"Mr. Lu, your existence really makes me curious. Maybe you may actually have the golden fruit."

He was not joking, but said it very seriously.

But no matter how strong you are, Lu Li, since you are involved in this fight, Xiangle will not stop it, let alone interfere.

"Who knows? No one can say what will happen in the future, so we should just focus on the present."

With a mysterious smile, Lu Li had no intention of explaining his identity to the other party.

With a slight shrug, Xiangra directly held the dragon fruit in his hands and used the power of Helheim Forest to turn the dragon fruit in his hand into a lock seed.

A burst of colorful rays of light flashed in Xiangraku's hands, and the next second, the dragon fruit gradually changed under the influence of this energy.

Finally it turned into a red lock species.

It just looks like a semi-finished product, like a polyhedral dragon fruit.

After completing this thing, Xiangra continued to rub the lock seed with his hands.

The colorful energy continued to transform the 3.5 semi-finished lock seed, gradually changing, and finally turned into a lock seed.

A red lock seed. When he saw this lock seed, Lu Li already knew what kind of lock seed it was.

Shenghou Lock Seed!

But unlike the Sheng Roar Lock Seed that Ge Ye Hongtai obtained, which was made from oranges, Lu Li's Sheng Roar Seed was made from dragon fruit.

Lu Li guessed from the beginning that the Lock Seed that Xiang Le created for him would most likely be the Shenghou Lock Seed, and it turned out to be true.

After making this lock seed, Xiangle took it in his hand and observed it carefully, and sighed helplessly.

"I don't know if it's right to hand this thing over to you. After all, this power is still too strong compared to the current armored knights."

As a snake, his original intention is to balance the forces of all parties.

Now he has created a Sheng Roar Lock Seed that is far more powerful than ordinary Lock Seeds, and even an energy lock seed that has not yet been fully tested. He doesn't know if it is right or not.

But in order to persuade Lu Li, this was necessary.

If you want the other party to help you solve this problem, you will inevitably have to pay a certain price.

The price now is Shenghou Lock Seed.

What's more, Lu Li himself is very powerful, and Sheng Roar Lock Seed shouldn't be able to improve his opponent much.

This is why Sagara is so cheerful.


Throwing the Sheng Roar Lock Seed in his hand to Lu Li, Xiang Le didn't think too much at this time.

"Mr. Lu, don't forget the agreement between us. I have already given you the things. I hope you can keep your promise."

Anyway, he had already given it, and Xiangle didn't bother to think about it that much.

And even without the Shenghou Lock Seed, the power of the man in front of him was enough to rival the Overlord Foreigner.

Incomparably powerful strength, no matter whether there is a Shenghou Lock Seed or not.

Just think of it as a gift from yourself.

After touching the Shenghou Lock Seed, Lu Li held it in his hand and turned it around twice.

Chapter 532: Catch him, pinch him hard, and send one away and another one comes! The director....never apologizes!

"Of course there is no problem, this is a transaction between us.

By the way, Sagara, since you have already given me a new lock seed, you shouldn't mind giving me another Zhanji driver.

After all, if you want to use this thing, you can't do it without a driver.

Lu Li gave full play to his wool-pulling skills. This time he caught Xiang Le and plucked it hard!

Hearing this, Xiang Le showed a speechless expression.

Good guy!

It was over if he made himself a Shenghou Lock Seed. Unexpectedly, this guy actually asked me to get him a Zhan Ji Driver.

He patted his forehead helplessly, and Xiangra felt a headache.

“Okay, I’ll give it to you when I get it later.

He didn't want to worry about it anymore. The new Sheng Roar Lock Seed had been given to him anyway, and he didn't care about a Zhan Ji Driver.

He couldn't rub the Zhan Ji Drive out with his hands, so he had to steal it.

As for who to steal from, of course it was from World Tree. After all, every fighter driver is locked to the user.

"Then I'll trouble you. Don't worry, I won't forget our agreement."

Seeing the smile on Lu Li's face, Xiang Le suddenly felt depressed.

It was as if I was being deceived like a big scapegoat.

It's not like he can get the Zhan Ji Driver right away. Anyway, Xiang Le can find him, so Lu Li is not too anxious.

However, Lu Li had just parted ways with Xiang Le, and he met someone special again.

To be precise...not a human being!

I don’t know what the situation is, but they all got together.

This person is none other than the Daughter of Origin.

On the day he first arrived, Lu Li did look at the Daughter of Origin from a distance once, but it was only limited to that side.

After that, Lu Li never saw the Daughter of Origin.

She didn't know if the other party was avoiding her, or if he was not interested in herself, a person who did not appear in her memory.

Unexpectedly, the other party came to see me anyway.

"I have never seen you. You do not exist in my memory. Who are you?"

In the memories possessed by the Origin Daughter, there was no such person as Lu Li.

But now Lu Li has come into contact with the Armored Forces, and has an entanglement with Gao Siwu that she doesn't know about.

This makes the Origin Daughter find it very incredible. Why is there such a change?

Although she didn't know why such a change occurred, the Daughter of Origin was very happy.

This means there have been 11 changes!

The past has changed and the future may become uncertain.

As for what the future will look like, she herself can't tell.

But whether it was changing for the better or for the worse, she didn't know.

However, she decided to contact Lu Li first, maybe she could understand why such changes occurred.

"Daughter of the Origin? This should be regarded as our second meeting, although we didn't say a word when we first met."

Lu Li revealed the identity of the daughter of origin, which made her expression change.

Why do people in the present know who they are in the future? !

Who is this man in front of me? Could it be that he is also someone who traveled through time and space?

But as soon as the idea was born, Gao Siwu immediately rejected it.


If it were really someone from the future, it should be impossible for him to wantonly interfere with reality like this.

Because if you are not careful, things may lead to an uncertain future, and it may even lead to the destruction of the world.

Even she only communicates with people in this world through dialogue.

I hope that at the juncture of destiny, key figures can make changes.

Just because the future war will be too cruel, this battle for the golden fruit will be a very tragic war.

"Why...why do you know my identity?

The Daughter of Origin asked the doubts in her heart.

Without answering the other party's question, Lu Li just asked a question.

"Is this question important?"

Slightly startled, the Daughter of Origin lowered her head and thought for a moment.

This question doesn't seem to be important.

“What I can tell you is that without my arrival, your future is set.

No matter what efforts you make, the future cannot be changed.

But because of my appearance, all this will change. The future you know is no longer important now. "

With these words, all the questions that the Daughter of Origin wanted to ask were answered directly.

The Daughter of Origin will always appear at key nodes, hoping to change the future by influencing key people.

But she didn’t know that it was precisely because of her appearance in the past that the future became complete and the future became a given

Xiangraku, who had no way of detecting the future, was optimistic about Kuzuba Kota and gave him many cheats because he already knew who the daughter of the future origin was.

High dance.

It is precisely because of this that he chose Ge Ye Hongtai to help him grow as much as possible.

Otherwise, why would so many people involved in this battle not help Xiangle at all, but they would help Kuzuye Hongtai.

Seeing that the Daughter of Origin did not speak, Lu Li continued.

"The future as you know it has become blurry, and you can also choose to continue to work harder and make Kuzuye Kota give up and join this fight.

This competition is cruel, and I will not give up the golden fruit to anyone.

But if he gets in my way, I will still get rid of him. "

Lu Li didn't like Sha Cheng as the protagonist at all.

Apart from being stubborn, a little silly, and having a holy heart, he doesn't have any outstanding abilities.

The reason why he was able to become a god in the end can only be said to be because he had already been chosen.

Luck became the chosen one.

If it weren't for the appearance of the Daughter of Origin, everything would be different.

When she heard that Lu Li had produced all those who were in the way, the Daughter of Origin's expression suddenly changed.

The reason why she returned to the present and interfered with the key nodes of the present was to prevent future events from happening.

The appearance of someone who does not exist in Lu Li's future memory is indeed a good thing for changing the future.

But he is very powerful. If you really want to get rid of Kuzu Ye Hongtai, it probably won't be that difficult.

Biting her lips, her beautiful red and black eyes looked a little anxious.

She didn't want to see that kind of future, nor did she want to see anyone sacrifice.

"I will try to stop them and make them give up the fight, please give me a moment."

Of course, the people mentioned here cannot be just Kuzuba Kota, but also Kumon Kaidou and Kureshima Mitsumi.

Although she is the daughter of the origin and has a certain amount of power from the golden fruit, she does not have strong combat power.

Therefore, it was naturally impossible to stop Lu Li.

There was no way to stop Lu Li, so he had to find a way to stop Ge Yehong from defeating them.

Hearing this, Lu Li had a slight smile on his face.

"Okay, it's still early, I'm not in a hurry. I hope you can succeed."

He didn't think that the Daughter of Origin could succeed. If she could, she would have already changed the future.

Nodding slightly, the Daughter of Origin turned and disappeared from Lu Li's sight.

"Things... are getting more and more interesting.

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