Originally, Gao Siwu was thinking that if Kuzuya Kota apologized to her, the things that had angered her before would be written off.

PS: Thanks

Chapter 524: Wandering into the forest and accidents! Wu Daoguang showed his talent for the first time, shallow planning

As a result, Kuzuya Kota failed to interview at another place, which made his already bad mood even worse.

Because of this, he had no intention of apologizing to Gao Siwu at all.

After staying here for a while, Gao Siwu did not wait for any apology response, so he could only let it go.

Walking on the road, Gao Siwu kicked a stone away unhappily.

"Kota! It's obviously his fault, but he doesn't even mean to apologize.

Humph! If you don't want to apologize, forget it, I don't want to listen!"

While walking, Gao Siwu suddenly stopped.

Just because she saw a plant that does not exist on the earth in the corner of the building next to her.

"That is...!

Having been to Helheim Forest before, Gao Siwu noticed it immediately. There must be a crack nearby.

Without thinking, she hurried over and saw a crack like a zipper in an alley. There were some plants growing around that did not belong to the earth.

Inside the crack was Helheim Forest.

"Sure enough...it was from that time! "

After seeing the situation here, Gao Siwu naturally did not dare to act rashly.

So he immediately took out his mobile phone and called Kuzuya Kota.

Due to the continuous failure of the interview, Kuzuya Kota was in a bad mood, and his mobile phone had been muted for a long time.

The phone rang for a long time and no one answered it, so Gao Siwu had to give up contacting Kuzuya Kota.

When she thought that the former captain of the Gaim team, Kakui Yu, might still be in this world, if she missed this opportunity, she didn't know when she could go in.

Since Kakui Yu disappeared, everyone in the team was worried about his problem.

Thinking of this, Gao Siwu hesitated for a while, gritted her teeth, and finally decided to go in alone.

But before going in, she still I sent a text message to Kuzuya Kota, noting the location where I found the crack.

Carefully passed through the crack and walked into this strange forest.

As soon as Gao Siwu came in, she felt that it was gloomy and had a bad feeling.

As Gao Siwu was moving forward, she didn't notice that the crack behind her closed automatically like a zipper.

After Gao Siwu had been moving forward for a while, she suddenly felt a vague sense of uneasiness, as if she was being stared at by something.

Looking around in panic, Gao Siwu was worried that it might be an alien who was staring at her.

Suddenly turning around, she saw a terrifying primary alien who was less than a meter behind her.

"Roar! "

The primary alien immediately attacked Gao Si770wu.

As a member of the street dance group, Gao Siwu was naturally very flexible. She quickly dodged the opponent's claws and ran away in a hurry.

She never expected that she would be targeted by the alien not long after she came in.

As the chase was going on, the number of primary aliens chasing Gao Siwu increased.

She was panicked. She never expected that things would turn out like this.

While running, she didn't notice the bulge on the ground and was tripped by it, and her body fell directly forward.

Looking at the ground getting closer and closer, Gao Siwu closed her eyes in fear.

However, what was waiting for her was not the extremely hard ground, but a soft embrace.

"Huh? !"

It felt completely different. Gao Siwu opened her eyes in surprise, but found that she was lying in someone's arms.

Raising her head slightly, she saw that extremely familiar face.

"Lu Li. Brother? ! Zhou

The words were full of disbelief. She had never expected to meet Lu Li here.

"Wu, sneaking into this world is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may be attacked by aliens."

Lu Li had a faint smile on his face, as if he didn't feel strange about meeting Gao Siwu here.

Gao Siwu and others now still have a vague understanding of the situation in this world, and have no idea what this forest is like.

When mentioning aliens, Gao Siwu immediately thought of several junior aliens who were chasing her.

"By the way! Brother Lu Li, several aliens are chasing me!"

As she said, Gao Siwu turned around and saw several junior aliens chasing her rushing over.

Compared with the panic before, Gao Siwu was no longer so nervous at this time.

Because she knew that Lu Li was a magical magician and had a very powerful power that could easily get rid of aliens.


Lu Li called casually.

"Shua shua shua!!"

Three red cards suddenly flew out from the side and landed accurately on the three primary aliens.

"Boom boom boom!!

Accompanied by three violent explosions, the three primary aliens were destroyed on the spot.


Such a close-range explosion frightened Gao Siwu and she quickly threw herself into Lu Li's arms.

She never thought that the three cards would have such great power and destroy the three aliens at once.

The flames of the explosion quickly dissipated, and Gao Siwu recovered from the shock.

When she found herself falling into Lu Li's arms again, she felt extremely shy.

He quickly took a step back and left this solid embrace.

When leaving this embrace, Gao Siwu suddenly felt a faint sense of loss in his heart.

In this solid embrace, she felt extremely at ease, as if she would not encounter such danger at all.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that he was thinking about these things. Gao Siwu immediately shook his head and put away the strange thoughts in his mind.

Only then did Gao Siwu realize that this was another world, why did Lu Li appear here.

"By the way, brother Lu Li, why are you here?!"

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled slightly.

"You can be here, why can't I be here?"

This question was asked directly to Gao Siwu, and she didn't know how to answer Lu Li for a while.

"Let me tell you first, what are you doing here? As a girl with no fighting ability, come to such a dangerous place, haven't you considered the consequences?"

When Lu Li said this, Gao Siwu immediately blushed and lowered his head in embarrassment.

She kept twirling her fingers and explained in a very weak voice.

"I came here to find someone. I originally contacted Fang Tai, but he didn't answer my call."

When this matter was mentioned, Gao Siwu felt a little angry.

Obviously, I saw that guy at Kuzuye Hongtai's house before, but he didn't answer the phone when he called him not long after he went out.

If it weren't for Lu Li's appearance, he would have definitely been in big trouble this time.

Facing these foreigners, how could she, a girl who only knew how to dance hip-hop, be able to withstand them?

"Okay, this world is very dangerous. Don't stay here for too long. I'll take you back first."

But before going back, we need to find the crack first, because only the crack can help you get out of here. "

With that said, Lu Li directly grabbed Gao Siwu and headed towards the other side of the forest.

Gao Siwu's face suddenly turned red when her hand was suddenly held, but she was not disgusted in her heart and did not reject Lu Li.

She didn't know why, but even when Lu Li held her hand, she felt inexplicably at ease.

At this time, Gao Siwu suddenly remembered that the direction he came from was not the direction he was walking now, and he quickly said

"Brother Lu Li, the direction I came from is that there is a waterfall over there, and there is a crack there."

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li knew of course that the cracks in the Helheim Forest generally could not exist for too long.

"There's no need to go. The crack over there should have disappeared by now. It won't help even in the past."

"Ah this.

Gao Siwu never expected that such a thing would happen.

I originally thought that even if I ran into trouble, I would be fine just by running back the way I came.

But I didn't expect that the crack would disappear.

It was only thanks to the fact that I met Lu Li here that I successfully passed this crisis, otherwise...!

Thinking of this, Gao Siwu couldn't help but secretly feel happy.

Fortunately, he met Lu Li, otherwise things would have been really troublesome this time.

But she became even more curious as to why Lu Li appeared in this place.

This place is so dangerous. He came here just to find the missing Yuya Kakui, but what is Lu Li's purpose here?

Although there is no way to use space power as he wants in the Helheim Forest, Lu Li has to be more tolerant than others if he wants to find the gap between the forest and Panya City.

Much easier.

Lu Li, who has a special sense of space, can more easily find the gaps between the two worlds.

As long as it was within a certain range, Lu Li could easily find it.

Walking on the road, Gao Siwu unconsciously lowered his head and looked at the big hand holding his hand.

(ahff) At the beginning, Gao Siwu felt a little uncomfortable.

Although she had a good impression of Lu Li, in any case, this was the second time they met.

But after a while, the discomfort in her heart completely disappeared.

On the contrary, I feel that being dragged like this is not a bad thing.

The other side.

Ge Ye Tongtai had just recovered from the loss. He was going to use his mobile phone to search again to see if he could find another job.

After all, he is already so old, there is no way he will be without a job forever.

When he turned on his phone, he discovered that there were missed calls and a message on it.

The missed calls and messages all came from Gao Siwu.

"Wu? Why did she call me suddenly? Could it be that... she wanted to apologize to me?"

Thinking of this, Ge Yehongtai's mood suddenly improved.

He was always in a bad mood just because of the interview at Chalmont.

He couldn't wait to open the text message, but when he saw the text message, his expression suddenly changed.

"This is....?!"

When he saw the time when the text message was sent, he scratched his hair hard.


As childhood sweethearts who grew up together, Geye Hongtai certainly knew what kind of character Gao Siwu was.

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