"Since the matter is over, I will leave first, Director Wu Dao. I hope that next time we can be more sincere and less tricky."

Before he finished speaking, Lu 647 Li walked directly towards the man-made crack.

Inna hurriedly followed Lu Li's footsteps. She didn't want to stay in this dangerous world.

Watching Lu Li leave, Wu Dao Guihu glanced at the mess around him and knew that he would be busy next.

It would take a lot of time just to restore this place to its original state.

Thinking of the white mice that he had killed before in the forest, Wu Dao Guihu immediately asked people to throw out all the white mice that had not been taken out.

This incident was considered over.

Long Xuan had been following Zhan Yue secretly and also came to this camp, but he didn't dare to expose himself.

If he was discovered, his identity would definitely be exposed.

He found a large number of lock seeds in the messy base, and thinking of the content of this game, he took all of them away.

In a meeting room at the World Tree Headquarters

The reason why it turned out like this this time was all because Cid gave the lock carrier to those little white mice.

At this time, Wudao Guihu was in a very bad mood.

Cid, who had already expected Wudao Guihu to be angry about this matter, had already told Zhan Ji Lingma about this matter in advance.

Looking at Cid who was playing with the lock seed opposite with a gloomy face, Wudao Guihu said in a deep voice.

"Cid, how do you explain this matter? Who told you to give the lock carrier to those guys?

Do you know that doing so will expose the secrets of the forest in advance?! If they reveal the things about this forest, we will be in big trouble!"

Wudao Guihu's scolding resounded throughout the conference room, and it can be heard that he was indeed very angry.

Cid, who was playing with the lock seed, shrugged helplessly.

"Director, this matter cannot be blamed entirely on me. Those guys are going to hold a new game, saying that they want to see who gets the most locks.

And these locks will eventually be handed over to me, I don't think there is anything wrong with it, it is all for the convenience of future research.

I didn't expect that this time it would cause such a big thing, but I also received good combat data.

Am I right, professor?"

As he said, Cid looked at Zhan Ji Lingma.

He had already told Zhan Ji Lingma before, and the other party acquiesced at the time.

Now that things have happened, someone must share the firepower for him.

Zhan Ji Lingma, who was suddenly used as a shield, of course knew that Cid wanted him to share the firepower for him.

Anyway, he has been dragged into the water, and this time it does involve good combat data.

"Takashi, although the loss this time is a bit big, (becd) we did collect very valuable data like this.

With this data, the Genesis Driver should be almost completed.

With Sengoku Lingma's words, Wudao Takashi's original anger finally calmed down a little.

The Genesis Driver is a more powerful driver that completely surpasses the Sengoku Driver.

It's finally completed!

Since Sengoku Lingma was talking to Cid, even though Wudao Takashi was very angry, he finally calmed down when he thought of the breakthrough in the research.

"Cid, I don't want to find out about this again, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you.

He was not joking, but very serious.

Noticing Wudao Takashi's cold eyes, Cid also knew that it was not the time to provoke the other party, and what he had to do was to endure.

"Yes, yes, yes! Director, this will not happen again in the future.

His careless look made Wudao Guihu feel uncomfortable.

However, considering that Xide is still needed and the other party is also a member of his current project team.

Now is a critical period, and he can't just kick him out at this time.

More importantly, Xide knows too many secrets about the World Tree. If this guy is kicked out like this, it will be very troublesome.

Therefore, Wudao Guihu can't and won't kick Xide out.

With Zhan Ji Lingma sharing the firepower for him, Xide successfully escaped.

Enough combat data has been collected, and the completion of the Genesis Drive is getting closer and closer.

This matter has come to an end for the time being.

After leaving the World Tree, Lu Li sensed a trace of special energy fluctuations .

After reaching Lu Li's level, his perception of energy has become very sharp.

With a slight glance, Lu Li saw a man in black clothes with a cold look.

However, in just a moment, he seemed to have noticed Lu Li's gaze, and he looked at Lu Li in the air, and then disappeared directly.

That's right, he disappeared directly.

It is impossible for a person to do this. Obviously, the other party cannot be a human.

At the first sight of the other party, Lu Li had already determined his identity.

Dog Dao Gongjie!

A person who is dead, but not completely dead.

He is the former head of Zhan Ji Lingma. He participated in the experiment of the forbidden apple lock seed because of the order of Wu Dao Guihu's father Wu Dao Tianshu.

However, an accident occurred during the experiment, and his body disappeared directly.

After he disappeared, the world wiped out the evidence of his existence.

But the real dog world did not die, he just survived in another way, a special energy body.

Entering the dog world in this state, by chance, he went to another world, the world of the God of War, Kaiwu.

This is also why this guy didn't have time to make trouble in the early stage, entirely because he didn't have the chance to make trouble.

In the world where Martial God Kaiwu lives, Martial God Kaiwu can open the crack between that world and this world through the Nepenthes monster.

Only then can the dog temple community return to Pan Nha City.

After returning to this world, Dog Daojie was naturally dissatisfied with his current state, and he also had new ideas.

Become the supreme god!

He attempted to create artificial golden fruits, and for this purpose he created the terrorist organization Black Bodhi Tree, and created a large number of pomegranate lock seeds.

Through the pomegranate locking seeds he created, he can directly brainwash the consciousness and control the person who holds the locking seeds.

I didn't expect to meet this guy here. From the looks of it, this guy should have returned from the Martial God World where the Martial God Kaiwu is.

The Black Bodhi Tree should have been established, but it is still hidden in the dark and no action has been taken.

Even though the Genesis Drive has not been completed yet, this guy from Dog Dao Gongjie has the Blood Orange Lock Seed and the Genesis Core in his hands.

The reason why he has these two things is entirely because he was noticed by Xiangraku before. His special existence aroused Xiangraku's interest, so he handed over these two things.

give him.

The core of Genesis was a trial work created by Lingma who was at the top of the war, but that thing had been sealed by him.

But Xiangraku was elusive all day long, so he could easily get this thing.

"The world of the God of War and Armor?"

The corner of Lu Li's mouth raised slightly. The world of the God of War Kaiwu was different from the Forest of Helheim. It was a completely different world from the world Lu Li was currently in.

After going to that world, the mark on Lu Li's hand should be completely restored.

Of course, Lu Li was also very concerned about one thing: how different were the warrior knights of that world from the real knights.

Maybe..this is an opportunity to gain the power of these knights.

Because the warrior knights themselves fight each other.

Unlike the last time I met Wang Xiaoming, that time it was to deal with the Fortress of Clesis. All the knights came, but all the knights were united in facing the outside world.

The knights of the Martial God Armor World may not necessarily be able to match the strength of the knights of their respective worlds, but they may be useful to themselves.

It's just that to go to the world of Martial God Armor, you have to borrow the power of the Nepenthes monster, or the power of the Martial God.

These two guys can travel between that world and this world. Lu Li hasn't found these two guys yet.

It's useless to think about these issues now. Lu Li knows one thing, the God of War Kaiwu's target is Gao Siwu.

If that guy wants to win the world in that world, he must have a destiny miko.

After that, Lu Li had to keep an eye on Gao Siwu for a while to know when the Martial God Kaiwu or the Nepenthes monster would appear.

There is also the sacred tree in the world of Martial God Armor, which also possesses extraordinary power.

Not long after Lu Li left, the dog world appeared again.

In his current state, logically speaking, it should be impossible for anyone to notice him.

He exists in a very special form that is invisible to ordinary people.

But just now, when Lu Li's eyes met with his, the dog world was very sure that the man had indeed seen him.

The other party actually appeared in World Tree. Even if he was not from World Tree, he probably had a deep relationship with World Tree.

The dog world has also become curious about Lu Li.

At this moment, the dog world noticed Zhanji Lingma walking in the corridor above.

"Zhanji Lingma, you wouldn't have thought...that I could come back in this form."

When the dog world first became like this, I hated Zhan Ji Lingma very much in my heart.

He believed that the other party had ruined everything for him and made him look like a human and a ghost.

But after going to the world of the Martial God Kaiwu, he saw the battle there.

At the same time, he also saw the God of War, Kaiwu, who wanted to become the master of the entire world.

The unwillingness in his heart gave him even greater ambitions. He wanted to become a new god!

In his opinion, if you want to become a god, you must use the power of a person, and this person is Zhan Ji Lingma.

The other person's talents far exceed his, and he is a guy who has the real possibility of becoming a god.

Therefore, no matter what, he wanted to get the support of Zhanji Lingma and let him help him become the supreme god.

The next second, the Dog Path World disappeared directly from the spot, as if it had never appeared.

Zhan Ji Lingma, who was walking in the corridor, seemed to feel something. He glanced down, but found that he didn't see anything.

I was very confused in my heart, could it be...that I had an illusion?

Shaking his head, Zhan Ji Lingma stopped thinking about this.

He must seize the time to sort out the data as soon as possible, adjust the Genesis drive, and conduct human experiments at the same time.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

In the World Tree, in Sengoku Lingma's laboratory.

Since the data is sufficient, Sengoku Lingma naturally wants to complete the Genesis Driver as soon as possible.

During the debugging, Sengoku Lingma looked at the Genesis Driver, his eyes slightly absent-minded.

His mind echoed again the conversation between him and himself when Wudao Guihu was injured during the test of the Sengoku Driver.

Wudao Guihu wanted to save mankind and wanted to seize the time to produce more Sengoku Drivers as much as possible.

After coming back to his senses, Sengoku Lingma sighed slightly.

"Alas! Really, this is a boring man.

At the beginning, he respected Wudao Guihu who appreciated his talent very much in his heart, and even wanted to cultivate him into the supreme god.

However, the two people's ideas diverged, and it can even be said that they went in opposite directions.

After all, Sengoku Lingma now no longer has any expectations for Wudao Guihu, and the other party is no longer the person he respects.

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