"Brother Lu Li?!"

He was so surprised that he didn't expect to meet Gao Siwu here.

But it doesn't seem surprising when you think about it. Gao Siwu likes to eat pastries from Charmont Pastry Shop very much, so he often visits here.

It's not a strange thing to encounter here.

Gao Siwu ran over with a schoolbag on his back and a happy look on his face.

"Brother Lu Li, you are here today. I thought you would come here later."

After returning yesterday, Gao Siwu still had clear memories of what happened during the day.

Even when she was sleeping, she was still thinking about when she would meet Lu Li next.

Unexpectedly, the second meeting came so quickly.

The only thing that made her a little unhappy was that Lu Li had Inna with him again.

Every time he saw Inna's plump figure, Gao Siwu would have a strong sense of inferiority.

The gap between the two sides is really too big, and it doesn’t feel like they are the same level of opponents at all!

Seeing the short Gao Siwu, Lu Li unconsciously wanted to do the same to Di Muli, and stretched out his hand to gently rub her head.

"It seems that you really like eating the pastries here. I can meet you at this time."

A sudden blow to the head made Gao Siwu's body shake.

Looking at Lu Li so close to him, she couldn't help but have a strange feeling.

It seems...this feeling is not bad!

If it were anyone else, she wouldn't want them to slap her on the head and kill her.

Face slightly red, Gao Siwu lowered his head slightly and put his hands behind his back.

"Actually, it's not bad. I'm going to a friend's house today. She happens to like the pastries here, so I bought some and took them over to eat together."

The friend she refers to here refers to Ge Yehongtai's sister Ge Yejing.

Having grown up together, the two parties are indeed very good friends.

At this time, Huang Lian, who was making pastries inside, came out, but when she saw Lu Li, her eyes suddenly lit up and she ran over quickly.

"Elegant magician, I didn't expect you to come so soon today. I wonder what you want to eat? Do you want to try the new product I haven't launched yet?

In order to thank you for supporting me, your purchase today is free! "

As the boss of this place, Huang Lian insists that if orders are waived, they will be waived.

When he heard that there were not only new products to eat, but also free orders, Gao Siwu's eyes suddenly lit up.

But when she thought that this was the treatment given to Lu Li by Huanglian and not to herself, Gao Siwu became a little disappointed.

The change in this little girl's expression was completely visible on her face, and it was difficult for Lu Li not to see it even if he wanted to.

"Wu, since you are here, let's come together and try the boss's new product."

With the sudden invitation, Gao Siwu, who had felt a little disappointed just now, cheered up instantly.


Without any hesitation at all, I agreed directly.

Seeing the little girl like this, Inna, who was beside Lu Li, couldn't help but shake her head.

I'm afraid it will be difficult for this little girl to escape from Lu Li's grasp. She has a very simple mind and can be taken down by Lu Li in just a few clicks.

Of course, the main reason was because Lu Li was good enough. Even Inna had to admit that this was a fact.

Only when you are good enough can you be sufficiently attractive to the opposite sex.

The three of them found a table outside the store and sat down, with parasols blocking the direct sun:

After sitting down, Gao Siwu asked curiously as the cakes hadn't come yet.

"Brother Lu Li, what do you do for a living?"

When I met Lu Li yesterday, I felt that Lu Li was extraordinary, but I couldn't tell what kind of job he did.

"Me? You can say that I run a company, or you can say that I am a vagrant.

There are so many companies in the museum that are directly related to Lu Li.

But Lu Li has never participated in the management of the company and spends most of his time doing his own things. It is not wrong to say that he is an unemployed person.


Gao Siwu was stunned immediately.

The little face is full of doubts, which makes people feel very cute.

Afterwards, the two chatted for some time. As for Inna, she quietly watched the two chatting from the side without saying a word.

She was not interested in the topic between the two of them, so she naturally did not interrupt.

Just when they were chatting happily, a figure suddenly appeared here.


When he saw Gao Siwu chatting happily with Lu Li, the figure suddenly exclaimed.

Hearing someone calling his name, Gao Siwu immediately turned around.


A flash of surprise flashed across his face. Gao Siwu didn't expect to meet Ge Ye Hongtai here.

When he saw Lu Li, Ge Ye Hongtai's expression changed slightly.

Even though Lu Li helped him solve his trouble yesterday, they only met him once.

The other party actually sat down with Gao Siwu to eat dessert. Isn't this speed a bit too fast?

Moreover, Kureshima Mitsumi also discussed Lu Li with Kuzushima Kota yesterday. Kureshima Mitsumi's opinion was that he should be a little more careful.

The other party has a power different from theirs, and no one can say whether it has any other purpose.

Compared to Mitsuomi Kureshima, who was hostile to Lu Li, Kuzuye Hongtai was not very hostile to Lu Li, but he did not directly regard him as a friend.

It's better to be careful in everything.

Gao Siwu took the initiative to stand up and introduce to Lu Li.

"Brother Lu Li, he is Ge Ye Hongtai, he is my friend and a member of our hip-hop team!

Hongtai, this is brother Lu Li. He helped us solve a big problem yesterday. Why don't you thank him. "

When he heard Gao Siwu calling Lu Li such a close name, Ge Ye Hongtai always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

You must know that they are childhood sweethearts who grew up together. Although Geye Hongtai has never taken the initiative to mention the matter of getting closer to Gao Siwu, Geye Hongtai

Whenever I see the close relationship between Lu Li and Gao Siwu, I always feel a little uncomfortable.

It's like something related to oneself was suddenly snatched away by another person.

Faced with this situation, how could I feel comfortable in my heart?

It is undeniable that what happened yesterday was really thanks to Lu Li, who was able to solve the trouble smoothly.

"Mr. Lu, I really troubled you yesterday, thank you very much.

Even though he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, Ge Ye Hongtai still expressed his gratitude.

The changes in Ge Ye Hongtai's heart naturally cannot escape Lu Li's perception."

Seeing that your childhood sweetheart is about to be taken away, are you feeling a little anxious?

With a sunny and indifferent smile on his face, Lu Li shook his head slightly and said:

"It's nothing, I just happened to meet him, so I helped him out, it's no big deal.

By the way, if you are not busy, you might as well sit down and taste the pastries together. "

When he saw Lu Li, he kindly invited Ge Ye Hongtai to taste pastries together, which made Gao Siwu like him even more.

Hearing this, Ge Yehongtai waved his hands quickly.

"No, no! I'm here for an interview today. I'll go in for the interview first.

Wu, then you can eat slowly, I will go in first.

Before he finished speaking, Ge Yehongtai walked directly towards Xiaermeng.

When Ge Yehongtai walked in, Gao Siwu suddenly reacted.

"Oops! I forgot to tell Hongtai just now that the manager of this store is the manager of Huanglian who gave us a hard time yesterday."

Thinking of this incident, Gao Siwu immediately prepared to get up and walk into the store.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly grabbed Gao Siwu.

Feeling a big hand suddenly grab him, Gao Siwu realized that it was Lu Li who suddenly grabbed him.

I was a little confused for a moment and said in surprise.

"Brother Lu Li, what's wrong?"

"Wu, everyone else has already gone in, and naturally they have seen Huang Lian. If you run in at this time, it will be useless.

What's more, this is his job search. He can't give up the opportunity of this interview just because of what happened yesterday.

Breaking in suddenly may cause him to fail the interview.

Upon hearing this, Gao Siwu suddenly felt that this was what he meant.

If the interview fails because of my own obstruction, wouldn't it be my own fault?

"That's right, let's forget it. I hope Hongtai can pass the interview.

After muttering, Gao Siwu noticed that Lu Li's hand was still holding his own.

That warm big hand gave her a very strange feeling, which hit her heart directly. Her face turned slightly red and she lowered her head.

"Brother Lu Li, okay. You can release your hands."

The sound was very subtle, almost inaudible.

Lu Li calmly let go of his hand as if nothing was wrong.

Inna, who was sitting aside, witnessed the whole process.

I feel very helpless towards the little sister in front of me who seems to be sinking step by step.

Why do little girls nowadays seem so easy to fool?

Of course, Inna could only think about this in her heart and could not say it directly.

Noticing the calm look on Lu Li's face, Gao Siwu's mood relaxed a little.

Maybe he just thinks too much, and Brother Lu Li doesn't have any other meaning.

The tension instantly relaxed, but Gao Siwu felt a faint sense of loss again.

After a while, Ge Yehong was kicked out directly.

When he saw Ge Ye Hongtai being driven out, Gao Siwu stood up quickly and asked.

"Huntai, how was the interview? Did you pass?"

Hearing this, Ge Ye Hongtai, who had just been kicked out, immediately looked at Gao Siwu with an unhappy face and asked in a deep voice.

"Wu, have you known for a long time that the manager of this store is that guy Huang Lian?

Facing Ge Ye Hongtai's sudden question, Gao Siwu frowned slightly unconsciously.

She didn't like the tone of the other person's words now.

"Yes, I know."

5.9 Ge Ye Hongtai's face darkened, and his tone couldn't help but become a little heavier.

"Then why didn't you tell me at the beginning?! If you had told me at the beginning that the manager of this store was Huanglian, I wouldn't have come here for an interview. It would have been impossible.

pass! "

If he had known that Huanglian was the store manager who was about to interview him, he would have given up on coming here for the interview.

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