After thinking about this, Inna's tense nerves relaxed again.

Just for a moment, Inna felt that the pain on her face was almost invisible.

Not only on the face, but also on the hands.


When Lu Li moved his hand away, Inna was still a little unresponsive.

I touched the bruised area on my face, and there seemed to be no pain at all.

Even though she already knew that Lu Li had many magical abilities, Inna still couldn't help but be surprised every time she saw different abilities.

It's so amazing!

For some reason, Inna suddenly felt that the Lu Li in front of her seemed more attractive than before.

Shaking her head vigorously, Inna put away the strange thoughts in her mind.

While Inna was thinking wildly, Lu Li had already taken out the locking vehicle seed that Zhanji Lingma gave him.

The Dandelion Voyager Lock Seed can transform into a Dandelion Voyager, a hovering motorcycle.

Press the switch above and throw it casually, and the lock species will change immediately and become larger quickly at the same time.

It eventually turned into a hoverbike floating in mid-air.


When Inna saw the Dandelion Voyager, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

It was obviously just a very small locked seed, but it suddenly became so big.

"Inna, I'll take you back first, and then I'll go to another place."

"Can't I come along?"

Yin Na'e frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied that Lu Li suddenly asked her to go back now.

“This thing can only seat one person, and I’m not familiar enough with the situation there, so I don’t know yet whether I can enter and exit at will.

I'll wait until I figure this out. You can go back first.

At present, Lu Li is not particularly clear about the situation in Helheim Forest.

Although his own space transfer can realize transfer to two different places, Helheim Forest is not on the earth.

This time, Lu Li mainly wanted to do an experiment to see if his space transfer and other powers could realize the transfer between Helheim Forest and the Earth.


"Okay, then please be safe."

She said this by mistake, and Inna suddenly reacted after she finished speaking.

Are you concerned about Lu Li?


Lu Li nodded, then waved his space power and handed it directly to Inna to relocate to Sonosaki's house.

After doing all this, Lu Li jumped onto the Pudong Voyager and suddenly turned the accelerator, causing the Pudong Voyager to accelerate instantly.

The speed increased rapidly and soon reached the extreme.

When it reached the extreme, the Dandelion Voyager spun quickly and scattered many dandelions in front of it, forming a strange passage.

Through this passage, you can smoothly enter the Helheim Forest.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to cross the passage in this way. Although Kaiwu and others can use the corresponding locking vehicles to cross the passage, they must be in a state of transformation.

But this problem does not apply to Lu Li. After all, Lu Li's body is already strong enough.

Facing this pulling force of space, Lu Li was not affected in any way.

Not long after, Lu Li crossed the passage and successfully entered the so-called Helheim Forest.

Stop the Dandelion Voyager and change it back into Lockseed form.

After Lu Li put it away, he carefully looked at this dense forest that was completely different from the plants on earth.

Helheim Forest!

This is a different world from Earth, with forests full of strange-shaped or strangely colored plants.

How large these forests are is currently unknown.

Even after so long of research on World Tree, Helheim Forest has not been fully explored.

In this forest full of strange plants, the only creatures that exist are aliens.

Lu Li closed his eyes slightly, feeling what kind of state the Forest of Helm and the earth would be in later.

In Lu Li's perception, the Helheim Forest does not exist in the current world, but rather in another world.

Because of the power of Helheim Forest, it is connected to the earth, and the location of the connection is the World Tree headquarters.

There is a huge crack in the World Tree headquarters, which is the place where the Helheim Forest has the greatest connection with the earth.

Lu Li wanted to use space transfer to relocate himself to Fengdu, but he was unable to do so.

Sure enough, this is another world. Helheim Forest and the earth are not in the same parallel universe.

Opening his eyes slightly, Lu Li suddenly thought of something, since the earth where Fengdu was located was not in the same world.

So...has my mark been restored?

Lu Li couldn't wait to look at the engraving on the back of his hand, but unfortunately, the engraving did not recover.

It looked the same as before, with just a faint trace of red.

Frowning slightly, Lu Li didn't quite understand the current situation:

Since the body of Helheim does not belong to this world, but to another world, why can't he recover his determination?

Regarding this issue, Lu Li still can't find a satisfactory explanation.

Since he didn't get a reasonable explanation for the time being, Lu Li could only put the matter aside for the time being.

Walking slowly in the forest, it didn't take long before Lu Li saw the brightly colored Helheim Fruits.

In the play, this fruit has a strong allure.

If you don't know the consequences of eating this fruit, you will probably be tempted to eat it whenever you see it.

There is a slight allure that makes people unable to help but pick this fruit.

In the entire drama, only one person resisted the temptation of this fruit with strong willpower, and that person was Huang Lian.

As a retired soldier, he had a very strong will. When faced with this tempting fruit, he held back forcefully.

Walking slowly over, Lu Li could feel that this fruit had a special power.

This special power comes from this mysterious forest.

Lu Li picked a Helheim Fruit casually. Looking at the bright fruit, Lu Li had no urge to eat it.

As long as any creature eats the fruit, it will become an alien due to genetic mutation, and most creatures will lose themselves when they become aliens.

And those who can maintain themselves after eating the fruit are all strong.

For example, the overlord aliens who still live in this forest are their predecessors from a race called Fimsim. After eating the fruit, most of them...

Became a foreigner who lost himself.

A very small number of people resisted this force and became more powerful overlords, and they were also the rulers of this forest.

Peel off the skin on the fruit, revealing the crystal-clear fruit inside. It feels like a large lychee, exuding a faint special fragrance.

Lu Li directly put the fruit into his mouth.

Of course, Lu Li was not attracted by the delicious taste of the fruit. He was just curious about whether mutations would occur when he ate the Helheim Fruit.

Although it seemed to be a very dangerous move, Lu Li was very sure that the Helheim Fruit could not do anything to him.

Now Lu Li is no longer as simple as an undead creature.

The power he has mastered and the evolution he has completed have long surpassed understanding.

After fusing the Philosopher's Stone, he also completed a new round of evolution.

At this time, Lu Li is already close to a god in terms of his life essence.

Although the Helheim Fruit can change the target into an alien, the premise is that the target itself is just a very ordinary life.

After swallowing the Helheim Fruit, Lu Li didn't feel any discomfort at all.

When the Helheim Fruit entered his belly, it suddenly released a magical power that seemed to want to transform Lu Li.

However, when this magical power came into contact with the inside of Lu Li's body, it was instantly converted into pure energy, leaving no chance of transforming Lu Li.

The Helheim Fruit is not just a simple food, but can also provide strength to those who take it.

The aliens feed on Helheim Fruits as their staple food, and after taking a certain amount of Helheim Fruits, they will be able to complete their evolution.

From the most common junior alien and transforming into an advanced alien, the strength has been greatly improved.

If you take a certain amount of Helheim Fruit, you can even get a stronger enhanced body.

Of course, no matter how many Helheim Fruits they take, growing to a high-level alien is already the pinnacle. Without self, they have no way to become a dominant alien.

Feeling the energy integrated into his body, Lu Li secretly said that it was true.

It just helped me restore a little energy, and it had no other effect on me at all.

It's quite good to use it as something to restore energy, but Lu Li himself has extremely strong recovery power, so he doesn't have to worry about running out of energy at all.

At this time, several junior aliens suddenly appeared not far away, and they seemed to have noticed the Helheim Fruit on Lu Li's side.

Although Helheim Fruit is not uncommon in this forest, for junior aliens with little intelligence, it is impossible for them to remember where it grows.

Fruit grew.

Anyway, when you are hungry, you look around and eat when you find it.

Facing Lu Li, an outsider, the junior foreigner with little intelligence instantly regarded him as an enemy.

One by one, they rushed over with their teeth and claws bared, ready to kill the outsider in front of them.

But it has to be said that the junior aliens are not only slow in movement, but also have very limited attack methods. Apart from using the claws in their hands to attack, there is nothing else

method of attack.

Seeing these clumsy junior aliens rushing toward him, Lu Li didn't even bother to look at them.

Lu Li casually took out a Zodiac Star Disciple Switch, and directly injected cosmic energy into the Star Disciple Switch. The black nebula immediately enveloped the Star Disciple Switch.

The next second, the Gemini disciple appeared next to Lu Li.

",ˇGet rid of these guys.

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li walked directly in the other direction.

The Gemini star disciples would follow after completing their mission, so Lu Li was not worried at all.

After receiving the order, the Gemini Star Disciple nodded slightly, and then immediately pulled out the red and blue cards.


The Gemini disciple quickly threw out the card in his hand, and the red card exploded instantly when it came into contact with a junior alien.


The terrifying explosion instantly engulfed the junior alien, and the power of the explosion also affected several other junior aliens.

Before they could react, the blue card fell into the middle of several junior aliens.


Accompanied by the snapping sound of Gemini's finger, the terrifying explosion directly engulfed the remaining few primary aliens.

It was so simple and efficient.

After successfully killing a few more primary aliens, Gemini immediately jumped and followed quickly.

At this time, on the other side.

Takashi Wu sent the delicious cakes to Ge Ye's house, and Ge Ye Jing naturally received her well.

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