Gao Siwu was very surprised when he saw Qi Wen Jie Dou.

“Expelling Patterns and Fighting?!

She never expected that she could meet Qi Wen Jiedou in this place.

"It's you?"

Qi Wen Jie Dou also recognized Gao Si Wu.

After all, they are in different hip-hop teams, so they naturally know exactly who is in the other hip-hop troupes.

But when he saw Lu Li, Qi Wen Jiedou's eyes suddenly changed.

His instinct told him that the man in front of him was very dangerous.

Just by looking at this man, Qi Wen Jiedou felt the hairs all over his body stand up.

He had never encountered this feeling before.

With his eyes full of vigilance, Qi Wen Jiedou asked in a deep voice.

"What are you doing here?"

The muscles all over his body were tense, and he didn't know why he was so nervous.

The feeling Lu Li gave him was terrifying and powerful!

That unparalleled sense of oppression forced him to pay attention.

Gao Siwu obviously didn't notice this and answered honestly,

"I came in to look for someone, but I was attacked by an alien. It was brother Lu Li who saved my life."

"Land from?

Qi Wen Jiedou said that he had never heard of this name.

Lu Li quite admired Qi Wen Jie Dou, a person who was always chasing power.

In order to become what he calls a strong man, he has sacrificed too much.

Even in the end, he relied on his strong will to resist the erosion of the Helheim Fruit, thus gaining great power.

It's a pity that Qi Wen Jiedou is destined to be a leader, and there is no way he can succumb to others.

Even if Lu Li wanted to take him under his wing, he couldn't.

It is simply impossible for this guy to surrender to others, let alone do things for others.

He only follows his own heart and does things according to his own heart.

Qi Wen Jie Dou is a man who is not afraid to challenge the strong.

No matter how powerful his opponent is, he is willing to challenge him and give him a try

However, when he saw Lu Li, Qi Wen Jiedou didn't have any such thoughts.

His body was resisting his instructions, trying to convince him never to go against Lu Li.

Seeing that Qi Wen Jiedou seemed to be wary of his existence, Lu Li smiled slightly.

"Don't be so nervous, I have no interest in you, and I don't want to fight with you.

You now...are not worthy of my action. "

The first half of the sentence didn't sound like much, but the second half of the sentence made Qi Wen Jie Dou feel so harsh.

What does it mean that you are not worthy of the other party's action now?

Could it be...that my strength is really that bad?

Even though the man in front of him gave him a very dangerous and terrifying feeling, with Qi Wen Jie Dou's unwillingness to admit defeat, of course he would not choose to admit defeat before fighting.

"Hmph! You won't know until you fight whether it's worth your while. Don't be too self-righteous. I'm also very strong!"

While he was talking, Qi Wen Jiedou had already taken out the Banana Lock Seed.


"Lock.On! Come.On! Banana.Arms! Knight.of.Spear!"

The banana armor fell from above, and when it landed on top of the head, it immediately unfolded and turned into banana armor, holding a banana spear in its hand.

Kamen Rider Baron!

Seeing the sudden transformation of Baron, Gao Siwu raised his eyebrows and asked sternly.

"Hey! Qi Wen Jie Dou, what do you want to do?"

Obviously, we should be relaxed in this dangerous place, so that we can find the opportunity to get out faster.

However, this guy Balon still wants to fight now, which is really beyond her comprehension.

Looking at Gao Siwu standing in front of him, Baron had no interest in her at all and said coldly.

"Step aside!"

Now, he just wanted to know what kind of power Lu Li had.

The other party dared to say that he was not worthy of letting him take action. He wanted to see where the other party got the courage to say it.

Whether you can fight or not will only be known after you fight.

Facing the cold Balon, Gao Siwu was not old after all, and she was still a girl, and her body trembled unconsciously.

At this time, a big hand covered Gao Siwu's shoulder.

That strong hand instantly calmed down Gao Siwu's original uneasy mood.

"Wu, sometimes this kind of guy can't communicate using words.

Qi Wen Jiedou, I've already said it, you... are not qualified to let me take action, Gemini. "

As Lu Li's voice fell, a red card suddenly flew out from the side.

Balon remained alert enough in his heart, and his first reaction was to use the banana spear in his hand to resist the sudden attack.

But the moment Balon swung the spear again, he suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

He didn't know why he felt this way, but at this time, the action was so complete that it was too late to take it back.


The moment the red card touched the tip of the spear, it exploded instantly.

The horrific explosion brought a violent impact, and Baron was blown away by the terrifying impact without any precautions.

Lu Li and Gao Siwu, who were also relatively close, were wrapped in a magical force.

Under the impact of the terrorist explosion, the two of them were completely unaffected.

Gao Siwu was so frightened that she crawled directly into Lu Li's arms. She closed her eyes tightly and her body couldn't stop trembling.

The moment he heard the explosion, Gao Siwu thought it was over.

Unexpectedly, after a few seconds, she didn't feel any discomfort in her body.

The slightly trembling eyelashes suddenly opened, revealing bright eyes.

........Please give me flowers...

Only then did Gao Siwu realize that she and Lu Li were completely fine and very safe.

But when she saw what was under her feet, her beautiful eyes stared at him.

Because she could clearly see that the surrounding ground seemed to be sunken, but the area where she and Lu Li were was still intact.

She didn't have this ability herself, and the only one who could do such a thing was Lu Li.

Turning around, Gao Siwu raised his neck slightly, looking at the handsome face so close, he felt his heart beat faster.

"Lu...Brother Lu Li, what was this just now?"

As a normal person, she really couldn't understand how Lu Li could do such a thing.

"You can think of it as my magic. After all, I'm a magician, right?"

The simplest explanation made it easier for Gao Siwu to accept this answer.

Nodding thoughtfully, Gao Siwu now regarded Lu Li's ability to withstand the impact of the explosion as magic.

Compared with the two people who were intact, Baron's condition was not that good.

I saw Baron lying on the ground in a panic, his body covered with dirt, and the banana spear in his hand had fallen aside.

At this time, Baron finally understood why he had a bad feeling just now.

It turned out to be an explosion!

That red card can explode!

Feeling a slight numbness in his hand, Baron secretly thought that he was pretty lucky.

Fortunately, he was in the state of transformation now, otherwise, he would have been blown into pieces by now.

Just when Balon was about to stand up and take back the spear, a strange figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

With Balon completely unprepared, a series of melee attacks knocked him back.


Balon didn't notice that when the opponent was engaging in melee combat, he had unknowingly put a blue card on his back.

With a fierce roundhouse kick, Baron quickly put his hands in front of his head.

He barely resisted, but Baron's body still couldn't stop retreating.

After taking a few steps back and stepping deeply into the soil, Baron stopped.

It was at this time that Balon saw who was the person who suddenly attacked him just now.

Gemini star

There were also strangers who had seen life before, and Balon had no idea about Star Disciples.

"What guy?!"

Balon was full of vigilance. The red card just now was probably thrown by this guy.

"Brother Lu Li, who is this...?"

Gao Siwu, who also noticed the Gemini disciple, had strong surprise in his eyes.

"Gemini, you can think of it as a summoned object that I summoned with magic."

The Gemini Star Disciple was indeed summoned by Lu Li using the Gemini Star Disciple Switch, but instead of using magic power, he used cosmic energy.

"oh oh."

The little head nodded vigorously.

Gao Siwu didn't know whether it was true or not anyway, so he could only pretend to understand and nodded.

At this time, Gemini suddenly waved friendly to Baron, and then stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.



A strong sense of crisis suddenly struck.

Baron didn't understand why the other party suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis when he didn't make any special moves.

But in the next second, there was a violent explosion behind him.


"Wow, one by one!!"

He never expected that the explosion would suddenly come from behind him.

Gemini's blue card can control the explosion time at will.

As long as Balon doesn't find out, he won't even know the cause of the explosion."

This inexplicable explosion startled Gao Siwu, and his body shook unconsciously.

"Exploded again?!"

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