The Daughter of Origin has not forgotten what Lu Li said to her before.

If Ge Ye Hong Tai and the others hinder him in the future fight for the golden fruit, Lu Li will not show mercy to them.

She came this time to stop Ge Ye Hong Tai and Wu Dao Guang Shi.

If the two of them just give up the fight, perhaps everything will change, and they will not be in danger.

Ge Ye Tong Tai and Wu Dao Guang Shi looked at each other, and the two did not want to give up.

Those who eliminated the traces of Helheim Forest are hiding something, and they must figure out these things.

"We can't stop fighting, that forest is very dangerous, and some guys are hiding this matter, we must figure out these mysteries!"

His eyes were firm, and Ge Ye Hong Tai always felt that there was an invisible big net wrapped around them.

This is their chance to tear open this big net and witness the truth, and they can't miss it.

A hint of helplessness flashed in the eyes of the Daughter of Origin. Why can't they just listen to her advice?

As long as they give up the fight and leave the city, they may not be in danger.

As the battle continues, they will sooner or later fall into danger, and even... they will become enemies.

The Daughter of Origin from the future naturally knows what will happen if they continue.

Moreover, Lu Li's arrival makes the future confusing. She still remembers what Lu Li said to her before.

Seeing that her persuasion has no effect, the Daughter of Origin suddenly feels a movement outside. I'm afraid (bcb) that the other members of the Gaim Team have returned.

Without time to think too much, the Daughter of Origin disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the sudden disappearance of the Daughter of Origin, Kuzuya Kota and Wu Dao Guangshi looked at each other.

The two can be very sure that what happened just now was not a dream.

Who is this woman who looks exactly like Gao Siwu?

Why did she suddenly appear and suddenly disappear?

Why did she persuade them not to continue fighting, and what was the purpose?

One question after another emerged, making the two wonder what was going on.

At this moment, Gao Siwu and other team members just came back from outside.

Each of them had something in their hands, which might be for some activities:

Seeing the two of them here, Gao Siwu said with a happy face.

"Kota, you are here too? It's just in time. We are planning to make decorations for Christmas activities. Come and help us."

But at this time, the two of them were preparing to implement the plan, and of course they couldn't delay here any longer.

"Baokuan, Sister Wu, we have something urgent now, Brother Kota, there is no time to lose, let's go quickly.

After saying that,

she immediately dragged Kuzuye Kota away.

"Wait, where are you two going? "

Faced with Gao Siwu's doubts, the two fled without answering.

A glimmer of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Gao Siwu didn't understand what the two wanted to do, but he always felt that they were hiding something from him.

The reason why they didn't tell Gao Siwu and the others about this matter was mainly because they didn't want to involve other people in the team.

This matter is somewhat dangerous, and as knights, they still have a certain ability to protect themselves.

But if it were ordinary people, it would be very troublesome if they were involved in it, and they might even be in danger.

Soon, the two found the leaders of several other teams and gathered together to go to Drupes to meet Cid.

When they told Cid about the idea of ​​holding a new game, they directly stated the purpose of this time.

"We have prepared a small event this time, but we still need two fixed-lock vehicles."

Hearing this, Cid keenly realized that their purpose must not be that simple.

"Are you planning to get together and do a tour performance? "

Kuroba Kota was dissatisfied with Cid pretending to be stupid here.

"Don't play dumb, Cid. Use the fixed-lock vehicle to get to that strange forest."

Shrugged slightly, Cid continued to eat the biscuits on the table.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Let's not talk about this for now. The fixed-lock vehicle is very valuable. Of course, I can't give it to you easily."

To put it bluntly, Cid was mainly worried that Takatora Wudao would cause trouble for him.

It was not easy to get to this point, and he also knew the secrets of Helheim Forest and wanted to become the chosen one of Helheim Forest.

If he was targeted by Takatora Wudao because of this matter, it would be difficult to act in the future.

In the end, under the state of half request and half threat of Mitsumasa Wudao, Cid reluctantly agreed.

The reason for agreeing was that Cid also had his own ideas.

As the person in charge of the Helheim Forest project plan, Wudao Guihu is completely in control of everything and always does things according to his own ideas.

Xide is not satisfied with this situation.

Wudao Guihu's arbitrary behavior, coupled with the things he was blamed for before, naturally made him even more dissatisfied.

Through this incident, it is also a good thing to cause some trouble to Wudao Guihu.

The plan is proceeding in an orderly manner.

On Christmas Day.

Helheim Forest.

Lu Li came to this forest again.

This time, Lu Li did not come here to stroll around, but to find the overlord alien.

During these few days, Lu Li successfully got the Battle Driver from Xiang Le, and with the Shenghou Lock, Lu Li can already transform into the Shenghou form.

Compared with the last time, Lu Li has never been alone.

The one who followed Lu Li was naturally Inna.

The first time, Lu Li could not determine what the impact of passing through the space between the earth and the Helheim Forest would be, so he did not bring Inna with him.

But after the first attempt, Lu Li knew that there would be no problem.

Although Inna was just an ordinary person, Lu Li could use his powerful strength to protect her directly so that she would not have any problems when crossing the two worlds.

The first time she came to such a forest, Inna's eyes were full of curiosity.

It was her first time to go to another world, and it was also her first time to see the situation in another world.

It was quite quiet here, and there were many strange plants. It would be better if there were no aliens.

The two walked in the forest for a while. Inna looked at the surrounding environment and was surprised.

"The environment here looks similar. Where are we going?"

"We...are going to see the ruler of this forest."

Lu Li didn't hide anything from Inna, after all, she was his own.

When Lu Li got the Battle Driver from Sagara, he asked Sagara about the Overlord Aliens.

Sagara, who came to deliver the Battle Driver, was very surprised.

He didn't imagine that Lu Li knew so much about the existence of the Overlord Aliens.

However, considering that Lu Li even knew about himself, the incarnation of the Helheim Forest, it didn't seem to be difficult to accept that he knew about the Overlord Aliens.

Sagara gave Lu Li the method of finding the Overlord Aliens, and he wanted to see what Lu Li wanted to do.

Although the Overlord Aliens ruled the Helheim Forest, they did nothing at all.

This made Sagara somewhat dissatisfied.

In this way, he wanted to see how the Overlord Aliens would respond.

What kind of sparks will collide with Lu Li.

"The ruler of this forest?"

Inna's eyes were full of doubt.

She didn't know what kind of guy the ruler of this forest was.

But since he was the ruler of this forest, he might not be so easy to deal with.

After moving forward for a while, Inna actually found some traces of survival similar to those left by humans.

This discovery made Inna feel very incredible.

Chapter 535 Overlord is really red! Knight Tyrant roars in victory!

Emerald Ambition

This is another world. Could it be that there are people in this world?!

"Mr. Lu, why does this world have these environments similar to human survival? Did humans live here before?"

Facing the question raised by Inna, Lu Li shook his head.

"These traces were left by a race similar to humans.

They came from another world, but their world has been assimilated by this forest.

Their civilization naturally ended here, leaving only some dilapidated traces. "

Her mouth slightly opened, Inna had never expected that there would be such a situation here.

It turned out that there was still civilization here, but now only ruins of civilization remained.

But since civilization has disappeared, why would there be a ruler in this forest?

Just as Inna continued to ask, Lu Li suddenly stopped.

Inna, who was still in shock and had not recovered, bumped into Lu Li's back.

The fullness of her chest was immediately compressed.

Stopped immediately, Inna quickly retreated.

Although she was a female spy and a little bolder, such close contact made her a little shy.

But she was trained after all, and quickly calmed down.

The faint pink on her face faded, and Inna looked at Lu Li in confusion.

"Why did you stop suddenly? "

She looked around carefully and found that there seemed to be nothing special around.

In front of Lu Li, there seemed to be a place similar to a cave.

When he saw this place, Lu Li already knew that this was where the Red and Emerald appeared in the play.

In fact, there was no specific explanation in the play, where the Overlords and the aliens were in the Helheim Forest, only that they were deep in the forest.

Lu Li also followed the guidance of Xiangle and walked towards the depths, and then found this place.

"We are here."


Looking around with doubts, Inna didn't quite understand what was different here.

There was just one more cave that looked very huge, and it didn't seem to be anything special.

At this time, a sound of footsteps suddenly came from the side.

As a spy, Inna has excellent reaction ability.

She tensed her nerves at the first time and took out her pistol and pointed it at the place where the sound came from.

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