Genesis Core and Lemon Energy Locked Seeds, Tulip Mecha, Dandelion Voyager, Shengxu Locked Seed, and even the Ultimate Locked Seed that finally has a fraction of the power of the Golden Fruit.

These plug-ins were all handed over to Kuzuha Houtai by Xiangraku in front of him.

Otherwise, with the simple-minded Kuzuye Hongtai, it would be a dream to survive to the end.

"Should I call you Sagara, or should I call you... Snake?"

Lu Li directly pointed out Xiang Le's true identity as soon as he came up.

This made Xiangra, who was about to speak, pause slightly.

Then a smile appeared on his face, and Xiangle was very surprised. He didn't expect that there would be people in this "870" world who knew him and knew his true identity.

He is the incarnation of the Forest of Helheim. Even the people in World Tree don't know this.

But the man in front of him knew it, and how did he know it?

"Bah bang bang!"

Sagara said while clapping his hands.

"It really surprises me, Mr. Lu Li, I didn't expect you to know my true identity.

I'm really curious about you.

How did you know my true identity? You must know that even everyone in World Tree only regards me as an Internet idol, controlling information for them.

He has been hiding for so many years without being discovered.

But when he met Lu Li for the first time, he was able to reveal his identity in one word. He felt strange and not surprised.

Hearing this, Lu Li did not answer his question, but suddenly changed the subject.

"You came to me suddenly, Xiangra. You probably don't just want to know my identity.

This battle to select the Man of Origin has already begun. I think you won’t mind my participation. "

When he heard the words "Man of Origin", Xiangraku was even more surprised.

Knowing the origin of the man means that Lu Li must know about the golden fruit.

This man has never appeared before, but it was just the first time he met him, and he gave himself such a big surprise.

"Haha! It seems that I still underestimate you a little. I really didn't expect you to know so much.

Yes, this is indeed the selection battle for the Origin Man.

As a snake, I will only balance the forces of all parties in the war, and then choose the final winner.

Since you want to participate in this fight, I naturally welcome you.

Through the previous videos, he saw Lu Li transforming into the Golden Demon, and the power he displayed was indeed surprising.

Next, Lu Li transformed into a Yongqi and easily killed a large number of foreigners instantly.

As the incarnation of Helheim Forest, nothing that happens in Helheim Forest can escape his eyes.

The man in front of him does have very powerful power, and may be able to fight Bai Ya, who has mastered the power of the golden fruit.

Of course, Sagara only estimated this.

But the power of the golden fruit should never be underestimated. After all, it is the power of God.

But when he saw Lu Li, a voice in Xiangle's heart told him that the power possessed by the man in front of him could not be treated with common sense.

If you want to fight against those overlord foreigners or their king Bai Ya, you must have enough strength.

The Lu Li in front of him may be the person he is looking for, the person who can break the current deadlock.

Although he didn't know why Lu Li knew about the Golden Fruit, himself and the Man of Origin, it didn't matter.

“Xiang La, you came to me, you must have taken a fancy to my strength.

I think with my power, I have a chance to snatch back the golden fruit that should belong to humans from Bai Ya, right? "

Lu Li could easily guess why Xiang Le suddenly came to him after some analysis.

Sagara has always felt that since the golden fruit was born when the Helheim Forest eroded the earth, it should naturally belong to humans.

The golden fruit that originally belonged to humans is now coveted by the overlord aliens.

If it is taken away, it means that there is no hope for the entire human race.

It is possible that humans who lose hope will eventually become worse than Fimshim.

As the incarnation of Helheim Forest, he naturally cannot watch this happen.

Before he even spoke about it, or even mentioned it, Lu Li actually said it for him.

The most important thing is that Lu Li actually knows about the existence of Bai Ya, the King of Feimsim.

Xiang Le couldn't help but wonder if Lu Li was a person who traveled through time and space and came from the future to the present. Otherwise, why would he know so many things.

Everything he wanted to say has now been foreseen by the other party.

This also means that I have lost the conditions to negotiate with the other party!

Thinking of this, Xiangle couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"You are really an invisible man. What you said is correct. The Forest of Helheim is invading the earth. It won't be long before a new golden fruit is born.


But Bai Ya and other overlord aliens are eyeing this golden fruit, and it is impossible for them to let humans get it.

This is an extremely unfair thing for humans, so I need someone to break this deadlock.

And your appearance showed me the possibility of breaking the deadlock. "

Although he didn't know why Lu Li knew so much, Xiang Le didn't care about it now.

At least, judging from the current situation, Lu Li should be on the side of humans.

In this case, even if the golden fruit eventually falls into Lu Li's hands, it is not unacceptable.

This battle for the golden fruit is different from the last one, and Xiang Le did not intend to use the previous method to complete this battle.

Originally, he was optimistic about Kuzuya Kota of the Gaim Team and thought he was a guy with great potential.

Although he was a little stubborn, he had the appearance of a savior with compassion for the world.

However, compared with the current Lu Li, Kuzuya Kota's potential is still much worse.

And potential is just potential. Whether it can be brought into play depends on the subsequent situation.

Lu Li's arrival allowed Xiang Le to see the possibility of directly breaking the disadvantage and regaining balance.

With Lu Li's help, the gap in strength between humans and the dominant aliens should be balanced.

"Haha! Xiangle, after saying so much, I only see that you want to get my help, but I don't see what you can do for me?

There is no free lunch in the world, I think you should understand this truth.

Since you want my help, you should give corresponding rewards."

Lu Li is not a person who suffers losses.

If he wants to make a move and break the current imbalance, Xiangle will have to pay a little more or less.

Lu Li knows everything he knows. Xiangle has guessed long ago that Lu Li will definitely ask for benefits from him.

Originally, he still had the conditions for negotiation, but now, Xiangle has no conditions for negotiation at all.

He knows that in order to break the current balance and deadlock, he really needs Lu Li's help.

It's just that Lu Li knows too much, which makes him feel a little wrong.

But if he wants to fight against the dominant aliens, only Lu Li can do it at present.

"Of course, since it is a transaction, it is impossible for me to make the request alone. Mr. Lu, tell me your request.

If it is not excessive, I can do it for you."

Xiangle himself has considerable ability.

As the incarnation of the Helheim Forest, he does have some special abilities.

For example, he can pause time and space, or create new lock species.

With these abilities, it is not a big problem to complete some conditions that are not too excessive.

Seeing that Xiangle was so easy to talk to, Lu Li certainly knew that the other party asked him to make conditions, and they should not be too excessive.

For example, even Xiangle couldn't give the golden fruit directly to himself.

Xiangle mainly balances this battle. The golden fruit is the final prize, and of course it is impossible to give it directly to Lu Li.

What's more, Bai Ya has been keeping a close eye on the golden fruit. Even if it is not ripe yet, Xiangle has no chance to snatch it from Bai Ya.

As the incarnation of the Helheim Forest, Xiangle has many extraordinary abilities.

But if it is really based on identity, his status is even lower than Bai Ya.

As Bai Ya, who has the golden fruit, can be said to be the ruler of the Helheim Forest, or it can be said to be a god.

His status is obviously higher than Xiangle, otherwise Xiangle would not have a headache because of this matter.

If you think about it simply, there is a limit to the power of this guy Xiang Le.

Especially since this is not in the Helheim Forest, even if he has power, he can only use it to a limited extent.

The simplest way is to let this guy help him create a lock seed.

"Your ability can't help me much, but... I'm a little curious about the lock seed you created. Do you mind making one for me?"

Lu Li just asked for a lock seed and didn't make any excessive demands.

I thought Lu Li would make some excessive demands, but I didn't expect that he would create a lock seed by himself...

After thinking calmly, Xiang Le felt that it was not impossible.

He had already seen that Lu Li had very powerful power and should not be particularly concerned about the power of the lock seed, and it would not help him much.

Even if he created a lock seed for Lu Li, it would not be a big deal.

At worst, he would find a way to balance other forces later. At present, this is to break the deadlock.

"Okay! I agree to your request, but since you want to make a lock seed, at least find me a fruit first."

Although he could rub the lock seed with his hands, Xiang Le rubbed out the lock seed directly out of thin air.

Hearing this, Lu Li spread out his right hand and sketched out the appearance of a fruit, the composition of the fruit, etc. in his mind.

Then, a faint golden power appeared in Lu Li's hand.

And in the next second, a delicate dragon fruit appeared in Lu Li's hand.

Seeing that Lu Li could actually create a dragon fruit out of thin air, Xiang Le was very surprised.

"The power of creation?!"

He couldn't figure out why Lu Li had such power.

The power of creation, but it is a power that only gods can master. Is Lu Li already a god?

If the other party is a god, there is no need to fight for the golden fruit.

Xiang Le was not wrong. Lu Li is indeed the power of creation.

This power also comes from the giver.

However, compared with the power of destruction, Lu Li's power of creation is weaker. At most, he can only create some dead things, and currently cannot create living things.

Although the power of creation corresponding to the power of destruction is very powerful, it also represents a great consumption.

But fortunately, it was just to create a dragon fruit. Lu Li consumed a little energy, but it didn't have any effect.

Lu Li threw the dragon fruit in his hand to Xiang Le and said with a smile.

"Just use this thing. The dragon fruit I created is the same as the real dragon fruit, and it also has energy."

Xiang Le took the dragon fruit and looked at Lu Li deeply.

The man in front of him was really becoming more and more mysterious in his eyes, and he was simply unfathomable.

The power of creation is not something that everyone can possess.

Xiang Le became very curious about Lu Li's true identity.

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