"come yet?"

Lu Li, who has strong senses, naturally sensed something approaching at the first moment.

Turning slightly sideways, Lu Li saw a red figure.

Moreover, Lu Li not only saw the red figure, but also felt that there was a similar guy hiding in the dark and observing.

This red figure is naturally the Overlord Foreigner - True Red!

An unknown voice came out of his mouth, and he had no idea what this guy was talking about.

As for the person who is hiding in the dark and observing, you don't need to think about it to know that it can only be Jade.

Unlike Zhenhong, who is always keen on fighting, Jade can be said to be very insidious.

In the later period, Jade even planned a plan to dominate and manipulate the entire human race as his own toy.

In the end, this guy successfully killed Bai Ya with a sneak attack.

Of course, this is mainly because Bai Ya no longer has the idea of ​​​​living in his heart.

Bai Ya has always felt guilty in his heart. The death of the princess and the destruction of Feimsim civilization

Originally, he wanted to rely on the new golden fruit to revive the princess, but the princess, who had been dead for a long time, could not use the golden fruit at all.

After learning this, Bai Ya willingly chose the path of death.

Otherwise, Bai Ya, who possesses the golden fruit, would not be able to defeat him no matter how many emeralds he has.

This guy Jade is secretly observing, just to see who broke into this place and if he has any skills.

Hearing what Zhenhong kept saying but couldn't understand a word, Inna had a guess in her mind.

"This guy...is he the ruler here?!"

"You guessed it right, he is one of the rulers of the forest.

Just as Lu Li's voice fell, Zhenhong suddenly took action.

He didn't care about that anymore. He raised the big sword Cherim in his hand and rushed towards Lu Li.

Zhenhong is that typical guy with a simple mind and well-developed limbs.

Others would fight if they disagreed, but this guy didn't bother to say anything and just started fighting.


When she saw Zhenhong approaching, Inna instinctively pulled the trigger.

The bullet hit Zhen Hong accurately, causing little sparks to appear.

But the bullets made by humans did not cause any damage to True Red at all.

The body paused slightly. Zhenhong didn't expect that these weak young men in front of her would dare to resist her, and she felt extremely angry in her heart.


Along with Zhenhong's roar, it instantly turned into a stream of red flowing gas and quickly rushed towards Inna.

Seeing the red flowing gas approaching like a ghost, Inna was immediately frightened and retreated quickly.


Just when Zhenhong was about to touch Inna, an invisible wall instantly blocked his progress.

Under the strong reaction force, Zhenhong fell to the ground in a panic.

Just now, he hit the invisible wall at high speed and felt a little dizzy for a moment.

Seeing Zhen Hong falling to the ground, Inna immediately breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lu Li unconsciously.

You can guess that Lu Li must have helped him just now. Apart from him, there is no one else here who will help him.

Immediately retreating to Lu Li's side, Inna raised her eyebrows and said doubtfully.

"Is this guy really the ruler here? Why does he seem to be so impulsive? He does things without thinking at all and just rushes over."

Even if the two sides are enemies, they will still say a few words when they meet.

But it turned out to be really popular, so the fight started right away.

Hearing this, Lu Li shrugged helplessly.

"Didn't he say a lot just now? It's just that you didn't understand."


The pretty woman was speechless.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case.

Zhenhong just said a lot of things that she couldn't understand at all. She really couldn't understand what the other party was saying.

At this time, Zhenhong had also stood up from the ground, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Obviously he didn't know why he was beaten back just now, but he was certain that it had something to do with the two guys in front of him.


He snorted heavily.

Zhenhong didn't care so much and raised her right hand directly.

Then a huge fireball gathered in his hand and was thrown towards Lu Li angrily.

Still in the same position just now, the invisible wall of telepathy directly blocked the huge fireball.


Seeing that the fireball he threw was blocked, Zhenhong suddenly felt very unhappy. He jumped on the spot angrily and was extremely irritable.

There was a lot of chirping again, but I couldn’t understand what this guy meant.

But you can probably guess that he was probably angry from embarrassment.

Jade, who was observing in secret, touched his chin thoughtfully after seeing this situation.

Although he didn't know what method Lu Li used, this ability was somewhat similar to the method mastered by their Wang Baiya.

But there may be some differences between the two.

Jade couldn't tell what level of opponent Lu Li was at first, but after seeing the powerful force, he decisively regarded Lu Li as a threatening target.

Being able to have abilities similar to Wang's is enough to prove that the opponent's strength must not be weak, and he does not dare to underestimate him.

Here, seeing that his fireball had no effect, a cold light flashed in Zhenhong's eyes.


Zhenhong's figure disappeared instantly.

As a powerful overlord alien, Zhenhong also possesses a special ability, that is, teleportation.

When Zhenhong appeared again, he was already beside Lu Li, raising the greatsword in his hand, and chopped down at Lu Li without hesitation.


Seeing Zhenhong suddenly appearing in front of her, Inna was also shocked, not understanding what was going on.

Why did this guy suddenly appear here? !

Is it teleportation?

A flash of bloodthirstiness flashed in Zhenhong's eyes, as if he had seen the end of the man in front of him being chopped to death by himself.

However, what happened next directly surprised Zhenhong.

Unlike what he thought of hitting Lu Li's head unexpectedly, a huge thing that looked like a dragon fruit actually blocked his greatsword directly.

That's right, it was an armor that looked a bit like a dragon fruit.

At the moment when Zhenhong chopped down just now, Lu Li directly opened the Shenghou Lock Seed he got from Xiangle.


Then, the Kachidoki Armor appeared directly, blocking the attack of Shinku.

At some point, Lu Li had already put on the Sengoku Driver.

Put the Kachidoki Lock in the groove in the middle of the driver and lock the lock.

"Lock.On! Soiya! Kachidoki..Arms! Go out immediately! Ei.Ei.Oh!"

The Kachidoki Armor fell directly on Lu Li's head, and a black and white driving suit appeared on Lu Li's body.

The red Kachidoki Armor slowly unfolded and covered the driving suit on Lu Li's body.

Kamen Rider Tyrant-Kachidoki Armor!

There are two red flags behind the shoulders, swaying in the wind.

When seeing Lu Li transform into a form she had never seen before, Inna was now accustomed to it.

The man in front of her had no limits at all.

Having seen it several times before, Inna didn't find it strange at all:

Even the terrifying Universe Iron Man and Heaven and Earth Twin Dragons could be dealt with, so how strong Lu Li's strength is is impossible to predict.

After seeing Lu Li complete himself, Zhenhong said a lot of things again.

Lu Li didn't understand the language of Fimsim at all.

But Lu Li's perception of the mind is very strong, and he can probably guess what Zhenhong wants to express.

It's nothing more than seeing his transformation aroused his fighting spirit, and he wanted to knock Lu Li down directly.

"If you want to knock me down, you're still a few hundred years too early.

Directly took off the Shenghou Banner on his shoulders, which is not just a decoration, but two weapons.

.....Please give me flowers..........

At this time, Zhenhong, who had been aroused to fight, rushed towards Lu Li again.

Although he was blocked by the Shenghou Armor just now, this could not stop Zhenhong's fighting spirit.

The guy in front of him looked quite strong. Zhenhong's favorite thing to do was to fight with the strong.

"Ha! ! ”

The big sword in his hand attacked frantically, and every sword was almost aimed at killing Lu Li.

“Clang clang clang!”

The seemingly fierce and unmatched attack was completely useless in Lu Li’s eyes.

The attack method was too simple, and there was no skill at all.

The victory roar flag caught all of Zhenhong’s attacks without falling, and all of Zhenhong’s attacks were resolved.

Just now Zhenhong thought that he could easily crush the guy in front of him.

But after a short battle, he found that he seemed to have underestimated the guy in front of him.

In the battle, he clearly felt that the other party was at ease.

He was angry in his heart. When had he, Zhenhong, been looked down upon by others?

Before, he still held the sword with one hand. At this time, Zhenhong changed to holding the sword with both hands in order to suppress Lu Li with strength.

“Shua! !”

A fierce sweep, straight to Lu Li’s waist and abdomen.

But the result was not as Zhenhong thought, directly cutting the guy in front of him in half.

“Ding! ! "

I saw Lu Li playing with the victory flag in his hand, and directly clamped the sweeping sword.

The crisp sound made Zhenhong stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that he had already held the sword with both hands and used all his strength to slash, but was still blocked by the opponent.

Suddenly, a foot suddenly appeared in front of Zhenhong.

Before he could react, Lu Li had already kicked him in the face.


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