After all, it was Lu Li who saved Gao Siwu, so he took the initiative to thank him.

"Thank you for your help. If it weren't for your help, Wu would have been in real danger this time."

He was a man who was very clear about right and wrong. Even if he felt uncomfortable, he didn't show it.

In response to Kaiwu's gratitude, Lu Li just waved his hand lightly.

"No need to thank me, I just happened to meet you. I can't just ignore you after seeing you."

Unlike Kaiwu's grateful attitude, Long Xuan, who was standing behind, didn't say anything like thank you.

But his hands were behind his back, clenched tightly.

Mainly because of Gao Siwu's words just now, which also stimulated him to a certain extent.

He has always had a crush on Gao Siwu in his heart, and of course he doesn't want other men to have too close contact with Gao Siwu.

But now, Gao Siwu's admiring eyes are something he has never seen before.

He even hopes that Gao Siwu can look at him with such eyes.

If it weren't for the armor he was wearing now, everyone could clearly see that Long Xuan's face was full of jealousy.

That's right, he was jealous of Lu Li.

Why can this man who has just appeared twice be admired by Gao Siwu?

After being together for so long, Gao Siwu just treats him as a younger brother, and has no other thoughts at all.

How can he not be jealous?

But he dare not act rashly, and he cannot act rashly.

Judging from the strength shown by Lu Li in the last meeting, he may not be able to deal with Lu Li with his own strength.

In addition, Baron's miserable state made him realize this more clearly.

At present, if you can avoid provoking Lu Li, don't provoke him.

Don't conflict with this man before you are absolutely sure.

It must be said that Wu Dao Guangshi is indeed very patient. Even if he sees the person he likes and looks at other men with admiration, he can bear it.

As expected of a member of the Wudao family...

Then, Kaiwu urged anxiously

"Wu, let's find a crack and get out quickly. This world is too dangerous. If you continue to stay here, what if something happens?!"

They can transform, at least there is no great danger in facing aliens, but Gao Siwu is different. She is just an ordinary person after all.

Even when facing ordinary primary aliens, she has no resistance at all.

It is best to leave this dangerous place as soon as possible.

Hearing this, Gao Siwu took Lu Li's arm and raised her neck slightly.

"I know it myself, you don't need to tell me, and... Brother Lu Li will protect me."

They acted so intimately, even holding hands directly, Kaiwu couldn't help but twitch his eyes.

They have only known each other for two days, is it necessary to act so intimate?

As for Long Xuan, seeing Gao Siwu holding Lu Li's arm so intimately, he was even more heartbroken

Gao Siwu, who has always been a big sister, is now suddenly so intimate with a man, which makes him extremely unhappy.

Kaiwu thought that he was older than Gao Siwu, and the two of them were childhood sweethearts, so he was qualified to be responsible for Gao Siwu's safety.

Even if he was stupid, he could hear that Gao Siwu was angry because of his previous attitude.

Thinking of this, Kaiwu took the initiative to bow his head.

"Wu, I know I was wrong before, and I shouldn't be so fierce to you, but it's really dangerous here, let's go back quickly."

After saying that, Kaiwu was ready to go over and grab Gao Siwu's arm.

But before he could go over, a sudden figure suddenly appeared on his way forward and kicked him in the chest.


Kaiwu was suddenly attacked, and he had little combat experience, so he was kicked and staggered back.

"Brother Kota!"

Long Xuan behind him supported Kaiwu in time, so he didn't fall down.

And this figure that suddenly appeared was the Gemini Star Apprentice.

The Gemini Star Apprentice has been waiting by the side.

Once anyone wants to get close to Lu Li, the responsibility of the Gemini Star Apprentice is to repel the opponent, or even eliminate the opponent.

Kaiwu and Long Xuan, who had stabilized their bodies, both saw the Gemini Star Apprentice.

The other party looked like he was not an alien, so what was this? !

Gao Siwu, who noticed the sudden attack of the Gemini Star Apprentice, became nervous after seeing this scene.

Pulling Lu Li's sleeve gently, Gao Siwu said hurriedly.

"Brother Lu Li, Fangtai and the others are not enemies, so don't attack the guy you summoned."

The Gemini Star Apprentice had no intention of attacking at first, but only attacked because Kaiwu suddenly approached Lu Li.

"Gemini, come back."

As soon as Lu Li's voice fell, the Gemini Star Apprentice returned to Lu Li without any hesitation.

Then a dark nebula emerged from the Gemini Star Apprentice on his body and wrapped him up.

The next second, the Gemini Star Apprentice switch returned to Lu Li's hand.

Seeing the Gemini Star Apprentice disappear, the nervous Gao Siwu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wu, Gemini attacked Gaim not because of my instruction, but because he approached me on his own initiative."

After hearing Lu Li's explanation, Gao Siwu 1.4 nodded repeatedly.

She did not doubt the truth of what Lu Li said, mainly because she felt that Lu Li had no need to lie to her.

What’s the point of lying to yourself?

Kaiwu felt very unhappy just because Gao Siwu and Lu Li were getting close. In addition, he was suddenly attacked by Gemini, which made him very embarrassed.

Kaiwu was also a little angry in his heart, but fortunately he had a good temper and was able to hold back the anger in his heart.

"Brother Hongtai, how are you, are you okay?" Long Xuan asked with concern.

Shaking his head, Kaiwu said in a deep voice.

"I'm fine."

Although Gao Siwu was a little worried, he felt relieved after seeing that Kaiwu did not look like anything was wrong.

But her attitude was still the same as before.

"Huntai, you don't need to tell me, I will go back. Brother Lu Li is leading me out of the crack."

The words "Brother Lu Li" made Kaiwu and Long Xuan a little angry.

But no matter what, Lu Li was indeed helping Gao Siwu and did not put her in danger.

This was also the reason why Kaiwu didn't get angry. He didn't find the point of getting angry.

Even if there is a little anger in my heart, I can only endure it silently and dare not vent it.

If Gao Siwu is made angry again at this time and the other party is unwilling to go back, wouldn't it be even more troublesome?

At this moment, a cold voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"It turns's you guys again!

When he heard the voice, Kaiwu's body suddenly trembled, and a bad memory seemed to appear in his mind.

"It's that guy!"

He had already figured out who the other party was just by relying on his voice.


The last time I entered this forest, I was severely punished by the opponent.

The gap in combat power between the two sides was not too big. Kaiwu was completely suppressed and could not even fight back.

PS: Thanks -

Tiao Hua’s monthly ticket!

Chapter 527: The powerful Zhan Yue, one against three, "brothers, friends and brothers respect each other"! A horde of foreigners

They all looked towards the place where the sound came from, and saw a knight wearing melon armor walking towards here step by step.

After seeing the opponent's appearance clearly, Kaiwu's breathing suddenly became much faster.

"It's that guy!

When he heard Kaiwu's words, Long Xuan already understood who Kaiwu was talking about.

Of course, Long Xuan was no stranger to his brother's voice.

He can be very sure that the knight in front of him is his brother

As expected, his brother is Zangetsu, and he gave Kaiwu a harsh lesson last time, and even almost killed him.

Long Xuan didn't dare to speak. To be precise, he couldn't speak.

The reason why he couldn't speak was because he was worried that his words would be exposed.

My brother, Takatora Kureshima, is very familiar with his own voice.

Whenever he says something, he may be exposed in advance.

At the moment, he doesn't want to reveal his identity, otherwise his brother will definitely take him back, and then he will face a grounding.

Therefore, Long Xuan chose to remain silent and said nothing.

As for Balon, if he were in his prime, he wouldn't mind fighting Zangetsu to see who was more powerful.

But in his current state, I'm afraid even ordinary foreigners can't deal with him, so how can he deal with Zhanyue.

Zhanyue naturally noticed Lu Li, and he was very surprised and confused.

Mainly he couldn't understand why Lu Li appeared in Helheim Forest?

Could it be...that it came through other cracks?

The reason why he didn't guess whether Lu Li came in through other means was entirely because Zhanyue considered that Lu Li had just arrived and it was impossible for him to have the skills to get in and out of this glorious place.

The ability of the Forest of Erheim.

But how could he have known that Zhanji Lingma had already met him quietly behind his back, and even gave him the Dandelion Voyager locking vehicle.

Zhan Yue, who recognized Lu Li, did not take the initiative to call Lu Li's name.

Although he was operating in the forest, he did not take the initiative to reveal his true identity. Kaiwu and others did not know it at all.

Faced with this situation, in order to prevent himself from being recognized, he did not talk to Lu Li.

"Be careful, this guy is very strong. Even if we add up, we may not be our opponents."

Kaiwu barely suppressed the fear 08 in his heart, but he was still afraid of Zangyue's powerful strength.

The last time he was almost killed, he just saved his life.

This time when he meets Zangetsu again, it's hard to say whether he will be able to save his life.

"Hmph! It seems that the lesson learned last time was not enough to make you realize the seriousness of the matter. This is not a place for you to come."

Before he finished speaking, Zhan Yue instantly launched an attack on Kai Wu and Long Xuan.

Using the unparalleled saber to shoot quickly, Long Xuan also used a gun and reacted immediately.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The two had a fierce exchange of fire, but Zangetsu's melon defense shield blocked most of the attacks.

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