This was obviously a joke. We are all already acquaintances. It is normal to joke around.

However, what Bando Kiyoshiro didn't expect was that Kosimai's face turned red unlike before, and she neither admitted nor denied it.

This suddenly lit up the fire of gossip in his heart.

"No way?! Did I really guess it?!"

He looked Lu Li up and down, nodding from time to time, and couldn't help but think in his mind.

The young man in front of me is a bit as handsome as he was when he was young.

Gao Siwu, whose brain was obviously down just now, suddenly reacted and kept waving his hands in denial with a red face.

"No. No, no! We just met not long ago!

It’s just that brother Lu Li helped me today, so I invited him to come to your place to drink parfait. "

Seeing Kojimai blushing so shyly, Bando Kiyoshiro said something was wrong.

Is this still the Gao Siwu I know? !

It feels like a different person!

"Boss, please stop teasing Wu, we are still just friends."

Lu Li gave Gao Siwu a simple explanation.

"Hahaha! We are still friends now. Who can say for sure about the future? Are you right?"

Gao Siwu glared hard at Bando Kiyoshiro, quickly stood up and pushed him to the other side.

"Okay, okay, boss, go do business! Don't mess around with us."

Shrugging his shoulders, Bando Kiyoshiro looked like he had guessed what I had guessed.

Mitsuomi Kureshima, who was sitting next to him, unconsciously tightened his hand holding the cup, and his face became slightly gloomy.

His current mood... is very bad!

Especially when Gao Siwu didn't deny it right away and even blushed, it made his heart ache.

Could it be that... Sister Wu really fell in love with this person whom she only met twice? !

The parfait inside the cup was filled with chills, just like Kureshima Mitsuomi's somewhat cold heart at this time.

He couldn't accept it no matter what, Gao Siwu fell in love with someone he had only met twice.

The heartless Kuzuha Kota on the side didn't think anything was wrong when he saw Gao Siwu's shy look, and even started to heckle him along with Bando Kiyoshiro.

He had already left her behind because of the unpleasant interview at Charmont.

In the final analysis, this matter is still his own problem.

If the interview fails, you can’t blame anyone else. That possibility is even more incompetent.

Noticing Kureshima Mitsumi with a slightly cold expression, a flash of doubt flashed in Kuzuo Ye Hongtai's eyes.

I don’t know how many times this has happened today, but Kureshima Mitsuomi always gets distracted.

He seemed to be thinking about something else, but Kuzuye Hongtai felt that his eyes were slightly different.

Anyway, he didn't like Kureshima Mitsuna's different look from before.

After patting Wu Dao Mitsumi lightly, Kuzu Ye Hongtai leaned over and whispered.

"Guangshi, what's wrong with you today? If you have anything, you can tell me directly. Don't keep it in your heart alone."

Being suddenly patted, Kureshima Mitsumi quickly shook his head with a forced smile on his face.

"No. It's nothing. I was just thinking about the forest.

I always feel strange, why is that world full of forests?

And those fruits can actually be transformed into locked seeds in our hands. "

It has to be said that Wu Daoguang's ability to observe words and change topics is still very strong, and he switched directly to other topics without leaving any trace.

With a thoughtful expression on his face, Ge Yehongtai believed it.

He didn't think much about it, thinking that what Kureshima Mitsumi said was true.

However, although the conversation between the two was very quiet, Lu Li heard it clearly.

Mitsuomi Kureshima, a cruel and ruthless guy, is a match for that guy Jade.

However, there is an inexplicable feeling of satisfaction in seeing this guy feeling unhappy but not daring to let anyone know about it.

After simply eating a cup of parfait, Lu Li parted ways with Gao Siwu and the others.

Looking at the figure that gradually disappeared at the end, Gao Siwu was slightly absent-minded and didn't know what he was thinking.

Geye Hongtai, who noticed this situation, suddenly felt very speechless.

Everyone, why do they always like to lose focus?

"Wu? Wu! Everyone has left, what are you thinking about?"

Under Ge Ye Hongtai's call, Gao Siwu finally came back to his senses.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious as to why brother Lu Li can stay so calm when facing such dangerous things.

It felt as if everything was within his expectations, and it seemed that no danger could scare him.

From the two simple contacts, Gao Siwu's most intuitive feeling was that Lu Li had very strong self-confidence.

Of course, the prerequisite for having strong self-confidence is to have strong power.

There is no doubt about the powerful power Lu Li displayed. He is not only a noble and elegant magician, but also possesses another kind of power.

Ge Yehongtai nodded with deep approval. He also admired Lu Li for having such a powerful power.

Noting that neither of them seemed to hate Lu Li, but only himself, Mitsuomi Kureshima felt very unhappy.

He is obviously very strong, especially when using the watermelon armor, and the strength he displays is not necessarily weaker than that guy's.

But why do they only know Lu Li and say nothing about him?

The main reason was that the power displayed by Lu Li was too strong, completely covering up the Ryugen transformed by Kureshima Mitsumi.

The watermelon armor does have very good power, but compared to Lu Li, it is just a flash in the pan.

The resentment in his eyes deepened, and Wu Dao Guangshi pretended to be calm and tried.

"Sister Wu, you don't really like Mr. Lu Li, do you?"

He asked tentatively, mainly to see what Gao Siwu's attitude was towards this issue.

He was smart and could easily tell whether others were lying. If Gao Siwu lied in front of him, he could easily find out based on his understanding of Gao Siwu:


And Gao Siwu, who seemed to have accepted this question, turned around and glared at Wu Dao Guangshi.

"Hey! Guangshi, why are you saying this? The boss was just joking.

When answering this question, Gao Siwu's eyes flickered slightly, and there was a faint blush on her face.

It seemed that the answer was quite sincere and did not seem to be a lie. Wu Dao Guangshi secretly breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help comforting himself.

Maybe... I really thought too much.

He noticed that Gao Siwu did not have any trepidation when answering the question, and spoke very fluently, so he felt that the other party did not lie.

Sure enough, how could Sister Wu fall in love with a man she had only met twice? She must have thought too much.

As long as it is not that man, he still has a chance.

The reason why Wu Dao Guangshi chose to stay in the Gaim team was partly because of his bad relationship with his brother, and the most important reason was because of Gao Siwu.

No matter what, he could not allow anyone to take Gao Siwu away from him, no one could do it.

Once someone dared to do this, he would become his enemy and fight to the death!

"Okay, I won't go to the team for the time being today. I disappeared for so long suddenly. I have to go back first. "

Gao Siwu was not in the mood to dance now. She was going to go back and rest first, and sort out her confused thoughts.

She was asked many times today, and she didn't know what was going on now.

She must have a good impression of Lu Li.

Just like in the fairy tale, Lu Li suddenly appeared when she was in danger and saved her.

No matter which girl the patient was, she would probably feel a little excited.

What's more, Gao Siwu was a young girl. After seeing Lu Li's handsomeness and strength, she naturally liked him more.

As for liking him, she couldn't say it for a while.

On the other side, Lu Li walked on the streets of Pan Ya City, thinking about a question.

How can I find the Overlord Alien?

If you want to get the golden fruit, you must find the Overlord Alien first.

Finding the golden fruit through the Overlord Alien is not the only way. There is another way to find the golden fruit.


As the existence of Helheim Forest itself, the snake must know where the golden fruit or the dominant alien is.

The snake is Sagara, the DJ who controls the information of the current World Tree.

However, it is not easy to meet the snake!

If this guy doesn't want to see him, it will be difficult for Lu Li to find him.

Even though the snake is quite limited on Earth, he can freely shuttle between Sawame City and Helheim Forest.

Just when Lu Li was thinking about this problem, a person suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

Wearing a headscarf on his head, he looked like a middle-aged man who had gained weight.


When Lu Li noticed this guy, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, he and Sagara would meet in this way.

Just now, I was still thinking about how I should find Sagara, but I didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to deliver it to the door.

"Yo! "

When he saw Lu Li, Xiang Le waved his hand in a friendly manner.

Who could have imagined that such a middle-aged and fat man was the incarnation of Helheim Forest.

PS: Thank you-

13597 monthly tickets!

Chapter 531: External Self-propelled Machine-Xiang Le! The Power of Creation! Victory Roar Lock Seed (Dragon Fruit)

As the incarnation of Helheim Forest, Xiang Le's purpose is to guide a woman in the trial to become the Daughter of the Beginning:

Witness everything and balance the forces of all parties in the war, so as to select the final winner to become the Man of Origin and promote the evolution of the entire race.

Xiang Le has been silently paying attention to the development of mankind over the years. This struggle is different from the previous struggles.

Because in this struggle, there are also the overlord aliens who survived the last time, and even the ones who have Bai Ya has the power of the Golden Fruit.

The possibility of human victory is very slim.

What Xiang Le has to do is to help humans become stronger, so that humans have the opportunity to obtain the Golden Fruit in the end.

Only when the Helheim Forest erodes a world can a Golden Fruit be obtained.

And the Golden Fruit that is about to be born is born for the race of this world.

As another owner of the Golden Fruit, Bai Ya wants to get his hands on the Golden Fruit that is about to be born.

As a snake, Xiang Le certainly can't let this happen.

Looking at Xiang Le in front of him, Lu Li temporarily doesn't know the purpose of this guy suddenly coming to him.

It is certain that the other party is definitely not here to chat with him.

In the play, Xiang Le can be completely called a plug-in self-propelled machine for Kuzuye Kota, sending him plug-ins anytime and anywhere

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