"Help me get rid of this guy! It's going to eat me!"


The sudden intrusion of foreigners directly caused a huge commotion.

For these powerless researchers, this is a disaster:

They are not armored knights, so they have no way to fight against these foreigners.

Kaiwu, who was originally observing the situation on the edge of the tree, couldn't sit still after seeing this situation.

"We must not let those guys enter the city!"

If these aliens are allowed to enter the city, then ordinary people will be threatened.

The compassionate Kaiwu could not just watch this happen, so he immediately jumped and rushed towards the man-made crack.

There are not many junior aliens who have passed through the man-made cracks, so just leave them to Kaiwu, and Lu Li doesn't have much interest in chasing them.

The surrounding quagmire of fear gradually began to shrink, slowly returning to Lu Li's feet.

As the mire of fear shrank, those members of the investigation team who had been shrouded in the mire of fear finally lost their restraints.

But even though the quagmire of fear has dissipated, the feeling of fear still remains deep in their hearts, affecting them all the time.

It is unrealistic to recover in a short period of time.

As for when these people would recover, Lu Li was not interested at all.

Apart from these people, not a single bit of the junior aliens who had been swallowed up by the quagmire of fear remained.

The eyes of all the remaining members of the investigation team were focused on Lu Li, with deep awe in their eyes.

They were very scared in their hearts, but they did not lose their minds.

It was because of the presence of the Golden Knight they saw in their eyes that they were able to survive.

They know this very well.

Inna, who had recovered, came to Lu Li in fear and looked at Lu Li in confusion.

"Gulu~! What on earth was that thing just now? Why do I feel like I can't use even a little bit of strength inside that thing?"

It's not that she didn't try to struggle just now, it's just that all the strength in her body seemed to be drained, and she couldn't even try to struggle.

Like a rootless duckweed on the water, it can only drift with the current.

After closing the fusion driver, Lu Li's golden armor disappeared and his transformation was released.

Lu Li casually put the fusion drive and the Dread Utopia memory back into the space, and chuckled.

“That thing just now is called the Fear Quagmire, and just like its name, you will experience an indescribable sense of fear in it.

Until you were swallowed up by the mire of fear, the fact that you were able to persist in it for so long does not mean that you have defeated fear. It is just because I have reduced the influence of the mire of fear on you.


Otherwise...you will be similar to those aliens, and now you won't even have any bones left. "

After learning about this situation, Inna's eyes widened immediately, and she patted her plump chest with lingering fear.

After listening to the first half of Lu Li's words, she thought she had resisted the invasion of fear, but the second half of his words knocked her to the bottom.

It's because she thinks too much. It's not that easy to overcome that incomprehensible fear.


Taking a long breath, Inna never wanted to experience that feeling again.

It felt as if I had fallen into a swamp. There was nothing around to help stabilize my body, and I could only watch my body move.

It sank bit by bit.

The feeling of fear and powerlessness is enough to drive a person crazy.

She couldn't help but secretly feel lucky that she was with Lu Li, otherwise, her current situation would have been even worse.

Her eyes took in those who had emerged from the mire of fear.

Some of these people's eyes were dull, and their faces were covered with tears and runny noses. They were obviously tortured by fear.

These people obviously didn't have the kind of treatment that Lu Li would receive special care from.

Thinking of this, Inna felt a little excited in her heart.

Although there are no foreigners here, the scene is in chaos and many people are still injured!

As for the commando team that wanted to take Lu Li and the others into custody before, they now dare not approach Lu Li because of fear, even if they are not dead.

Everything that happens in the man-made crack forest is transferred to the monitoring department through influence.

Since Wu Dao Takahu is not here now, Zhanji Lingma temporarily acted as the commander, orderly directing the people in the surveillance department to display the entire system of images above the World Tree.

Now is not the time to let ordinary people know about the appearance of the aliens. They must be hidden as much as possible.

Yggdrasil has long thought that this might be the case.

Therefore, an exclusive passage was specially set up to allow the escaped aliens to go directly from the passage to the top of the World Tree headquarters.

Then you can use powerful weapons to eliminate these guys,

Now that we have begun to study Helheim Forest, these issues have been considered early on.

After arranging these things, Zhanji Driver focused on the image just now.

The golden warrior wrapped in dark aura that Lu Li transformed into.

Just looking at it, Zhan Ji Lingma felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

He didn't know how strong the opponent was, but he felt that the opponent was powerful enough to crush Kurejima Takatora.

Although this time was an emergency, it was precisely because of this that he collected very good combat data.

With this combat data it should be possible to perfect the Genesis Drive, and the next thing to do is to conduct human experiments.

Staring closely at the golden figure, Zhan Ji Lingma's eyes flashed and he murmured.

~What is the black mire-like thing released this time? Lu Li, how much power do you still have hidden and unused? "

Originally, Zhanji Lingma was not interested in anything other than his own research and inventions, but Lu Li successfully aroused his curiosity.

The two are currently in a state of cooperation, but (Nuo Zhao's) is in the future to compete for the golden fruits, and the two sides may fight sooner or later.

Understanding the strength of your enemy as clearly as possible will have more benefits for future battles.

The fear utopia that Lu Li transformed this time did not show much strength in combat, but the fear quagmire he released directly ended a troublesome struggle.

Just this point is enough for Zhanji Lingma to take it seriously.

He was very sure that the golden warrior Lu Li transformed this time must also have very strong combat power.

This is his intuition.

Sometimes, his intuition is sharper and helps him avoid danger.

The top of the World Tree headquarters.

Kaiwu has now transformed into a strawberry armor, and the darts thrown are more likely to hit these flying junior aliens.

After a hard battle, Kaiwu finally solved the trouble with the help of external weapons at the top of the World Tree.

After the battle, Kaiwu certainly didn't dare to go back inside the World Tree. If he was caught at this time, it would be very troublesome.

So Kaiwu left directly.

World Tree looked at Kaiwu leaving and had no choice but to let it go.

Of course, Kaiwu was not completely without certain gains this time.

In addition to knowing specific information, he secretly took away a watermelon lock seed during the battle just now.

Regarding the power of watermelon lock seeds, Kaiwu has seen it before and it is very powerful.

With this power, it will be easier to deal with a larger number of aliens.

At any rate, he also helped the people of World Tree, and using this thing as reward can be regarded as a reward.

Not long after, Takatora Kureshima finally arrived at the artificial crack.

Seeing the mess all around, and a lot of wounded people, their faces were ashen.

Unexpectedly, there would be such a big problem this time.

With so many people injured, medical expenses are a trivial matter, but the problem is that it will affect future events.

PS: thanks

Monthly pass for Gin!


OHMA-ZI-O monthly pass!

Chapter 539 The director went crazy!

The dog path provides the world! Target: Engraving and the world of Valkyrie Knights!

These people need at least some time to recuperate.

During this period, exploration and research on the forest may slow down, which is also a very helpless fact.

At this time, Wu Dao Guihu finally saw Lu Li and Inna.

When he saw Lu Li, Wu Daoguihu frowned immediately.

Recalling what the investigation team reported to me before, could it be that those two people were them? !

Why are they here?

Noticing Wu Daoguihu's puzzled eyes, Lu Li smiled calmly.

"Director Wu Dao, what's that look in your eyes? Anyway, I saved your team members, shouldn't you be grateful to me?"

"You saved them?!"

The words were quite unexpected. Wu Dao Guihu couldn't understand why Lu Li would save his team members? What is his purpose?

He didn't believe anyone would do something without a reason.

Since Lu Li helped the investigation team and solved the trouble, he must have an agenda.

"Are you surprised? Or do you think I should just watch from the sidelines and let all of your people die?

In any case, the museum has always invested in World Tree, and these researchers with certain work experience are beneficial to the development of World Tree.

It's better to keep them than to find new people. "

Lu Li's words relieved Wu Dao Guihu's doubts.

At the same time, it also sounded the alarm in his heart.

The man in front of him and the museum behind him obviously already knew about the World Tree's ongoing research on the Helheim Forest.

When I came here for the first time, I actually wanted to hide it deliberately. I'm afraid the other party had already seen through it.

It's just that the other party didn't expose it at the time.

With his face still expressionless, Takatora Kureshima put his hands in his pockets and said calmly.

"Mr. Lu Li, thank you very much for your help this time.

It was not that the previous research on this forest was intentionally concealed, but that this project was highly confidential and could not be told to anyone without permission.

Please don't blame me. This matter was specifically requested by the higher-ups. Try not to let too many people know about it. "

What he said was quite high-level. He directly left this matter to the superiors and had absolutely nothing to do with him, Kuredo Takatora.

It is obvious that he, Takatora Kureshima, is the main person in charge of this research project.

It is entirely up to him to decide who to tell about the content of this project.

The directors of World Tree were relatively confident in Wu Daoguihu's ability and did not restrict him too much.

Lu Li did not take these polite words to heart at all.

He did not care whether the other party told him or not, because he already knew everything.

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