"Hello, brother. Thank you very much for helping us. Otherwise, we would be in big trouble."

Looking sideways, Lu Li saw Gao Siwu bowing to him to thank him.

Although she looks exactly like the Daughter of Origin, Gao Siwu and the Daughter of Origin have no relationship at all.

"No need to thank me. I just came to this city and I'm curious about the city.

Little sister, what's your name?"

Of course, Lu Li knew what Gao Siwu's name was, but it was the first time someone met, so it was impossible for them to say that they knew each other.

The first impression he gave to others was that he had investigated the other person.

When Gao Siwu heard Lu Li asking about her name, her face turned slightly red and she lowered her head unconsciously.

"My name is Gao Siwu, brother, you can just call me Wu, and... I am not small anymore!

Perhaps because he was very concerned about whether he was small or not, Gao Siwu even puffed out his chest.

But when Gao Siwu puffed out his chest, he suddenly noticed Inna beside Lu Li.

Compared with her figure, there was a world of difference!

PS: Thank you -一一一13698 for the monthly ticket!

Thank you 1

一一esha for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 520 This is too foul! Guang Shi Renzeng! First visit to the World Tree

Gao Siwu, who had just mustered up the courage, was immediately hit hard and lowered his head obscurely.

[How can it be so big?! This is too foul!! ]

In his heart There was a little person shouting non-stop. Gao Siwu felt that even if she grew up a little more, she would not be able to grow to that level.

When she thought of this, Gao Siwu suddenly felt a little discouraged.

Gao Siwu's thoughts were completely written on her face, and Lu Li saw it clearly.

What is this little girl comparing with Inna?

You know, among all the girls, Inna's figure can be regarded as outstanding, and few can compare with her.

And Gao Siwu is obviously the kind of girl from a small family, petite and exquisite, completely different from Inna.

Noticing the time problem, Lu Li knew that he should leave, after all, the agreed time was coming soon.

"Wu, look forward to seeing you next time, I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

With that, Lu Li turned around and left.

Inna didn't say a word, glanced at the little Gao Siwu, and followed Lu Li's pace directly.

"Brother, you haven't told me your name yet?"

Hearing the call from behind, Lu Li waved his hand without looking back.

"Lu Li. "

After leaving two words, Lu Li and Inna had already left here.

"So his name is Lu Li."

Having deeply remembered this name, Gao Siwu always felt that this name would be very important to him.

Huang Lian, who was standing aside, looked at the gradually disappearing back, her heart full of admiration.

"Ah! His name is Lu Li, it is really a very elegant name!

It is a perfect match with his elegance!"

He is obviously a big man, but such an attitude is very difficult to accept.

Ge Ye Hongtai had already lifted the transformation at this time, came to Gao Siwu, and looked at Huang Lian with a vigilant face.

If it weren't for this guy, an accident would never have happened today.

It almost caused a big trouble. If it weren't for the man named Lu Li, things would probably have become more troublesome.

Seemingly noticing Ge Ye Hongtai's slightly hostile eyes, Huang Lian waved her hand indifferently.

"Forget it today, I'm in a good mood and I don't want to bother you. "

After leaving these words, Huang Lian left here happily.

Even though what he was going to do today was blocked, he was in a very good mood because he met a very interesting person.

The most important thing is that the other party is elegant enough, especially in fighting, which is completely like art.

And the other party also accepted his business card and promised to come to his store to taste pastries.

As for other things, he didn't care much now.

Seeing Huang Lian leave like this, everyone in the Kaiwu team breathed a sigh of relief.

If they continue to fight, the probability of winning by Kaiwu and Longxuan alone is very small.

Bravo can crush the two by himself.

The strong strength naturally brings a strong sense of oppression. If the Kaiwu team loses, the stage will be taken away.

They are a group of street dancers who love dancing, and dancing is also To pass happiness to everyone and realize their own value.

But if there is no stage, they have no place to dance even if they want to.

After Wu Daoguang exited the transformation, he stood silently behind.

The appearance of Gao Siwu just now made Wu Daoguang feel very uncomfortable.

For Gao Siwu, who is a little older than him, Wu Daoguang has always regarded the other party as his secret crush in his heart.

He has never expressed his feelings, but just wanted to protect Gao Siwu silently.

But Lu Li's sudden appearance and Gao Siwu's change just now made Wu Daoguang feel very nervous.

[Sister Wu... Could it be that she fell in love with that man? !

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

It was just the first time they met, how could Sister Wu fall in love with that man? ! ]

Wu Daoguang felt infinitely entangled in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel a little resentful in his heart.

Of course, this resentment was not directed at Gao Siwu, but at Lu Li.

This man who came suddenly won Gao Siwu's attention inexplicably, which made Wu Daoguangshi, who had always been secretly in love with Gao Siwu, feel very uncomfortable.

It was as if the things he liked were suddenly targeted by another person.

And the other party could take away the things he liked at any time, which made him very uncomfortable.

He held a lock seed in his hand. This lock seed was the watermelon lock seed that he secretly took out from his brother Wu Daoguihu's suitcase before.

Compared with other lock seeds, the watermelon lock seed has very powerful power.

Just now, he wanted to give the watermelon seed to Ge Ye Hongtai to use to eliminate these foreigners.

As a result, Lu Li suddenly took action and directly broke his plan.

Because of this, the watermelon lock seed was not used.

Silently putting away the watermelon seeds, Wu Daoguangshi planned to keep them first.

He also needs strong power, because only strong power can defeat strong enemies.

Absolutely...absolutely can't let that man get close to Sister Wu!

He made up his mind secretly, but Wudao Guangshi didn't notice that his face became slightly gloomy and his eyes were fierce.

Noticing that Wudao Guangshi didn't come over, Kuzuya Kota turned around and shouted immediately.

"Guangshi? Guangshi, what are you doing?"

The sudden call brought Wudao Guangshi back to his senses and put a smile on his face again.

He instantly turned into a sunny and cheerful boy. Who could have thought that he looked gloomy and fierce just now.

"Here I come!"

He ran over happily, but he had made up his mind in his heart that he must not let Lu Li and Gao Siwu have too much contact.

The headquarters of the World Tree Consortium.

In the video, the newly appeared knight solved many foreigners in an instant, which caused an uproar on the Internet.

"Does anyone know who the new knight is?"

"I don't know! I've never seen him before. This should be his first appearance. But the man who transformed is so handsome!"

"But he doesn't seem to be using a lock seed. Some of the battles seem like a magician. He looks so noble and elegant!"

"Could he be a real magician?! Does magic really exist in this world?"

"Definitely not! Maybe this is some new game content?"

Seeing the comments on the Internet one after another, Wu Daoguihu frowned unconsciously.

He just watched the video clip and naturally noticed that the Golden Demon used a power completely different from the lock seed to easily get rid of the alien.

Wu Daoguihu is not sure what this power is.

However, he can be sure that this power should not come from Pan Ya City.

I'm afraid... it's from other cities. After all, there are knights in other cities.

Why would the power of other cities come to Chen Ya City? What is the other party's purpose?

This question has been lingering in Wu Daoguihu's mind.

His eyes were fixed on the computer screen, which showed Lu Li's appearance when he was untransformed.

At this time, Wu Daoguihu suddenly received a call from the front desk, saying that the inspector arranged by the investor of the consortium had arrived.

A director had explained this matter to Wu Daoguihu before, and he certainly had not forgotten it.

Standing up and closing the computer, Wu Daoguihu temporarily put this matter aside and prepared to think about it later.

What he did now was to receive the inspector arranged by the investor.

At first, Wu Daoguihu was quite disgusted with this matter.

Now is the critical period of the project, and he wants to devote as much of his time as possible to the project.

Suddenly arranging an inspector from an investor to come here at this time is completely looking for trouble for himself.

However, considering that the World Tree has indeed received investment from the other party, Wu Daoguihu can only honestly agree to this matter.

At this time, Lu Li and Inna were in a reception room at the World Tree headquarters.

I saw a little secretary, smiling, bringing two cups of coffee and placing them on the table.

"Please wait a moment, both of you. The director should be here soon."

"Okay, got it."

Lu Li was not polite at all and picked up the coffee cup on the table to taste it.

The secretary then left the reception room, but just as she walked out, she met Wu Daoguihu at the corner.

Seeing Wu Daoguihu, the secretary hurriedly lowered her head and said respectfully.

"Director, the distinguished guest is in the reception room now.

"Got it, go do your own thing."

Nodding coldly, Wu Daoguihu has always been like this, no matter who he faces, he always looks very cold.

When he was about to come along the corridor, he noticed Lu Li drinking coffee in the reception room through the window.

"Is it him?!"

There was a hint of surprise in his words.

He never expected that the person he saw in the video before was actually the inspector arranged by the investor.

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