Anyway, they are just a bunch of useless trash who like to dance hip-hop. Without them, the world will not have any impact.

As for why Lu Li was left alone, another reason was that Wu Dao Guihu didn't want anything about the Ark Project to be leaked in advance.

It would be a good thing if Lu Li could be left directly in Helheim Forest.

Everyone is mortal.

In Kureshima Takatora's view, some sacrifices are necessary in order for the Ark Project to continue smoothly.

But he didn't know that Lu Li and others, who he thought had been wiped out by the group, were currently searching for a crack in the forest.

It didn't take long for Lu Li to find a crack leading to the outside world.

Seeing how easily Lu Li found the crack, Gao Siwu was filled with joy.

"It's the crack to get out of! We can finally go back!"

Her experience this time was indeed very rich and thrilling

If it weren't for meeting Lu Li, I don't know how many times I would have received lunch boxes.

Lu Li, who had completed this experiment, had no intention of staying in the Helheim Forest.

After all, this forest is indeed very big, and it is not easy to find the Overlord Foreigner first.

Go directly through the crack and return to Sawaya City. The place you come to through the crack is another area.

Not long after everyone left, the crack suddenly closed.

Returning to Panya City, Qu Wen Jiedou left without saying a word.

He had not reconciled with the members of the Armored Corps just now. This time it was just a chance encounter.

During the battle before, Gao Siwu said he wanted to treat him.

Now that she's back, of course she can't break her promise.

"Brother Lu Li, I just promised you, come on, I'll treat you.

Saying that, Gao Siwu didn't care at all and took Lu Li's hand.

The two of them walked towards the direction of Drupes Fruit and Dessert Shop.

The two of them were so close that Mitsumi Kureshima couldn't help but clench his fists.

There was a trace of resentment in his eyes. He really wanted to kill Lu Li right now.

But he has already seen the powerful power Lu Li has. Even if he can transform into Long Xuan, he will not be his opponent.

The Watermelon Armor might give him the strength to fight his opponent, but he was not absolutely sure of winning.

Kureshima Mitsumi is very smart and will never take action easily before he is very sure.

There are many famous scenes between brothers and sisters in the play.

But it was all Kureshima Mitsumi who plotted against Kureshima Takatora, and he even made a very sophisticated plan in order to get rid of his brother.

Not only Takatora Kureshima, but also Kota Kuzushima were all plotted against by Mitsuomi Kureshima.

Noticing that Mitsuomi Kureshima seemed to be in a bit of a bad state all the time, Kuzuye Hongtai patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Guangshi, if you feel uncomfortable, you should go back and take a rest.

We experienced a lot today, and we almost couldn't come back. "

Hearing this, Wu Dao Mitsuomi immediately shook his head. He was worried about letting Gao Siwu and Lu Li continue to be so close.

If the two of them continued to get too close and their relationship became more and more intimate, wouldn't he have no chance at all?

We must not let this happen!

Thinking of this, Kureshima Mitsumi suddenly showed a fake smile on his face.

"Brother Hongtai, don't worry. I have nothing to do. Let's go, let's go together."

After saying that, he hurriedly chased after Lu Li and Gao Siwu.

Kuzu Ye Hongtai looked at Wu Daoguang's back from behind, frowned and pinched his chin.

"What the hell is this guy Guangshi doing? He always seems to be distracted."

Because his mind was relatively simple and he didn't think about the bad things at all, Ge Yehongtai didn't take this matter too seriously.


At this time, in Helheim Forest.

After Lu Li and others left for a while, a red figure quickly shuttled and appeared at the place where they had just fought.

Covered in red exoskeleton armor, it looks very tough.

He held a large sword in his hand, and his yellow eyes scanned the surroundings.

The overlord of the foreign land - Dem Xiu (true red)!

When she noticed that there was a very powerful energy fluctuation here, Zhenhong rushed here as soon as possible.

As one of the powerful overlord aliens, he has a ruthless and warlike character and loves to fight.

I thought some powerful guy had appeared here, but when he arrived, Mao didn't even look at him.

However, judging from the traces left at the scene, it is indeed a rare opponent!

Chapter 530 The King of Feimsim - Bai Ya! Became a rumored boyfriend? Xiangraku is here

"Even if you run fast, I will have a fight with you next time.

The mouth spoke an unknown language, which was the language of Fimshim.

Realizing that there was no target to fight, Zhen Hong did not stay here too long.

It turned into a red flowing gasification state and left here quickly.

No one knew about the emergence of the Overlord Foreigner.

At this time, deep in the Helheim Forest.

The Overlord Foreigner Radiai (Emerald), who looks dressed in emerald green and also has an armored exoskeleton, is very bored at this time.

As the ruler of this forest, Overlord Foreigner naturally knows that humans are exploring the Helheim Forest.

It's just that they didn't intervene.

Otherwise, with their power, everyone who dared to enter here would have been eliminated long ago.

The reason why they didn't take action was entirely because in their eyes, humans were too weak.

The Fimsim were once a race very similar to humans, but due to the invasion of Helheim Forest, their world was devoured.

After eating the fruit, a very small number of people gained great power without losing their minds and becoming low-level aliens.

Instead, he became the Overlord Foreigner who could control the plants or aliens in the Helheim Forest.

Jade looked at the white figure sitting on the stone chair opposite, showing a very respectful look.

"King, human beings have become stronger and stronger now. Should we intervene?"

Jade has a cunning personality, but has huge ambitions in her heart.

Facing the being in front of him, although he showed great respect on the surface, he was always unconvinced in his heart.

The reason why the other party became the most powerful among them was entirely because the other party was selected by this forest and obtained the golden fruit.

And after taking the golden fruit, he gained god-like power.

Jade, on the other hand, has been planning the second golden fruit since the Helheim Forest began to invade the earth.

He also wants to gain incomparable power and become an existence like the king in front of him.

But the king in front of him seemed to have thoughts about the second golden fruit.

If we look at the frontal strength, even if several jadeites are added together, there is no way they can be Wang's opponent.

At present, the golden fruit has not yet been born. Although Jade is anxious to get the golden fruit, she also knows that the king is her biggest obstacle.

Before he was absolutely sure, he did not dare to show his fangs, let alone take the initiative to provoke the king.

The strong white figure sitting on the stone chair is none other than the king of the entire Fimsim clan.

Overlord of the foreign land - Luo Xiu'ao (Bai Ya)!

When Fimshim's hometown was eroded by the Helheim Forest, Bai Ya chose to challenge the Helheim Forest, and finally gained the power that could directly change the world.

golden fruit.

I thought that with this kind of power, he could protect his home, but the good times did not last long.

Seeing the situation where only the strong survive as a good outcome, the kin who became hegemonic began to trample on the weak.

After a long struggle, Fimshim finally came to an end.

This time, the reason why the Helheim Forest eroded the earth was naturally due to Bai Ya's instruction.

After all, as the controller of Helheim Forest, he can control everything in Helheim Forest.

The reason for this is that Bai Ya wants to obtain the golden fruits that are produced for mankind.

Use the powerful power of the golden fruit to resurrect your beloved princess.

Bai Ya, who was supporting his head with his hands, suddenly moved and slowly lowered his arms.

The next second, a steady voice came.

"Jade, even if human beings develop further, they will be nothing more than stupid ants. It will have no impact on us."

How could Bai Ya not miss Jade's little thoughts?

However, Bai Ya has absolute confidence in his own strength, and he can suppress Jade's ambition.

The reason why Jade was not killed was entirely because Bai Ya valued the lives of his fellow tribesmen.

He was devastated by Fimsim's demise.

He, the king, could not stop this, and he did not want the fratricide to happen again.

Therefore, as long as Jade didn't do anything too extreme, he would choose to turn a blind eye and pretend he didn't see it.

But regarding the Helheim Forest and the Earth, he didn't want any surprises to happen.

He must get the golden fruit that was born for mankind and use it to resurrect the princess. This was his inner obsession.

.yes. "

Even though she was unhappy in her heart, Jade knew very well that she had no way to resist Bai Ya as the king.

Although both sides are Overlord Foreigners, their strength is not at the same level at all.

One is just an ordinary overlord alien, while the other is the king who eats the golden fruit and rules over all overlord aliens.

The reason why Jade wants to contact humans is that he wants to see if there is anyone among humans who can help him.

Bai Ya will inevitably become an obstacle for him to win the golden fruit.

The other Overlord Foreigners are loyal to Bai Ya, and even if they are ambitious, they would not think of betraying Bai Ya.

Therefore, the idea of ​​relying on cooperation with other overlord aliens was ruthlessly abandoned by Jade.

And even if he cooperates with other Overlord Foreigners, the possibility of defeating Bai Ya is almost zero.

Human beings who were gradually becoming stronger naturally attracted Jade's attention.

Maybe there is a powerful guy among humans, and if both parties cooperate, he might have a chance to get the golden fruit.

It's a pity that Bai Ya doesn't want him to contact humans now. Jade has an idea in his heart, but he doesn't dare to act on it.

Bai Ya's order is unquestionable. Even if he feels unhappy in his heart and doesn't want to hear it, he can't refute it openly.

Pan Nha City, Drupes Fruit Dessert Shop.

The parfaits here are very famous. Gao Siwu specially ordered one of the special parfaits here for Lu Li.

The two of them sat side by side, Kuzuye Hongtae and Kureshima Mitsumi sat on the other side.

As the boss of Drupes, Bando Kiyoshiro couldn't help but wonder after seeing this scene.

"Wu, I don't think I've ever seen this gentleman before. Is he your new boyfriend?

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