell from the sky soon dissipated, revealing the figure of the golden magician.

The chic figure was reborn in the flames, giving people a more handsome and compelling feeling.

Bravo was already fascinated by it at this time, hugging his body with both hands, and couldn’t help shouting.

“Ah! What a beautiful and elegant figure! This is simply beautiful art! "

Although this big man is dressed up in a flashy way, which gives people a very strange feeling, his appreciation is indeed first-class.

Reaching out and gently pulling the wizard robe behind him, Lu Li was not averse to using magic to fight, and thought it was pretty good.

Although there is no blood boiling like close combat, it is elegant enough.

Suddenly, Lu Li raised his head slightly and looked at the top of the tall building next to him.

There, there was a girl wearing a white dress and golden hair.

The Daughter of Origin!

The moment he saw the other party, Lu Li had already recognized who the other party was.

In the future, the Daughter of Origin who obtained the golden fruit, Xi She hoped to change what happened in the past by traveling through time.

This might change the future.

But things always go against her wishes, and the things she wanted to stop eventually happened one after another.

It was as if the trajectory of fate was fixed, and she could not escape no matter how she corrected and changed it.

The Daughter of Origin noticed the battle, and also saw people she had never seen in the future.

She didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

The Daughter of Origin didn't know whether the other party's arrival would change the trajectory of the future:

But what happened at the beginning made the Daughter of Origin feel that the fate of the future was destined to be unchangeable, and she was very depressed.

Now an unknown person suddenly appeared, whom he had never seen before. Perhaps... the other party was the breakthrough point!

Therefore, the eyes of the Daughter of Origin stayed on Lu Li for a little longer.

It was during this short period of time that Lu Li noticed the existence of the Daughter of Origin.

The Daughter of Origin did not exist in the present time and space, but came from the future.

With the help of the power of the golden fruit, she came to the present, hoping to change the future outcome.

Lu Li felt a little surprised that the Daughter of Origin suddenly noticed him. Was it a coincidence?

When Lu Li noticed the Daughter of Origin, the two looked at each other in the air. The Daughter of Origin could not see Lu Li's eyes, but her body shook unconsciously.

Strange feeling!

This person gave her a very strange and inexplicable feeling, and she didn't know what it felt like.

Then she turned around and the Daughter of Origin disappeared directly on the high-rise building.

Seeing the Daughter of Origin disappear, Lu Li knew that the other party had used the power of the golden fruit to disappear again.

The golden fruit gave the Daughter of Origin the power to travel through time, but don't forget that Lu Li also controls the power of time.

However, Lu Li's current control of the power of time is still limited. He can't travel between the past and the future at will. The main thing he can do is

time pause and time acceleration.

Perhaps after obtaining the golden fruit, Lu Li's control over the power of time will become more complete.

After removing the transformation, Lu Li reappeared in everyone's sight.

This battle was ended in advance.

Since the entire city is under the control of the World Tree Consortium, all information will be transmitted to the headquarters of the World Tree Consortium as soon as possible.

As the manager of information, Xiangle narrowed his eyes when he saw Lu Li using magic power.

In his opinion, Lu Li is an outsider from outside this city.

Of course, as a snake, he wants to choose someone who can control the power of the golden fruit, not someone in this city.

Even if he comes from other cities, he won't mind.

The arrival of an outsider may make this matter more interesting.

However, the golden fruit is not yet mature, so we can take our time to find the owner of the golden fruit.

Is it possible for this unexpected outsider to become the owner of the golden fruit?

Sagara didn't know.

"Things... are becoming more and more interesting."

With a weird smile on his face, who could have thought that Sagara would be the Helheim Forest itself?

It can only be said that Wudao Guihu is really good at judging people.

Among the group of people under him, no one was of the same mind as him in the end.

Back to Lu Li.

Lu Li, who easily solved this battle, was quite satisfied with the power of the Golden Demon.

I just don't know what I will look like if I use the Infinity Ring after I transform into the Golden Demon?

Lu Li couldn't help but be a little curious.

Of course, Lu Li felt that after using the Infinity Ring, he would probably increase his own power in all directions, and it was hard to say how much the specific increase would be.

I can try it next time. If the increase in strength is not large, Lu Li can consider making the Infinity Ring into an awakening card.

Just like the Winged-Horned Tyrannosaurus Rex, Lu Li has infinite magic power provided by the stone of the former in his body, and can completely transform into an infinite form of witch knight.

At this time, Inna hurried over and said.

"Mr. Lu, let's go quickly, after all, we have an appointment."

This time, the World Tree Consortium has arranged for high-level people to meet them. The time agreed by both parties is not good for the first meeting.

Nodding, Lu Li was about to leave with Inna.

"Don't go! Please wait a moment!"

At this time, a sudden voice sounded

I saw Huanglian rushing over quickly.

Inna could feel that the breath emanating from the other party was very unusual. It was not the breath that ordinary people could have, more like a soldier.

Immediately took a fighting stance. As a spy, Inna was naturally very skilled.

After noticing Inna's actions, Huanglian hurriedly braked and stopped.

As a soldier who has participated in many battles, Huanglian has a very keen observation ability, and he immediately realized that Inna was not an ordinary person.

His first impression was that the woman in front of him was Lu Li's bodyguard driver or something, and he looked at Lu Li with admiration.

Then, he took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over.

"Hello, this gorgeous gentleman, I am Huanglian Pierre Alfonso, I run a pastry shop called Charmont, welcome to my shop to taste."

Huanglian looks very strong, but he feels a bit sissy, which is very visually different.

But Lu Li is also curious about the taste of the pastries this guy said he made.

Taking the business card, Lu Li smiled and nodded.

"I received the business card. If I have a chance, I will come to taste the pastries you made.

Seeing his business card being taken over, Huanglian became very excited.

The hands clasped together, the happy look on his face made Inna frown.

At this time, a weak voice suddenly came from the side.

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