At present, Zhu Yue Teng Guo has not appeared with this lock seed, and has not exerted the power to control the Helheim Forest.

Therefore, Zhan Ji Ling Ma does not believe that there is a real golden fruit at this time.

When Lu Li proposed this word, Zhan Ji Ling Ma was very shocked.

There are very few people who know about the concept of golden fruit.

Even in the headquarters of the World Institute, almost no one knows about it. It is a very confidential research.

But Lu Li in front of him seems to know not only, but also... seems to know it very clearly.

This is impossible!

Even Wu Daoguihu does not know about this matter. How could this man know it?

Sensing Zhan Ji Ling Ma's shocked eyes, Lu Li smiled.

"Professor Ling Ma, don't be very surprised. As long as I want to know something, I know it.

And compared to paying attention to how I know this matter, do you want to know whether the golden fruit really exists?"

Being exposed by a word, Zhan Ji Ling Ma leaned on the sofa pretending to be calm and smiled disdainfully.

"Golden fruit, how could such a thing really exist

Mr. Lu, although I don't know where you know about the idea of ​​the golden fruit, the experiment has ended.

On the surface, it was very calm, but in fact, the heart was turbulent. Zhan Ji Lingma couldn't help but recall the experiment at this time.

If the golden fruit really existed, the experiment would not end with that result.

"No! Professor Lingma, although you don't admit it yourself, I know that you still feel that the matter is uncertain in your heart.

But I can tell you the final result very confidently, the golden fruit..does exist."

Lu Li's words were so sure that Zhan Ji Lingma's pupils shrank slightly.

Golden fruit. Really exists?!

This news is no less than a blockbuster bomb, and Zhan Ji Lingma suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"Oh? Mr. Lu Li, why are you so sure about the existence of the golden fruit? Have you seen it? "

He wanted to get Lu Li to tell him whether what he said was true or not.

If the golden fruit really existed, would it be like what he had guessed before, that after eating the golden fruit, one would become a god!

"Professor Ling Ma, whether you believe it or not, the golden fruit does exist.

And I can tell you with certainty that once you have the golden fruit, you will be able to obtain...the power of God! "

Lu Li's voice was like the whisper of a devil, constantly echoing in Zhan Ji Lingma's ears.


This word is indeed very attractive to Zhan Ji Lingma.

As a human, Zhan Ji Lingma can only develop very limited things.

Although he can create very powerful drivers, he can never get rid of the shackles of being human.

If he becomes a god, Zhan Ji Lingma believes that his talents will be fully released.

As long as there are ambitious people, they probably can't resist the temptation of becoming a god, and Zhan Ji Lingma is the same.

Take two deep breaths, Zhan Ji Lingma forces himself to calm down. He won't believe what Lu Li said just based on these few words.

"Mr. Lu, you told me so much, it's impossible that you don't have any request, right?

What do you want to do? Telling me all this, it's impossible that you just pique my interest, right? "

Hearing this, Lu Li knew that Zhan Ji Lingma was already tempted.

Facing the opportunity to become a god, how could the ambitious Zhan Ji Lingma not be tempted.

"Professor Lingma, the reason I told you this is naturally because I want to cooperate with you.

The golden fruit has not appeared yet, but it will appear sooner or later.

Before that, we can all be partners. After the golden fruit appears, it depends on our respective means. What do you think?"

Such cooperation made Zhan Ji Lingma frown.

"Mr. Lu, according to what you said, I don't understand what you will pay, and what I have to pay? What is your so-called cooperation?"

He has heard that Lu Li's goal is also the golden fruit.

It's just that as Lu Li said, the golden fruit has not appeared yet, and the two sides can cooperate temporarily, but what is the specific content of the cooperation.

"The content of the cooperation is very simple. I will not hinder your plan, and I can even help you implement the plan.

But I want to get your support and enter and exit the Helheim Forest at will.

Lu Li does have the power to travel to other worlds, but that is other parallel worlds, not this world.

The situation between Earth and Helheim Forest is very special. They are in the same parallel world, but Helheim Forest is invading Earth.

Even Lu Li cannot go to Helheim Forest at will. He must pass through the cracks opened by Helheim Forest.

In order to ensure that he can get the golden fruit smoothly, Lu Li must have the ability to go to Helheim Forest.

In this regard, Zhan Ji Lingma can obviously help him.

For the conditions proposed by Lu Li, Zhan Ji Lingma thought about it briefly, and it seemed that it was not impossible.

Lu Li obviously knew some of the situation in front of him, but he didn't tell him yet. If he wanted to know this information, he must meet the other party's conditions.

The golden fruit, Zhan Ji Lingma must get it, and he can't miss it anyway.

"Okay! I can promise you that it is not difficult to go to Helheim Forest. All you need is the fixed-lock vehicle I developed.

But on the other hand, if Mr. Lu has any valuable information, please share it with me.

Zhan Ji Lingma was a little worried.

Although Lu Li may not have been to Helheim Forest and does not know that place as well as he does, what if he finds something?

He doesn't want to work hard for a long time, but he can't even see the golden fruit.

And Zhan Ji Lingma knew that if Lu Li really wanted to enter Helheim Forest, he didn't need to Come to cooperate with me.

PS: Thank you

ilq for the monthly ticket!

Thank you

Ebolt. Star Destroyer's ticket for urging updates!

Thank you

LuckSacker for the monthly ticket!

Thank you

Gu Ying for 100 VIP points, monthly tickets, and tickets for urging updates!

Chapter 523 Heading to Helheim Forest! Lu Li is looking forward to it.

The side effects of the fruit

With the opponent's power, he can't stop it even if he wants to.

This is completely a favor. If he gives it, he may get some useful information.

"I do have another piece of information here, but Professor Lingma, this is not how the transaction is made.

How about this, when your Genesis Driver is completed, help me make one.

By the way, don't forget the energy lock seed. After getting the thing, I will give you a very valuable piece of information. ”

Although Lu Li already possesses a stronger power, things like Genesis Driver and Energy Lock Seed are dispensable.

But as for toys, Lu Li doesn't mind having more.

As for the so-called precious information in Lu Li's mouth, even if he doesn't say it, Zhan Ji Lingma will know it later.

Just tell the other party as a deal and exchange a toy by the way.

As for the party involved, Zhan Ji Lingma was stunned on the spot.

You should know that the Genesis Driver and Energy Lock Seed are still being improved according to the data of Zhan Ji Driver.

Both things are just prototypes, not even a finished product.

There are only a handful of people who know about this in the entire World Tree.

How did Lu Li know?!

I couldn't figure this out in my heart. Zhan Ji Lingma found that the man in front of him was full of mysteries.

Since Lu Li has done this, Zhan Ji Lingma believes that the information Lu Li provided to him must be useful.

In Zhan Ji Lingma's view, it doesn't seem to be unacceptable to exchange his research results for a very useful information.

"Okay! After the things are finished, I will definitely present them with both hands. I hope Mr. Lu's information will not disappoint me. "

After taking a deep look at Lu Li, Zhan Ji Lingma knew that Lu Li was currently in the upper hand in the cooperation between the two.

The main reason was that Lu Li knew him very well and knew what he was researching, but he had no idea about Lu Li at all.

After he decided to finish, he would hurry up and sort out all the information about Lu Li.

The cooperation between the two was temporarily settled, and Lu Li then got up and left.

When Lu Li opened the door of the room and walked out, the battle between Inna and Kou Yaozi was almost coming to an end.

Both of them had more or less scars.

But it was obvious that Inna was still in the upper hand, and the scars on Kou Yaozi's face were more obvious.

"Are you done? We should leave after we're done.

With that, Lu Li left towards the corridor on his own.

Inna wiped the corner of her mouth and immediately followed.

After watching the two leave, Kou Yaozi breathed a sigh of relief.

Feeling the pain on her body and face, Kou Yaozi couldn't help but frown.

At this time, Zhan Ji Lingma came out and smiled.

"Yaozi, it seems that you are a little weaker than Mr. Lu's female bodyguard.

You go and deal with it first, I have other things to do."

After that, Zhan Ji Lingma left without caring about Kou Yaozi.

Zhan Ji Lingma was very excited about the so-called important information in Lu Li's mouth. He wanted to know what the information was.

For this reason, he must hurry up and complete the Genesis Drive and Energy Lock as soon as possible, so that he can know the information faster.

Although he has received news about the golden fruit from Lu Li, he did not completely believe it, and he did not intend to tell Wu Daoguihu.

Since Wu Daoguihu only focused on the Ark Project, he and Wu Daoguihu have come to an end.

If necessary, he will betray Wu Daoguihu without hesitation, and he will not even feel guilty.

This is Zhan Ji Lingma, he only cares about himself and his research.

After leaving the World Tree headquarters, Lu Li saw Inna with some bruises on her face and body, and couldn't help asking.

"How is it, does it hurt?"

Hearing this, Inna touched the bruises on her face. Although there was a slight stinging sensation, it was not strong.

"Fortunately, she felt more pain than me.

Good guy!

Is this a woman's unique competitive spirit?

Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Li covered Inna's face with his hand.

The sudden action made Inna nervous, but then she thought that if Lu Li really wanted to do something to her, she would not be able to resist at all.

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