
Opening his mouth, Gao Siwu wanted to explain that he didn't want to delay his interview.

But she didn't know where to start.

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was a bit tense, Lu Li said suddenly.

"Don't be so angry. It doesn't matter if you failed in the interview. Sit down and have something to eat first."

Because he was scolded by the other party and failed in the interview, Kuzu Ye Hongtai is in a bad mood now.

"No, I have the next interview, so I'm leaving now.

After saying these words, Ge Ye Hongtai left directly without even saying goodbye to Gao Siwu.

Looking at the retreating figure, Gao Siwu wanted to call out to Ge Ye Hongtai, but found that he could not speak.

After sitting back on the chair, Gao Siwu's good mood for the day was gone.

She didn't remind her just so she wouldn't disturb Kuzu Ye Hongtai's interview. What if the other party didn't mind and let him pass?

In the end, if I didn't pass the interview, how could I blame myself for this?

Thinking of this, Gao Siwu suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

"Wu, don't be too sad, maybe it's just that the interview failed and Kuzuno is in a bad mood.

Our desserts have also arrived. You should be in a good mood when eating desserts, and it tastes delicious when you eat them in your mouth. "

After being comforted by Lu Li's gentle voice, the grievance in Gao Siwu's heart finally disappeared.

PS: Thank you

A monthly ticket that won’t work next time!

thanks one

Blank (.............1) monthly pass!

Chapter 522 Why is the gap so big? Talk with the professor, golden fruit!

Just then, Huang Lian came out carrying three exquisite pastries.

"Elegant Master Magician, this is my new pastry, I hope you are satisfied.

Please enjoy it slowly, I have to go and greet other guests.

After saying that, Huang Lian even blinked her electric eyes.

Unfortunately, Lu Li completely ignored Huang Lian's last action.

On the other hand, Yin Na and Gao Si Wu couldn't help but shudder when they saw Huang Lian's electric eyes.

Seeing that Lu Li didn't even show any attention to her, Huang Lian pouted unhappily and returned to the store.

There were many guests to entertain him, but there was no time to sulk slowly here.

Touching the goosebumps on his arms, Gao Siwu no longer looked aggrieved as before.

"Brother Lu Li, how did you remain so calm when facing the store manager of Huanglian?

After all, this was in someone else's shop. Gao Siwu's voice was very low when he asked this question, otherwise it would be too rude to be overheard.

"How about not watching?"

Lu Li's very straightforward words made Gao Siwu fall into silence.

It seems...that's the truth.

"Hurry up and taste it. This is a new product that has not been released yet."

Lu Li has been staying at Sonosaki's house for a long time, and he has eaten all kinds of pastries made by excellent pastry chefs.

After taking a sip, Lu Li already knew the approximate level of Huang Lian.

The pastry chefs are not inferior to the top ones in Fengdu Pastry Chefs. They are indeed very good. No wonder they are so famous here.

"Wow~! This is so delicious! It's delicious on earth!"

When Gao Siwu took his first bite of pastry, a happy expression appeared on his face.

Such delicious pastries are simply a pleasure to eat in your stomach.

Under the stimulation of sugar, it seems that all worries are gone.

Seeing Gao Siwu enjoying herself so much, Inna began to taste the delicious pastry out of curiosity.

He soon showed an expression of enjoyment, but he didn't make any strange noises.

At Sonosaki's house, Inna had eaten several delicious pastries, which were comparable to this.

At this time, Gao Siwu had completely forgotten the unpleasant adulteration he had with Kuzu Ye Hongtai.

Compared with Gao Siwu who was enjoying a happy time, Geye Hongtai was walking on the road very depressed with his backpack on his back.

He just failed the interview and was in a very bad mood, so his tone was a little harsh when talking to Gao Siwu.

But in his opinion, since Gao Siwu already knew that the manager of that store was Huang Lian, he should have told him in advance.

Then I might not go to the interview, not to waste time, and to avoid being kicked out by the other party.

After all, there were so many guests inside, so he was very embarrassed!

Although he knew that his tone of voice was wrong, he didn't think about apologizing. This matter originally had Gao Siwu's problem.

After finishing the dessert, Lu Li and Gao Siwu parted ways.

Putting the car away, Gao Siwu looked at the bag in his hand and recalled what happened before.

"That guy Hongtai, huh! Compared with brother Lu Li, he is really lame!

I obviously didn't want to delay his interview, but he actually got angry at me. If he didn't pay me, I wouldn't bother to care about him. "

When you come into contact with many people, it is natural to compare two people together.

Lu Li is elegant, excellent, and very gentleman. Compared with Kuzu Ye Hongtai, he is a one-sided crusher, and there is no doubt at all.

Even though Gao Siwu and Geye Hongtai were childhood sweethearts, this was a plus in her heart.

But even with this extra point, it didn't affect Lu Li's height at all.

The starting point and the gap in all aspects between the two are really too big.

After eating the cakes, Lu Li learned from the driver that Zhan Ji Ling Ma wanted to meet with him, saying that he had something to talk about.

Lu Li was quite curious about what Zhan Ji Ling Ma wanted to talk to him about.

Whether he wanted to talk to him about cooperation or was worried that his arrival would cause some problems, it was not known for the time being.

Lu Li still admired Zhan Ji Ling Ma, a very outstanding scientist.

He was just a little crazy, and didn't care about anything other than himself and research.

And he had a strong ambition. This kind of guy was not easy to control. If you were not careful, he would do things behind the scenes.

Looking at the entire plot of Gaim, if Zhan Ji Ling Ma didn't have a huge ambition, perhaps many things would not have happened at all!

Zhan Ji Ling Ma's ambition was completely created by Wu Dao Gui Hu himself. After all, Zhan Ji Ling Ma only wanted to make Wu Dao Gui Hu a god at the beginning.

Who knew that Wu Daoguihu was not interested at all, and only knew his Ark plan, which made Zhan Ji Lingma disappointed and gave up on him.

After knowing that the golden fruit was real, in order to get the golden fruit, Zhan Ji Lingma even betrayed Wu Daoguihu, whom he admired the most

Not to mention other things.

Lu Li was very curious about what he would talk about during the meeting with Zhan Ji Lingma.

World Tree Headquarters.

Lu Li and Inna met Zhan Ji Lingma and his secretary Minato Yoko.

"Mr. Lu Li, we met in a hurry yesterday and didn't have time to have a good chat. I specially invited you to come here today. You shouldn't mind."

Although he said so verbally, Lu Li didn't see any apology on Zhan Ji Lingma's face.

Just listen to what this guy says, but don't believe it, because if you believe it, you will be a big tyrant.

Lu Li walked directly to the sofa and sat down, shaking his head slightly.

"Of course I don't mind. Professor Lingma, you are famous. I am very happy to talk to you alone."

Lu Li knew that Zhan Ji Lingma was very cautious.

If there were other people around, he probably wouldn't say anything.

So Lu Li nodded to Inna, and Inna, who was good at observing words and expressions, understood instantly, nodded and walked out of the room and waited outside.

Of course, Minato Yoko on the side also knew that it was not suitable for her to stay at this time, so she got up and left together.

When leaving the room, Minato Yoko closed the door casually.

Looking at Inna standing aside, Minato Yoko had a strong intuition that this woman must have a high fighting power.

Noticing Minato Yoko's gaze, Inna's mouth corners slightly raised, raised her hand and gently hooked her fingers.

"Do you want to try?"

Although Minato Yoko was a secretary, Inna could also feel that the other party could not be just a simple secretary.

The next second, the two approached each other at the same time, and then quickly started fighting.

The two people were fighting fiercely outside the room, but inside the room, it was very quiet.

"Mr. Lu Li, I would like to ask, what is your purpose in coming to Pan Ya City?

Really. Just a simple inspection of the work of the World Tree?

Although Gui Hu took you to visit some unimportant things yesterday and did not let you get in touch with the project he was responsible for.

But I feel that you must know, am I right?"

Zhan Ji Lingma is a very outstanding genius scientist with a very high IQ.

Even if he did not see Lu Li's purpose, he could know that Lu Li definitely could not come here to inspect.

Perhaps the inspection was just a superficial job, but there must be other purposes, and most of them are related to the Helheim Forest they are studying.

Lu Li did not want to hide the fact that he had other purposes at the beginning. Not only Zhan Ji Lingma saw it, I am afraid that Wu Dao Gui Hu should have seen it too.

"Pah, pah, pah!"

"Professor Lingma guessed right. I came here not only for inspection, but also for other purposes.

I know all your research, and I also know about the Helheim Forest."

Zhan Ji Lingma was very surprised to see Lu Li admit it without hesitation.

I thought Lu Li would not admit it, but the result was different from what he thought.

Just when Zhan Ji Lingma was about to start the next topic, Lu Li suddenly lay back and leaned on the sofa.

Lu Li looked at Zhan Ji Lingma calmly and spoke slowly.

"Professor Lingma, then...I wonder if you have heard of the golden fruit?"

When he heard the four words "golden fruit", the expression on Zhan Ji Lingma's face and his body froze.

The golden fruit was a concept that was proposed a long time ago.

A long time ago, when studying the huge Helheim Forest, a concept was proposed.

This concept is whether there is something in the Helheim Forest that can control this forest, that is, the so-called golden fruit.

At the beginning, when Sengoku Ryoma was conducting research under the father of Wudao Guihu, Wudao Tianshu, he completed the first lock seed!

It was equipped with a system for the purpose of making golden fruits, but due to the failure of the startup experiment, the body of the experimental subject, Goudou Gongjie, disappeared.

It was precisely because of these useful data that it became the basis for the completion of the Sengoku drive.

This experimental lock seed is called the forbidden apple lock seed.

After the experiment failed, Zhan Ji Ling Ma abandoned this lock seed.

The main reason was that the power of this lock seed was too dangerous. The person who used it would directly cause the body to disappear:

This also made Zhan Ji Ling Ma even think that the golden fruit might not exist at all.

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