It was a little awkward to speak, and the two explosions in succession scared this girl.

Just now, Balon hit the card with his spear and it exploded, but it wasn't the case this time. This time it exploded directly against his back.

Without any precaution, Baron fell to the ground like a dog eating shit.

If it weren't for the good defensive power of the armor on his body, he might have gone to heaven by now.

Waves of severe pain came from his back. Balon didn't expect that Lu Li had been repaired so badly without even touching him.

Naturally, he just heard how Lu Li introduced the Gemini Star Disciple to Gao Siwu. This was just a guy summoned by the other party, but he couldn't do anything about it.

deal with.

hateful! !

A strong unwillingness emerged in my heart.

He was very sure that Lu Li was the strong one, but he didn't expect that the other party was so powerful that he could not imagine.

at the same time.

In another place in the Helheim Forest, Long Xuan, who successfully obtained the locked vehicle, finally came to this forest.

He also reunited with Kaiwu and worked together to kill some foreigners who were pestering the two of them.

Just when the two of them didn't know where to look for Gao Siwu, they suddenly heard two violent explosions in the distance.

Instinct told Kaiwu that Gao Siwu must be over there.

"Mitsuami, let's go! Let's go over there!"

"Okay!" Chuan

Chapter 526: Boomer Aojiao, he can’t die! Jealousy changes me beyond recognition!

The two drove the locking vehicle and rushed to the place where the explosion came from.

Not only did the two of them hear the explosion, but the World Tree investigation team conducting experiments in the forest also heard the explosion.

Walking out of the tent filled with instruments and equipment, Takatora Kureshima looked towards the direction of the explosion.


In all the time I have been in Helheim Forest, there has never been such a violent explosion.

Wu Dao Takatora's intuition told him that this was not normal!

Something must have happened over there, otherwise such a huge explosion would be impossible.

As the person in charge of the Helheim Forest research project, Kureshima Takatora does not want any abnormalities to occur in this forest.

The last time Kaiwu entered this forest, he gave the other party a severe lesson just to stop him from coming here.

But now there is such a violent explosion suddenly. Could it be... that it has something to do with those hip-hop knights?

In his eyes, those hip-hop knights were just a bunch of useless people who were not doing their job properly.

He looked down on these people from the bottom of his heart.

Because in his eyes, these people have not created any value for the world at all, and their existence has no great significance.

The reason why he didn't kill Kaiwu last time was simply because the opponent was a human and he didn't want to attack him.

With a slightly cold expression on his face, Kuredao Takatora briefly explained the matter, then directly took the battle pole driver and melon lock seed and rushed towards the direction of the explosion.

The monsters in this forest do not pose much of a threat to him.

If there are too many targets, it will be better to retreat at worst.

But things about this forest must not be revealed now.

Once it spreads in society, it will cause huge social turmoil.

When the time comes, World Tree will inevitably become the target of public criticism, and even with government help, there will be huge trouble.

Therefore, the situation here must not be communicated to the outside world. "Three-four-zero"

The Ark Project has reached a very critical stage. As long as the data collection is completed, we can find ways to reduce costs and carry out mass production.

This plan must not be interfered with because of some people.

This violent explosion not only attracted the attention of Wu Daoguihu and others, but also attracted the attention of many people from other lands.

The aliens in the surrounding forest were quickly approaching the location where the explosion came from.

The huge movement caused these foreigners to gather, and the number was at least half a hundred, or even more.

Looking at Baron, who was lying on the ground and seemed to be motionless, the kind-hearted Gao Siwu couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Brother Lu... Lu Li, he... he's not dead, is he?!"

Can you not be nervous?

For a girl, this happened right in front of her eyes.

If Qi Wen Jiedou really dies, it will definitely have a huge impact on him.

Hearing this, Lu Li looked indifferent and shook his head slightly.

"He's not dead. It's just that his body was a little paralyzed by the impact of the explosion. He will recover after a while."

As his voice fell, Baron's fingers, which had been silent at first, suddenly moved.

Seeing that Baron was not dead, Gao Siwu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Gently patting his small and exquisite chest, Gao Siwu silently breathed a sigh of relief.

"so far so good.

Mainly because she was worried that if Lu Li killed someone, the matter would become very troublesome.

It would be best if no one died.

"Uh...! Hiss!

Baron, who barely managed to get up, gasped sharply.

The burning pain in his back made him even a little unsteady when standing.

It had been a long time since he had tasted such severe pain.

Although the armor on his back was not destroyed by the explosion, the strong impact also caused him serious injuries.

There was no need to think, he could even feel liquid flowing down his back.

It was blood!

He hadn't even focused on his opponent, but he was so embarrassed by the opponent's two explosions.

He was unwilling to accept it before, thinking that Lu Li was exaggerating.

But judging from the current situation, he was indeed not Lu Li's opponent, to be precise, he was not even worthy of Lu Li's attack.

Damn it!

Such embarrassment was something Baron hadn't experienced for a long time

Turning around, Baron staggered two steps before he could barely stand firm

Seeing him so embarrassed, Gao Siwu hurriedly advised with a flash of pity in his eyes

"Hey! Qi Wen Jie Dou, you don't want to fight again, do you? You can't even stand steadily now, don't fight."

This time, Qi Wen Jie Dou didn't refute Gao Siwu's words again.

He was not the kind of person who couldn't afford to lose.

Losing was losing.

Losing only proved that his current strength was not strong enough, and he would find a way to make himself stronger.

He was too weak now, and he didn't even have the interest to let Lu Li take action.

Then he had to grow stronger and let the other party recognize him.

One day, he would definitely be able to catch up with Lu Li and let him not dare to underestimate him

Lu Li felt that Baron in front of him had no will to fight, and patted Gao Siwu on the shoulder.

"He doesn't want to fight me anymore, don't worry."

Gao Siwu was relieved when she heard Lu Li say that.

She was really worried that Baron was stubborn and must challenge Lu Li.

If something really happened at that time, it would be too late.

"You... are very strong! I am not your opponent now, but I will not give up

Even if I am not worthy of you taking action now, I will definitely find a way to catch up with you in the future!

At that time, you will definitely be willing to fight with me.

Gao Siwu said that she could not understand what Baron said at all.

Why must we fight?

Can't we solve the problem by other methods other than fighting?

"I look forward to it.

With a smile on his face, Lu Li certainly knew that Baron would become stronger and stronger in the future.

If Baron can eventually become a dominant alien after growing up, Lu Li would not mind fulfilling his wish.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!"

Suddenly, a roar/hum of a motorcycle came from the side.

Then they saw Gaim riding the Sakura Hurricane and Long Xuan riding the Rose Attacker.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Gao Siwu was safe and sound.

They have been very nervous in their hearts. Could something have happened to Gao Siwu? What if she was attacked and injured by a monster?

But judging from the current situation, it seems that it is not as bad as they thought.

However, what makes them feel puzzled is why Lu Li and Qi Wen Jie Dou are here.

And Qi Wen Jie Dou is still in the transformation state, looking very embarrassed. Did he just experience a fierce battle?

Regarding this point, the two people have just arrived, so naturally they don’t know what happened just now.

Just seeing Lu Li and Gao Siwu standing so close, Long Xuan felt very unhappy.

You know, he secretly loves Gao Siwu in his heart, so naturally he doesn't want Gao Siwu to get too close to other men.

Gaiwu stopped the motorcycle, took back the fixed-lock vehicle, ran over and asked nervously.

"Wu! Are you okay?!"

If he hadn't muted his phone this time, he wouldn't have received the call and read the message in time, maybe there wouldn't be so many things.

This is his problem.

Seeing the nervous Kaiwu, Gao Siwu felt a little bit happy in his heart, thinking that this was Ge Ye Hongtai giving in to him.

But thinking of this guy's previous attitude, Gao Siwu decided to leave him alone first.

"I'm fine, thanks to Brother Lu Li, otherwise I would be in danger."

As he said, Gao Siwu looked at Lu Li, his eyes flickering, with an admiring look.

This look, there is no trace of adulteration at all.

Although Gao Siwu was ready to leave Kaiwu alone, she didn't deliberately pretend to be admiring.

From her previous performance, Lu Li is indeed worthy of her admiration.

No matter what happens, she is calm and can easily solve problems.

Seeing Gao Siwu like this, Kaiwu always felt a little uncomfortable.

Praising another person in front of him, is this saying that he is not capable?

No matter who it is, after hearing this, they will feel unhappy to some extent.

Although Kaiwu felt a little unhappy, he didn't say much.

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