This time she found the crack, so she would definitely not give up the search for Kakui Yuya easily.

There was no time to think too much, Kuzuya Kota immediately put on his clothes and ran out in a hurry.

"Fangtai? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Seeing Kuzuya Kota running out in a hurry, Kuzuya Jing was very confused.

"Nothing, there are some things to deal with.

In order not to worry his sister, Kuzuya Kota did not say these things, he did not want to involve his sister in this matter.

After leaving home, Kuzuya Kota immediately called Gao Siwu, but unfortunately, the response he got was that the other party was not in the service area at all.

It was very obvious that Gao Siwu must have gone to that forest.

Kuzuya Kota immediately called Wudao Guangshi and told him about this.

The two gathered at the location sent by Gao Siwu.

When the two came here, they only saw that there were some plants around the corner that did not belong to the earth.

As for the crack, it had disappeared long ago.

"Brother Kota! "

"Mitsumasa, as expected, Mai should have gone to another world."

Although Wudao Mitsumasa had heard Kuzuya Kota talk about another world, he had never been there.

"The other world is what you said before.

Nodding, Kuzuya Kota looked anxious.

"Yes, if that world is really lost, then Mai is probably in danger now."

Slapping his forehead hard, Kuzuya Kota knew that he was partly responsible for this.

If he hadn't turned his phone to silent, he might have received that call, and things wouldn't have turned out like this.

It's meaningless to say these things now. He must go to another world immediately while there is still time.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out the Sengoku driver and the Orange Lock Seed.


"Lock.On! Soiya! Orange.Arms! Hanamichi 0n.Stage!"

Quickly transformed into Gaim, and then took out a fixed-lock vehicle lock seed.

This is the Sakura Hurricane he got from Cid before.

As long as you use the Sakura Hurricane, you can go to another world.

After summoning the Sakura Hurricane, Gaim immediately rode on the motorcycle and prepared to set off directly.

"But, if you are alone.

Mitsuma Wudao recalled what Gaim mentioned last time, that there was a powerful knight in another world.

If he met him again this time, it is hard to say whether he can come back safely.

His words awakened Gaim's memory. That powerful enemy was the fear in his heart.

Since he was severely punished by the other party last time, he has always been afraid of meeting Zangetsu again.

But now, Gao Si Mai is in danger, and Gaim has no time to think so much.

"I can't care about being afraid now, I'm going first!"

Before he finished speaking, he drove the Sakura Hurricane directly and accelerated suddenly. When it reached a certain critical point, it quickly broke through the barrier between the two worlds.

Looking at the disappeared back, Mitsuma Wudao felt a little uncomfortable.

"Brother Kota, you are so desperate for Sister Wu. If that's the case, I can't just sit there and wait for death! "

His eyes suddenly changed, and Wudao Guangshi decided to find a way to go to that world.

His identity is quite special, and he can get things that others can't get.

After all, he is Wudao Guihu's younger brother.

Thinking of this, Wudao Guangshi immediately went to Drupes, a fruit dessert shop where Cide often appeared.

As long as he could find Cide, he could get the fixed-lock vehicle from him and go to another world together.

Rushing to Drupes, Wudao Guangshi's luck was really good, and he really found Cide here.

He walked directly to the sofa in front of the other party and sat down.

Facing Wudao Guangshi who suddenly sat in front of him, Cide was quite surprised.

He didn't quite understand what the director's brother wanted to do.

"Hey! Young master of the Wudao family, you look so anxious, is there something wrong?"

Although he suspected that Wudao Guangshi had stolen the watermelon lock seeds, it was not his responsibility anyway, and he didn't care at all.

"Cide, I think you should know this thing. "

While speaking, Wu Dao Guang Shi directly took out the watermelon lock seed and placed it on the table.

When he saw the watermelon lock seed, Xi De was indeed stunned.

Mainly, he didn't quite understand what Wu Dao Guang Shi was going to do and why he told him about that matter.

Of course, he didn't think that the boy in front of him had no other purpose. He took the initiative to take out the watermelon lock seed, which must have a purpose.

"I didn't expect that this lock seed would appear in your hands. You are quite honest, but why did you steal the watermelon lock seed?"

Xi De couldn't figure out why Wu Dao Guang Shi wanted to steal the watermelon lock seed and what his purpose was.

In Xi De's view, with Wu Dao Guang Shi's identity, if he really wanted to get such a thing, he didn't need to steal it at all.

Of course, Wu Dao Guang Shi couldn't tell the truth. He leaned on the sofa and stared at Xi De.

"It was just an accident, but I'm afraid my brother won't accept my answer.

But if I say that a lock seed merchant named Xi De instigated me to steal it, he might be more likely to believe it. ""

Chapter 525 Friends...shouldn't they help each other? The first meeting with Aojiao!

Syd, who was eating parfait, started to move slightly.

He didn't expect that Mitsuomi Kureshima would say these words.

I have seen shameless people, but never such shameless ones!

It was obviously Mitsuomi Kureshima who stole the thing, but this guy actually used the thing he stole to threaten~himself.

Syd put down the parfait in his hand and said helplessly.

"You are such a scary little kid! Tell me, what is your purpose?"

He had already guessed that Mitsuomi Kureshima must have something to ask of him, otherwise there would be no need to expose the matter so blatantly.

Yes, West Germany compromised.

Mainly he had to compromise.

According to his understanding of Director Kureshima Takatora, if one really has to follow what Kureshima Mitsumi said, there is no need to think about it. Even if Kureshima Takatora has doubts in his heart, he will definitely put this matter into consideration.

Blame it on yourself.

He knew that this was setting him up, but he had to accept it, which made him very depressed.

But West Germany doesn't want to be kicked out just like that, he hasn't got the power that belongs to him yet.

In order to become the chosen one of Helheim Forest, he must persevere.

Knowing that he was threatened, West Germany had to accept the threat from Kureshima Mitsumi.

Of course the smart Kureshima Mitsumi understood that West Germany was compromising with himself.

"I didn't intend to frame you, after all, we are friends, right?"

With a faint smile on his face, he knew he had succeeded.

Kureshima Mitsumi should look like a sunny boy, but he has a lot of little thoughts in his heart.

Although he is very young, he now has a certain level of authority.


Hearing this word, West Germany almost laughed out loud.

Both of these brothers are excellent. Maybe the director's brother will become even better and the city will be deeper.

There is no need to offend such a guy.

"Yes, we are friends. If you have anything to do, just tell us."

This time it suffered a loss, and West Germany could only admit defeat, and could not even retaliate.

After receiving the response, Kureshima Mitsumi finally revealed his purpose.

"Mr. Sid, actually I have something to ask you for help. I need the locking vehicle in your hand."

When he heard the words "locked vehicle", West Germany was slightly startled. He didn't expect that this kid actually wanted this thing.

For West Germany, he does have a locking vehicle, but he cannot give this thing casually.

With a locked vehicle, you can easily go to Helheim Forest. If the director discovers it, he will be in big trouble.

But the current situation is that he has to agree whether he agrees or not.

If West Germany didn't agree, Kureshima Hikaru would add some extra details and make up the story about the watermelons and tell Kureshima Takatora.

Then West Germany really won’t be able to eat and walk around.

In order to prevent this from happening, West Germany could only swallow the bitter pill silently.

Reluctantly, he took out a locking vehicle lock from the box on the side and placed it on the table.

"Take it, this is what you want."

Rose Attacker locks the vehicle!

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Kureshima Mitsumi suddenly showed a smile on his face.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Sid, I will serve you the parfait today."

After saying that, he directly picked up the Rose Attacker and walked to the front desk. After paying the payment with Drupes store manager Bando Seijiro, he left directly.

Picking up the parfait on the table again, Syd watched Mitsumi Kureshima leave Drupes, with a meaningful smile on his face.

In Mitsuomi Kureshima, I saw a side different from Takatora Kureshima.

This younger brother seems to be more cruel.

In order to achieve your own goals, you can do whatever it takes.

"They are really two amazing brothers, haha!"

West Germany leaned back leisurely on the sofa, drinking parfait by himself.

Kureshima Mitsumi, who successfully obtained the Rose Attacker, immediately headed to Helheim Forest impatiently.

Helheim Forest.

In order to regain the first place, the leader of the Baron team, Exu Wen Jiedou, was also in the forest at this time, and he was looking for something.

What to look for?

Looking for the Helheim Fruit of course!

He already knows that as long as he is equipped with the Zhan Ji Driver and picks the fruits here, he can transform them into the corresponding locked seeds.

Only by finding a more powerful lock species can you become stronger, defeat the Armored Team again, and win the first place in the rankings.

For this reason, he specially came to this mysterious forest. After some searching, he also met many foreigners.

It's a pity that he didn't find any particularly excellent lock seeds. The only lock species he found that could be used was the mango lock species.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Qi Wen Jie Dou took the time to search for the Helheim Fruit, hoping to find more locked seeds.

And coincidentally, he happened to meet Lu Li and Gao Siwu who were looking for a good crack.

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